Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος
Green Park, GP 301
Λεωφ. Αγλαντζιας 91
Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα το 1975. Σπούδασε αρχικά (1999-2002) Προγραμματισμό και Διεύθυνση Κατασκευαστικών Έργων (B.Sc. Hons (First Class) και στη συνέχεια (2002) απέκτησε διδακτορικό (Ph.D.) στη Δομική Μηχανική από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Μάντσεστερ (UMIST). Θέμα της διδακτορικής του διατριβής ήταν η μελέτη και ανάλυση των βασικών φυσικών αιτίων που διέπουν τη φθορά και τη διάβρωση των δομικών υλικών. Πριν την εκλογή του σε θέση Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή στο Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου (Ιούνιος, 2015), ο Δρ. Ιωάννου εργάστηκε ως Επίκουρος Καθηγητής (2009-2015), Λέκτορας (2005-2009) και Επισκέπτης Λέκτορας (2003-2005) στο ίδιο Τμήμα, καθώς επίσης και ως Ερευνητής στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Εδιμβούργου (2002-2003). Από το Νοέμβριο 2015 μέχρι το Νοέμβριο 2017 διετέλεσε Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος και μέλος της Συγκλήτου του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. Ο Δρ. Ιωάννου είναι μέλος του Ε.Τ.Ε.Κ. και της RILEM. Συμμετέχει επίσης ενεργά σε αριθμό Τεχνικών Επιτροπών του Κυπριακού Οργανισμού Τυποποίησης.
Χαρακτηρισμός παραδοσιακών και άλλων δομικών υλικών (π.χ. λίθοι, κονιάματα, ωμόπλινθοι, αδρανή); Τριχοειδή φαινόμενα ροής σε πορώδη μέσα; Μηχανισμοί διάβρωσης υλικών και μνημείων; Κρυστάλλωση αλάτων; Περιβαλλοντικά φιλικά και ενεργειακά αποδοτικά σύνθετα υλικά.
- ILLAMPAS, R., RIGOPOULOS, I., IOANNOU, I., 2024. Development and performance evaluation of a novel high-ductility fiber-reinforced lime-pozzolana matrix for Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) masonry strengthening applications. Materials and Structures, 57:75.
MARAVELAKI, P-N., KAPETANAKI, K., PAPAYIANNI, I., IOANNOU, I., FARIA, P., ALVAREZ, J., STEFANIDOU, M., NUNES, C., THEODORIDOU, M., FERRARA, L., TONIOLO, L., 2023. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: additives and admixtures for modern lime-based mortars. Materials and Structures, 56:106.
LUBELLI, B., RÖRIG-DAALGARD, I., AGUILAR, A.M., ASKRABIC, M., BECK, K., BLAEUER, C., CNUDDE, V., D'ALTRI, A.M., DERLUYN, H., DESARNAUD, J., DIAZ GONCALVES, T., FLATT, R., FRANZONI, E., GODTS, S., GULOTTA, D., van HEES, R., IOANNOU, I., KAMAT, A., De KOCK, T., MENENDEZ, B., De MIRANDA, S., NUNES, C., SASSONI, E., SHAHIDZADEH, N., SIEDEL, H., SLIZKOVA, Z., STEFANIDOU, M., THEODORIDOU, M., VEIGA, R., VERGES-BELMIN, V., 2023. Recommendation of RILEM TC 271-ASC: New accelerated test procedure for the assessment of resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization. Materials and Structures, 56:101.
- VEIGA, M.R., FARIA, P., VAN HEES, R., STEFANIDOU, M.; MARAVELAKI, N., PAPAYIANNI, I., IOANNOU, I., THEODORIDOU, M., BOKAN-BOSILIJKOV, V., BICER-SIMSIR, B., TEDESCHI, C., CARNEIRO, A., 2023. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: properties of lime-based renders and plasters – discussion of current test methods and proposals for improvement. Materials and Structures, 56:70.
LUBELLI, B., AGUILAR, A.M., BECK, K., De KOCK, T., DESARNAUD, J., FRANZONI, E., GULOTTA, D., IOANNOU, I., KAMAT, A., MENENDEZ, B., RORIG-DALGAARD, I., SASSONI, E., 2022. A new accelerated salt weathering test by RILEM TC 271-ASC: Preliminary round robin validation. Materials and Structures, 55:238 [Outstanding Paper 2022 Award].
KYRIAKOU, L., THEODORIDOU, M., IOANNOU, I., 2022. Micro-destructive evaluation of the mechanical properties of lime-based mortars. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 58, pp. 219-228.
PANAGIOTOU, R., KYRIAKIDES, M.A., ILLAMPAS, R., IOANNOU, I., 2022. An experimental approach for the investigation of the performance of non-stabilized Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) against water-mediated weathering. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 57, pp. 184-193.
- NUNES, C., AGUILAR SANCHEZ, A.M., GODTS, S., GULOTTA, D., IOANNOU, I., LUBELLI, B., MENENDEZ, B., SHAHIDZADEH, N., SLÍŽKOVÁ, Z., THEODORIDOU, M., 2021. Experimental research on salt contamination procedures and methods for assessment of the salt distribution. Construction and Building Materials, 298:123862.
- COSTI de CASTRILLO, M., IOANNOU, I., PHILOKYPROU, M., 2021. Reproduction of traditional adobes using varying percentage contents of straw and sawdust. Construction and Building Materials, 294:123516.
FOURNARI, R., IOANNOU, I., RIGOPOULOS, I., 2021. The influence of ophiolitic crushed fine aggregate properties on the performance of cement mortars. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80, pp. 8903-8920.
ILLAMPAS, R., RIGOPOULOS, I., IOANNOU, I., 2021. Influence of microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PCMs) on the properties of polymer modified cementitious repair mortar. Journal of Building Engineering, 40:102328.
- ILLAMPAS, R., IOANNOU, I., LOURENÇO, P.B., 2020. Seismic appraisal of heritage ruins: The case study of the St. Mary of Carmel church in Cyprus. Engineering Structures, 224:111209.
- KYRIAKOU, L., RIGOPOULOS, I., IOANNOU, I., 2020. Use of ultrafine mafic rocks for the enhancement of carbonation reaction in lime renders. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 14, pp. 1087-1097 [invited].
- SARRIS, E., GRAVANIS, E., IOANNOU, I., 2019. A novel methodology for synthesizing the wetting capillary pressure curve of rocks through sorptivity data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 180, pp. 413-423.
- RIGOPOULOS, I., TÖRÖK, Á., KYRATSI, T., DELIMITIS, A., IOANNOU, I., 2018. Sustainable exploitation of mafic rock quarry waste for carbon sequestration following ball milling. Resources Policy, 59, pp. 24-32.
- LUBELLI, B., CNUDDE, V., DIAZ-GONCALVES, T., FRANZONI, E., van HEES, R.P.J., IOANNOU, I., MENENDEZ, B., NUNES, C., SIEDEL, H., STEFANIDOU, M., VERGES-BELMIN, V., VILES, H., 2018. Towards a more effective and reliable salt crystallization test for porous building materials: state of the art. Materials and Structures, 51:55.
- IOANNOU, I., CHARALAMBOUS, C., HALL, C., 2017. The temperature variation of the water sorptivity of construction materials. Materials and Structures, 50:208.
- ILLAMPAS, R., SILVA, R.A., CHARMPIS, D.C., LOURENÇO, P.B., IOANNOU, I., 2017. Validation of the repair effectiveness of clay-based grout injections by lateral load testing of an adobe model building. Construction and Building Materials, 153, pp. 174-184.
- COSTI de CASTRILLO, M., PHILOKYPROU, M., IOANNOU, I., 2017. Comparison of adobes from pre-history to-date. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, pp. 437-448.
- ILLAMPAS, R., IOANNOU, I., CHARMPIS, D.C., 2017. Experimental assessment of adobe masonry assemblages under monotonic and loading-unloading compression. Materials and Structures, 50:79.
- MODESTOU, S., THEODORIDOU, M., FOURNARI, R., IOANNOU, I., 2016. Physico-mechanical properties and durability performance of natural building and decorative carbonate stones from Cyprus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 416, pp. 145-162.
- THEODORIDOU, M., CHARALAMBOUS, E., MARAVELAKI-KALAITZAKI, P. IOANNOU, I., 2016. Amelioration of crushed brick - lime composites using nano-additives. Cement and Concrete Composites, 68, pp. 77-87.
- MODESTOU, S., THEODORIDOU, M., IOANNOU, I., 2015. Micro-destructive mapping of the salt crystallization front in limestone. Engineering Geology, 193, pp. 337-347.
- THEODORIDOU, M., DAGRAIN, F., IOANNOU, I., 2015. Micro-destructive cutting techniques for the characterization of natural limestone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 76, pp. 98-103.
- ILLAMPAS, R.,CHARMPIS, D.C., IOANNOU, I., 2014. Laboratory testing andfinite element simulation of the structural response of an adobe masonry building under horizontal loading. Engineering Structures, 80, pp. 362-376.
- ILLAMPAS, R., IOANNOU, I., CHARMPIS, D.C., 2014. Adobe bricks under compression: experimental investigation and derivation of stress-strain equation. Construction and Building Materials, 53, pp. 83-90.
- THEODORIDOU, M., IOANNOU, I., PHILOKYPROU, M., 2013. New evidence of early use of artificial pozzolanic material in mortars. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, pp. 3263-3269.
- IOANNOU, I., FOURNARI, R., PETROU, M.F., 2013. Testing the soundness of aggregates using different methodologies. Construction and Building Materials, 40, pp. 604-610.
- ILLAMPAS, R., IOANNOU, I.,CHARMPIS, D.C., 2013. Overview of the pathology, repair and strengthening of adobe structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7, pp. 165-188.
- IOANNOU, I.,ANDREOU, A., TSIKOURAS, B., HATZIPANAGIOTOU, K., 2009. Application of the Sharp Front Model to capillary absorption in a vuggy limestone. Engineering Geology, 105, pp. 20-23.
- IOANNOU, I., HAMILTON, A., HALL, C., 2008. Capillary absorption of water and n-decane by autoclaved aerated concrete. Cement and Concrete Research, 38, pp. 766-771.
- IOANNOU, I., HOFF, W.D., 2008. Water repellent influence on salt crystallization in masonry. Proceedings of ICE, Construction Materials, 161, pp. 17-23.
- IOANNOU, I., HALL, C., HOFF, W.D., PUGSLEY, V., JACQUES, S.D.M., 2005. Synchrotron radiation energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction analysis of salt distribution in limestone. The Analyst, 130, pp. 1006-1008.
- IOANNOU, I., HOFF, W.D., HALL, C., 2004. On the role of organic adlayers in the anomalous water sorptivity of Lepine limestone. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 279, pp. 228-234.
- IOANNOU, I., HALL, C., WILSON, M.A., HOFF, W.D., CARTER, M.A., 2003. Direct measurement of the wetting front capillary pressure in a clay brick ceramic. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36, pp. 3176-3182.