Areas of expertise: Public Relations activities, Strategic Marketing, Fundraising campaigns, Alumni Relations & Affinity Programs, Science communication/Research promotion, Strategy Implementation, Social media strategy, Event management and cultural projects.
As Head of the Communication and Public Relations Office I handle external and internal communications, Press relations, conduct public relations campaigns, marketing activities, events management, and engage in public relations activities to build, protect or enhance the institution's reputation. Communicating and building relations with a range of ‘publics’. I plan publicity strategies and campaigns, write and produce presentations, articles, press releases and social media posts. I project manage the production of visual communications and digital content and deal with inquiries from the public, the Press and related organizations.I have set up and overseen the operations of the Alumni Relations Office of the University of Cyprus (www.ucy.ac.cy/alumni & www.ucyalumni.com) since it was established in 2005 and during these past years, I have developed several projects aiming at alumni engagement, mentoring, and fund-raising activities. I also manage the social media platforms of the University of Cyprus at large (incl. alumni community).
I am the Editor in Chief of the university magazine and I have produced several promotional materials for the organization for campaigns, events, and other activities, including corporate and other videos for both the alumni community and other University stakeholders. In addition, I am the creator of the podcast series: Science Talks: https://anchor.fm/ucy-science-talks & Science Talks Kids Edition: https://anchor.fm/sciencetalkskids. Group Leader of the sub-group for Alumni Relations in YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe, https://yufe.eu/) and member of the Communication Team in YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network, https://www.yerun.eu/).
I hold a B.Sc. in Business Administration (Marketing), a B.A. in European Studies and Modern Languages (German), an MBA and a Master’s degree in Media and Communication. I am fluent in both Greek and English, I can speak Italian and I have basic communication skills in French and German.