- Έρευνα διαμέσω του σχεδιασμού
- Αρχιτεκτονικός σχεδιασμός
- Αρχιτεκτονική επικοινωνία
- Τέχνη και αστικός χώρος
- Οπτικός πολιτισμός
- Πολιτισμικά τοπία
- Ελληνική πόλη
Avramidis, K. & Crowson, N. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Drawing-led Research in Architecture. Bristol: Intellect.
Avramidis, K. (forthcoming). Mapping Topo-graphēs: Performing Kessariani’s Surfaces in Three Acts. In T. Tunali (Ed.), Routledge Companion to Art and the City. London: Routledge.
Avramidis, K., Issaias, P., & Balaoura, O. (Eds.). (forthcoming). Kessariani 22: Histories and Projects. Athens: Themelio.
Avramidis, K. (forthcoming). Drawing Crisis, Crisis Drawing: On Graffiti and Museumification in Athens. In J. Tulke (Ed.), Aesthetics of Crisis. Grand Forks, ND: University of North Dakota Press.
Avramidis, K. (forthcoming). Changing [Sup]positions: Perspective and [Hyper]reality in the Construction of WD's Trompe-l’œil. In K. Kourelis (Ed.), Context and Content: The Art of WD (pp. 73-89). Grand Forks, ND: University of North Dakota Press.
Avramidis, K. (2024). Drawing Transgression, Transgressing Drawing: Tracing Graffiti Traces. In T.B. Kenniff & C. Lévesque (Eds.), -In Drawing. Inquiry, Time, Dialogue and Materiality (pp. 133-141). Montreal: University of Quebec at Montreal Press.
Avramidis, K. (2023). Place Writing, Site Drawing: Researching Graffiti as a Critical Spatial Practice. In H. Kamalipour, P. Aelbrecht, & N. Peimani (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods (pp. 304-314). London: Routledge.
Avramidis, K. (2022). Buildings as Unsolicited Drawing Surfaces: An Atlas of Athenian Inscriptions. In F. Goffi (Ed.), Routledge Companion to the Lives of Architectural Drawings and Models: From Translating to Archiving, Collecting and Exhibiting (pp. 47-61). London: Routledge.
Tsilimpounidi, M., Carastathis, A., Avramidis, K., Awad, S., Gupta, S., Hansen, S., Panlee, P., Tulke, J., & Zaporozhets, O. (2022). Graffiti and Street Art: Queer Feminist Approaches. Nuart Journal, 3(2): 126-133.
Avramidis, K. (2021). Crises and/of Representations: The Sites of Drawings and/of Writings in Athens. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, 25(3-4), 526-542.
Avramidis, K. (2021). Review of Drawing Parallels: Knowledge Production in Axonometric, Isometric and Oblique Drawings, by Ray Lucas. Architectural Research Quarterly, 25(2), 191-193.
Avramidis, K., & Tsilimpounidi, M. (2021). A Periegesis through the Greek Crisis in Five Graffiti Acts: Cartographic and Photographic Dialogues. In R. Campos, A. Pavoni & Y. Zaimakis (Eds.), Political Graffiti in Critical Times: The Aesthetics of Street Politics (pp. 29-51). Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Avramidis, K. (2020). An Architectural Palimpsest: [Re]writing Crisis-ridden Athens. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 7(2-3), 243-262.
Avramidis, K. (2020). Review of Binding Space: The Book as Spatial Practice, by Marian Macken. Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, 5(2), 383-386.
Tsilimpounidi, M., & Avramidis, K. (2020). Graffiti and Street Art. In M. Baker, B. Blaagaard, H. Jones & L. Pérez-González (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media (pp. 185-189). London: Routledge.
Avramidis, K. (2019). Tagging a WWII Detention Centre in Athens: Drawing Biographies οn/οf the Walls. Lo Squaderno, 54, 31-35.
Avramidis, K. (2019). Book Review: Routledge Handbook of Graffiti and Street Art. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 58(1), 138-140.
Wiszniewski, D., Avramidis, K., Banou, S., French, C., Lesniak, P., & Mitsoula, M. (Eds.). (2019). Drawing On (3): Architecture Design Research.
Avramidis, K., & Moustaka, G. S. (2018). J. Corner & A. MacLean, 1990-1996: ‘Taking Measures Across the American Landscape’. In T. Manis & G. Panetsos (Eds.), Precedents, Vol 2 [Afetiries, Tom 2] (pp. 200-205). Athens: Domes. [in Greek].
Drakopoulou, K., Avramidis, K. (2018). Graffiti: An Art of Identity and its Critical Discourse (1980-1985). In K. Boudouris (Ed.), XXIII World Congress of Philosophy: Vol. 1, Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art (pp. 65-71). Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Centre.
Avramidis, K., & Tsilimpounidi, M. (Eds.). (2017). Graffiti and Street Art: Reading, Writing and Representing the City. London: Routledge.
Wiszniewski, D., Avramidis, K., Banou, S., French, C., Lesniak, P., & Mitsoula, M. (Eds.). (2017). Drawing On (2): Surface and Installation.
Avramidis, K. (2015). Reading an Instance of Contemporary Urban Iconoclash: A Design Report from Athens. The Design Journal, 18(4), 513-534.
Avramidis, K., & Drakopoulou, K. (2015). Moving from Urban to Virtual Spaces and Back: Learning in/from Signature Graffiti Subculture. In P. Jandrić & D. Boras (Eds.), Critical Learning in Digital Networks (pp. 133-160). New York, NY: Springer.
Wiszniewski, D., Avramidis, K., French, C., Lesniak, P., & Mitsoula, M. (Eds.). (2015). Drawing On (1): Presents.
Avramidis, K. (2014). Mapping the Geographical and Spatial Characteristics of Politicized Urban Art in the Athens of Crisis. In M. Tsilimpounidi & A. Walsh (Eds.), Remapping ‘Crisis’: A Guide to Athens (pp. 183-203). London: Zero Books.
Avramidis, K. (2014). Public [Ypo]graphy: Notes on Materiality and Placement. In M. Karra (Ed.), No Respect (pp. 21-34, 85-96). Athens: Onassis Cultural Centre.
Avramidis, K. (2014). The Agency of Space on the Scene of Encounter: Thoughts on the Situational Nature of Perception. In K. Drakopoulou & A. Fakis (Eds.), Meta (pp. 47-54). Athens: Futura.
Avramidis, K., & Drakopoulou, K. (2012). Graffiti Crews’ Potential Pedagogical Role. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 10(1), 327-340.
Avramidis, K. (2012). ‘Live your Greece in Myths’: Reading the Crisis on Athens’ Walls. In A. M. Brighenti (Ed.), Regards on Crisis in Europe. Trento: Professional Dreamers.
Avramidis, K., & Drakopoulou, K. (2011). Graffiti as a Critical Encounter of the notions ‘Purity’ and ‘Order’: Towards a Contingent City. In S. Marini (Ed.), My Ideal City: Scenarios for the European City of the 3rd Millennium (pp. 64-70). Venice: IUAV Publications.