Publications - Books
Duzgun, Eren, Capitalism, Jacobinism and International Relations: Revisiting Turkish Modernity, 2022, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (The LSE International Studies book series).
Publications - Journal Articles
Duzgun, Eren, "Le Mort Saisit Le Vif: Jacobinism and Capitalism in World Historical Perspective", Critical Sociology, 2024.
Duzgun, Eren, "Karl Polanyi Against Postcolonial Theory: Beyond Eurocentric Anti-Eurocentrism", Dialectical Anthropology, 2024.
Duzgun, Eren, "Radicalizing Global IR: Modernity, Capitalism, and the question of Eurocentrism", The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2022, Vol. 15, No: 3, pp. 313-333.
Duzgun, Eren, "Debating Uneven and Combined Development: Beyond Ottoman Patrimonialism", Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 25, No: 2, 2022, pp. 297-323.
Duzgun, Eren, "Against Eurocentric Anti-Eurocentrism: International Relations, Historical Sociology and Political Marxism", Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 23, No: 2, 2020, pp. 285-307.
Duzgun, Eren, "Capitalism, Jacobinism and International Relations: Re-interpreting the Ottoman Path to Modernity", Review of International Studies, Vol. 44, No: 2, 2018, pp. 252-278.
Duzgun, Eren, "The International Relations of “Bourgeois Revolutions”: Disputing the Turkish Revolution", European Journal of International Relations, vol. 24, No: 2, 2018, pp. 414-439.
Duzgun, Eren, "Property, Geopolitics and Eurocentrism: The “Great Divergence” and the Ottoman Empire", Review of Radical Political Economics, Vol. 50, No: 1, 2018, pp. 24-43.
Duzgun, Eren, "Beyond the Turkish Sonderweg: Agrarian Change, Industrialization and Geopolitics", European Journal of Sociology, Vol: 58, No: 3, 2017, pp. 405-439.
Duzgun, Eren, "Capitalist Modernity a la Turca: Turkey’s “Great Transformation" Reconsidered", Critical Sociology, Vol.39, No: 6, 2013, pp. 889-910
Duzgun, Eren, "Class, State and Property: Modernity and Capitalism in Turkey", European Journal of Sociology, Vol.53, No: 2, 2012, pp.119-148.
Publications - Book Chapters
Duzgun, Eren, "IPS and Historical Sociology: Modernity, Capitalism and Eurocentrism", in George Lawson, Stacie Goddard and Ole Jacob Sending (eds). Oxford Handbook of International Political Sociology. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), forthcoming.
Duzgun, Eren, "Class, State and Geopolitics: Explaining Erdogan's Turkey" (co-authored with Can Cemgil), in Greg Albo (ed). Socialist Register 2024. (New York: Monthly Review Press), chp. 11.
Duzgun, Eren, "Antimonies of the "Double Movement": From Polanyi to the Polanyi Debate", in M.Cangiani and C. Thomasberger (eds). Routledge Handbook on Karl Polanyi. (London: Routledge), 2024, pp. 73-85.
Duzgun, Eren, "Ecology, Democracy and Covid-19: Rereading and Radicalizing Karl Polanyi", in J. Michael Ryan (ed). COVID-19: Global pandemic, societal responses, ideological solutions. (New York: Routledge), 2021, pp. 85-97.
Duzgun, Eren, "The Political Economy of the Transition to Capitalism in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey", in Charles Post and Xavier Lafrance (eds). Case Studies in the Origins of Capitalism. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), 2019, pp. 265-291.
Duzgun, Eren, "Poverty of Peripheralization" in Andrea Fischer-Tahir and Matthias Naumann (eds). Peripheralization: The Making of Spatial Dependencies and Social Injustice. (Berlin: Springer), 2013, pp. 29-54.