- Μη-Νευτώνεια ρευστομηχανική
- Ρεολογία
- Υπολογιστική ρευστομηχανική
- Ανάπτυξη αριθμητικών μεθόδων για την προσομοίωση μη-Νευτώνειων ροών (μέθοδοι πεπερασμένων όγκων και πεπερασμένων στοιχείων).
Syrakos A., Charalambous A., Georgiou G.C. (2024). Analytic solution of the Poiseuille flow of a De Kee viscoplastic fluid. Applications in Engineering Science, 18: 100181
Lambride C., Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C. (2023) Entrance length estimates for flows of power-law fluids in pipes and channels. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 317: 105056
Syrakos A., Oxtoby O., De Villiers E., Varchanis S., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2023) A unification of least-squares and Green-Gauss gradients under a common projection-based gradient reconstruction framework. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 205: 108-141
Moschopoulos P., Varchanis S., Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2022) S-PAL: A stabilized finite element formulation for computing viscoplastic flows. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 309: 104883
Moschopoulos P., Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2020) Dynamics of viscoplastic filament stretching. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 284: 104371
Varchanis S., Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2020) PEGAFEM-V: A new Petrov-Galerkin finite element method for free surface viscoelastic flows. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 284: 104365
Pitsillou R., Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C. (2020) Application of the Lambert W function to steady shearing Newtonian flows with logarithmic wall slip. Physics of Fluids, 32: 053107
Syrakos A., Varchanis S., Haward S.J., Hopkins C.C., Syrakos A., Shen A.Q., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2020). Transition between solid and liquid state of yield-stress fluids under purely extensional deformations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. (PNAS), 117: 12611-12617
Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2020). A finite volume method for the simulation of elastoviscoplastic flows and its application to the lid-driven cavity case. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 275: 104216
Varchanis S., Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2019). A new Finite Element formulation for viscoelastic flows: circumventing simultaneously the LBB condition and the high-Weissenberg number problem. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 267: 78–97
Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Tsamopoulos J. (2018). Theoretical study of the flow in a fluid damper containing high viscosity silicone oil: Effects of shear-thinning and viscoelasticity. Physics of Fluids, 30: 030708
Syrakos A., Varchanis S., Dimakopoulos Y., Goulas A., Tsamopoulos J. (2017). A critical analysis of some popular methods for the discretisation of the gradient operator in finite volume methods. Physics of Fluids, 29: 127103
Syrakos A., Dimakopoulos Y., Georgiou G.C., Tsamopoulos J. (2016). Viscoplastic flow in an extrusion damper. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 232: 102–124
Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C., Alexandrou A.N. (2016). Cessation of the lid-driven cavity flow of Newtonian and Bingham fluids. Rheologica Acta, 55: 51–66
Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C., Alexandrou A.N. (2015). Thixotropic flow past a cylinder. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 220: 44–56
Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C., Alexandrou A.N. (2014). Performance of the finite volume method in solving regularised Bingham flows: inertia effects in the lid-driven cavity flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 208-209: 88–107
Syrakos A., Georgiou G.C., Alexandrou A.N. (2013). Solution of the square lid-driven cavity flow of a Bingham plastic using the finite volume method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 195: 19–31
Syrakos A., Efthimiou G., Bartzis J.G., Goulas A. (2012). Numerical experiments on the efficiency of local grid refinement based on truncation error estimates. Journal of Computational Physics 231: 6725–6753
Syrakos A., Goulas A. (2006). Finite volume adaptive solutions using SIMPLE as smoother. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 52: 1215–1245
Syrakos A., Goulas A. (2006). Estimate of the truncation error of finite volume discretization of the Navier–Stokes equations on colocated grids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 50: 103–130