1. Students, University of Cyprus Staff as well as other bodies or sportsmen have the right to use the sports facilities by showing identification that indicates their status.
  2. The opening hours of the Sports Center are daily from 07:30 to 21:45 and Saturday from 08:30 to 14:30. Opening hours may be modified by the Sports Council.
  3. Use of the sports facilities during non-opening hours and days can occurred only with a special written permission from the Sports Center.
  4. The operating schedule of the sports facilities of the University of Cyprus may be modified due to championships or other sports activities.
  5. Athletes must: a) Wear sports clothes and clean sports shoes. b) Keep the area clean and to behave politely. c) Be responsible for their personal belongings.
  6. Smoking and the entry of food and drinks into the sports facilities are prohibited.
  7. The administration of the Sports Center is responsible for operational issues concerning the Sports venues.
  8. Priority is given to the academic program of the University of Cyprus, the sports programs of the Sports Center, followed by the students and staff of the University and finally the external users.
  9. University Community can benefit by purchasing a <sports card> Membership. The cost of the sports card and the rights granted to its holders are determined by the Sports Council.
  10. The cost of the sports card and the rights of use of its holders are presented in Appendix A.

The cost of using the Sports Facilities by members of the University Community who do not hold a sports card are presented in Appendix B.

The use of the competition hall is specified in Appendix C.

  1. For reservations of sports venues, those interested should contact the Service Office of the Sports Center tel. 22894182.

For the University community, card holders or non-card holders can make reservations by calling the Service Office or via the online reservation system.

Reservation restrictions and regulations are detailed in Appendix A.

  1. The financial consideration for the use of the sports facilities is analyzed on a case-by-case basis in Annexes B and C.
  2. The authorities of the Sports Center reserve the right to expel anyone from the Sports Facilities who does not comply with the internal operating regulations.

     14. Regarding the lease of the facilities not covered by the above regulations, in special cases of a temporary nature the Sports

University of Cyprus