Short Curriculum Vitae Andreas Kapardis
Andreas is Professor of Psychology and Law, Department of Law, University of Cyprus, a Visiting Professor in Criminology at the Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University and a Life-Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and lectures part- time at the Cyprus Police Academy. Andreas is also an elected Full Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He holds a Ph.D in Criminology from Cambridge University and is a graduate of the Senior Investigator’s Course, Detective Training School, Victoria Police, Australia. For a number of years he was a university academic in Australia and did consultancy work for the Victoria Police. His main research and teaching interests lie in the Criminal Sciences: criminology, criminal justice, forensic psychology, and penology.
He has researched and published on a very broad range of topics, including: forest arson, armed robbers, homicide offenders including: sentencing, non-custodial penalties, prisoner recidivism, prisoner reintegration, crime and criminal justice in colonial times and today, monoepisodic mass murderers, white-collar crime, economic crimes by banks, juvenile delinquency, school violence, bullying, lethal domestic violence, and high-risk drivers. He has recently finished a study of deterrent penalties for traffic offences, another of the Cyprus Police anti-terrorist group in action and, also, the legal framework and the functioning of the private security industry in Cyprus.
Internationally, Andreas has been a member of the Scientific Criminological Council of the Council of Europe and an Expert Member of the Observatory for the Free Movement of European Union Workers within the EU. In Cyprus, he has worked as a prison governor, was a founding member and Vice-Chairman of the Parole Board of Cyprus, is a member of the Cyprus Crime Prevention Council (Ministry of Justice and Public Order). Finally, he is the President of the Cyprus Society of Criminology and Vice-President of the Cyprus Cambridge Society.
Kapardis, A. & Farringron, D.P.(eds.), 2016, The Psychology of Crime Policing and the Courts. London: Routledge
Kapardis, A., 2014, Psychology and Law (4th edition), Cambridge University Press.
Baldry, A.C. & Kapardis, A., 2013, Risk Assessment for Violent Offending. London: Routledge.
Kapardis, A., Baldry, A. and and Konstantinou, M. (2017). A qualitative study of intimate partner homicide and orphans in Cyprus, Qualitative Sociology Review, XIII, Issue 3, pp. pp.81-100. Special Guest Edited Issue: ‘Qualitative Approaches to Femicide”, Co-Editors: Shalva Weil and Christiana Kouta.
Alecou, A. and Kapardis, A. (2014). “British Security: Confronting the communist and the nationalist threat in Cyprus, 1920-1955”. Journal of European Academic Research, 2 (6), pp. 7112-7139.
Kapardis, A. (2013). Delinquency and victimization in Cyprus. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 19 (2),171-182.
Constantinou, E., Panayiotou, G., Konstantinou, K., Loutsiou, A. and Kapardis, A. (2011). Risky and aggressive behaviour in young adults: personality matters. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43(4), 1323-1331.
Kapardis, A. and Poyiadjis, G., Cyberbullying in Cyprus. In (eds.), : A.C. Baldry, C. Blaya and D.P. Farrington, International perspectives on cyberbullying: prevalence, risk factors and interventions. Series: Palgrave Studies in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity, London: Palgrave Macmillan (In press).
Kapardis, A., Sentencing. In, (eds.) Courakis, N., Kranidioti, M. and Spinelli, C., ‘Dictionary of Criminology’ (Fortcoming, in Greek)
Kapardis, A., Legal Psychology. In, (eds.) Courakis, N., Kranidioti, M. and Spinelli, C., ‘Dictionary of Criminology’ (Fortcoming, in Greek)
Kapardis, A. Psychology and Law (Entry, in (eds.), M.N.S. Sellers and S. Kirst, Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, a reference work by Springer in partnership with the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR). Forthcoming
Kapardis, A. (2017). Offender‐profiling today: an overview. In (eds.) Spinelli, C.D.,
Theodorakis, N., Emmanouil, B. and Papadimitrakopoulos, G. (eds), Europe
in Crisis: Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Way Forward (pp. 739-754). Athens: A.M. Sakkoulas Publishers. Available at http://crime-in- crisis.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/essays-nestor-courakis.pdf
Kapardis, A., Spanoudes, G., Kapardis, C. and Konstantinou, M. (2016). Modelling the interaction of juvenile delinquency causes in Cyprus: an empirical study with 871 junior secondary school pupils”/ “Η μοντελοποίηση της διαδραστικότητας γενεσιουργών παραγόντων νεανικής αντικοινωνικής συμπεριφοράς στην Κύπρο: μια εμπειρική μελέτη 871 μαθητών Γυμνασίου” [In Greek]. In (ed.) , Crime in Crisis, Τιμητικός Τόμος Νέστορα Κουράκη. Athens. A.N. Sakkoulas available at : www.crime-in-crisis.com
Kapardis, A. (2016)., Extra-legal factors in sentencing. In (eds.), Kapardis, A. & Farrington, D.P. , The Psychology of Crime, Policing and the Courts. (pp.201-230). 2016 by Routledge.
Kapardis, A. and Krambia-Kapardis, M., (2016). Applying evidence-based profiling to disaggregated fraud offenders. In (eds.), Weisstub, D., Dion, M. and Richet, J-P., Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues (pp.269-294). Springer.
Kapardis, A. and Konstantinou, M. (2016). Modelling the interaction effects of
correlates of delinquent behaviour in Cyprus: an empirical study of 871 high- school students in Cyprus. In (ed.), Sorvatzioti, D., Crime, The State and Criminal Justice (pp.458-468). University of Nicosia Press.
Καπαρδής, Α. & Αλέκου, Α. (2015). The deviant identity of Cypriots during the first years of British rule: constructed or reality ? In, (ed.) Alecou, A., The Useful Enemy : Essays on Constsucting it/ Η παραβατική ταυτότητα των κυπρίων στα πρώτα χρόνια της Αγγλοκρατίας: κατασκευή ή πραγματικότητα;", στο Αλέκου, Α. (επιμ). Ο Χρήσιμος Εχθρός: Δοκίμια για την Κατασκευή του "Άλλου". εκδ. Σύγχρονοι Ορίζοντες: Θεσσαλονίκη.
Kapardis, A. & Demetriades, P. (2015). Criminalizing environmental protection in Cyprus. In (ed.) , Samara-Krispi, A., Essays of Law and International Relations, In Memory of Professor Elias Krispis, pp.329-332. Athens- Thessaloniki: Sakkoula Publishers . [Greek].