Chinese Language Courses are offered to UCY students by the UCY Language Center in cooperation with the Confucius Institute. The courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the China’s Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK Chinese Proficiency Test).
UCY students have the opportunity to enroll in Chinese language classes as an elective course for 5 ECTS.
UCY Chinese Courses Programme
Spring Semester 2024-2025:
MAMNo.CourseECTSDaysTimePlace RoomTeacher
11446LAN060Chinese Level I5.00Tuesday-Friday0900-1029XOD 02015Ren Weiting
11597LAN060Chinese Level I5.00Monday-Thursday1330-1459KEP002Wang Zhenxian, Ren Weiting
12094LAN061Chinese Level II5.00Monday-Thursday1200-1329Teacher's officeWang Zhenxian
13902LAN062Chinese Intermediate I5.00Monday-Thursday1030-1159Teacher's officeRen Weiting
16061LAN063Chinese Intermediate II5.00Tuesday-Friday1030-1159Teacher's officeRen Weiting