Κατάλογος Προσωπικού


Ιατρική Σχολή
Σιακόλειο Εκπαιδευτικό Κέντρο Κλινικής Ιατρικής,
Παλαιός Δρόμος Λευκωσίας Λεμεσού Αρ. 215/6


• 2002-2008 Πτυχίο Ιατρικής, Ιατρική Σχολή Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.


• 2009-2014 Ειδικευόμενος Ψυχιατρικής, Πανεπιστημιακή Ψυχιατρική Κλινική Καρολίνσκα,Σουηδία. Ειδικότητα Ψυχιατρικής Φεβρουάριος 2014.


• Εκπαίδευση στην Ψυχοθεραπεία με κατεύθυνση την Γνωστική-Συμπεριφορική-Ψυχοθεραπεία, Πανεπιστήμιο Καρολίνσκα, 2011-2012.


• 2016 Διδάκτωρ Ψυχιατρικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Καρολίνσκα, Σουηδία. Διατριβή "Νευροενδοκρινολογικές μελέτες σε ασθενείς με απόπειρα αυτοκτονίας και σε ασθενείς με διαταραχή υπερσεξουαλικότητας"


• 2016- σήμερα Ερευνητής στο Τμήμα Κλινικών Νευροεπιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Καρολίνσκα 


• 2017-2018 Επισκέπτης Λέκτορας Ψυχιατρικής, Ιατρική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου  

• 2018-2022  Λέκτορας Ψυχιατρικής, Ιατρική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου  

• 2022 Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Ψυχιατρικής, Ιατρική Σχολή, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου 


Επαγγελματική Εμπειρία

• Ειδικός Ψυχίατρος, Υπρεσίες Ψυχικής Υγείας, Κύπρος από 2018

• Ειδικός Ψυχίατρος, Psychiatry Northwest, Stockholm County Council, Karolinska
University Hospital από τον Φεβρουάριο του 2014 μέχρι τον Ιανουάριο 2017.

• Ιατρικός λειτουργός 1ης Τάξης με ειδικότητα Ψυχιατρικής, Υπηρεσίες Ψυχικής Υγείας, Κύπρος, επιστημονικός συντονιστής Θαλάμου 37, Ψυχιατρικό νοσοκομείο Αθαλάσσας και Τμήμα Ψυχικής Υγείας Κεντρικών Φυλακών Κύπρου από τον Ιούνιο 2015 μέχρι Ιανουάριο

• Ειδικευόμενος Ψυχιατρικής, 2009-2014, Πανεπιστημιακή Ψυχιατρική Κλινική Καρολίνσκα, Σουηδία, Νοέμβριος 2009- Φεβρουάριος 2014.

• Ειδικευόμενος Ψυχιατρικής, Norrbotten, Piteå Psychiatry clinic, Φεβρουάριος- Νοέμβριος

Τα ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα περιλαμβάνουν το βιολογικό υπόβαθρο των ψυχιατρικών παθήσεων όπως με έμφαση στις διαταραχές της διάθεσης, κατάθλιψη, την αυτοκτονία και αυτοκαταστροφική συμπεριφορά καθώς και σεξουαλικές διαταραχές. 

Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον στην ψυχονευροενδοκρινολογία καθώς και την κακοποίηση κατά την παιδική ηλικία και τις επιδράσεις της στην εκδήλωση ψυχικών παθήσεων.

Επίσηςιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον και κλινική ενασχόληση με ΔΕΠΥ ( Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής και Υπερκινητικότητας ) ενηλίκων.



1. Jokinen J, Chatzittofis A, Hellström C, Nordström P, Uvnäs-Moberg K, Åsberg M. Low CSF oxytocin reflects high intent in suicide attempters. Psychoneuroendocrinology.2012;37:482–490.
2. Chatzittofis A, Nordström P, Hellström C, Arver S, Åsberg M, Jokinen J. CSF 5-HIAA, Cortisol and DHEAS levels in Suicide Attempters. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013;23(10):1280-1287.
3. Chatzittofis A, Nordström P, Uvnäs-Moberg K, Åsberg M, Jokinen J. CSF and plasma oxytocin levels in suicide attempters, the role of childhood trauma and revictimization. Neuro Endocrinol Letters. 2014; 35(3):213-217.
4. Chatzittofis A, Arver S, Öberg K, Hallberg J, Nordström P, Jokinen J. HPA axis dysregulation in men with hypersexual disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016; 63:247-253.
5. Stefansson J, Chatzittofis A, Nordström P, Arver S, Åsberg M, Jokinen J. CSF and plasma testosterone in attempted suicide. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2016; 74:1-6.
6. Chatzittofis A, Savard J, Arver S, Öberg K, Hallberg J, Nordström P, Jokinen J. Interpersonal violence, early life adversity and suicidal behavior in hypersexual men. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2017; 1;6(2):187-193.
7. Jokinen J, Boström A, Chatzittofis A, Öberg K, Flanagan J, Arver S, Schiöth H. Methylation of the HPA axis related genes in men with hypersexual disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2017; 80:67-73.
8. Jokinen J, Boström A, Dadfar A, Ciuculete D, Chatzittofis A, Åsberg M, Schiöth H. Epigenetic Changes in the CRH Gene are Related to Severity of Suicide Attempt and a General Psychiatric Risk Score in Adolescents. EBiomedicine 2018; 27: 123-133DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.12.018.
9. Boström A, Chatzittofis A, Ciuculete DM, Flanagan JN, Krattinger R, Bandstein M, Mwinyi J, Kullak-Ublick GA,Oberg, KG, Arver, S, Schiöth HB, Jokinen J. Hypermethylation-associated downregulation of microRNA-4456 in hypersexual disorder with putative influence on oxytocin signalling: A DNA methylation analysis of miRNA genes. Epigenetics 2019; 22:1-16.
10. Voskarides K, Chatzittofis A. GWAS studies reveal a possible genetic link between cancer and suicide attempt. Scientific Reports 2019; 9, 18290.
11. Kaikoushi K, Bella E, Middleton N, Alevizopoulos, G, Chatzittofis A, Stylianou K, Karanikola M. Individuals with Schizophrenia and Relevant Psychotic Disorders: A Clinical Population with Increased Incidence for Involuntary Admission Due to Suicidal Behavior. Hellenic Journal of Nursing. 2019; 58(2): 150–162.
12. Chatzittofis A, Boström AE, Öberg KG, Flanagan JN, Schiöth HB, Arver S, Jokinen J. Normal Testosterone but Higher Luteinizing Hormone Plasma Levels in Men with Hypersexual Disorder. Sex Med. 2020; 8(2):243-250. doi: 10.1016/j.esxm.2020.02.005.
13. Savard J, Öberg KG, Chatzittofis A, Dhejne C, Arver S, Jokinen J. Naltrexone in Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: A Feasibility Study of Twenty Men. J Sex Med. 2020; Jun 9: S1743-6095(20)30535-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.04.318.
14. Nteveros A, Kyprianou M, Artemiadis A, Charalampous A, Christoforaki K, Cheilidis S, Germanos O, Bargiotas P, Chatzittofis A, Zis P. Burnout among medical students in Cyprus: A cross-sectional study. PLOS ONE. 2020; 15(11): e0241335. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241335.
15. Karanikola M, Alexandrou G, Mpouzika M, Chatzittofis A, Kusi-Appiah E, Papathanassoglou E. Pilot exploration of post-traumatic stress symptoms in intensive care unit survivors in Cyprus. 2020. Nurs Crit Care. 2021;26: 109–117. DOI: 10.1111/nicc.12574.
16. Kakoullis L, Eliades E, Papachristodoulou E, Parperis K, Chara P, Constantinidou A, Chatzittofis A, Sampsonas F, Panos G. Response to COVID-19 in Cyprus: policy changes and epidemic trends. Int J Clin Pract. 2020; doi: 10.1111/ijcp.13944. 
17. Artemiadis A, Bakirtzis C, Chatzittofis A, Christodoulides C, Nikolaou G, Kleopatra Boziki M, Grigoriadis N Brief international cognitive assessment for multiple sclerosis (BICAMS) cut-off scores for detecting cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2021; 49 102751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msard.2021.102751
18. Parperis K, Psarelis S, Chatzittofis A, Michaelides M, Nikiforou D, Antoniade E, Bhattarai B. Association of clinical characteristics, disease activity and health-related quality of life in SLE patients with major depressive disorder. Reumatology (Oxford). 2021; Nov 3;60(11):5369-5378. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab123.
19. Chatzittofis A, Karanikola M, Michailidou K, Constantinidou A. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of health care workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; Feb 3;18(4):1435. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041435.
20. Kaikoushi K, Middleton N, Chatzittofis A, Bella E, Alevizopoulos G and Karanikola M (2021) Socio-Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Adults with Psychotic Symptomatology Under Involuntary Admission and Readmission for Compulsory Treatment in a Referral Psychiatric Hospital in Cyprus. Front. Psychiatry. 17 February 2021; https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.602274.
21. Kaikoushi K, Karanikola M, Middleton N, Chatzittofis A, Nystazaki M, Bella E, Stylianou C, Kinnis E, Veniamin S, Pitta M, Alevizopoulos G. Depressive symptoms in involuntary hospitalized patients in Cyprus: Socio-demographic and psychopathologic characteristics. (2021). Psychiatriki. 2021; Aug 5. doi: 10.22365/jpsych.2021.026. 
22. Hatzioannou A, Chatzittofis A, Koutroubas V, Papastavrou E, Karanikola M. Combined Use of Web-Based and In-Person Education on Ill Health Self-Management Skills in Adults With Bipolar Disorder: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(9):e25168. doi: 10.2196/25168.
23. Kaikoushi K, Karanikola M, Middleton N, Bella E, Chatzittofis A. Prescription patterns in psychiatric compulsory care: Polypharmacy and high-dose antipsychotics. BJPsych Open. 2021; 7(5), E149. doi:10.1192/bjo.2021.982
24. Chatzittofis A, Boström A, Ciuculete D, Öberg K, Arver S, Schiöth H, Jokinen J. HPA-axis dysregulation is associated with differential methylation of CpG-sites in related genes. 2021. Scientific Reports. 11(1): 20134. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-99714-x
25. Solomou I, Constantinidou F, Karekla M, Psaltis C, Chatzittofis A. The COVID-19 International Student Well-being Study (C-19 ISWS): The case of Cyprus. European Journal of Psychology Open. 2021; 1-12. doi.org/10.1024/2673-8627/a000014
26. Chatzittofis A, Constantinidou A, Artemiadis A, Michailidou K, Karanikola M. The Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Mental Health of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study. 2021; Frontiers in Psychiatry 12(1830). doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.707293
27. Chatzittofis A, Boström A, Savard J, Görts Öberg K, Arver S, Jokinen J. Neurochemical and Hormonal Contributors to Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder. 2022. Curr Addict Rep. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-021-00403-6
28. Kassianos AP, Georgiou A, Kyprianidou M, Lamnisos D, Ļubenko J, Presti G, Squatrito V, Constantinou M, Nicolaou C, Papacostas S, Aydin G, Chong YY, Chien WT, Cheng HY, Ruiz FJ, Garcia-Martin MB, Obando D, Segura-Vargas MA, Vasiliou VS, McHugh L, Höfer S, Baban A, Neto DD, Silva ANd, Monestès J-L, Alvarez-Galvez J, Blarrina MP, Montesinos F, Salas SV, Őri D, Kleszcz B, Lappalainen R, Ivanović I, Gosar D, Dionne F, Merwin RM, Chatzittofis A, Konstantinou E, Economidou S, Gloster AT, Karekla M, Constantinidou A. Mental Health and Adherence to COVID-19 Protective Behaviors among Cancer Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International, Multinational Cross-Sectional Study. Cancers. 2021; 13(24):6294. doi.org/10.3390/cancers13246294 
29. Flanagan J, Chatzittofis A*, Boström A, Hallberg J, Öberg K, Arver S, Jokinen J. High plasma oxytocin levels in men with hypersexual disorder. *Corresponding author. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2022, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgac015
30. Buffel V, Van de Velde S, Akvardar Y, Bask M, Brault MC, Busse H, Chatzittofis A, Ladner J, Rabiee-Khan F, Stathopoulou T, Tavolacci MP, van der Heijde C, Pischke CR, Matos Fialho PM, Wouters E. Depressive symptoms in higher education students during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of containment measures. Eur J Public Health. 32(3), pp. 481-487. 2022 Mar 15:ckac026. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckac026. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35289850.
31. Boström D.E A, Andersson P, Chatzittofis A, Savard J, Rask-Andersen M, Öberg K, Arver S, Jokinen J. HPA-axis dysregulation is not associated with accelerated epigenetic aging in patients with Hypersexual Disorder. 2022. Psychoneuroendocrinology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105765
32. Parperis K, Kyriakou A, Voskarides K, Chatzittofis A. Suicidal behavior in patients with systematic lupus erythematosus: Systematic literature review and genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis. 2022. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. Mar 19;54:151997. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2022.151997.
33. Jokinen J, Andersson P, Chatzittofis A, Savard J, Rask-Andersen M, Åsberg M, Boström A. Accelerated epigenetic aging in suicide attempters uninfluenced by high intent-to-die and choice of lethal methods. 2022. Translational Psychiatry. 12:224 ;https://doi.org/10.1038/s41398-022-01998-8
34. Kaikoushi K, Nystazaki M, Chatzittofis A, Middleton N, Karanikola NK M. Involuntary Psychiatric Admission in Cyprus: a Descriptive Correlational Study. 2022. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2022.03.013.
35. Karanikola M, Mpouzika M, Papathanassoglou E, Kaikoushi K, Hatziioannou A, Leontiou I, Livadiotis C, Christophorou N, Chatzittofis A. Work-related traumatic stress responses in nurses employed in COVID-19 settings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022, 19(17), 11049; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191711049

35.         Karanikola M, Mpouzika M, Papathanassoglou E, Kaikoushi K, Hatziioannou A, Leontiou I, Livadiotis C, Christophorou N, Chatzittofis A. Work-related traumatic stress responses in nurses employed in COVID-19 settings. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 11049; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191711049

36.         Chatzittofis A and Kim H.S. Editorial: Behavioral addictions: Emerging science. 2023. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Sec. Addictive Disorders. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1127444

37.          Karanikola M, Nystazaki M, Kaikoushi K, Middleton N, Chatzittofis A. Cognitive impairment in adults under compulsory psychiatric care: Association with psychotic symptoms and high-dose antipsychotics. 2023. BJPsych Open, 9(4), E108. doi:10.1192/bjo.2023.83

38.          Voskarides K, Giannopoulou N, Eid R, Parperis K, Chatzittofis A. Genome-Wide Association Studies reveal shared genetic haplotypes of autoimmune rheumatic and endocrine diseases with psychiatric disorders. Brain and Behavior. 2023. Doi:10.1002/brb3.2955

39.        Lawko A., Constantinidou and Chatzittofis A*. Patients' perspectives related to ethical issues and risks in precision medicine: A Systematic review. *Corresponding author. 2023. Front. Med. 10:1215663. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1215663

40.        Olugemo K, Bugarski-Kirola D, Dawson G, DiCesare F, Stevanović D, Samardzic J, Chatzittofis A, Moore R, Verster J, Bhering L, Vieta E. Conducting CNS trials during a public health emergency – Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic: A joint ISCTM/ECNP Working Group Consensus Paper. 2023. Neuroscience Applied. 2: 101129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nsa.2023.101129

41.       Parperis K, Kyriakou A, Voskarides K, Koliou E, Evangelou M, Chatzittofis A. Insights into Suicidal Behavior Among Psoriatic Arthritis Patients: A Systematic Review and a Genetic Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis. 2023. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 62 152241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semarthrit.2023.152241