Recognition of master degree 60*
Compulsory courses 0
Elective courses

(α) Courses of specialization

(β) General Education courses / Free Electives

Phd Thesis: Research 120
Phd Thesis: Writing 60
Practical training 0
Total ECTS 240

*The PhD programme does not include the attendance of courses. But it is possible that a student might be asked to attend a number of master courses, in the case that his/hers MA degree does not have the required number of courses or ECTS or in case he/she will need some more specialized training which will be offered from the University of Cyprus.


Α/Α Course Type Course Name Course Code Periods per week Period duration Number of weeks/

Academic semester

Total hours/

Academic semester

Number of ECTS
Α’ Semester
1. Compulsory Ph.D. Research Stage I ARC 820     13   30
Β’ Semester
2. Compulsory Ph.D. Research Stage II ARC 821     13   30
3. Compulsory Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam ARC 566         0
C’ Semester
4. Compulsory Ph.D. Research Stage III ARC 822     13   30
D’ Semester
5. Compulsory Ph.D. Research Stage IV ARC 823     13   30
6. Compulsory Ph.D. Research Proposal Examination ARC 567         0
E’ Semester
7. Compulsory Ph.D. Writing Stage I ARC 824     13   30
F’ Semester
8. Compulsory Ph.D. Writing Stage II ARC 825     13   30
9. Compulsory Ph.D. Dissertation Defense            

The PhD programme does not include the attendance of courses. But it is possible that a student might be asked to attend a number of master courses, in the case that his/hers MA degree does not have the required number of courses or ECTS or in case he/she will need some more specialized training which will be offered from the University of Cyprus. The particular courses will come mainly from the pool of courses offered by the M.Sc. program on Digital Humanities and Landscape Archaeology (  These are listed below:

Introduction to GIS Technologies in Archaeology ARC 653
Applications of GeoInformatics in Archaeology ARC 670
Settlement and Landscape Archaeology ARC 650
Maritime Cultural Landscape ARC 654
Mediterranean Island Landscapes ARC 651
Introduction to Cultural Heritage Management ARC 663
Geospatial Analysis and Modelling in GIS (GIS II) ARC 673
Computational and Analytic Techniques in the

Humanities and Social Sciences

ARC 671
Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities ARC 699


In case a student  does not have a MA degree, he/she will need to attend all the necessary courses (up to 60 ECTS) of the M.Sc. programme.