- Charalambous, C., Martzoukos, S.H., Taoushianis, Z. (2022). Estimating corporate bankruptcy forecasting models by maximizing discriminatory power. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Vol 58.
- Charitou, A. (2022). Discussion of “The Evolution of Environmental Reporting in Europe: The Role of Financial and Non-Financial Regulation.” The International Journal of Accounting. Vol 57.
- Koussis, N., Martzoukos, S.H. (2022). Credit line pricing under heterogeneous risk beliefs International. Journal of Production Economics. Vol 243.
- Markoulis, S., Ioannou, P., Martzoukos, S. (XXXX). Bank distress in the European Union 2008–2015: A closer look at capital, size and revenue diversification. International Journal of Finance and Economics. Forthcoming.
- Markoulis, S., Martzoukos, S., Patsalidou, E. (2022). Global systemically important banks regulation: Blessing or curse? Global Finance Journal. Vol 52.
- Papageorgiou, S. (2022). Bank levy and household risk-aversion. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol 138.
- Trigeorgis, L., Baldi, F., Makadok, R. (2022). Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Intergrading the Demand Side into Patent Deployment Strategies for the Commercialization and Licensing of Technology. Academy of Management Review. Vol 47.
- Zenios, S.A. (2022). The risks from climate change to sovereign debt. Climatic Change. Vol 172.
- Chevalier-Roignant, B., Flath, C.M., Kort, P.M., Trigeorgis, L. (2021). Capacity investment choices under cost heterogeneity and output flexibility in oligopoly. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol 290.
- Choi, J.J., Ju, M., Trigeorgis, L., Zhang, X.T. (2021). Outsourcing flexibility under financial constraints. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol 67.
- Del Viva, L., Kothari, S.P., Lambertides, N., Trigeorgis, L. (2021). Asymmetric returns and the economic content of accruals and investment. Management Science. Vol 67.
- Del Viva, L., Kasanen, E., Saunders, A., Trigeorgis, L. (2021). Is bailout insurance and tail risk priced in bank equities? Journal of Financial Stability. Vol 55.
- Del Viva, L., Kasanen, E., Saunders, A., Trigeorgis, L. (2021). US government TARP bailout and bank lottery behavior. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol 66.
- Ioulianou, S.P., Leiblein, M.J., Trigeorgis, L. (2021). Multinationality, portfolio diversification, and asymmetric MNE performance: The moderating role of real options awareness. Journal of International Business Studies. Vol 52.
- Kamiya, S., Kang, J.-K., Kim, J., Milidonis, A., Stulz, R.M. (2021). Risk management, firm reputation, and the impact of successful cyberattacks on target firms. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol 139.
- Karamanou, I., Pownall, G., Prakash, R. (2021). Asymmetric information consolidation and price discovery: Inferring bad news from insider sales. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Vol 48.
- Koch, A., Panayides, M., and Thomas, S. (2021). Common Ownership and Competition in Product Markets. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol 139.
- Mourouzidou Damtsa, S., Milidonis, A., Stathopoulos, K. (2021). National Culture and Bank Deposits. Review of Corporate Finance. Vol 1.
- Trigeorgis, L., Baldi, F., Katsikeas, C.S. (2021). Valuation of brand equity and retailer growth strategies using real options. Journal of Retailing. Vol 97.
- Zenios, S.A., Consiglio, A., Athanasopoulou, M., Moshammer E., Gavilan, A., Erce, A. (2021). Risk management for sustainable sovereign debt financing. Operations Research. Vol 69.
- Baldi, F., Trigeorgis, L. (2020). Valuing human capital career development: a real options approach. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 21.
- Bali, T.G., Del Viva, L., Lambertides, N., Trigeorgis, L. (2020). Growth Options and Related Stock Market Anomalies: Profitability, Distress, Lotteryness, and Volatility. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 55.
- Charalambous, C., Martzoukos, S.H., Taoushianis, Z. (2020). Predicting corporate bankruptcy using the framework of Leland-Toft: evidence from US. Quantitative Finance. Vol. 20.
- Charitou, A., Karamanou, I. (2020). Sleeping with the enemy: should investment banks be allowed to engage in prop trading? Review of Accounting Studies. Vol. 22.
- Charitou, A., Karamanou, I., Loizides, G. (2020). Intention to Acquire and M&As: Evidence from European IPOs. The International Journal of Accounting. Vol. 55.
- Driouchi, T., So, R.H.Y., Trigeorgis, L. (2020). Investor ambiguity, systemic banking risk and economic activity: The case of too-big-to-fail. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 62.
- Driouchi, T., Trigeorgis, L., So, R.H.Y. (2020). Individual antecedents of real options appraisal: The role of national culture and ambiguity. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 286.
- Gersbach, H., Haller, H., Papageorgiou, S. (2020). Regulatory competition in banking: Curse or blessing? Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 121.
- Topaloglou, N., Vladimirou, H., Zenios, S.A. (2020). Integrated dynamic models for hedging international portfolio risks. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 285.
- Berwart, E., M. Guidolin, and A. Milidonis. (2019). An empirical analysis of changes in the relative timeliness of issuer-paid vs. investor-paid ratings. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 59..
- Charitou, A., I. Karamanou, and N. Lambertides. (2019). Analysts to the rescue? Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 56.
- Chevalier-Roignant, B., C. M. Flath, and L. Trigeorgis. (2019). Disruptive innovation, market entry and production flexibility in heterogeneous oligopoly. Production and Operations Management. Vol. 28.
- Chi, T., J. Li, L. G. Trigeorgis, and A. E. Tsekrekos. (2019). Real options theory in international business. Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 50.
- Demertzis, M., and S. A. Zenios. (2019). State contingent debt as insurance for euro area sovereigns. Journal of Financial Regulation. Vol. 5.
- Kyriakou, I., A. A. Pantelous, G. Sermpinis, and S. A. Zenios. (2019). Preface: Application of operations research to financial markets. Annals of Operations Research. Vol. 282.
- Michaelides, A., A. Milidonis, and G. P. Nishiotis. (2019). Private information in currency markets. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 131.
- Milidonis, A., T. Nishikawa, and J. Shim. (2019). CEO inside debt and risk taking: Evidence from Property–Liability insurance firms. Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 86.
- Mourouzidou-Damtsa, S., A. Milidonis, and K. Stathopoulos. (2019). National culture and bank risk-taking. Journal of Financial Stability. Vol. 40.
- Nishiotis, G. P., and L. S. Rompolis. (2019). Put-call parity violations and return predictability: Evidence from the 2008 short sale ban. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 106.
- Panayides, M. A., T. D. Shohfi, and J. D. Smith. (2019). Bulk volume classification and information detection. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 103.
- Vafeas, N., and A. Vlittis. (2019). Board executive committees, board decisions, and firm value. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 58.
- Ben Ammar, S., Eling, M., Milidonis, A. (2018). The cross-section of expected stock returns in the property/liability insurance industry. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 96.
- Charitou, A., Floropoulos, N., Karamanou, I., Loizides, G. (2018). Non-GAAP earnings disclosures on the face of the income statement by UK firms: The effect on market liquidity. International Journal of Accounting. Vol. 53.
- Charitou, A., Karamanou, I., Kopita, A. (2018). Are analyst stock recommendation revisions more informative in the post-IFRS period? Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. Vol. 45.
- Charitou, A., Karamanou, I., Kopita, A. (2018). The determinants and valuation effects of classification choice on the statement of cash flows. Accounting and Business Research. Vol. 48.
- Choi, J. J., Ju, M., Kotabe, M., Trigeorgis, L., Zhang, X. T. (2018). Flexibility as firm value driver: Evidence from offshore outsourcing. Global Strategy Journal. Vol. 8.
- Consiglio, A., Lotfi, S., Zenios, S. A. (2018). Portfolio diversification in the sovereign credit swap markets. Annals of Operations Research. Vol. 266.
- Consiglio, A., Tumminello, M., Zenios, S. A. (2018). Pricing sovereign contingent convertible debt. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance. Vol. 21.
- Consiglio, A., Zenios, S. A. (2018). Contingent convertible bonds for sovereign debt risk management. Journal of Globalization and Development. Vol. 9.
- Consiglio, A., Zenios, S. A. (2018). Pricing and hedging GDP-linked bonds in incomplete markets. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Vol. 88.
- Dendramis, Y., Tzavalis, E., Adraktas, G. (2018). Credit risk modelling under recessionary and financially distressed conditions. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 91.
- Driouchi, T., Trigeorgis, L., So, R. H. Y. (2018). Option implied ambiguity and its information content: Evidence from the subprime crisis. Annals of Operations Research. Vol. 262.
- Kamiya, S., Milidonis, A. (2018). Actuarial independence and managerial discretion. Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 85.
- Lotfi, S., Zenios, S. A. (2018). Robust VaR and CVaR optimization under joint ambiguity in distributions, means, and covariances. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 269.
- Trigeorgis, L., Tsekrekos, A. E. (2018). Real options in operations research: A review. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 270.
- Vafeas, N., Vlittis, A. (2018). Independent directors and defined benefit pension plan freezes. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 50.
- Biffis, E., Lin, Y., Milidonis, A. (2017). The cross-section of asia-pacific mortality dynamics: Implications for longevity risk sharing. Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 84.
- Charitou, A., Louca, C. (2017). Why do canadian firms cross-list? the flip side of the issue. Abacus. Vol. 53.
- Consiglio, A., Zenios, S. A. (2017). Stochastic debt sustainability analysis for sovereigns and the scope for optimization modeling. Optimization and Engineering. Vol. 18.
- Del Viva, L., Kasanen, E., Trigeorgis, L. (2017). Real options, idiosyncratic skewness, and diversification. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 52.
- Ioulianou, S., Trigeorgis, L., Driouchi, T. (2017). Multinationality and firm value: The role of real options awareness. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 46.
- Karamanou, I., Kopita, A., Lemessiou, L. (2017). The role and current status of IFRS in the completion of national accounting Rules–Evidence on Cyprus. Accounting in Europe. Vol. 14.
- Koussis, N., Martzoukos, S. H., Trigeorgis, L. (2017). Corporate liquidity and dividend policy under uncertainty. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 81.
- Kwon, R. H., Zenios, S. A. (2017). Optimization for financial engineering: A special issue. Optimization and Engineering. Vol. 18.
- Milidonis, A., Efthymiou, M. (2017). Mortality leads and lags. Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 84.
- Smit, H. T. J., Trigeorgis, L. (2017). Strategic NPV: Real options and strategic games under different information structures. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 38.
- Trigeorgis, L., Reuer, J. J. (2017). Real options theory in strategic management. Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 38.
- Berwart, E., Guidolin, M., Milidonis, A. (2016). An empirical analysis of changes in the relative timeliness of issuer-paid vs. investor-paid ratings. Journal of Corporate Finance
- Consiglio, A., Carollo, A., Zenios, S. A. (2016). A parsimonious model for generating arbitrage-free scenario trees. Quantitative Finance, 16(2), 201-212.
- Dendramis, Y., Tzavalis, E., Adraktas, G. (2016). Credit risk modelling under recessionary and financially distressed conditions. Journal of Banking and Finance
- Kamiya, S., Milidonis, A. (2016). Actuarial independence and managerial discretion. Journal of Risk and Insurance
- Milidonis, A. (2016). An empirical investigation of CDS spreads using a regime-switching default risk model. North American Actuarial Journal, 20(3), 252-275.
- Ragozzino, R., Reuer, J. J., Trigeorgis, L. (2016). Real options in strategy and finance: Current gaps and future linkages. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30(4), 428-440.
- Vafeas, N., Vlittis, A. (2016). The association between board composition and corporate pension policies. Financial Review, 51(4), 481-506.
- Zenios, S. A. (2016). Fairness and reflexivity in the Cyprus bail-in. Empirica, 43(3), 579-606.
- Charitou, A. (2015). Discussion of "the association between energy taxation, participation in an emissions trading system, and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions in the european union". International Journal of Accounting, 50(4), 418-426.
- Charitou, A. (2015). Discussion of "Equity Financing and Social Responsibility: Further International Evidence". International Journal of Accounting, 50(3), 281-288.
- Charitou, A., Karamanou, I., Lambertides, N. (2015). Who are the losers of IFRS adoption in europe? an empirical examination of the cash flow effect of increased disclosure. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 30(2), 150-180.
- Consiglio, A., Tumminello, M., Zenios, S. A. (2015). Designing and pricing guarantee options in defined contribution pension plans. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 65, 267-279.
- Consiglio, A., Zenios, S. (2015). Risk profiles for re-profiling the sovereign debt of crisis countries. Journal of Risk Finance, 16(1), 2-26.
- Dendramis, Y., Kapetanios, G., & Tzavalis, E. (2015). Shifts in volatility driven by large stock market shocks. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 55, 130-147.
- Driouchi, T., Trigeorgis, L., So, R. H. Y. (2015). Option implied ambiguity and its information content: Evidence from the subprime crisis. Annals of Operations Research, 1-29.
- Michaelides, A., Milidonis, A., Nishiotis, G. P., Papakyriakou, P. (2015). The adverse effects of systematic leakage ahead of official sovereign debt rating announcements. Journal of Financial Economics, 116(3), 526-547.
- Nikolaidis, A. I., Milidonis, A., Charalambous, C. A. (2015). Impact of fuel-dependent electricity retail charges on the value of net-metered PV applications in vertically integrated systems. Energy Policy, 79, 150-160.
- Vafeas, N., Vlittis, A. (2015). Board influence on the selection of external accounting executives. British Accounting Review, 47(1), 46-65.
- Zenios, S. A., Panayi, E. (2015). Was the Cyprus crisis banking or sovereign debt? Banks and Bank Systems, 10(2), 23-33.
- Αndreou, P. C., Charalambous, C., Martzoukos, S. H. (2014). Assessing the performance of symmetric and asymmetric implied volatility functions. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 42(3), 373-397.
- Chourdakis, K., Dendramis, Y., Tzavalis, E. (2014). Are regime-shift sources of risk priced in the market? Journal of Empirical Finance, 28, 151-170.
- De Treville, S., Schürhoff, N., Trigeorgis, L., Avanzi, B. (2014). Optimal sourcing and lead-time reduction under evolutionary demand risk. Production and Operations Management, 23(12), 2103-2117.
- Dendramis, Y., Kapetanios, G., Tzavalis, E. (2014). Level shifts in stock returns driven by large shocks. Journal of Empirical Finance, 29, 41-51.
- Dendramis, Y., Spungin, G. E., Tzavalis, E. (2014). Forecasting VaR models under different volatility processes and distributions of return innovations. Journal of Forecasting, 33(7), 515-531.
- Driouchi, T., Trigeorgis, L., & Gao, Y. (2014). Choquet-based european option pricing with stochastic (and fixed) strikes. OR Spectrum, 37(3), 787-802.
- Milidonis, A., Stathopoulos, K. (2014). Managerial incentives, risk aversion, and debt. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49(2), 453-481.
- Trigeorgis, L., Lambertides, N. (2014). The role of growth options in explaining stock returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 49(3), 749-771.
- Avanzi, B., Bicer, I., de Treville, S., Trigeorgis, L. (2013). Real options at the interface of finance and operations: exploiting embedded supply-chain real options to gain competitiveness. European Journal of Finance. Vol. 19.Charalambous, C.A.,
- Milidonis, A., Hirodontis, S., Lazari, A. (2013). Loss evaluation and total ownership cost of power transformers-part II: Application of method and numerical results. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 28.Charalambous, C.A.,
- Milidonis, A., Lazari, A., Nikolaidis, A.I. (2013). Loss evaluation and total ownership cost of power transformers-part I: A comprehensive method. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 28.
- Charitou, A., Dionysiou, D., Lambertides, N., Trigeorgis, L. (2013). Alternative bankruptcy prediction models using option-pricing theory. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 37.
- Gorovaia, N., Zenios, S.A. (2013). Does freedom lead to happiness? Economic growth and quality of life. Global Business and Economics Review. Vol. 15.
- Koussis, N., Martzoukos, S.H., Trigeorgis, L. (2013). Multi-stage product development with exploration, value-enhancing, preemptive and innovation options. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 37.
- Martzoukos, S.H., Zacharias, E. (2013). Real option games with R&D and learning spillovers. Omega (United Kingdom). Vol. 41.
- Milidonis, A. (2013). Compensation incentives of credit rating agencies and predictability of changes in bond ratings and financial strength ratings. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 37.
- Trigeorgis, L., Ioulianou, S. (2013). Valuing a high-tech growth company: the case of EchoStar Communications Corporation. European Journal of Finance. Vol. 19.
- Vladimirou, H., Zenios, S.A. (2013). Parallel Algorithms. Parallel Computing in Optimization. Vol. 7.
- Bris, A., Cantale, S., Hrnjić, E., Nishiotis, G.P. (2012). The value of information in cross-listing. Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 18.
- Charitou, A., Constantinidis, E., Louca, C. (2012). The relation between changes in the information content of earnings and expected stock returns: Empirical evidence for Japan. Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Vol. 9.
- Drymiotes, G., Sivaramakrishnan, K. (2012). Board Monitoring, Consulting, and Reward Structures. Contemporary Accounting Research. Vol. 29.
- Inkmann, J., Michaelides, A. (2012). Can the Life Insurance Market Provide Evidence for a Bequest Motive? Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 79.
- Karamanou, I. (2012). Value relevance of analyst earnings forecasts in emerging markets. Advances in Accounting. Vol. 28.
- Koussis, N., Martzoukos, S.H. (2012). Investment options with debt-financing constraints. European Journal of Finance. Vol. 18.
- Vafeas, N., Vlittis, A. (2012). An agency-based perspective on the performance consequences of COO adoption. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. Vol. 39.
- Charitou, A., Lambertides, N., Theodoulou, G. (2011). Dividend increases and initiations and default risk in equity returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 46.
- Charitou, A., Lambertides, N., Theodoulou, G. (2011). Losses, dividend reductions, and market reaction associated with past earnings and dividends patterns. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. Vol. 26.
- Charitou, A., Lambertides, N., Trigeorgis, L. (2011). Distress Risk, Growth and Earnings Quality. Abacus. Vol. 47.
- Chevalier-Roignant, B., Flath, C.M., Huchzermeier, A., Trigeorgis, L. (2011). Strategic investment under uncertainty: A synthesis. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 215.
- Drymiotes, G.C. (2011). Information precision and manipulation incentives. Journal of Management Accounting Research. Vol. 23.
- Inkmann, J., Lopes, P., Michaelides, A. (2011). How deep is the annuity market participation puzzle? Review of Financial Studies. Vol. 24.
- Karamanou, I. (2011). On the Determinants of Optimism in Financial Analyst Earnings Forecasts: The Effect of the Market's Ability to Adjust for the Bias. Abacus. Vol. 47.
- Kiyotaki, N., Michaelides, A., Nikolov, K. (2011). Winners and Losers in Housing Markets. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 43.
- Milidonis, A., Lin, Y., Cox, S.H. (2011). Mortality Regimes and Pricing. North American Actuarial Journal. Vol. 15.
- Milidonis, A., Stathopoulos, K. (2011). Do U.S. insurance firms offer the "wrong" incentives to their executives? Journal of Risk and Insurance. Vol. 78.
- Topaloglou, N., Vladimirou, H., Zenios, S.A. (2011). Optimizing international portfolios with options and forwards. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 35.
- Andreou, P.C., Charalambous, C., Martzoukos, S.H. (2010). Generalized parameter functions for option pricing. Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 34.
- Charitou, A., Lambertides, N., Theodoulou, G. (2010). The effect of past earnings and dividend patterns on the information content of dividends when earnings are reduced. Abacus. Vol. 46.
- de Treville, S., Trigeorgis, L. (2010). It may be cheaper to manufacture at home. Harvard Business Review. Vol. 88.
- Grant, C., Koulovatianos, C., Michaelides, A., Padula, M. (2010). Evidence on the insurance effect of redistributive taxation. Review of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 92.
- Larmou, S., Vafeas, N. (2010). The relation between board size and firm performance in firms with a history of poor operating performance. Journal of Management and Governance. Vol. 14.
- Smit, HTJ., Trigeorgis, L. (2010). Flexibility and games in strategic investment. Multinational Finance Journal. Vol. 14.
- Vafeas, N. (2010). Determinants of single authorship. EuroMed Journal of Business. Vol. 5.
- Vafeas, N. (2010). How Do Boards of Directors and Audit Committees Relate to Corporate Tax Avoidance? Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting. Vol. 8.