Alkiviades Hadjiandreou ARH 423 Creativity in Architecture through the Fine Arts
Andreas Kyriakides ARH 331.2Building Technology
George Kyriazis ARH 201 Architectural Design IV
George Tryfonos ARH 123 Designs
Maria Matheou ARH 311 Building Technology
Pavlos Philippou ARH 313 Architecture and Philosophy
Constantinos Vassiliades ARH 233 Construction II
Charis Christodoulou ARH 101 Architectural Design ΙΙ 
Spyros Spyrou ARH 410.1 Architectural Practice
Stavroulla Michael ARH 310.1 History & Theory – Contemporary Architecture
Teresa Tourvas ARH 101 Architectural Design II
Christiana Ioannou ARH 100 Architectural Design Ι
Andreas Papallas ARH 201 Architectural Design IV
Ilaria Geddes ARH 500 Research Methodologies
Ioanna Carydi ARH 340.1 Landscape Architecture
Popi Iacovou ARH 100 Architectural Design Ι
Chryso Heracleous ARH 332 Technical Development Systems
Melina Philippou ARH 401 Architectural Design VIII