Ο Δοξάκης Ανεστάκης είναι κάτοχος δύο Bachelor (Ιατρικών Εργαστηρίων και Ιατρικής), ενός Master (Διοίκηση Μονάδων Υγείας) και ενός διδακτορικό στην Ιατρική.
Είναι υπεύθυνος του Εργαστηρίου Παθολογικής Ανατομικής της Ιατροδικαστικής Υπηρεσίας Θεσσαλονίκης με δεκαετή εμπειρία στην Νεκροτομική Ιστοπαθολογία.
Είναι ο μοναδικός στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα, αναγνωρισμένος από το Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης εξειδικευμένος Παθολογοανατόμος για τα Ιατροδικαστικά περιστατικά και καλύπτει διαγνωστικά τη Βόρεια, Κεντρική Ελλάδα και τα Νησιά Βορείου Αιγαίου.
Επίσης είναι Πρόεδρος της Πανελλήνιας Βιοτράπεζας Νευρολογικών Νοσημάτων (ΠΑΒΙΝΝ) μίας Βιοτράπεζας που έχει σκοπό την υποστήριξη της επιστημονικής και ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας στο πεδίο των νευρολογικών/νευροεκφυλιστικών νοσημάτων, καθώς και την προώθηση της μετά θάνατο δωρεάς οργάνων για ερευνητικούς σκοπούς.
Είναι υπεύθυνος του Εργαστηρίου Παθολογικής Ανατομικής της Ιατροδικαστικής Υπηρεσίας Θεσσαλονίκης με δεκαετή εμπειρία στην Νεκροτομική Ιστοπαθολογία.
Είναι ο μοναδικός στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα, αναγνωρισμένος από το Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης εξειδικευμένος Παθολογοανατόμος για τα Ιατροδικαστικά περιστατικά και καλύπτει διαγνωστικά τη Βόρεια, Κεντρική Ελλάδα και τα Νησιά Βορείου Αιγαίου.
Επίσης είναι Πρόεδρος της Πανελλήνιας Βιοτράπεζας Νευρολογικών Νοσημάτων (ΠΑΒΙΝΝ) μίας Βιοτράπεζας που έχει σκοπό την υποστήριξη της επιστημονικής και ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας στο πεδίο των νευρολογικών/νευροεκφυλιστικών νοσημάτων, καθώς και την προώθηση της μετά θάνατο δωρεάς οργάνων για ερευνητικούς σκοπούς.
Επί 15 χρόνια συνεργάζεται με διάφορα Τμήματα και Σχολές του ΑΠΘ, ως Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης, Διδάσκων & Ερευνητής:
1.με διαλέξεις σε προπτυχιακούς και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές Ιατρικής, Οδοντιατρικής και Ψυχολογίας,
2. με συμμετοχή σε 7 ερευνητικά προγράμματα (ευρωπαϊκά και ελληνικά):
1.με διαλέξεις σε προπτυχιακούς και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές Ιατρικής, Οδοντιατρικής και Ψυχολογίας,
2. με συμμετοχή σε 7 ερευνητικά προγράμματα (ευρωπαϊκά και ελληνικά):
α. «ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΕΣΠΑ 2007 – 2013» με τίτλο «Σύστημα Διάχυτης Νοημοσύνης για την Πρόγνωση, Διάγνωση,
Παρακολούθηση και Ενδυνάμωση ασθενών με Νοητικές Διαταραχές – Εν-ΝΟΗΣΗΣ» (2012 – 2015),
β. «ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΑ. ΕΣΠΑ 2007 – 2013» με τίτλο «Ενίσχυση της Υποστήριξης των Ασθενών με Νόσο Alzheimer και των
Περιθαλπόντων τους – ASPAD» (2012 – 2015),
γ. «ALTOIDA AG» με τίτλο «Dementia early screening and disease progression tracking in the clinical practice by means of
ALTOIDA MedTech – ALTOIDA AR» (2016 – 2018),
δ. «7ο Πρόγραμμα Πλαίσιο, Cooperation, Health» με τίτλο «Μια Ευρωπαϊκή πολυκεντρική, διπλή, τυφλή, ελεγχόμενη με
εικονικό φάρμακο, δοκιμή της Nilvadipine σε ασθενείς ήπιας έως μέτριας βαρύτητας νόσου Alzheimer – NILVAD»
ε. «Immunohistochemical analysis of receptors in human brain samples»,
ζ. «Εμβληματική Δράση Εθνικού Δικτύου Έρευνας Γενετικών Καρδιαγγειακών Παθησεων ΕΣΠΑ 2014 – 2020», με
τίτλο«Εθνικό δίκτυο ερευνάς γενετικών καρδιαγγειακών παθήσεων και πρόληψης του νεανικού αιφνίδιου θανάτου στη
βάση της ιατρικής ακρίβειας». (2019 – 2021),
η. «Horizon 2020» με τίτλο «Improving cancer diagnosis and prediction with AI and big data – INCISIVE» (2020 – 2024).
3. Post-Doc στην οργάνωση και λειτουργία βιοτράπεζας νευρολογικών παθήσεων,
4. Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος του Προγράμματος Παροχής Ιατρικών Υπηρεσιών στον ΕΛΚΕ του ΑΠΘ με τίτλο «Ιατροδικαστικές Ιστοπαθολογικές Εξετάσεις».
Επιπλέον είναι Επισκέπτης Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Ιατρικής στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Κύπρου, καλύπτοντας τη θεωρητική και εργαστηριακή διδασκαλία στην Ιστολογία Εμβρυολογία, τη θεωρητική διδασκαλία στην Ιστοπαθολογία/Παθολογοανατομία και τη διδασκαλία στην Ιατροδικαστική.
4. Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος του Προγράμματος Παροχής Ιατρικών Υπηρεσιών στον ΕΛΚΕ του ΑΠΘ με τίτλο «Ιατροδικαστικές Ιστοπαθολογικές Εξετάσεις».
Επιπλέον είναι Επισκέπτης Επίκουρος Καθηγητής Ιατρικής στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Κύπρου, καλύπτοντας τη θεωρητική και εργαστηριακή διδασκαλία στην Ιστολογία Εμβρυολογία, τη θεωρητική διδασκαλία στην Ιστοπαθολογία/Παθολογοανατομία και τη διδασκαλία στην Ιατροδικαστική.
Ο Δρ Ανεστάκης έχει συμμετάσχει σε περισσότερα από 289 Εθνικά και Διεθνή Συνέδρια:
1. υπήρξε κύριος ή συν-συγγραφέας πολλών περιλήψεων (229) σε διεθνή και ελληνικά συνέδρια,
2. έχει δώσει περισσότερες από 16 Διαλέξεις σε συνέδρια και
3. συμμετείχε σε περισσότερα από 8 συνέδρια ως Προεδρείο.
Τέλος είναι είτε πρώτος συγγραφέας είτε συν-συγγραφέας σε πολλές εργασίες σε ελληνικά και διεθνή περιοδικά (55)/Περιλήψεις δε σε διεθνή περιοδικά (79) [h-index=14, i10-index: 16, IF=379,524 και περισσότερες από 549 αναφορές στο Scopus -Google Scholar-Web of Science].
1. υπήρξε κύριος ή συν-συγγραφέας πολλών περιλήψεων (229) σε διεθνή και ελληνικά συνέδρια,
2. έχει δώσει περισσότερες από 16 Διαλέξεις σε συνέδρια και
3. συμμετείχε σε περισσότερα από 8 συνέδρια ως Προεδρείο.
Τέλος είναι είτε πρώτος συγγραφέας είτε συν-συγγραφέας σε πολλές εργασίες σε ελληνικά και διεθνή περιοδικά (55)/Περιλήψεις δε σε διεθνή περιοδικά (79) [h-index=14, i10-index: 16, IF=379,524 και περισσότερες από 549 αναφορές στο Scopus -Google Scholar-Web of Science].
Autopsy Pathology, Forensic Pathology Histopathology, Molecular Pathology, Biobanking, Brain bank, Tissue Bank, Myocardial diseases, Alzheimer.
1. Sticky platelet syndrome. Makris P.E., Girtovitis F., Anestakis D., Pithara E.. XIX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham – U.K. 2003, “Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis” vol.1(1), 2003.
2. Thrombophilia Leiden: a reason of thrombotic episodes in hemophiliacs. Makris P.E., Girtovitis F., Foka F., Anestakis D., Papadopoulos A., Lampropoulos A.F.. 8th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association, Lyon – France 2003, “The Hematology Journal” vol.4(2), 2003.
3. Factor VIII inhibitor in a patient with multiple sclerosis and interferon regimen. Makris P., Lachana A., Karali V., Anestakis D., Girtovitis F., Pithara E., Riggos D.. XIX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham – U.K. 2003, “Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis” vol.1(1), 2003.
4. Congenital defect of inferior vena cava and thrombophilia Leiden. Makris P., Girtovitis F., Lazaraki G., Kosmidou M., Anestakis D., Papadopoulos A., Ziakas G.. XIX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham – U.K. 2003, “Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis” vol.1(1), 2003.
5. Thromboembolic events (TEs): Epidemiological study I. Makris P.E., Boutou A., Triantafyllou A., Boukas A., Anestakis D., Saridou D.G., Serpanou A., Antoniadis D., Berberi A., Anastasiadis S., Papamichos S., Tsoukas D.,Stamati P., Siapera M., Renta F., Arnaoutoglou N., Valavanis A., Mathiopoulou L., Girtovitis F.. 45th Annual meeting of American Society of Hematology, San Diego – U.S.A. 2003, “blood” vol.102(11), 2003, p.547A-548A.
6. The assessment of MDA and SOD after the administration of Allopurinol in the Ischemia-reperfusion syndrome of the small bowel. Sapalidis K., Makris P., Girtovitis F., Anestakis D., Deligiannidis N., Gamvros O.. 18th International Congress on Thrombosis, Ljubliana – Slovenia 2004, “Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis” vol.33(2), 2004.
7. Inferior vena cava aplasia in a patient with Leiden thrombophilia. Girtovitis F., Lazaraki G., Fotiadis N., Anestakis D., Ziakas A., Dokas S., Giavroglou K., Makris P., “ΗΑΕΜΑ/ΑΙΜΑ” vol.7(3), 2004, p.382-384.
8. Haemophiliacs and thrombotic episodes. Makris P., Girtovitis F., Georgopoulos C., Anestakis D., Boutou A., Despoina S., Papamichos S., Papadopoulos A., Lampropoulos A.. XXVIth International Congress of The World Federation of Hemophilia, Bangkok – Thailand 2004, “HAEMOPHILIA” vol.10(3), 2004.
9. Non – Hodgkin’s lymphomas of the breast. Xirou P., Christoforidou V., Anestakis D., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris – France 2005, “Virchows Archiv” vol.447(2), 2005, p.249-250.
10. Immunohistochemical profile of papillary breast tumors using cytokeratins. Kiziridou A., Anestakis D., Lambropoulou M., Destouni C., Bousoulegas A., Toliou T.. 2nd Inter – Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Ioannina – Greece 2006, “Virchows Archiv” vol.448(5), 2006, p.705.
11. P53 as a prognostic indicator in non-small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou Ch., Papageorgiou A., Anestakis D., Paraskevopoulos P., Angel J., Toliou Th.. 10th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Prague – Czech 2006, “Lung Cancer” vol.52(2), 2006, p.S39.
12. Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma: a retrospective study. Vladika N., Xirou P., Anestakis D., Sidiras Th., Patakiouta F.. XXVI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montréal – Canada 2006, “Modern Pathology” vol.19(3), 2006, p.112.
13. Prognostic parameters in patients with lung cancer. Tsobanidou C.S., Boutsikou E.A., Anestakis D., Boukovinas I., Rizos D.S., Toliou T.. 16th ERS Annual Congress, Munich – Germany 2006, “European Respiratory Journal” vol.28(50), 2006, p.84s.
14. Prognostic significance of immunohistochemical expression of bcl-2, p53 and ki67 in early operable non-small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou C., Boukovinas I., Papageorgiou A., Anestakis D., Barbetakis N., Papakotoulas P., Xenidis N., Ligdas A., Toliou T.. 31st ESMO Congress, Istanbul – Turkey 2006, “Annals of Oncology” vol.17(9), 2006, p.253.
15. The expression of CD44 in the differentiation of benign and malignant papillary lesions of the breast. Anestakis D., Tsobanidou C., Koumbanaki M., Dimitriadis I., Xirou P., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. 21st European Congress of Pathology, Istanbul – Turkey 2007, “Virchows Archiv” vol.451(2), 2007, p.289.
16. The expression of E-cadherin in non small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou C., Anestakis D., Dimitriadis I., Anjel J., Barbetakis N., Patakiouta F.. 21st European Congress of Pathology, Istanbul – Turkey 2007, “Virchows Archiv” vol.451(2), 2007,
17. Topoisomerase II Alpha and HER-2/NEU expression in node positive breast ductal invasive carcinomas. Dimitriadis I., Nikolaidou A., Anestakis D., Moisidis I., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. XXVIΙth International Congress of the International
Academy of Pathology, Athens – Greece 2008, “Histopathology” vol.53(1), 2008, p.33.
18. Tumors and tumor-like conditions of the testis: Gray-scale and color Doppler US findings with radiologic-pathologic correlation. Xinou E., Lytras K., Iosifidou S., Gialamoudi M., Patakiouta F., Doula D., Karoglou E., Anestakis D., Grassos L.. ECR 2009 (European Congress of Radiology), Vienna – Austria 2009, “European Radiology” Volume 19(1), 2009, p.S416.
19. Cutaneous skull metastasis from uterine leiomyosarcoma: a case report. Barbetakis N., Paliouras D., Asteriou C., Samanidis G., Kleontas A., Anestakis D., Kaplanis K., Tsilikas C., “World Journal of Surgical Oncology (WJSO)” vol.7(45), 2009, p.1-4.
20. Topoisomerase II-alpha (Topo II-a) and HER2/neu expression in primary breast cancer and metastatic axillary nodes. Anestakis D., Nikolaidou A., Dimitriadis I., Moysidis I., Baliaka A., Patakiouta F.. 22nd European Congress of Pathology, Florence – Italy 2009, “Virchows Archiv” vol.455(1), 2009, p.185.
21. Colon cancer: An epidemiological study in Northern Greece. Anestakis D., Dimosiari A., Tzelepis D., Dakis K., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.37(1), 2010, p.27-34.
22. Indication of participation of caspase-2 and caspase-5 in mechanisms of human cervical malignancy. Babas E., Ekonomopoulou M., Karapidaki, I, Doxakis Anestakis, Betsas G., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (Int J Gynecol Cancer)” vol.20(8), 2010, p.1381-1385.
23. Cytogenetic effects of valproic Acid and ziprasidone in human lymphocyte cultures. Karapidaki I., Ekonomopoulou M., Akritopoulou K., Anestakis D., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Neuropsychobiology” vol.64 (4), 2011, p.219-223.
24. Do newly synthesized 1,5-benzodiazepines reinforce DNA repair mechanisms? Argyraki M., Ekonomopoulou M., Tsoleridis C., Anestakis D., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z.. First International Meeting of Medical Olympicus Association, Thessaloniki 2011. “First International Meeting of Medical Olympicus Association – Programme and Abstracts”, 2011, ‘1st Prize – Because, the authors clarified parts of DNA repair mechanism’.
25. Cytogenetic behaviour of crocin on leukemic cultured lymphocytes. Argyraki M., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., Anestakis D., Zervas K., Sinakos Z. 7th Panhellenic Congress of Pharmacology, Thessaloniki 2012, “Hippokratia” vol.16(1), 2012, p.6.
26. Cathepsins H and L in colorectal cancer. Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Petanidis S., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.40(2), 2013, p.1-7.
27. Cytogenetic behaviour of crocin on cultured lymphocytes from leukemic
patients. Argyraki M., Anestakis D., Zervas C., Sinakos Z., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.40(2), 2013, p.13-19.
28. Assessment of the roles of cathepsins B, H and L in the progression of colorectal cancer. Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Petanidis S., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Journal of Cancer Therapy (JCT)”, vol.4, 2013, p.1-7.
29. Differential Expression of IL-17, 22 and 23 in the Progression of Colorectal Cancer in Patients with K-ras Mutation: Ras Signal Inhibition and Crosstalk with GMCSF and IFN-c. Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Hadzopoulou-Cladaras M., Salifoglou A., “PLOS ONE” vol.8 (9), 2013, p.1-11.
30. Brain and Tissue Banking perspectives in Greece. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Salifoglou A., Tsolaki M.. 22nd Annual International Congress of the European Association of Tissue Banks, Brussels 2013, “22nd Annual International Congressof the European Association of Tissue Banks, Final Program – Abstract Book”, 2013, p.211.
31. Clinicopathological Guidelines for the Management of Brain and Tissue Banking in Greece. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Salifoglou A., Tsolaki M., “Research in Neurology: An International Journal (RNIJ)” vol.2014, 2014, p.1-13.
32. Regulation of carboplatin sensitivity by miRNA in lung cancer cell lines. Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Hadjispyrou
S., Zarogoulidis K.. Pan Hellenic Congress on Respiratory and Occupational Chest Diseases, Thessaloniki 2014, «Journal of Thoracic Disease» vol.7(1), 2015, p. S100.
33. Mechanisms and Αpplications of Ιnterleukins in Cancer Immunotherapy. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Kalyvas S., Nday C., Tsave O., Kioseoglou E., Salifoglou A., “International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int. J. Mol. Sci.)” vol.16, 2015, p.1691-1710.
34. MiR-205 and miR-218 expression is associated with carboplatin chemoresistance and regulation of apoptosis via Mcl-1 and Survivin in lung cancer cells. Zarogoulidis P., Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Anestakis D., Zarogoulidis P., “Cellular Signalling (Cell Signal.)” vol.27(8), 2015, p.1576-1588.
35. Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma arising from the anal mucosa. A rare case presentation. Dimitriadis I., Cheva A., Anestakis D., Sakkas L.. 27th European Congress of Pathology, Belgrade – Serbia 2015, “Virchows Archiv” vol.467(1), 2015, p.S187.
36. Treatment with adipose stem cells in a patient with moderate Alzheimer’s disease: case report. Tsolaki M., Zygouris S., Tsoutsikas V., Anestakis D., Koliakos G., “Journal of Neurorestoratology” vol.3, 2015, p.115-120.
37. In vitro and ex vivo vanadium antitumor activity in (TGF-β)-inducedEMT. Synergistic activity with carboplatin and correlation with tumormetastasis in cancer patients. Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Carthy J.,Anestakis D., Moustakas A., Salifoglou A., “The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology – Int J Biochem Cell Biol.” vol.74, 2016, p.121-134.
38. Role of Vanadium in cellular and molecular immunology: Association with immune-related inflammation and pharmacotoxicology mechanisms. Tsave O., Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Yavropoulou M., Yovos J., Anestakis D., Tsepa A., Salifoglou A., “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity – Oxid Med Cell Longev.” vol.2016, 2016, p.1-10.
39. Infantile respiratory distress syndrome and its probable links with parameters of the maternal patient history: A forensic case report. Giannitsis C., Arampatzis A., Stefanidou M., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Pavlidis P., “The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology – Am J Forensic Med Pathol.” vol.37(2), 2016, p.67-69.
40. A classification and comparative study of European Biobanks: an analysis of Biobanking activity and its contribution to scientific progress. Arampatzis A., Papagiouvanni I., Anestakis D., Tsolaki M., “ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE” vol.8 (3:10), 2016, p.1-10.
41. Open hospitalization and its implementation in mental patients. Tsepa A., Anestakis D., Ziogas I., Karypidou E., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Voultsos P., “ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE” vol.8 (4:4), 2016, p.1-5.
42. Autophagy inhibition upregulates CD4+ tumor infiltrating lymphocyte expression via miR-155 regulation and TRAIL activation. Zarogoulidis P., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Kioseoglou E., Anestakis D., Freitag L., Zarogoulidis K., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Eberhardt W., “Molecular Oncology” vol.10, 2016, p.1516-1531.
43. Regulation of H-ras expression and caspase-3 apoptotic cell death in breast cancer epithelial MCF-7 cells by cadmium. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Gkika E., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Salifoglou A.. XXXI International Congress of the IAP and 28th Congress of the ESP, Cologne – Germany 2016, “Virchows Archiv” vol.469(1), 2016, p.S50-S51.
44. Cases of muscular dystrophy: Two incident reporting studies. Konstantinidou P., Moumou G., Zisopoulos K., Leontari R., Raikos Ν., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “Med Clin Press” vol.1(1), 2017, p.20-24.
45. Polycystic kidney disease in a child – A case report. Anestakis D., Nikiforou-Lialiampidou M., Bountouroudi E., Papadopoulou E., Bountouroudis S., Kifnidis N., Papaioannou N., Zagelidou E.. “Med Clin Press” vol.1(1), 2017, p.25-32.
46. A Case-Study Report of an Indiscernible Adrenal Myelolipoma - Clinical and Histologic Features. Tsivlitidou P., Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Tsepa A., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves” vol.3(3), 2017, p.001-003.
47. Potter Syndrome: A case study. Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Moumou G., Karakasi M.V., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “J Forensic Sci Res.” vol.1, 2017, p.063-067.
48. Post-mortem pathological investigation of early myocardial damage: A review of fluorescent markers and immunohistochemical procedures. Dimitriadis I., Giannitsis C., Arampatzis A., Koutsoukis S., Zisopoulos K., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S175.
49. Sudden death from A/H1N1 in Northern Greece: Autopsy and histopathological findings. Zagelidou E., Tsepa A., Chalazas K., Voultsos P., Raikos N., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S293.
50. Histopathological differences between hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy. Tsiviltidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Dimitriadis I., Tagarakis G., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S307.
51. Complex suicide involving pyrethro ingestion (mosquito coils) and fatal selfwounding by sharp forceingestion (mosquito coils) and self-wounding by sharp force. Karakasi M.V., Pavlidis P., Vasilikos E., Anestakis D., Raikos N., “Soudni Lekarstvi – Soud Lek” vol.62(4), 2017, p.45-50.
52. Prostate Cancer in a 63-year old man-A case report. Nikiforou M., Papadopoulou E., Kourouklidis I., Papaioannou N., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “Journal of Oncology Research Forecast” vol.1(1), 2018, p.1-7.
53. Hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma: A case study report. Dimitriadis I., Konstantinidou P., Givannakis M.I., Papaemmanouil S., Koutsoukis S., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “J Histol Histopathol Res” vol.2(1), 2018, p.8-10.
54. Lymphoepithelioma Like Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder: Two Incident Reporting Studies. Anestakis D., Samaras F., Kati S., Tsompanidou Ch., Konstantinidou P., Zisopoulos K., Raikos N., “Journal of Oncology Research Forecast” vol.1(2), 2018, p.1-3.
55. Granular Cell Tumor of the Tongue: A Case Report. Koutsias G., Chatzifotiou E., Tsompanidou C., Pavlidis P., Zagelidou E., Anestakis D., “Clinics in Oncology Research (Clin Oncol Res)” vol.1(1), 2018, p.01-03.
56. Metastatic meningioma to the thoracic pleura. Anestakis D., Givannakis M.-I., Dimitriadis I., Zagelidou E., Zekos K., Givannakis T.. 30th European Congress of Pathology, Bilbao – Spain 2018, «Virchows Archiv» vol.473(1), 2018, p.S301.
57. Erythropoietin (EPO) attenuates the immunohistochemical expression of tumor growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) in bleomycin (BLM)-induced pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in rats. Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Tzoumaka A., Symeonidou C., Kouzi -Koliakou K., Tektonidou A., Spandou E.. 28th European Respiratory Society (ERS) International
Congress, Paris – France 2018, “The European Respiratory Journal” vol.52(62), 2018, p.PA996.
58. Post-Mortem infarction diagnosis using molecular techniques. Koutsoukis S., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Fiska A., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Pavlidis P., “Journal of Forensic Research (J Forensic Res)” vol.9(4), 2018, p.1-4.
59. Postmortem injuries on illegal migrants’ cadavers at the Eastern Land Borders of the European Union-Greece. Pavlidis P., Chatzifotiou E., Karakasi M.V., Koutsoukis S., Nerantzaki M., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “Journal of Forensic Research (J Forensic Res)” vol.9(4), 2018, p.1-4.
60. Quality of sleep in patients with end-stage renal failure. Tsaousis V., Dardas A., Tsavlis D., Papakatsika S., Gavriilidou A., Konstantinidou P., Anestakis D., Steiropoulos P., “PNEUMON” vol.32(1-2), 2019, p.23-30.
61. Radiation-induced intracranial vasculopathy after radiotherapy (laser surgery) for craniopharyngioma: a study case report. Tishukov M., Domashenko F., Konstantinidou P., Raikos N., Anestakis Doxakis, “Aristotle Biomedical Journal”, vol.1(10), 2019, p.24-30.
62. Targeting metalloproteinases in cardiac remodeling. Anestakis Doxakis, Konstantinidou P., Tsepa A., Petanidis S., Zagelidou E., Leontari R., Raikos N., “Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (J Cardiovasc Med Cardiol)”, vol.6 (3), 2019, p.051-060.
63. Placental site trophoblastic Tumour: a case report. Anestakis D., Tsompanidou C., Givannakis M.I., Chatzifotiou E., Kalyva E., Charalampidis C.. 31th European Congress of Pathology, Nice – France 2019, “Virchows Archiv” vol.475(1), 2019, p.S321.
64. Erythropoietin (EPO) attenuates the immunohistochemical expression of autophagy antibodies in bleomycin (BLM), induced pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in rats.
Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Konstantinidou P, Symeonidou C., Koutsonikolas D., Tzoumaka A., Spandou E.. 29th European Respiratory Society (ERS) International
Congress 2019, Madrid – Spain 2019, “The European Respiratory Journal” vol.54(63), 2019, p.PA2425.
65. Craniopharyngioma: A Benign Brain Tumor. Charalampidis V., Kontou I., Konstantinidou P., Tsavlis D., Zisopoulos K., Darmani E., Anestakis D., “HSOA Journal of Forensic, Legal & Investigative Sciences (J Forensic Leg Investig Sci)”, vol.5 (03), 2019, p.1-5.
66. Inhibition of kras-derived exosomes downregulates immunosuppressive BACH2/GATA-3 expression via RIP-3 dependent necroptosis and miR-146/miR-210 modulation. Petanidis S., Domvri K., Porpodis K., Anestakis D., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Tsavlis D., Zarogoulidis K., “Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy”, vol.122 (2020), 2019, p.1-11.
67. Carboplatin chemoresistance is associated with CD11b+/Ly6C+ myeloid release and upregulation of TIGIT and LAG3/CD160 exhausted T cells. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Tsavlis D., Zarogoulidis P., Katopodi T., “Molecular Immunology”, vol.118 (2020), 2019, p.99-109.
68. A rare case of Eosinophilic Pneumonia in an infant patient and review of the current English literature regarding this disease. Samaras F., Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Tsavlis D., Georgiadis M., Anestakis D., “Aristotle Biomedical Journal”, vol.2(1), 2020, p.14-37.
69. Petroleum intoxication: Literature Review and Case Report on poisoning by Gasoline. Karakasi M.V., Tologkos S., Papadatou V., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Lambropoulou M., Pavlidis P., “SOUDNÍ LÉKAŘSTVÍ (Soud Lek)”, 2020, vol.65(2), 2020, p.16-21.
70. Dual photothermal MDSCs-targeted immunotherapy inhibits lung immunosuppressive metastasis by enhancing T-cell recruitment. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Katopodi T., “Nanoscale”, 2020, vol.12, 2020, p.7051-7062.
71. Exosomal lncRNA PCAT-1 promotes Kras-associated chemoresistance via immunosuppressive miR-182/miR-217 signaling and p27/CDK6 regulation. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Katopodi T., “Oncotarget”, 2020, vol.11(29), p.2847-2862.
72. Treg-dependent immunosuppression triggers effector T cell dysfunction via the STING/ILC2 axis. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Tsavlis D., Bai C., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Porpodis K., Katopodi T., “Clinical Immunology”, 2020, vol.222(2021)108620, p.1-14.
73. The expression of p40 in lung carcinomas. Anestakis D., Chatzifotiou E., Givannakis M., Charalampidis C., Charalampidou M., Tsompanidou C.. XXXIII International Congress of the IAP and 32nd Congress of the ESP, Virtual 2020, “Virchows Archiv” vol.477(1), 2020, p.S357.
74. Comparing generic and disease-specific instruments in assessing health- related quality of life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Tsavlis D., Tsimtsiou Z., Anestakis D., Konstantakopoulou O., Tsaousis V., Tzoumaka A., Tektonidou A., Kaitelidou D., “International Journal of Caring Sciences”, 2020, vol.13(3), p.2021-2028.
75. Kras‑driven intratumoral heterogeneity triggers infiltration of M2 polarized macrophages via the circHIPK3/PTK2 immunosuppressive circuit. Katopodi T., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Tsavlis D., Bai C., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Matthaios D., Porpodis K., “Scientific Reports”, 2021, vol.11(15455), p.1-15.
76. Case report of lipomatosis cordis causing myocardial infarction. Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Charalampidis C., Leontari R., E. Zagelidou, Anestakis D.. 33rd European Congress of Pathology, Virtual 2021, “Virchows Archiv” vol.479(1), 2021,
77. A case report of cardiac fibroma in a 4-month infant. (A case report of cardiac fibromaina 4-month infant). Chatzifotiou E., Konstantinidou P., Zagelidou E., Charalampidis C., Anestakis D., “International Journal of Cardiovascular Research (Int J Cardiovasc Res)”, 2021, vol.10(8), p.1-2.
78. An interesting case of lipoid pneumonia. Dermitzakis I., Tsavlis D., Konstantinidou P., Charalampidis C., Zagelidou E., Anestakis D., “PNEUMON” vol.34(4):19, 2021, p.1-2.
79. Benefit of coupling heparin to crosslinked collagen I/III scaffolds for human dermal fibroblast subpopulations' tissue growth. Michopoulou A., Koliakou E., Terzopoulou Z., Rousselle P., Palamidi A., Anestakis D., Konstantinidou P., Roig-Rosello E., Demiri E., Bikiaris D., “Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (J Biomed Mater Res.)”, 2022, vol.110, p.797-811.
80. Altered distribution and expression of Syndecan-1 and -4 as an additional hallmark in psoriasis. Koliakou E., Manthou M. E., Koumentakou I., Bikiaris N., Konstantinidou P., Rousselle P., Anestakis D., Lazaridou E., Kalloniati E., Miliaras D., Michopoulou A., “International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int. J. Mol. Sci.)”,2022, vol.23(6511), p.1-17.
81. Molecular and immune phenotypic modifications during metastatic dissemination in lung carcinogenesis. Tsavlis D., Katopodi T., Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Charalampidis C., Chatzifotiou E., Eskitzis P., Zarogoulidis P., Porpodis K., “Cancers”, 2022, vol.14(15)3626, p.1-11.
82. Congenital embryonal tumor of the central nervous system with a rapidly fatal outcome in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nikolaidis I., Karakasi M.-V., Boziki M-K., Anestakis D., Deftereos S., Bakirtzis C., Grigoriadis N., Pavlidis P., “Pediatric Blood Cancer. (Pediatr Blood Cancer)”, 2022, e29903., p.1-3.
83. Antiphospholipid syndrome and preeclampsia in pregnancy: A case report. Skoura R., Andronikidi P.-E., Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Orovou E., Tzitiridou M., Eskitzis P., “Cureus”, 2022, vol.14(8)e28458, p.1-5.
84. Engineered hybrid Treg-Targeted nanosomes restrain lung immunosuppression by inducing intratumoral CD8+T cell immunity. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Tsavlis D., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Matthaios D., Katopodi T., Porpodis K., “International Journal of Nanomedicine”, 2022, vol.2022(17), p.4449-4468.
85. Engineered multifunctional nanocarriers for controlled drug delivery in tumor immunotherapy. Katopodi T., Petanidis S., Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Chatziprodromidou I, Eskitzis P., Zarogoulidis P., Kosmidis C., Matthaios D., Porpodis K., “Frontiers in Oncology (Front. Oncol.)”, 2022, vol.12(1042125), p.1-13.
86. Congenital supratentorial PNET: a rare embryonal tumor with an uncommon clinical presentation. Giovannopoulou E., Karakasi M.-V., Nikolaidis I., Anestakis D., Deftereos S., Blontzos, Grigoriadis N., Pavlidis, Pavlidis P., “The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (Am J Forensic Med Pathol)”, 2022, vol.43(4), p.e96-e100.
87. Inhibition of γδ-TcR or IL17a reduces T-cell and neutrophil infiltration after ischemia/reperfusion injury in mouse liver. Al Mogrampi S., Boumpoureka C., Afaloniati H., Lagou M., Angelopoulou K., Anestakis D., Tampouratzi Z.G., Iliadis S., Antoniadis N., Giakoustidis A., Papalois A., Papadopoulos V., Poutahidis T., Giakoustidis D., “Journal of Clinical Medicine (J. Clin. Med.)”, 2023, vol.12(1751), p.1-13.
2. Thrombophilia Leiden: a reason of thrombotic episodes in hemophiliacs. Makris P.E., Girtovitis F., Foka F., Anestakis D., Papadopoulos A., Lampropoulos A.F.. 8th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association, Lyon – France 2003, “The Hematology Journal” vol.4(2), 2003.
3. Factor VIII inhibitor in a patient with multiple sclerosis and interferon regimen. Makris P., Lachana A., Karali V., Anestakis D., Girtovitis F., Pithara E., Riggos D.. XIX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham – U.K. 2003, “Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis” vol.1(1), 2003.
4. Congenital defect of inferior vena cava and thrombophilia Leiden. Makris P., Girtovitis F., Lazaraki G., Kosmidou M., Anestakis D., Papadopoulos A., Ziakas G.. XIX International Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham – U.K. 2003, “Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis” vol.1(1), 2003.
5. Thromboembolic events (TEs): Epidemiological study I. Makris P.E., Boutou A., Triantafyllou A., Boukas A., Anestakis D., Saridou D.G., Serpanou A., Antoniadis D., Berberi A., Anastasiadis S., Papamichos S., Tsoukas D.,Stamati P., Siapera M., Renta F., Arnaoutoglou N., Valavanis A., Mathiopoulou L., Girtovitis F.. 45th Annual meeting of American Society of Hematology, San Diego – U.S.A. 2003, “blood” vol.102(11), 2003, p.547A-548A.
6. The assessment of MDA and SOD after the administration of Allopurinol in the Ischemia-reperfusion syndrome of the small bowel. Sapalidis K., Makris P., Girtovitis F., Anestakis D., Deligiannidis N., Gamvros O.. 18th International Congress on Thrombosis, Ljubliana – Slovenia 2004, “Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis” vol.33(2), 2004.
7. Inferior vena cava aplasia in a patient with Leiden thrombophilia. Girtovitis F., Lazaraki G., Fotiadis N., Anestakis D., Ziakas A., Dokas S., Giavroglou K., Makris P., “ΗΑΕΜΑ/ΑΙΜΑ” vol.7(3), 2004, p.382-384.
8. Haemophiliacs and thrombotic episodes. Makris P., Girtovitis F., Georgopoulos C., Anestakis D., Boutou A., Despoina S., Papamichos S., Papadopoulos A., Lampropoulos A.. XXVIth International Congress of The World Federation of Hemophilia, Bangkok – Thailand 2004, “HAEMOPHILIA” vol.10(3), 2004.
9. Non – Hodgkin’s lymphomas of the breast. Xirou P., Christoforidou V., Anestakis D., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris – France 2005, “Virchows Archiv” vol.447(2), 2005, p.249-250.
10. Immunohistochemical profile of papillary breast tumors using cytokeratins. Kiziridou A., Anestakis D., Lambropoulou M., Destouni C., Bousoulegas A., Toliou T.. 2nd Inter – Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Ioannina – Greece 2006, “Virchows Archiv” vol.448(5), 2006, p.705.
11. P53 as a prognostic indicator in non-small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou Ch., Papageorgiou A., Anestakis D., Paraskevopoulos P., Angel J., Toliou Th.. 10th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Prague – Czech 2006, “Lung Cancer” vol.52(2), 2006, p.S39.
12. Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma: a retrospective study. Vladika N., Xirou P., Anestakis D., Sidiras Th., Patakiouta F.. XXVI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montréal – Canada 2006, “Modern Pathology” vol.19(3), 2006, p.112.
13. Prognostic parameters in patients with lung cancer. Tsobanidou C.S., Boutsikou E.A., Anestakis D., Boukovinas I., Rizos D.S., Toliou T.. 16th ERS Annual Congress, Munich – Germany 2006, “European Respiratory Journal” vol.28(50), 2006, p.84s.
14. Prognostic significance of immunohistochemical expression of bcl-2, p53 and ki67 in early operable non-small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou C., Boukovinas I., Papageorgiou A., Anestakis D., Barbetakis N., Papakotoulas P., Xenidis N., Ligdas A., Toliou T.. 31st ESMO Congress, Istanbul – Turkey 2006, “Annals of Oncology” vol.17(9), 2006, p.253.
15. The expression of CD44 in the differentiation of benign and malignant papillary lesions of the breast. Anestakis D., Tsobanidou C., Koumbanaki M., Dimitriadis I., Xirou P., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. 21st European Congress of Pathology, Istanbul – Turkey 2007, “Virchows Archiv” vol.451(2), 2007, p.289.
16. The expression of E-cadherin in non small cell lung cancer. Tsobanidou C., Anestakis D., Dimitriadis I., Anjel J., Barbetakis N., Patakiouta F.. 21st European Congress of Pathology, Istanbul – Turkey 2007, “Virchows Archiv” vol.451(2), 2007,
17. Topoisomerase II Alpha and HER-2/NEU expression in node positive breast ductal invasive carcinomas. Dimitriadis I., Nikolaidou A., Anestakis D., Moisidis I., Bousoulegas A., Patakiouta F.. XXVIΙth International Congress of the International
Academy of Pathology, Athens – Greece 2008, “Histopathology” vol.53(1), 2008, p.33.
18. Tumors and tumor-like conditions of the testis: Gray-scale and color Doppler US findings with radiologic-pathologic correlation. Xinou E., Lytras K., Iosifidou S., Gialamoudi M., Patakiouta F., Doula D., Karoglou E., Anestakis D., Grassos L.. ECR 2009 (European Congress of Radiology), Vienna – Austria 2009, “European Radiology” Volume 19(1), 2009, p.S416.
19. Cutaneous skull metastasis from uterine leiomyosarcoma: a case report. Barbetakis N., Paliouras D., Asteriou C., Samanidis G., Kleontas A., Anestakis D., Kaplanis K., Tsilikas C., “World Journal of Surgical Oncology (WJSO)” vol.7(45), 2009, p.1-4.
20. Topoisomerase II-alpha (Topo II-a) and HER2/neu expression in primary breast cancer and metastatic axillary nodes. Anestakis D., Nikolaidou A., Dimitriadis I., Moysidis I., Baliaka A., Patakiouta F.. 22nd European Congress of Pathology, Florence – Italy 2009, “Virchows Archiv” vol.455(1), 2009, p.185.
21. Colon cancer: An epidemiological study in Northern Greece. Anestakis D., Dimosiari A., Tzelepis D., Dakis K., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.37(1), 2010, p.27-34.
22. Indication of participation of caspase-2 and caspase-5 in mechanisms of human cervical malignancy. Babas E., Ekonomopoulou M., Karapidaki, I, Doxakis Anestakis, Betsas G., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (Int J Gynecol Cancer)” vol.20(8), 2010, p.1381-1385.
23. Cytogenetic effects of valproic Acid and ziprasidone in human lymphocyte cultures. Karapidaki I., Ekonomopoulou M., Akritopoulou K., Anestakis D., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Neuropsychobiology” vol.64 (4), 2011, p.219-223.
24. Do newly synthesized 1,5-benzodiazepines reinforce DNA repair mechanisms? Argyraki M., Ekonomopoulou M., Tsoleridis C., Anestakis D., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z.. First International Meeting of Medical Olympicus Association, Thessaloniki 2011. “First International Meeting of Medical Olympicus Association – Programme and Abstracts”, 2011, ‘1st Prize – Because, the authors clarified parts of DNA repair mechanism’.
25. Cytogenetic behaviour of crocin on leukemic cultured lymphocytes. Argyraki M., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., Anestakis D., Zervas K., Sinakos Z. 7th Panhellenic Congress of Pharmacology, Thessaloniki 2012, “Hippokratia” vol.16(1), 2012, p.6.
26. Cathepsins H and L in colorectal cancer. Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Petanidis S., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.40(2), 2013, p.1-7.
27. Cytogenetic behaviour of crocin on cultured lymphocytes from leukemic
patients. Argyraki M., Anestakis D., Zervas C., Sinakos Z., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Aristotle University Medical Journal”, vol.40(2), 2013, p.13-19.
28. Assessment of the roles of cathepsins B, H and L in the progression of colorectal cancer. Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Petanidis S., Iakovidou-Kritsi Z., “Journal of Cancer Therapy (JCT)”, vol.4, 2013, p.1-7.
29. Differential Expression of IL-17, 22 and 23 in the Progression of Colorectal Cancer in Patients with K-ras Mutation: Ras Signal Inhibition and Crosstalk with GMCSF and IFN-c. Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Argyraki M., Hadzopoulou-Cladaras M., Salifoglou A., “PLOS ONE” vol.8 (9), 2013, p.1-11.
30. Brain and Tissue Banking perspectives in Greece. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Salifoglou A., Tsolaki M.. 22nd Annual International Congress of the European Association of Tissue Banks, Brussels 2013, “22nd Annual International Congressof the European Association of Tissue Banks, Final Program – Abstract Book”, 2013, p.211.
31. Clinicopathological Guidelines for the Management of Brain and Tissue Banking in Greece. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Salifoglou A., Tsolaki M., “Research in Neurology: An International Journal (RNIJ)” vol.2014, 2014, p.1-13.
32. Regulation of carboplatin sensitivity by miRNA in lung cancer cell lines. Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Hadjispyrou
S., Zarogoulidis K.. Pan Hellenic Congress on Respiratory and Occupational Chest Diseases, Thessaloniki 2014, «Journal of Thoracic Disease» vol.7(1), 2015, p. S100.
33. Mechanisms and Αpplications of Ιnterleukins in Cancer Immunotherapy. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Kalyvas S., Nday C., Tsave O., Kioseoglou E., Salifoglou A., “International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int. J. Mol. Sci.)” vol.16, 2015, p.1691-1710.
34. MiR-205 and miR-218 expression is associated with carboplatin chemoresistance and regulation of apoptosis via Mcl-1 and Survivin in lung cancer cells. Zarogoulidis P., Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Anestakis D., Zarogoulidis P., “Cellular Signalling (Cell Signal.)” vol.27(8), 2015, p.1576-1588.
35. Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma arising from the anal mucosa. A rare case presentation. Dimitriadis I., Cheva A., Anestakis D., Sakkas L.. 27th European Congress of Pathology, Belgrade – Serbia 2015, “Virchows Archiv” vol.467(1), 2015, p.S187.
36. Treatment with adipose stem cells in a patient with moderate Alzheimer’s disease: case report. Tsolaki M., Zygouris S., Tsoutsikas V., Anestakis D., Koliakos G., “Journal of Neurorestoratology” vol.3, 2015, p.115-120.
37. In vitro and ex vivo vanadium antitumor activity in (TGF-β)-inducedEMT. Synergistic activity with carboplatin and correlation with tumormetastasis in cancer patients. Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Carthy J.,Anestakis D., Moustakas A., Salifoglou A., “The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology – Int J Biochem Cell Biol.” vol.74, 2016, p.121-134.
38. Role of Vanadium in cellular and molecular immunology: Association with immune-related inflammation and pharmacotoxicology mechanisms. Tsave O., Petanidis S., Kioseoglou E., Yavropoulou M., Yovos J., Anestakis D., Tsepa A., Salifoglou A., “Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity – Oxid Med Cell Longev.” vol.2016, 2016, p.1-10.
39. Infantile respiratory distress syndrome and its probable links with parameters of the maternal patient history: A forensic case report. Giannitsis C., Arampatzis A., Stefanidou M., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Pavlidis P., “The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology – Am J Forensic Med Pathol.” vol.37(2), 2016, p.67-69.
40. A classification and comparative study of European Biobanks: an analysis of Biobanking activity and its contribution to scientific progress. Arampatzis A., Papagiouvanni I., Anestakis D., Tsolaki M., “ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE” vol.8 (3:10), 2016, p.1-10.
41. Open hospitalization and its implementation in mental patients. Tsepa A., Anestakis D., Ziogas I., Karypidou E., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Voultsos P., “ARCHIVES OF MEDICINE” vol.8 (4:4), 2016, p.1-5.
42. Autophagy inhibition upregulates CD4+ tumor infiltrating lymphocyte expression via miR-155 regulation and TRAIL activation. Zarogoulidis P., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Kioseoglou E., Anestakis D., Freitag L., Zarogoulidis K., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Eberhardt W., “Molecular Oncology” vol.10, 2016, p.1516-1531.
43. Regulation of H-ras expression and caspase-3 apoptotic cell death in breast cancer epithelial MCF-7 cells by cadmium. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Gkika E., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Salifoglou A.. XXXI International Congress of the IAP and 28th Congress of the ESP, Cologne – Germany 2016, “Virchows Archiv” vol.469(1), 2016, p.S50-S51.
44. Cases of muscular dystrophy: Two incident reporting studies. Konstantinidou P., Moumou G., Zisopoulos K., Leontari R., Raikos Ν., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “Med Clin Press” vol.1(1), 2017, p.20-24.
45. Polycystic kidney disease in a child – A case report. Anestakis D., Nikiforou-Lialiampidou M., Bountouroudi E., Papadopoulou E., Bountouroudis S., Kifnidis N., Papaioannou N., Zagelidou E.. “Med Clin Press” vol.1(1), 2017, p.25-32.
46. A Case-Study Report of an Indiscernible Adrenal Myelolipoma - Clinical and Histologic Features. Tsivlitidou P., Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Tsepa A., Zagelidou E., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “J Forensic Sci & Criminal Inves” vol.3(3), 2017, p.001-003.
47. Potter Syndrome: A case study. Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Moumou G., Karakasi M.V., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “J Forensic Sci Res.” vol.1, 2017, p.063-067.
48. Post-mortem pathological investigation of early myocardial damage: A review of fluorescent markers and immunohistochemical procedures. Dimitriadis I., Giannitsis C., Arampatzis A., Koutsoukis S., Zisopoulos K., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S175.
49. Sudden death from A/H1N1 in Northern Greece: Autopsy and histopathological findings. Zagelidou E., Tsepa A., Chalazas K., Voultsos P., Raikos N., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S293.
50. Histopathological differences between hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy. Tsiviltidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Dimitriadis I., Tagarakis G., Anestakis D.. 29th European Congress of Pathology, Amsterdam – The Netherlands 2017, “Virchows Archiv” vol.471(1), 2017, p.S307.
51. Complex suicide involving pyrethro ingestion (mosquito coils) and fatal selfwounding by sharp forceingestion (mosquito coils) and self-wounding by sharp force. Karakasi M.V., Pavlidis P., Vasilikos E., Anestakis D., Raikos N., “Soudni Lekarstvi – Soud Lek” vol.62(4), 2017, p.45-50.
52. Prostate Cancer in a 63-year old man-A case report. Nikiforou M., Papadopoulou E., Kourouklidis I., Papaioannou N., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “Journal of Oncology Research Forecast” vol.1(1), 2018, p.1-7.
53. Hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma: A case study report. Dimitriadis I., Konstantinidou P., Givannakis M.I., Papaemmanouil S., Koutsoukis S., Pavlidis P., Anestakis D., “J Histol Histopathol Res” vol.2(1), 2018, p.8-10.
54. Lymphoepithelioma Like Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder: Two Incident Reporting Studies. Anestakis D., Samaras F., Kati S., Tsompanidou Ch., Konstantinidou P., Zisopoulos K., Raikos N., “Journal of Oncology Research Forecast” vol.1(2), 2018, p.1-3.
55. Granular Cell Tumor of the Tongue: A Case Report. Koutsias G., Chatzifotiou E., Tsompanidou C., Pavlidis P., Zagelidou E., Anestakis D., “Clinics in Oncology Research (Clin Oncol Res)” vol.1(1), 2018, p.01-03.
56. Metastatic meningioma to the thoracic pleura. Anestakis D., Givannakis M.-I., Dimitriadis I., Zagelidou E., Zekos K., Givannakis T.. 30th European Congress of Pathology, Bilbao – Spain 2018, «Virchows Archiv» vol.473(1), 2018, p.S301.
57. Erythropoietin (EPO) attenuates the immunohistochemical expression of tumor growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) in bleomycin (BLM)-induced pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in rats. Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Tzoumaka A., Symeonidou C., Kouzi -Koliakou K., Tektonidou A., Spandou E.. 28th European Respiratory Society (ERS) International
Congress, Paris – France 2018, “The European Respiratory Journal” vol.52(62), 2018, p.PA996.
58. Post-Mortem infarction diagnosis using molecular techniques. Koutsoukis S., Chatzifotiou E., Nikolaou A., Fiska A., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Pavlidis P., “Journal of Forensic Research (J Forensic Res)” vol.9(4), 2018, p.1-4.
59. Postmortem injuries on illegal migrants’ cadavers at the Eastern Land Borders of the European Union-Greece. Pavlidis P., Chatzifotiou E., Karakasi M.V., Koutsoukis S., Nerantzaki M., Raikos N., Anestakis D., “Journal of Forensic Research (J Forensic Res)” vol.9(4), 2018, p.1-4.
60. Quality of sleep in patients with end-stage renal failure. Tsaousis V., Dardas A., Tsavlis D., Papakatsika S., Gavriilidou A., Konstantinidou P., Anestakis D., Steiropoulos P., “PNEUMON” vol.32(1-2), 2019, p.23-30.
61. Radiation-induced intracranial vasculopathy after radiotherapy (laser surgery) for craniopharyngioma: a study case report. Tishukov M., Domashenko F., Konstantinidou P., Raikos N., Anestakis Doxakis, “Aristotle Biomedical Journal”, vol.1(10), 2019, p.24-30.
62. Targeting metalloproteinases in cardiac remodeling. Anestakis Doxakis, Konstantinidou P., Tsepa A., Petanidis S., Zagelidou E., Leontari R., Raikos N., “Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (J Cardiovasc Med Cardiol)”, vol.6 (3), 2019, p.051-060.
63. Placental site trophoblastic Tumour: a case report. Anestakis D., Tsompanidou C., Givannakis M.I., Chatzifotiou E., Kalyva E., Charalampidis C.. 31th European Congress of Pathology, Nice – France 2019, “Virchows Archiv” vol.475(1), 2019, p.S321.
64. Erythropoietin (EPO) attenuates the immunohistochemical expression of autophagy antibodies in bleomycin (BLM), induced pulmonary fibrosis (PF) in rats.
Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Konstantinidou P, Symeonidou C., Koutsonikolas D., Tzoumaka A., Spandou E.. 29th European Respiratory Society (ERS) International
Congress 2019, Madrid – Spain 2019, “The European Respiratory Journal” vol.54(63), 2019, p.PA2425.
65. Craniopharyngioma: A Benign Brain Tumor. Charalampidis V., Kontou I., Konstantinidou P., Tsavlis D., Zisopoulos K., Darmani E., Anestakis D., “HSOA Journal of Forensic, Legal & Investigative Sciences (J Forensic Leg Investig Sci)”, vol.5 (03), 2019, p.1-5.
66. Inhibition of kras-derived exosomes downregulates immunosuppressive BACH2/GATA-3 expression via RIP-3 dependent necroptosis and miR-146/miR-210 modulation. Petanidis S., Domvri K., Porpodis K., Anestakis D., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Tsavlis D., Zarogoulidis K., “Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy”, vol.122 (2020), 2019, p.1-11.
67. Carboplatin chemoresistance is associated with CD11b+/Ly6C+ myeloid release and upregulation of TIGIT and LAG3/CD160 exhausted T cells. Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Tsavlis D., Zarogoulidis P., Katopodi T., “Molecular Immunology”, vol.118 (2020), 2019, p.99-109.
68. A rare case of Eosinophilic Pneumonia in an infant patient and review of the current English literature regarding this disease. Samaras F., Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Tsavlis D., Georgiadis M., Anestakis D., “Aristotle Biomedical Journal”, vol.2(1), 2020, p.14-37.
69. Petroleum intoxication: Literature Review and Case Report on poisoning by Gasoline. Karakasi M.V., Tologkos S., Papadatou V., Anestakis D., Raikos N., Lambropoulou M., Pavlidis P., “SOUDNÍ LÉKAŘSTVÍ (Soud Lek)”, 2020, vol.65(2), 2020, p.16-21.
70. Dual photothermal MDSCs-targeted immunotherapy inhibits lung immunosuppressive metastasis by enhancing T-cell recruitment. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Katopodi T., “Nanoscale”, 2020, vol.12, 2020, p.7051-7062.
71. Exosomal lncRNA PCAT-1 promotes Kras-associated chemoresistance via immunosuppressive miR-182/miR-217 signaling and p27/CDK6 regulation. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Katopodi T., “Oncotarget”, 2020, vol.11(29), p.2847-2862.
72. Treg-dependent immunosuppression triggers effector T cell dysfunction via the STING/ILC2 axis. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Tsavlis D., Bai C., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Porpodis K., Katopodi T., “Clinical Immunology”, 2020, vol.222(2021)108620, p.1-14.
73. The expression of p40 in lung carcinomas. Anestakis D., Chatzifotiou E., Givannakis M., Charalampidis C., Charalampidou M., Tsompanidou C.. XXXIII International Congress of the IAP and 32nd Congress of the ESP, Virtual 2020, “Virchows Archiv” vol.477(1), 2020, p.S357.
74. Comparing generic and disease-specific instruments in assessing health- related quality of life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Tsavlis D., Tsimtsiou Z., Anestakis D., Konstantakopoulou O., Tsaousis V., Tzoumaka A., Tektonidou A., Kaitelidou D., “International Journal of Caring Sciences”, 2020, vol.13(3), p.2021-2028.
75. Kras‑driven intratumoral heterogeneity triggers infiltration of M2 polarized macrophages via the circHIPK3/PTK2 immunosuppressive circuit. Katopodi T., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Tsavlis D., Bai C., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Matthaios D., Porpodis K., “Scientific Reports”, 2021, vol.11(15455), p.1-15.
76. Case report of lipomatosis cordis causing myocardial infarction. Konstantinidou P., Chatzifotiou E., Charalampidis C., Leontari R., E. Zagelidou, Anestakis D.. 33rd European Congress of Pathology, Virtual 2021, “Virchows Archiv” vol.479(1), 2021,
77. A case report of cardiac fibroma in a 4-month infant. (A case report of cardiac fibromaina 4-month infant). Chatzifotiou E., Konstantinidou P., Zagelidou E., Charalampidis C., Anestakis D., “International Journal of Cardiovascular Research (Int J Cardiovasc Res)”, 2021, vol.10(8), p.1-2.
78. An interesting case of lipoid pneumonia. Dermitzakis I., Tsavlis D., Konstantinidou P., Charalampidis C., Zagelidou E., Anestakis D., “PNEUMON” vol.34(4):19, 2021, p.1-2.
79. Benefit of coupling heparin to crosslinked collagen I/III scaffolds for human dermal fibroblast subpopulations' tissue growth. Michopoulou A., Koliakou E., Terzopoulou Z., Rousselle P., Palamidi A., Anestakis D., Konstantinidou P., Roig-Rosello E., Demiri E., Bikiaris D., “Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (J Biomed Mater Res.)”, 2022, vol.110, p.797-811.
80. Altered distribution and expression of Syndecan-1 and -4 as an additional hallmark in psoriasis. Koliakou E., Manthou M. E., Koumentakou I., Bikiaris N., Konstantinidou P., Rousselle P., Anestakis D., Lazaridou E., Kalloniati E., Miliaras D., Michopoulou A., “International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int. J. Mol. Sci.)”,2022, vol.23(6511), p.1-17.
81. Molecular and immune phenotypic modifications during metastatic dissemination in lung carcinogenesis. Tsavlis D., Katopodi T., Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Charalampidis C., Chatzifotiou E., Eskitzis P., Zarogoulidis P., Porpodis K., “Cancers”, 2022, vol.14(15)3626, p.1-11.
82. Congenital embryonal tumor of the central nervous system with a rapidly fatal outcome in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nikolaidis I., Karakasi M.-V., Boziki M-K., Anestakis D., Deftereos S., Bakirtzis C., Grigoriadis N., Pavlidis P., “Pediatric Blood Cancer. (Pediatr Blood Cancer)”, 2022, e29903., p.1-3.
83. Antiphospholipid syndrome and preeclampsia in pregnancy: A case report. Skoura R., Andronikidi P.-E., Anestakis D., Petanidis S., Orovou E., Tzitiridou M., Eskitzis P., “Cureus”, 2022, vol.14(8)e28458, p.1-5.
84. Engineered hybrid Treg-Targeted nanosomes restrain lung immunosuppression by inducing intratumoral CD8+T cell immunity. Domvri K., Petanidis S., Zarogoulidis P., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Tsavlis D., Huang H., Freitag L., Hohenforst-Schmidt W., Matthaios D., Katopodi T., Porpodis K., “International Journal of Nanomedicine”, 2022, vol.2022(17), p.4449-4468.
85. Engineered multifunctional nanocarriers for controlled drug delivery in tumor immunotherapy. Katopodi T., Petanidis S., Tsavlis D., Anestakis D., Charalampidis C., Chatziprodromidou I, Eskitzis P., Zarogoulidis P., Kosmidis C., Matthaios D., Porpodis K., “Frontiers in Oncology (Front. Oncol.)”, 2022, vol.12(1042125), p.1-13.
86. Congenital supratentorial PNET: a rare embryonal tumor with an uncommon clinical presentation. Giovannopoulou E., Karakasi M.-V., Nikolaidis I., Anestakis D., Deftereos S., Blontzos, Grigoriadis N., Pavlidis, Pavlidis P., “The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology (Am J Forensic Med Pathol)”, 2022, vol.43(4), p.e96-e100.
87. Inhibition of γδ-TcR or IL17a reduces T-cell and neutrophil infiltration after ischemia/reperfusion injury in mouse liver. Al Mogrampi S., Boumpoureka C., Afaloniati H., Lagou M., Angelopoulou K., Anestakis D., Tampouratzi Z.G., Iliadis S., Antoniadis N., Giakoustidis A., Papalois A., Papadopoulos V., Poutahidis T., Giakoustidis D., “Journal of Clinical Medicine (J. Clin. Med.)”, 2023, vol.12(1751), p.1-13.