Artemis Georgiou is Assistant Research Professor at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. She is the Principal Investigator of the research project ‘ComPAS’, a European Research Council Starting Grant, which aims at investigating interregional and intercultural connectivity in the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean, with a budget of 1,254,356 Euros.
Georgiou completed her BA at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Cyprus and continued with Masters’ and Doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. She received a postdoctoral Marie Sklodowska Curie Career Integration Grant for the research project ‘ARIEL’, which was implemented at the University of Cyprus, between the years 2013-2017. In 2018-2020, she held a University of Cyprus Internal Research and Teaching fellowship, and during 2020-2021 she was the Edgar Peltenburg Postdoctoral Fellow for Cypriot Prehistory at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute.
Artemis Georgiou participated in a number of archaeological fieldwork projects in Cyprus and Greece. In recent years, she has been collaborating with several missions for the study of pottery remains, such as the Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project, the Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environment Project, the French Mission at Kition, the Lefkandi-Xeropolis project, the Archaeological Committee’s excavations at Mycenae and the Hazor Lower Acropolis project.
2007-2012 University of Oxford
Doctor of Philosophy in Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics and Institute of Archaeology. Merton College
Thesis: “Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Maa-Palaeokastro and the settlement histories of Cyprus in the twelfth century BC”
2005-2007 University of Oxford
Master of Philosophy in Classical Archaeology, Department of Classics and Institute of Archaeology. Merton College
2001-2005 University of Cyprus
Bachelor of Arts in History and Archaeology, Department of History and Archaeology
University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit
Assistant Research Professor
Principal investigator for European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant, H2020-ERC-2020-STG_GA. 947749: “Commercial Patterns Across the Sea: The interdisciplinary study of Maritime Transport Containers from Cyprus and the elucidation of Mediterranean connectivity during the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age” (ComPAS),
Budget: €1,254,300
Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) (2020-2021)
The Edgar J. Peltenburg Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cypriot Prehistory
University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit (2018-2020)
Post-doctoral Research Fellow (Internal Research and Teaching Postdoctoral Fellowships)
Project: “Foundation and Rise to Prominence of a Late Cypriot Polity”
University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit (2013-2017)
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow (Career Integration Grant)
Project “ARIEL” (Archaeological Investigations of the Extra-Urban and Urban Landscape in Eastern Mediterranean Centres, a case-study at Palaepaphos)
Ashmolean Museum, Department of Antiquities (2007-2009)
Assistant to the Keeper of Antiquities (Dr Susan Walker) for the setting of the new A.G. Leventis Gallery for Cypriot Antiquities
Fields of interest: Archaeology of Cyprus and the eastern Mediterranean (2nd-1rst millennia B.C.); material culture (Late Bronze Age ceramics from Cyprus, Greece and the Levant); socio-political geography of Cyprus (2nd-1st millennia B.C.); Mediterranean interregional connectivity
“The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project”, University of Cyprus (since 2006)
Project director: Professor Maria Iacovou
Duties: Assistant director, publication of the Late Bronze Age pottery
Lefkandi-Xeropolis Archaeological Project, University of Oxford, British School at Athens (since 2006)
Project director: Professor Irene S. Lemos (University of Oxford)
Duties: Trench supervisor (2006–2008), publication of the Late Helladic IIIC fineware pottery (2009–present).
Kalavasos and Maroni Built Environment (KAMBE) (since 2012)
Project directors: Professor Sturt Manning (Cornell University) and Dr Kevin Fisher (University of British Columbia)
Duties: Processing and publication of excavated remains from Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, Maroni-Vournes, Maroni-Tsaroukkas and Tochni-Lakkia.
Excavations at the East House, Mycenae – Athens Archaeological Committee (since 2012)
Project director: Dr Iphigenia Tournavitou (University of Thessaly)
Duties: Pottery specialist for the study and publication of the Late Bronze Age finewares.
“Archaeological Investigations of the extra-urban and urban landscape in Eastern Mediterranean centres: a case-study at Palaepaphos, Cyprus (ARIEL)” (2013-2017)
A Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (Individual Fellowships), hosted at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus.
Duties: Principal Researcher
Stirring pots on fire! A diachronic study of cooking pots from Cyprus, University of Cyprus (since 2014)
Project director: Associate Professor Athanasios Vionis
Duties: Late Bronze Age specialist for coarse ware cooking pots
Kition-Bamboula Archaeological Project (Mission archéologique française de Kition) (since 2017)
Project director: Dr Sabine Fourrier (Laboratoire HiSoMa, Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée, Lyon)
Duties: Pottery specialist for the study and publication of the Late Bronze Age material.
“Material entanglements in the ancient Mediterranean and beyond” A Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories Initiative. (2018-2020)
Collaborative project between the John Hopkins University (Dr Marian Feldman) and the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens (Dr Antigoni Zournatzi)
West Cyprus Survey Project (since 2020)
Project director: Dr Diane Bolger (University of Edinburgh)
Duties: Pottery specialist for the study and publication of the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age material
Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (SeSaLaC) (since 2020)
Project director: Dr Athanasios Vionis (University of Cyprus)
Duties: Pottery specialist for the study and publication of Late Bronze Age material and of settlement patterns
Kition, Idalion and Tamasos: cities and territories within Cypriot kingdoms during the first millennium BC. (2022-2025)
Agence nationale de la researche, Franco-German call for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Research associate for the study of Late Bronze Age pottery from Kition
Monographs and edited volumes
Georgiou, A. and Iacovou, M. (forthcoming) The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project 2006-2017: Evidence for the foundation horizon and rise to prominence of the Late Cypriot polity of Paphos, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) publications, Åströms förlag.
Von Rüden, C., Georgiou, A., Jacobs, A. and Halstead, P. (2016) Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practice in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti, Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie.
Karageorghis, V. and Kanta, A. in association with Georgiou, A. (2014) Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A late 13th century BC fortified settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010–2011, Uppsala: Åströms förlag.
Georgiou, A. (ed.) (2012) Cyprus: an Island Culture. Society and Social Relations from the Chalcolithic to the Venetian Periods, Oxford: Oxbow Books Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2012) Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Maa-Palaeokastro and the settlement histories of Cyprus in the 12th century BC, D.Phil thesis (Oxf), available online as an open access resource: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:d4adbae2-3dd8-43d8-a997-a2f0ecddc450
Articles in journals
Georgiou, A., Georgiadou, A. and Fourrier, S. (forthcoming), "Traditions and innovations during the 12th-to-11th century BC transition in Cyprus: new data from Kition-Bamboula", in Cahiers du Centre d’ Études Chypriotes.
Andreou, G.M., Georgiou, A., T. Urban, K.D. Fisher, S.W. Manning, & D.A. Sewell (2019) “Reconsidering coastal archaeological sites in Late Bronze Age Cyprus: Tochni-Lakkia and the south-central coastscape” in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 382, 33-69.
Georgiadou, A. and Georgiou, A. (with an appendix by N. Garnier) (2019) “Spinning, weaving and dyeing at Kition during the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age: New data from the settlement at Bamboula” in Cahiers du Centre d’ Études Chypriotes 49, 103–128.
Georgiou, A. (2018) “Ceramic fluidity and regional variations: Elucidating the transformed ceramic industry of finewares in Cyprus at the close of the Late Bronze Age” in Bulletin de Correspondence Hellenique (BCH) – Supplement 60 “Les royaumes de Chypre à l’épreuve del’histoire. Transitions et ruptures de la fin de l’âge du Bronze au début de l’époque héllénistique”, 29-48.
Andreou, G.M., Opitz, R., Manning, S.W. Fisher, K.D., Sewell, D.A., Georgiou, A. and Urban, T. (2017) “Integrated methods for understanding and monitoring the loss of coastal archaeological sites: the case of Tochni-Lakkia, south-central Cyprus” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 197-208.
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Georgiou, A. and Vionis, A. (2016) “Cooking fabric recipes: An interdisciplinary study of Cypriot cooking pots of the Late Bronze Age” in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7, 451-457.
Georgiou, A. (2011) “The settlement histories of Cyprus at the opening of the twelfth Century BC” in Cahiers du Centre d’ Études Chypriotes 41, 109–131.
Karageorghis, V. and Georgiou, A. (2010) “A Corpus of Late Minoan Pottery from Pyla-Kokkinokremos” in Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 301–324.
Chapters in books and edited volumes
Georgiou, A. (forthcoming) “The Late Bronze Age” in S. Neocleous (ed.), Ancient History of Cyprus.
Fourrier, S., Georgiadou, A., Georgiou, A. and Garnier, N. (forthcoming), “Purple-dye production in Early Iron Age Kition: new evifence from Bamboula” in D. Mylona, M. Iacovou and T. Brogan (eds), The Materiality of Purple-dye Production and Use in Cyprus and the Aegean from Prehistory to the Late Roman Period, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology.
Georgiadou, A., Georgiou, A., and Satraki, A. (forthcoming) “Mortuary practices and rituals at Idalion in the Early Iron Age: Locus 20 of the Plathkia necropolis” in S.G. Schmid (ed.), The Topography of Ancient Idalion, Berlin: Studia Cyprologica Berolinensia 2.
Georgiou, A. (forthcoming) “The Late Bronze Age Pottery from Hadjiabdullah, Laona and Mantissa” in A. Georgiou and M. Iacovou, The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project 2006-2017: Evidence for the foundation horizon and rise to prominence of the Late Cypriot Polity of Paphos, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) publications, Åströms förlag.
Georgiou, A. (forthcoming) “An impressed pithos fragment from Palaepaphos-Hadjiabdullah. Contextualising a regional, idiosyncratic phenomenon” in A. Georgiou and M. Iacovou, The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project 2006-2017: Evidence for the foundation horizon and rise to prominence of the Late Cypriot Polity of Paphos, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) publications, Åströms förlag.
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M. and Georgiou, A. (forthcoming) “Splash Painted ware and related fabrics: examining a regional ceramic phenomenon through an integrated approach”, in A. Georgiou and M. Iacovou, The Palaepaphos Urban Landscape Project 2006-2017: Evidence for the foundation horizon and rise to prominence of the Late Cypriot Polity of Paphos, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) publications, Åströms förlag.
Georgiou, A. (2022) “Ανάλυση του οικιστικού πλαισίου, ταφικών πρακτικών και λατρευτικών δοξασιών στην υδρολογική λεκάνη Λεμεσού κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού (Analyzing the settlement pattern, burial practices and religious beliefs within the Limassol hydrological zone during the Late Bronze Age)” in E. Procopiou (ed.), Η Λεμεσός στα βάθη των αιώνων: Αρχαίες προ-Χριστιανικές λατρείες, δοξασίες και ταφικά έθιμα (Limassol at the depth of time: Ancient pre-Christian religion, beliefs and burial customs).
Georgiou, A. and Iacovou, M. (2020) “Chapter 4.23: Cyprus” in I.S. Lemos and A. Kotsonas (eds), A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the Mediterranean, Oxford: Wiley and Blackwells publications, 1133-1162.
Georgiou, A. (2019) “Tracing the foundation horizon of Palaepaphos. New research on the early history of the Paphos region” in C.M. Kearns and S.W. Manning (eds), New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology, Cornell: Cornell University Press, 190-218.
Georgiou, A. (2018) “Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού (The Late Bronze Age)” in S. Neocleous (ed.), Ιστορία της Κύπρου – Μέρος Α’ (History of Cyprus – Part A), Μέλαθρον Οικουμενικού Ελληνισμού, Αθήνα, 79-102.
Georgiou, A. (2018) “From the hand to the wheel: Revisiting the transformations of the Late Cypriot industry of ceramic finewares during the 13th-to-12th century BC transition” in I. Caloi and C. Langohr (eds), Technology in Crisis. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble, Louvain-la-Neuve: Aegis Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 177-200.
Crewe, L. and Georgiou, A. (2018) “Settlement nucleation at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age in Cyprus: the evidence from Palaepaphos” in L. Hulin, L. Crewe and J.M. Webb (eds), Structures of Inequality on Bronze Age Cyprus. Studies in Honour of Alison K. South, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology Pocket-Book 187, Nicosia: Åströms förlag 53-70.
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M. and Georgiou, A. (2017) “A preliminary, analytical examination of FS 46/47 three-handled jars and other Late Bronze Age pottery types from Cyprus with the employment of portable X-Ray Fluorescence” in G. Graziadio (ed.), The Earliest Production of Aegean-type Pottery in Cyprus, Pisa: Pisa University Press, 117-129.
Georgiou, A. (2017) “Flourishing amidst a “Crisis”: the regional history of the Paphos polity during the transition from the 13th to the 12th centuries BCE” in P.M. Fischer & T. Bürge (eds) The Sea Peoples Up to Date. New Research on Transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 13th-11th Centuries BCE, Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean (CChEM),Vienna, 207-228.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “The ‘White Painted Wheelmade III ware’ from the Evreti Wells” in C. von Rüden, A. Georgiou, A. Jacobs and P. Halstead, Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practice in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti, Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie, 79-182.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “The ‘Splash Painted ware’” in C. von Rüden, A. Georgiou, A. Jacobs and P. Halstead, Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practice in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti, Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie, 183-189.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “The imported Late Helladic and Late Minoan vessels” in C. von Rüden, A. Georgiou, A. Jacobs and P. Halstead, Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practice in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti, Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie, 191-196.
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Georgiou, A. and Vionis, A. (2016) “The petrographic analyses of cooking pot samples from Evreti” in C. von Rüden, A. Georgiou, A. Jacobs and P. Halstead, Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practice in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti, Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie, 235-258.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “Cylinder-seal impressions on storage vessels from Maa-Palaeokastro. Elucidating an idiosyncratic Late Cypriot mechanism” in J. Driessen (ed.), RA-PI-NE-U. Studies on the Mycenaean World offered to Robert Laffineur for his 70th Birthday, Louvain-la-Neuve: Aegis, Presses Universitaires de Louvain 10, 125-144.
Georgiou, A. (2015) “Cyprus during the ‘Crisis Years’ revisited” in A. Babbi, F. Bubenheimer-Erhart, B. Marin-Aguilera and S. Mühl (eds), The Mediterranean Mirror: Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums (RGZM) Tagungen 20, 129–145.
Georgiou, A. (2015) “Palaepaphos during the Late Bronze Age: Characterizing the urban landscape of a Late Bronze Age polity” in Z. Theodoropoulou-Polychroniades and D. Evely (eds), Aegis: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology Presented to Matti Egon, BAR Archaeological Series, Archaeopress, Oxford, 45-56.
Georgiou, A. (2015) “The history of research at Kouklia (Palaepaphos)” in E. Markou (ed.) Kyprios Character: History, Archaeology, and Numismatics of Ancient Cyprus. Online resource http://kyprioscharacter.eie.gr/
Georgiou, A. (2014) “The ‘Canaanite Jars’” in V. Karageorghis and A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A late 13th century fortified settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010–2011, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) CXLI, Uppsala: Åströms förlag, 175–187.
Karageorghis, V. and Georgiou, A. (2014) “Inventory of objects, diagnostics sherds and sherd trays” in V. Karageorghis and A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A late 13th century fortified settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010–2011, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) CXLI, Uppsala: Åströms förlag, 123–140.
Karageorghis, V. and Georgiou, A. (2014) “Commentary on the objects” in V. Karageorghis and A. Kanta, Pyla-Kokkinokremos. A late 13th century fortified settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010–2011, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (SIMA) CXLI, Uppsala: Åströms förlag, 141–153.
Georgiou, A. (2012) “Pyla-Kokkinokremos and Maa-Palaeokastro: a comparison of two naturally fortified sites at the close of the Bronze Age in Cyprus” in A. Georgiou (ed.), Cyprus: an Island Culture. Society and Social Relations from the Chalcolithic to the Venetian Periods, Oxford: Oxbow Books Publications, 65–83.
Encyclopedia entries
Georgiou, A. (2012) “Enkomi in Cyprus” (pp. 2511–2512), “Kition” (pp. 3775–3777), “Koukounaries” (pp. 3815–3817), “Molione” (pp. 4562–4563), “Stirrup jar” (pp. 6396–6297), in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford: Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2013) “Cypriot Archaeology” (pp. 1892–1893), in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford: Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2015) “Eteocypriot”, “Palaepaphos”, “Toumba tou Skourou”, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford, Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “Hala Sultan Tekke”, “Maa-Palaeokastro”, “Pyla-Kokkinokremos”, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford, Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2017) “Ayia Irini on Cyprus”, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford, Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Georgiou, A. (2018) “Kinyras”, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford, Wiley and Blackwell Publications.
Book reviews
Georgiou, A. (2020), “LONDON, G. – Wine Jars and Jar Makers of Cyprus. The Ethnoarchaeology of Pitharia, Nicosia, 2020. (218p). ISBN 978-9925-7455-5-5.” In Cahiers du Centre d’ Etudes Chypriotes 50.
Georgiou, A. (2019) “FISCHER, P.M. and BÜRGE, T. – Two Late Cypriot City Quarters at Hala Sultan Tekke. The Söderberg Expedition 2010-2017, Uppsala, 2018. (662p). ISBN 978-91-981535-4-5. ISSN 081-8232. € 108,-.” in Cahiers du Centre d’ Etudes Chypriotes 49, 427–437.
Georgiou, A. (2018) “BADRE, L., CAPET, E. et VITALE, B. – Tell Kazel au Bronze récent: Etudes céramiques, Presses d’Institut française du Proche-Orient, Beyrouth, 2018. (28,0cm, 260). ISBN 978-2351597408. ISSN 2351597400. € 45,-.” in Cahiers du Centre d’ Etudes Chypriotes 48, 209-213.
Georgiou, A. (2016) “PICKUP, S., BERGERON, M. and J.M. WEBB - Cypriote Antiquities in Reading. The Ure Museum at the University of Reading and the Reading Museum (Reading Borough Council). (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, 20; Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, 30). Paul Åströms Förlag, Uppsala, 2015. (30,5 cm, VII, 55). ISBN 978-91-7081-201-9. ISSN 0081-8232. € 24,-.” in Biblioteca Orientalis LXXIII:1-2, 254-257.