Master’s program (Master of Science) and Doctoral program (Ph.D.) on Digital Heritage and Landscape Archaeology [DOWNLOAD THE FLYER OF THE M.Sc. PROGRAM HERE]

Program’s purpose and objectives

The M.Sc. and Ph.D.  program Digital Heritage and Landscape Archaeology of the University of Cyprus is a unique postgraduate program that offers a concrete interdisciplinary academic course platform dealing with the application of spatial technologies and GeoInformatics in the wider domain of Digital Humanities. The program will act as an interface between New Technologies and the Humanities, exposing students to the latest spatial technological developments, providing hands-on training to different instrumentation and software, promoting a critical perspective of their application in terms of addressing archaeological- and historical- oriented questions and opening a dialogue between different disciplines.

The particular knowledge and skills will equip students to deal successfully with the existing challenging conditions of the competitive job market in the humanities and provide them with a solid base of knowledge to continue their research at an even more advanced level. Students will participate to international research projects of the Digital Humanities GeoInformatics Lab, they will get connected with a network of international researchers and academics, they shall obtain experience with geophysical instrumentation and advanced spatial analysis methods and they will become part of the new generation of archaeologists who will be capable to deal with new technologies.

The M.Sc. and Ph.D.  program “Digital Heritage and Landscape Archaeology” contests the mainstream of the traditional graduate studies in the Humanities and it is targeting the following objectives:

  • Open a dialogue and create a concrete platform of collaboration between the technological and humanities disciplines.
  • Develop a dynamic environment of theoretical and practical training of high-qualified students.
  • Provide synergies between research, museums, academia, public and private agencies, where students will be able to apply their knowledge and carry out their research.
  • Offer an international educational setting, where students and researchers will interact productively and enhance the level of the research.
  • Create a new generation of Archaeologists and Historians that can deal with the current trends of geospatial technologies and geo-information systems.

Intended learning outcomes

Through the specific graduate program, students will be able to:

  • Comprehend the relation between environment, climate, and anthropogenic activities of the past with an emphasis on the settlement patterns and the exploitation of environmental resources.
  • Obtain state-of-the-art skills that can be used in both field campaigns and laboratory analysis of surface survey and excavation results.
  • Understand how the different spatial analysis tools operate to address questions related to the habitation patterns and the intra- and inter-spatial distribution of finds.
  • Acquire the knowledge of the creation of maps (distribution of finds, geophysical measurements, geological and topographic maps, environmental maps, etc.) and comprehend the different spatial statistic algorithms to analyze them.
  • Familiarize themselves with the actual research questions and take a critical stand on the statistical and spatial statistical results.
  • Obtain a practical hands-on training of software (GIS, network analysis, statistical analysis, mapping, etc.) and instrumentation/hardware (geophysical instruments, drones, cameras, GPS, etc.) that will make them competitive in their future profession (academia, cultural resources management, practical archaeology, etc.)and boost their career opportunities.

Prospective Students

Prospective students must have completed an undergraduate degree in Archaeology, History, Anthropology, or other related fields of research (e.g. History of Art, Architecture, Geography, Geology, Topography, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering).

Graduates of the University of Cyprus and Universities of Greece must have an undergraduate diploma with a cumulative grade of 6.5 or higher. The equivalent is required for graduates from other Universities.

Official Language

The official language of the program (instruction and writing of assignments and the thesis) is English.


A number of fee-waiver scholarships will be offered to the best full-time registered candidates admitted in the graduate programme. The scholarships are mainly offered by the Sylvia Ioannou Chair and the Digital Humanities GeoInformatics Lab.


The Master’s program Digital Heritage and Landscape Archaeology of the University of Cyprus is strongly supported by the Sylvia Ioannou Foundation.