Students with disabilities, health issues, or students facing social problems can visit the Social Support Office to discuss how these affect their studies, in complete confidentiality, as well as to seek ways to handle these problems (e.g. by providing extra academic facilitation and adjustments).

Social Support Office

Purpose of the Social Support Office
The main aim of the Office is to provide the best and most efficient support possible to students with disabilities and health issues, so that equal access to their academic obligations is guaranteed. This is achieved through decisions taken by appropriate University Committees which are based on (a) “The Education and Training of Children with Special Needs Act of 1999”, (b) The Regulations “Regarding the Education and Training of Children with Special Needs of 2001 and 2003”, (c) The University Rules, (d) The Code of Ethics in teaching, (e) The available funding for supportive measures, and (f) The practices followed by other countries. The difficulties faced by students are dealt with in cooperation with the appropriate Committee for Student Welfare of the University, the Faculty Members responsible for students support of each Department, the student’s professors, the administrative staff of the University, and other governmental services and organizations. Special care is given in improving the accessibility of the University’s facilities for all students.

Contact information

Head Officer
Christina Matsouka-Andreou
Τηλ.: 22894052
Ηλ. Ταχ.: [email protected]

Secretarial Support
Andia Roussou
Τηλ.: 22894051
Ηλ. Ταχ.: [email protected]

Artemis Charalambous
Τηλ.: 22894047
Ηλ. Ταχ.: [email protected]

Useful Links

Cyprus Confederation of People with Disabilities Organisations (KYSOA)
Ηλ. Διεύθ.: Τηλ.: 22318465, 22311602
Pancyprian Organisation for The Blind
Τηλ.: 22 813382
Cyprus Paraplegics Organisation (OPAK)
Τηλ.: 22 496494
School for The Deaf
Ηλ. Διεύθ.: Τηλ.: 22305422, 22305425
Cyprus Federation for The Deaf (ΟΚΚ)
Τηλ.: 22 464196
Pancyprian Association of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Ηλ. Διεύθ.: Τηλ.: 22590949, 25573661
Social Inclusion for People with Disabilities Department
Ηλ. Διεύθ.: Τηλ.: 22815015
Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation

Head Officer
Christina Matsouka-Andreou
Tel: 22894052
E-mail: [email protected]

Secretarial Support
Andria Roussou
Tel: 22894051
E-mail: [email protected]

Artemis Charalambous
Tel: 22894047
E-mail: [email protected]