Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, January 28, 2024

The following information is required as part of the abstract submission:
–   Language of abstract and presentation and submission  can be English or Greek
–   Title
–   Name of presenter and list of author(s), affiliations and email address(es)
–   Research/Thesis Supervisor
–   Description of the paper (e.g., topic, theoretical framework, current knowledge, research questions, objectives)
–   Philosophy, methodology and methods
–   Results
–   Conclusions (if available) or expected outcomes/findings/impact
–   List of any references cited in the abstract
–   List of 5 keywords (maximum)

The maximum abstract length is 500 words (title, personal details and references are not included in the 500 words).

Authors with an accepted abstract will be presenting their research at the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium through a fifteen-minute-presentation, in the same language as their submitted abstract.

Notification of abstract acceptance will take place by Wednesday, February 14, 2024.
All participants with an accepted abstract must then Register for the 3rd Doctoral Colloquium as presenters, at:  https://www.easyacademia.org/3rddoctoralcolloquium