Τμήμα Πολιτικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος
Green Park, 310
Λεωφ. Αγλαντζιας 91
Prof. Dr. Marina Neophytou is Professor in Environmental Engineering leading the Environmental Fluid Mechanics (EFM) Laboratory - Isle of Excellence and she is also the elected Dean of the Enginering School of the University of Cyprus since December 2023. She served as Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2021-23), as Director (2018-20) and founding Director (2012-14) of the Interdepartmental Graduate Program "Energy Technologies and Sustainable Design" of the Engineering School of the University of Cyprus, as well as as Vice-Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2017-19). She has been a Visiting Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH-Zurich (2014-15), as well as a UNESCO Visiting Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S. and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S. (2019), as part of sabbatical leaves from the University of Cyprus.
She completed her undergraduate studies (BA-Honours and MEng degrees) at Cambridge University (UK) at the Department of Engineering (Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics Division) on a full-expense Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship (1993-97). During her undergraduate studies she has worked at the Schlumberger Cambridge Research Centre (Cambridge, UK) and Schlumberger-Dowell Research and Production Center (Paris, France) for which she has received the European Grant Award "Women in Technology". She has received her MA and PhD degrees (2002) in the area of Environmental Fluid Dynamics from Cambridge University (UK) on academic and industrial scholarships, while during 2003-2005, she continued at Cambridge University as a post-doctoral research associate under an EPSRC (UK) grant to design and model a tracer release experiment in London for urban air pollution dispersion studies.
She joined the University of Cyprus as Lecturer in 2005 (as an Assistant Professor in 2009, as an Associate Professor in 2015 and a full Professor in 2020), and since then, she has attracted more than 2.5M euros of external funding to the EFM lab. Following an approved proposal funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, the EFM lab has led a partnership with Cambridge University (UK) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US) to establish a Sustainable Built Environment Initiative, which has evolved to the Isle of Excellence "Urban Micro-Climate and the Design of Sustainable Built Environments" with extended international collaborating partner ETH-Zurich. Since 2011, she has been jointly co-organising, together with Prof. J. Carmeliet (on behalf of ETH-Zurich) and Prof. B. Blocken (on behalf of Eindhoven University of Technology) an almost annual series of Urban Physics Schools. The EFM lab has initiated and currently actively undertakes ERASMUS exchange visits with a number of universities in Europe including the University of Cambridge (UK), Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands), KTH Research School-University of Gaevle (Sweden) and the University of Genoa (Italy). It also currently supports a joint PhD program with the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Recent Awards:
Best Paper Award in the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency (2018) for the paper "Relationship of urban micro-climate with energy consumption and CO2 emissions using Local Climate Zones" by Mouzourides, A. Eleftheriou, M. K.-A. Neophytou, J. Ching, A. Kyprianou; first three authors members of the EFM laboratory (first two: post-doctoral researcher and PhD student)
World Women Economic Forum; Award granted for contributions through work in academia towards Sustainable Development New Delhi – India, 8-13 May 2017.
Best Paper Award in the 34th International Air Infiltration and Ventilative Cooling Conference on: Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials, for the paper Toward designing strategies for Urban Heat Island mitigation using multi-scale flow analysis by Neophytou et al. (2013)
Air flow through different urban building configurations using Partcile Image Velocimetry:
flat roofs (left), pitched roofs (center) and pilotis (right).
Copyright: Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, University of Cyprus, 2016
- Experimental Environmental Fluid Dynamics (laboratory and field measurements)
- Urban air pollution dispersion modeling
- Urban Heat Island studies and modelling Model performace evaluation
- Thermofluid Dynamics of the Urban Environment (Mass and Heat Transfer)
- Buoyancy-driven flows in industrial and environmental applications
- Model performace evaluation
- Modelling of Chemically-Reacting turbulent flows
[Selected Publications:]
Mouzourides P., Kyprianou A., and Neophytou M. K.-A. (2021). Exploring the multi-fractal nature of the air flow and pollutant dispersion in a turbulent urban atmosphere and its implications for long range pollutant transport, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, American Institute of Physics, 31(1), 013110.
Kouis, P., Papatheodorou, S. I., Kakkoura, M. G., Middleton, N., Galanakis, E., Michaelidi, E., Neophytou M. K.-A... & Yiallouros, P. K. (2021). The MEDEA childhood asthma study design for mitigation of desert dust health effects: implementation of novel methods for assessment of air pollution exposure and lessons learned. BMC Pediatrics, 21(1), 1-9.
Achilleos, S., Mouzourides P., Kalivitis N., Katra I., Kloog I., Middleton N., Mihalopoulos N., Neophytou M., Papatheodorou S., Savvides C., Tymvios F., Vasiliadou E., Yiallouros P., Koutrakis P. (2020). Spatio-temporal variability of desert dust storms in Eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Cyprus, Israel) between 2006 and 2017 using a uniform methodology. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 714, 136693. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136693
Antoniou, N., Montazeri, H., Neophytou, M., Blocken, B. (2019). CFD simulation of urban microclimate: Validation using high-resolution field measurements. Science of the Total Environment, 133743. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133743
Mouzourides, A. Eleftheriou, A.Kyprianou, J. Ching, M.K‐A Neophytou (2019). " Linking Local-Climate-Zones mapping to Multi-Resolution-Analysis to deduce associative relations at intra-urban scales through an example of Metropolitan London", Urban Climate https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100505
Mouzourides P., Kyprianou A., NeophytouK-A., Ching J. and Choudhary R. (2019). Linking the urban-scale building energy demands with city breathability and urban form characteristics. Sustainable Cities and Society, 49, p.101460
Ching, G. Mills, L. See, B. Bechtel, J. Feddema, I. Stewart, A. Hanna, X. Wang, E. Ng, C. Ren, O. Brousse, A. Martilli, M. Neophytou, G. Milcinski, M. Foley, P. Alexander, J. Hidalgo, V. Masson, D. Aliaga, M. Andrade, A. Sreevestava, A. Baklanov, P. Mouzourides, P. Bhalachandran, J. Dai,W. Dai, K. Hammerberg, D. Niyogi (2018) "WUDAPT: An urban weather, climate, and environmental modeling infrastructure for the anthropocene. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(9), pp.1907-1924
Antoniou, Montazeri, Wigo, Neophytou, Blocken, Sandberg (2017). CFD and wind tunnel analysis of outdoor ventilation in a real compact heterogeneous urban area: Evaluation using "air delay". BUilding and Environment. In press (Opean Access). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.10.013
Karra, Malki-Epshtein, Neophytou (2017). Air flow and pollution in a real, heterogeneous urban street canyon: A field and laboratory study. Atmospheric Environment (corrected proofs). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.06.035
Kubilay, Neophytou, Matsentides, Loizou, Carmeliet (2017). The pollutant removal capacity of urban street canyons as quantified by the pollutant exchange velocity. Urban Cimate (accepted). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2017.06.003
P. Mouzourides,A. Kyprianou,R. Choudhary,J. Ching,M.K.-A. Neophytou (2016). How can a Multi-scale Analysis Guide Smart Urban Energy Demand Management? An Example from London City Westminster Borough. A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE 2016. Procedia Engineering Volume 180 (2017) 433–442.
A. Kubilay,M.K.-A. Neophytou, S. Matsentides,M. Loizou,J. Carmeliet (2016).The Pollutant Removal Capacity of an Urban Street Canyon and its Link to the Breathability and Exchange Velocity. A Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2016 Series (SBE16), iHBE 2016. Procedia Engineering 180 ( 2017 ) 443 – 451.
Mouzourides, Kumar, Neophytou (2015). Assessment of long-term measurements of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in South-East Mediterranean. Atmospheric Environment. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.02.031
Kakoniti, Georgiou, Marakkos, Kumar, Neophytou (2015). The role of materials selection in the Urban Heat Island effect in dry mid-latitute climates. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Springer). DOI 10.1007/s10652-015-9426-z
Neophytou, Markides, Fokaides (2014). An experimental study of the flow through and over two dimensional rectangular roughness elements: Deductions for urban boundary layer parameterizations and exchange processes. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, No.8;
doi: 10.1063/1.4892979 (download from: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof2/26/8/10.1063/1.4892979)
Mouzourides, Kyprianou, Brown, Carissimo, Choudhary, Neophytou (2014). Searching for the distinctive signature of cities in atmospheric modelling: could the Multi-Resolution-Analysis (MRA) provide the DNA of a city? Int. J. of Urban Climate, DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2014.04.001
Kumar, Morawska, Martani, Biskos, Neophytou, Di Sabatino, Bell, Norford, Britter (2014).The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air polution in cities. Environment International (in press); doi:10.1016/j.envint.2014.11.019 (download from: http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Q92ZaUJL7CLR)
Mouzourides, Kyprianou, Neophytou (2013). A scale-adaptive approach for spatially-varying urban morphology characterization in the boundary layer parameterization using Multi-Resolution Analysis. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 149 (3), pp.455-481
Panagiotou, Neophytou, Hamlyn, Britter (2013). City breathability as quantified by the exchange velocity and its spatial variation in real inhomogeneous urban geometries: an example from central London area. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 442, January 2013, Pages 466-477.
* Best Paper Award: Neophytou, Tryphonos, Fokaides, Batchvarova, Sandberg, Fernando, Lelieveld, Zittis (2013). Toward designing strategies for Urban Heat Island mitigation based on mutli-scale flow considerations. Proceedings of the 34th International AIVC Conference - Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials. 25th-25th September, 2013.
Markides, Fokaides, Neophytou (2012). An experimental investigation of the flow and transfer processes in homogeneous urban street canyon geometries using Particle Image Velocimetry. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 7, ICHMT, Begell House Inc. (8pg)
Neophytou, Gowardan, Brown, 2011. An inter-comparison of three urban wind models using the Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003 wind field measurements (2011). International Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 99, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 357-368
Fokaides, Maxoulis, Panayiotou, Neophytou, Kalogirou (2011). Comparison between measured and calculated energy performance for dwellings in a summer dominant environment. International Journal of Energy and Buildings, Volume 43, Issue 11, November 2011, Pages 3099-3105
Martin, G. Nickless, Price, Britter, Neophytou, Cheng , Robins, Dobre, Belcher, Barlow, Tomlin, Smalley, Tate, Colvile, Arnold, Shallcross (2010). Urban tracer dispersion experiment in London (DAPPLE) 2003: field study and comparison with empirical prediction. Atmospheric Science Letters (Royal Meteorological Society), Volume 11, Issue 4, pp 241-248.
Martin, Price, White, Nickless, Petersson, Britter, Robins, Belcher, Barlow, Neophytou, Arnold, Tomlin, Smalley,Shallcross (2010). Urban tracer dispersion experiments during the second DAPPLE field campaign in London 2004, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 44, Issue 25, August 2010, Pages 3043-3052.
Panagiotou, Kalogirou, Florides, Maxoulis, Papadopoulos, Neophytou, Fokaides, Georgiou, Symeou, Giorgakis (2010). The characteristics and the energy behaviour of the residential building stock of Cyprus in view of Directive 2002/91/EC, Energy and Buildings, Volume 42, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 2083-2089
Wood, C. R., Arnold, S. J., Balogun, A. A., Barlow, J. F., Belcher, S. E., Britter, R. E., Cheng, H., Dobre, A., Lingard, J. J. N., Martin, D., Neophytou, M. K., Petersson, F. K., Robins, A. G., Shallcross, D. E., Smalley, R. J., Tate, J. E., Tomlin, A. S. and White, I. R. (2009) Dispersion Experiments in Central London: The 2007 DAPPLE project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (7). pp. 955-970. ISSN 1520-0477
Shallcross, D. E., Martin, D., Price, C. S., Nickless, G., White, I. R., Petersson, F., Britter, R. E., Neophytou, M. K., Tate, J. E., Tomlin, A. S., Belcher, S. E., Barlow, J. F. and Robins, A. (2009) Short-range urban dispersion experiments using fixed and moving sources. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10 (2). pp. 59-65. ISSN 1530-261X
Neophytou MK and Britter RE. (2006) Modelling buoyancy-driven flows in semi-enclosed regions: applications to the fire propagation in tunnels, International Journal of Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol.6, Nos.1-2, pp.137-145.
Neophytou MK and Britter RE. (2005). A simple model for the movement of fire smoke in a confined tunnel, Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics, Springer-Berkhäuser Verlang, Vol.162, No.10, pp.1941-1954.
Neophytou MK, Goussis D, Van Loon M, Mastorakos E (2004). Reduced chemical mechanisms for atmospheric pollution using Computational Singular Perturbation Analysis, Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier Publishers) Vol. 38, No. 22, pp. 3661-73.