Επιλεγμένες, διεθνείς ειδήσεις σε θέματα ανώτασης εκπαίδευσης/Selection of international news on Higher Education
- The state of HE: challenges and opportunities in 2024, PWC
- Why Digital Literacy is Essential for Students in the 21st Century, 5/9/2024
- How an AI checker can support quality, original writing, Turnitin, 22/10/2024
- Hybrid learning and teaching, The University of Edinburgh, 26/2/2024
- Principles of Quality Teaching – face-to-face and synchronous online, UNSW Sydney, 6/12/2024
- World University Rankings, THE
- What you need to know about higher education, UNESCO, 4/7/2024
- Blended Learning: A Modern Approach to Education, 7/2024
- Tried and tested ways to teach your students soft skills, 20/6/2024
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Classes: What You Need to Know, 19/12/2024
- Supporting Student Well-being in Virtual Learning, 3/6/2024
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