Είναι εγγεγραμμένη Κλινική Ψυχολόγος και Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου και υπεύθυνη του εργαστηρίου “ACTHealthy.” Είναι κάτοχος διδακτορικού στην Κλινική Ψυχολογία, από το University at Albany, the State University of New York με ειδικότητα στις Αγχώδεις Διαταραχές και στην Ψυχολογία της Υγείας. Ολοκλήρωσε την ειδίκευση της στο University of Mississippi Medical Center and Veteran Administration Hospital. Η έρευνά της επικεντρώνεται στη συσχέτιση αγχώδη διαταραχών και προβλημάτων υγείας, στην εξέταση ατομικών διαφορών και άλλων παραγόντων στην αιτιολογία, συντήρηση, αξιολόγηση/διάγνωση και θεραπεία αυτών των προβλημάτων. Ασχολείται με την χρήση ψυχοφυσιολογίας και νέων εναλλακτικών μεθόδων στην διερεύνηση αυτών των παραγόντων. Επίσης ασχολείται με τη δημιουργία και αναπροσαρμογή θεραπευτικών παρεμβάσεων (π.χ. Θεραπείας Αποδοχής και Δέσμευσης) μετά από πειραματική εξέταση για σκοπούς αποτελεσματικότερης αλλαγής συμπεριφοράς. Ανάμεσα στις ερευνητικές της δραστηριότητες και δημοσιεύσεις συμπεριλαμβάνονται έργα με θέμα το κάπνισμα, τις διατροφικές διαταραχές, το άσθμα, τον καρκίνο, το χρόνιο πόνο και πονοκεφάλους. Οι ερευνητικές της δραστηριότητες έχουν χρηματοδοτηθεί από εθνικούς, Ευρωπαϊκούς και διεθνείς οργανισμούς. Το πρόγραμμά της για πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση του καπνίσματος σε εφήβους βραβεύτηκε με το European Drug Prevention Prize 2010 από το Pompidou Group και το Council of Europe. Ενώ το έργο «Άλγεα» για αντιμετώπιση χρόνιων πόνων και πονοκεφάλων βραβεύτηκε το 2017 από το Association for Behavioral Medicine. Τα Ερευνητικά της ενδιαφέροντα: Ατομικοί παράγοντες και ανάπτυξη Διαταραχών- Αξιολόγηση και Θεραπεία Προβλημάτων που άπτονται της υγείας (ειδικότερα χρησιμοποιώντας νέες τεχνολογίες όπως το διαδίκτυο και εικονική πραγματικότητα) - Θεραπεία Αποδοχής και Δέσμευσης- Πειραματική Ψυχοπαθολογία και Συναισθήματα- Ψυχοφυσιολογία- Παράμετροι ποιότητας ζωής- Εμπλουτισμός συμπεριφορών υγείας και ανάπτυξη αυτό-διαχείρισης συμπεριφορών που επηρεάζουν την υγεία (συμπεριλαμβανομένου συμπεριφορές εθισμού όπως το κάπνισμα). Έχει στο βιογραφικό της πέραν των 70 δημοσιεύσεων σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά. Επίσης εκπροσωπεί το Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου και την Κύπρο σε διάφορες επιτροπές που άπτονται του επαγγέλματος της (π.χ. Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή Ψυχολογίας της Υγείας, την οποία προεδρεύει, και το task force on e-health, EFPA).
* indicates student first author and/or Karekla as author of correspondence when not first author
- *Kassianos, A. P., Georgiou, P., Kyprianidou, M., Lamnisos, D., Lubenko, J., Presti, G.,Squatrito, V.,Constantinou, M., Nicolaou, C., Papacostas, S., Aydın, G., Chong, Y.Y., Chien, W.T., Cheng, H.Y., Ruiz, F.J.,Garcia-Martin, M.B., Obando-Posada, D.B., Segura-Vargas, M.A., Vasiliou, V.S., McHugh, L., Höfer, S., Baban, A., Neto, D.D., da Silva, A.N., Monestès, J. L., Alvarez-Galvez, J., Paez-Blarrina, M., Montesinos, F., Valdivia-Salas, S., Ori, D., Kleszcz, B., Lappalainen, R., Ivanović, I., Gosar, D., Dionne, F., Merwin, M.M., Chatzittofis, A., Konstantinou, E., Economidou, E., Gloster, A.T., Constantinidou, A., & Karekla, M. (in press). Mental health and adherence to COVID-19 protective behaviors among Cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, multinational cross-sectional study. Cancers.
- Matsangidou, M., Kassianos, A. P., Papaioannou, D., Solomou, T., Krini, M., Karekla, M., & Pattichis, C.S (in press). Virtual painkillers: Designing accessible virtual reality experiences for helping cancer patients manage pain at home. Human Computer Interaction.
- *Martin, S., Rogge, R., & Karekla, M. (2021). Commentary: Introduction to the special issue on COVID-19. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 74-76.
- Chatzittofis, A., Solomou, I., Psaltis, C., Karekla, M., & Constantinidou, F. (2021). The COVID-19 International Student Well-being Study (C-19 ISWS): The case of Cyprus. European Journal of Psychology Open, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1024/2673-8627/a000014
- Gloster, A.T., Block, V.J., Klotsche, J., Villanueva, J., Rinner, M.T.B., Benoy, C.M., Walter, M., Karekla, M., & Bader, K. (2021). Psy-Flex: A contextually sensitive measure of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 22, 13-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2021.09.001.
- *Nicolaou, P., Merwin, R., Karekla, M. (pre-print). AcceptME: Acceptability and Feasibility of a gamified digital eating disorder selective prevention program based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Journal of Eating Disorders: Research Square Pre-prints. DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-871736/v1
- Nicolaou, C., Menikou, J., Lamnisos, D., Lubenko, J., Presti, G., Squatrito, V., Constantinou, M.,…Kassianos, A.P., Gloster, A.T., Karekla, M. (2021). Mental health status of health care workers during the COVID-19 outbreak: An International Study. European Journal of Psychology Open, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1024/2673-8627/a000010
- *Papageorgiou, D., Kassianos, A.P., Constantinou, M., Lamnisos, D., Nicolaou, C., Papacostas, S., Gloster, A., & Karekla, M. (2021). Mental health and wellbeing during the first vs. second Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in Cyprus. European Journal of Psychology Open, 80, 40-49. https://doi.org/10.1024/2673-8627/a000008
- *Vasiliou, V.S., Karademas, E.C., Christou, Y., Papacostas, S., & Karekla, M. (2021). Mechanisms of change in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for primary headaches. European Journal of Pain, DOI: 10.1002/ejp.1851.
- *Konstantinou, P., Kasinopoulos, O., Karashiali, C., Georgiou, G., Panayides, A., Papageorgiou, A., Wozniak, G., Kassianos, A. P., & Karekla, M. (2021). A Scoping Review of Methods used to assess Medication Adherence in Patients with Chronic Conditions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1093/abm/kaab080
- Heffner, J., Watson, N., Serfozo, E., Kelly, M., Reilly, E., Kim, D., Baker, K., Scout, N., & Karekla, M. (2021). An Avatar-Led Digital Smoking Cessation Program for Sexual and Gender Minority Young Adults: Intervention Development and Results of a Single-Arm Pilot Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Reaserch, 5 (7), e30241. DOI: 10.2196/30241.
- *Konstantinou, P., Georgiou, K., Kumar, N., Kyprianidou, M., Nicolaides, C., Karekla, M., & Kassianos, A. (2021). Transmission of vaccination attitudes and uptake based on Social Contagion Theory: A scoping review. Vaccines, 9, 607. https:// doi.org/10.3390/vaccines9060607
- Wang K., Goldenberg A., Dorison, C.A., Miller, J.K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J.S., Gross, J.J., Agesin, B., Bernardo, M., Campos, O., Eudave, L., Grzech, K., Ozery, D.H., Jackson, E.A., Luis Garcia, E.O., Drexler, S.M., Jurković, A.P., Rana, K., Wilson, J.P., …, Karekla, M., … Moshontz, H. (in press) A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x
- Chong, Y.Y., Chien, W.T., Cheng, H.Y., Kassianos, A.P., Gloster, A.T., & Karekla, M. (2021). Can psychological flexibility and prosociality mitigate illness perceptions toward COVID-19 on mental health? A cross-sectional study among Hong Kong adults. Globalization and Health, 17, 43. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-021-00692-6.
- Constantinou, E., Georgiou, D., Karekla, M., & Panayiotou, G. (2021). Subjective distress and physiological reactivity during anxiety-evoking imagery in social anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 182, 111095.
- Chukwudi, K., Karekla, M., & Christophi, C. (2021). Association of Socio-Demographic Factors with Smoking in the Cypriot Population: Results from a Population-Based Survey. Annals of Epidemiology and Public Health, 4(1), 1058.
- Hayes, S.C., Merwin, R.M., McHugh, L., Sandoz, E., A-Tjak, J., Ruiz, F.J., Barnes-Holmes, D., Bricker, J.B., Ciarrochi, J., Dixon, M.R., Fung, K., Gloster, A.T., Gobin, R.L., Gould, E.R., Hofmann, S.G., Kasujja, R., Karekla, M., Luciano, C., & McCracken, L.M. (2021). Report of the ACBS Task Force on the Strategies and Tactics of Contextual Behavioral Science Research. Journal of Contextual Behavior Science, 20, 172-183. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2021.03.007.
- Constantinou, M., Kagialis, A., & Karekla, M. (2021). COVID-19 Scientific facts vs. conspiracy theories: Is science failing to pass its message? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 6343. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18126343.
- Chong, Y.Y., Chien, W.T., Cheng, H.Y., Chow, K.M., Lamnisos, D., Ļubenko, J., Presti, G., Squatrito, V., Constantinou, M., Nicolaou, C., Papacostas, S., Aydin, G., Ruiz, F.J., Garcia-Martin, M.B., Obando-Posada, D.P., Segura-Vargas, M.A., Vasiliou, V.S., McHugh, L., Höfer, S., Baban, A., Neto, D.D., da Silva A.N., Monestes, J.L., Alvarez-Galvez, J., Blarrina, M.P., Montesinos, F., Salas,, S.V., Őri, D., Kleszcz, B., Lappalainen, R., Ivanović, I., Gosar, D., Dionne, F., Merwin, R.M., Gloster, A.T., Karekla, M., Kassianos, A.P. (2021). Patterns of Psychological Responses Among the Public During The Early Phase Of COVID-19: A Cross-Regional Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Neto, D. D., Nunes da Silva, A., Roberto, M.S., Lubenko, J., Constantinou, M., Nicolaou C., Lamnisos, D., Papacostas, S., Höfer, S., Presti, G., Squatrito, V., Vasiliou, V.S., McHugh, L., Monestès, J.L., Baban, A., Alvarez-Galvez, J., Paez-Blarrina, M., Montesinos, F., Valdivia-Salas, S., Ori, D., Lappalainen, R., Kleszcz, B., Gloster, A., Karekla, M., & Kassianos, A.P. (2021) Illness perceptions of COVID-19 in Europe: Predictors, impacts and temporal evolution. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.640955.
- Gloster, A. T., Meyer, A. H., Klotsche, J., Villanueva, J., Block, V. J., Benoy, C., ... & Karekla, M. (2021). The spatiotemporal movement of patients in and out of a psychiatric hospital: an observational GPS study. BMC psychiatry, 21(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-021-03147-9
- *Constantinou, M., Gloster, A.T., Karekla, M. (2021). I won’t comply because it is a hoax: Conspiracy beliefs, lockdown compliance, and the importance of psychological flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2021.03.001.
- Karekla, M. (2021). Shifting our perspective for the future of assessment and intervention science. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 3(1), 1-4, Article e6197, https://doi.org/10.32872/cpe.6197
- *Zacharia, M., Ioannou, M., Theofanous, A., Vasiliou, V., & Karekla, M. (2021). Does cognitive fusion show up similarly across two behavioral health samples? Psychometric properties and invariance of the Greek-Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (G-CFQ). Journal of Contextual Behavior Science. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2021.01.003.
- Waldeck, D., Pancani, L., Holliman, A., Karekla, M., & Tyndall, I (2021). Adaptability and psychological flexibility: Overlapping constructs? Journal of Contextual Behavior Science
- De Witte, N.A.J, Carlbring, P., Etzelmueller, A., Nordgreen, T., Karekla, M., Haddouk, M.L., Belmont, A.,Øverland, S., Abi-Habib, R., Bernaerts, S., Brugnera, A., Duque, A., Ebert, E.E., Eimontas, J., Kassianos, A.P., Salgado, J., Schwerdtfeger, A., Tohme, P., Van Assche, E., & Van Daele, T. (pre-print, 2020). Online Consultations in Mental Healthcare During the Covid-19 Outbreak: An International Survey Study on Uptake and Experiences. Journal of Medical Internet Research, http://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.26541.
- *Gloster, A.T., Lamnisos, D., Lubenko, J., Presti, G., Squatrito, V., Constantinou, M., Nicolaou, C., Papacostas, S., Aydin, G., Yu, C.Y., Tong, C.W., Yu, C.H., Ruiz, F.J.,… & Karekla, M. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health: An International Study. PLoS ONE, 15(12). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244809
- *Gloster, A.T., Zacharia, M., & Karekla, M., (2020). Psychological aid for frontline healthcare workers. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 17 (4), 253-254.
- *Konstantinou, P., Georgiou, G., Panayides, A., Papageorgiou, A., Wosniak, G., Kassianos, A. & Karekla, M. (2020). Medication Adherence in Chronic Conditions: A Scoping review of barriers, facilitators and interventions. Translation Behavioral Medicine, 10(6), 1390-1398. DOI: 10.1093/tbm/ibaa118
- Gloster, A. T., Walder, N., Levin, M.E., Twohig, M.P., & Karekla, M., (2020). The empirical status of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Journal of Contextual Behavior Science, 18, 181-192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.09.009
- *Vasiliou, V.S., Karademas, E.C., Christou, Y., Papacostas, S., & Karekla, M. (2020). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for primary headache sufferers: A randomized controlled trial of efficacy. Journal of Pain, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2020.06.006
- Gloster, A. T., Hoyer, J., Karekla, M., Meyer, A., Bader, K., Imboden, C., Mikoteit, T., Hatzinger, M., & Lieb, R. (2020). How Response Styles Moderate the Relationship Between Daily Stress and Social Interactions in Depression, Social Phobia, & Controls. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1159/000511102
- Plantade-Gjpch, A., Van Broeck, N., Lowet, K., Karayianni, E., & Karekla, M. (2020). Reflecting on psychotherapy practice for psychologists: Towards guidelines for competences and practices. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 2(4), https://doi.org/10.32872/cpe.v2i4.2601
- *Matsangidou, M., Otkhmezuri, B., Ang, C.S., Avraamides, M., Riva, G., Gaggioli, A., Iosif, D., & Karekla, M. (2020). “Now i can see me” designing a multi-user virtual reality remote psychotherapy for body weight and shape concerns. Human–Computer Interaction, https://doi.org/10.1080/07370024.2020.1788945
- Chong, Y.Y., Chien, W.T., Cheng, H.Y., Chow, K.M., Kassianos, A.P., Karekla, M., & Gloster, A. (2020). The Role of Illness Perceptions, Coping and Self-Efficacy on Adherence to Precautionary measures for COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6540; doi:10.3390/ijerph17186540.
- Karekla, M., Savvides, S.N., & Gloster, A. (2020). An Avatar-led Intervention Promotes Smoking Cessation in Young Adults: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 1-14. doi: 1093/abm/kaaa013.
- Van Daele, T., Karekla, M., Kassianos, A.P., Compare, A., Haddouk, L., Salgado, J., Ebert, D.D., Trebbi, G. (on behalf of the EFPA Project Group on eHealth), Bernaerts, S., Van Assche, E., De Witte, N.A.J. (2020). E-mental health essentials following the COVID-19 outbreak: Recommendations for policy & practice in Europe and beyond. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(2), 160-173. DOI:10.1037/int0000218
- Karekla, M., Georgiou, N., Panayiotou, G.P., Sandoz, E., Kurz, S., & Constantinou, M. (2020). Cognitive Restructuring vs. Defusion: Impact on craving, healthy and unhealthy food intake. Eating Behaviors, 37. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eatbeh.2020.101385.
- Presti, G., McHughes, L., Gloster, A., Karekla, M., & Hayes, S.C. (2020). The Dynamics of Fear at the Time of Covid-19: A Contextual Behavioral Science Perspective. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 17(2), 65-71. https://doi.org/10.36131/CN20200206.
- Rehackova, L. & Karekla, M. (2020). Health psychology and the sustainable development goals. The European Health Psychologist, 21(2), 637-638.
- *Koushiou, M., Loutsiou, A. & Karekla, M. (2020). Eating disorders among middfle-school students: The role of psychological inflexibility and self-esteem. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/21683603.2020.1742259.
- *Theofanous, A., Ioannou, M., Zacharia, M., Georgiou, S.N., & Karekla, M. (2020). Gender, Age, and Time Invariance of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and Psychometric properties in Three Greek-speaking youth samples. Mindfulness, 11, 1298-1307. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01350-5
- Villanueva, J., Meyer, A.H., Rinner, M., Block, V.J., Benoy, C., Brogli, S., Karekla, M., Walter, M., & Gloster, A.T. (2020). The everyday lives of in- and outpatients when beginning therapy: The importance of values-consistent behavior. International J of Clinical and Health Psychology, 20, 91-99. doi: 1016/j.ijchp.2020.02.002.
- *Konstantinou, P., Trigeorgi, A., Georgiou, C., Gloster, A.T., Panayiotou, G., & Karekla, M. (2020). Comparing apples and oranges or different types of citrus fruits? Using wearable vs. stationary devices to analyze psychophysiological data. Psychophysiology, 57(5). doi:1111/psyp.13551.
- Gloster, A.T., Rinner, M. T. B., Ioannou, M., Villanueva, J., Firsching, V., Ferrari, G., Benoy, C., Bader, K., Karekla, M. (2020). Treating Treatment Non-Responders: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Psychotherapy Trials. Clinical Psychology Review, 75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2019.101810
- Karekla, M., Christodoulidou, N., Michaelides, M. & Constantinou, M. (2020). Reasons for Consuming Energy Drinks: Validation and factor structure of a new scale. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 16 (3)
- *Koushiou, M., Nicolaou, P., & Karekla, M. (2019). Epidemiology of Eating Disorders in Cyprus. European Journal of Counseling Psychology, 8, 3–18. doi:10.5964/ejcop.v8i1.170.
- Karekla, M., Mavraki, E., Nicolaou, P., & Koushiou, M. (2019). Validation of the Greek version of the Body Image-Acceptance and Action Questionnaire. European Journal of Counseling Psychology, 8, 93–107. doi:10.5964/ejcop.v8i1.173
- Karekla, M. & Savvides, S.N. (2019). Feasibility and Acceptability of an Avatar-led Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Digital Intervention for Smoking Cessation in Young Adults. Translation Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibz128.
- Karekla, M., Konstantinou, P., Ioannou, M., Kareklas, I. & Gloster, A. (2019). The phenomenon of treatment dropout, reasons and moderators in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and other active treatments: A meta-analytic review. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 1(3), Article e33058. DOI: 10.32872/cpe.v1i3.33058.
- *Koushiou, M., Merwin, R., & Karekla, M. (2019). An investigation of the affective experience of females at high risk for eating disorders in general and pathology-specific contexts. Appetite. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2019.05.037
- *Vasiliou, V., Michaelides, M., Kasinopoulos, O., & Karekla, M. (2019). Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale: Greek adaptation, psychometric properties and invariance testing in chronic pain and headache samples. Psychological Assessment. DOI: 10.1037/pas0000705.
- Karekla, M., Kasinopoulos, O., Neto, D., Ebert, D.D., Van Daele, , Nordgreen, T., Höefer, S., Oeverland, S. & Jensen, K.L. (2019). Best practices and recommendations for digital interventions to improve engagement and adherence in chronic illness sufferers. European Psychologist, 24, 49-67.
- *Christodoulou, A., Michaelides, M. & Karekla, M. (2018). Network analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2018.10.002.
- Collins, B.N., Nair, U.S., Komaroff, E., Karekla, M., Panayiotou, G., & McCormick S. (2018). Trait Persistence Moderates the Association between Gender and Change in Smoking Urge Across Repeated Cue Exposure Trials. The Journal of Smoking Cessation, 14, 42-61. DOI:10.1017/jsc.2018.12.
- *Christodoulou, A., Michaelides, M. P., & Karekla, M. (2018). Greek Version of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth: Psychometric Evaluation and Gender Multigroup Invariance in Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 36(8), 844-849. DOI:0734282917713500.
- *Vasiliou, V., Karekla, M., Michaelides, M., & Kasinopoulos, O (2018). Construct validity of the G-CPAQ and its mediating role in pain interference and adjustment. Psychological Assessment, 30(2), 220-230. DOI:10.1037/pas0000467
- *Kkeli, N., Michaelides, M.P., & Karekla, M. (2018). The Greek version of the Restraint Scale: Validation in a student sample in Cyprus. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 15, 1-14.
- Karekla, M., Karademas, E. & Gloster, A. (2018). The Common Sense Model of self-regulation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Integrating strategies to guide interventions for chronic illness. Health Psychology Review, 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/2018.1437550.
- *Koushiou, M. & Karekla, M. (2018). Inducing negative affect using film clips with general and Eating Disorders related content. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 23 (6), 775-784. DOI: 10.1007/s40519-018-0485-2.
- Hooper, N., Dack, C., Karekla, M., Niyazi, A., & McHugh, L. (2018). Cognitive defusion versus experiential avoidance in the reduction of smoking behaviour: An experimental and preliminary investigation. Addiction Research and Theory, 26(5), 414-420. DOI: 10.1080/16066359.2018.1434156.
- Ebert, D.D., Daele, T., Nordgreen, T. Karekla, M., Compare, T.A., Zarbo, C., Brugnera, A., Oeverland, S., Trebbi, G., Jensen, K.L. Kaehlke, F., on behalf of the EFPA E-Health Taskforce. & Harald Baumeister (2018). Internet and mobile-based psychological interventions: Applications, efficacy and potential for improving mental health. A report of the EFPA e-health taskforce. European Psychologist, 23(2), 167-DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000318.
- Monestès, J.L., Karekla, M., Jacobs, N., Michaelides, M., Hooper, N., Kleen, M., Ruiz, F.J., Miselli, G., Presti, G., Luciano, C., Villatte, M., Bond, F., Kishita, N. & Hayes, S.C. (2018). Experiential avoidance as a common process in European Cultures. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34 (4), 247-257, org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000327.
- Karekla, M., Panayiotou, G., & Collins, B. (2017). Predictors of Urge to Smoke Under Stressful Conditions: An Experimental Investigation Utilizing the PASAT-C Task to Induce Negative Affect in Smokers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 31 (7), 735-743. DOI: 10.1037/adb0000309.
- Karademas, E. C., Karekla, M., Flouri, M., Vasiliou, V. S., Kasinopoulos, O., & Papacostas, S. S. (2017). The impact of experiential avoidance on the relations between illness representations, pain catastrophising and pain interference in chronic pain. Psychology & Health, 32(12), 1469-1484.
- Panayiotou, G., Karekla, M., Georgiou, D., Constantinou, E., & Paraskeva-Siamata, M. (2017). Psychophysiological and self-reported reactivity associated with social anxiety and public speaking fear symptoms: Effects of fear versus distress. Psychiatry Research, 255, 278-286.
- Panayiotou, G., Karekla, M., & Leonidou, C. (2017). Coping through avoidance may explain gender disparities in anxiety. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(2), 215-220.
- Karekla, M., Karademas, E., Vasiliou, V., Kasinopoulos, O., Flouri, M., Christou, G., & Papacostas, S. (2017). In Search for Novel and More Effective Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain: The “Algea” Research Project. European Health Psychologist, 19(1), 297-301.
- *Leonidou, C., Panayiotou, G., Bati, A., & Karekla, M. (2017). Coping with psychosomatic symptoms: The buffering role of psychological flexibility and impact on quality of life. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(2), 175-187.
- Karekla, M. & Michaelides, M. (2016). Validation and Invariance testing of the Greek adaptation of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire -II across clinical vs. nonclinical samples and sexes. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(1), 119-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcbs.2016.11.006.
- Karekla, M., Papageorgiou, D., & Constantinou, M. (2016). Placebo effects: From myth to reality. [Review of the book Placebo Talks: Modern Perspectives on Placebos in Society by Amir Raz and Cory S. Harris (Eds.) New York, NY: Oxford University Press]. PsycCRITIQUES- Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 61(43). http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0040591
- Michaelides, M., Christodoulou, A., Kkeli, N., Karekla, M., & Panayiotou, G. (2016). Factorial Structure of the Perceived Stress Scale and implications for scoring. European Review of Applied Psychology, 66 (6), 309-316. DOI: 10.1016/j.erap.2016.07.002
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- Karekla, M., & Hadjikyriakou, D. (2016). A comprehensive guide to sleep medicine: From historical times to present practices across the world. PsycCRITIQUES- Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 61 (30). http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0040405.
- *Pilipenko, N., Karekla, M., Georgiou, A., & Feldman, J. (2016). Impact of Psychiatric Illness Upon Asthma Patients’ Health Care Utilization and Illness Control: Are All Psychiatric Comorbidities Created Equal? Psychology, Health & Medicine, 21, 787-799. DOI:1080/13548506.2015.1131995.
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- *Charilaou, M., Karekla, M., Constantinou, M. & Price, S. (2009). Relation of Physical Activity and Type of Smoking Behavior Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Cyprus. The Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 11(8), 969-976.
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- *Zacharia, M. & Karekla, M. (under submission). Psychological interventions in cancer. In A. Kassianos (Ed.), Handbook of Quality of Life and Cancer,
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Karekla, M., & Kelly, M. (2022). Cravings and Addictions: Free Yourself from the Struggle of Addictive Behavior with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. New Harbinger Publications.
Karekla, M., & Constantinou, S.I (2017). Anna and the Box, CCBP Publications, Nicosia, Cyprus; with the support of the University of Cyprus. (A psychotherapeutic story for children based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).
EuroPsy Specialist European Awarding Committee (2013). EuroPsy Specialist Certificate in Psychotherapy: Guide for Implementation, European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA).
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- *Zacharia, M., Vasileiou, V., & Karekla, M. (2017, March). Psychometric properties of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS) in a Greek-Cypriot sample of chronic pain patients. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S591-S592.
- Karekla, M. & Savvide, S. (2016). Can an internet-based avatar-led Acceptance and Commitment Therapy program influence youth to quit smoking? International Journal of Psychology, 51, 110.
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- Karekla, M. & Papageorgiou, A. (2016). ACTmind: A mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy program for cultivating emotional health in children. European Health Psychologist,18(S),
- Karekla, M., Stavrinaki, M., Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Constantinou, C., Loizou, C., Phellas, C., & Christou, S.(2015). The effectiveness of an ACT protocol for improving well-being in Thalassemia patients. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 327.
- *Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Stavrinaki, M., Karekla, M., Constantinou, C., Loizou, C., Phellas, C., & Christou, S.(2015). Which psychological aspects and individual difference factors affect quality of life of individuals with Thalassemia?. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 325.
- Constantinou, C., Loizou, C., Phellas, C., Stavrinaki, M., Siamata, M., Karekla, M., & Karademas, E. (2015). Psychosocial parameters and effects of Thalassemia. European Health Psychologist, 17(S),
- Karekla, M., & Constantinou, M. (2015). Can psychological inflexibility predict physical observation of pain signs in patients with chronic pain? European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 435.
- Karekla, M., Collins, B., & Panayiotou, G. (2015). Differential gender effects on state frustration and urge to smoke among college regular smokers. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 403.
- Karademas, E., Karekla, M., Flouri, M., Vasileiou, V., Kasinopoulos, O., & Papacostas, S. (2015). Adaptation to chronic pain: psychological flexibility and the self-regulation mechanism. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 432.
- *Vasiliou, V., Karekla, M., & Karademas, E. (2015). Examining the role of acceptance and defusion processes in mediating pain interference and adjustment. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 433.
- Karekla, M, Karademas, E., Rovner, G., Vasiliou, V., Constantinou, M., & Dahl., J. (2015). Psychological flexibility: examining its components and their relation to functioning in chronic pain. European Health Psychologist, 17S, 431.
- *Savvides, S. N., & Karekla, M. (2015). Evaluating an acceptance and commitment therapy internet-based intervention for smoking cessation in young adults. European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 415.
- *Theodorou, C., Panayiotou, G., & Karekla, M. (2015). Coping skills and Depressive Symptoms: are they correlated? European Health Psychologist, 17(S), 791.
- *Vasileiou, V., Flouri, M., Kasinopoulos, O., Stavrinaki, M., Siamata, M., Hadjikyriacou, D.,Karademas, E. & Karekla, M. (2014). Illness Representations and Quality of Life in Patients Suffering From a Chronic Pain Condition and Chronic Patients Without Pain: Similarities and Differences. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 951.
- *Leonidou, C., Panayiotou, G., Bati, A., & Karekla, M. (2014). Factors associated with clinical levels of somatization and hypochondriasis: The role of anxiety and panic symptoms. Psychomed, s1-2,
- *Stavrinaki, M., Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Vasiliou, V., Kasinopoulos, O., Hadjikyriacou, D., Karekla, M., & Constantino, C. S. (2014). The Value of Valued Living Questionnaire for Chronic Illnesses: the Case of Thalassemia. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 934.
- *Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Stavrinaki, M., Karekla, M., Constantinou, C. S., Loizou, C., & Christou, S. (2014). Is Thalassemia Patient’s Well-being Impacted by Locus of Control, Gender and Experiential Avoidance? European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 877.
- *Savvides, S. N., & Karekla, M. (2014). Evaluation of an ACT Internet Based Intervention on Smoking Cessation for Adolescents. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 912.
- *Vasileiou, V., Flouri, M., Kasinopoulos, O., Stavrinaki, M., Siamata, M., Hadjikyriacou, D.,Karademas, E. & Karekla, M. (2014). Illness Representations and Quality of Life in Patients Suffering From a Chronic Pain Condition and Chronic Patients Without Pain: Similarities and Differences. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 951.
- *Leonidou, C., Panayiotou, G., Bati, A., & Karekla, M. (2014). Factors associated with clinical levels of somatization and hypochondriasis: The role of anxiety and panic symptoms. Psychomed, s1-2,
- *Stavrinaki, M., Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Vasiliou, V., Kasinopoulos, O., Hadjikyriacou, D., Karekla, M., & Constantino, C. S. (2014). The Value of Valued Living Questionnaire for Chronic Illnesses: the Case of Thalassemia. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 934.
- *Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Stavrinaki, M., Karekla, M., Constantinou, C. S., Loizou, C., & Christou, S. (2014). Is Thalassemia Patient’s Well-being Impacted by Locus of Control, Gender and Experiential Avoidance? European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 877.
- *Savvides, S. N., & Karekla, M. (2014). Evaluation of an ACT Internet Based Intervention on Smoking Cessation for Adolescents. European Health Psychologist, 16(S), 912.
- Karekla, M., Karademas, E., Vasileiou, V., Flouri, M., & Kasinopoulos, O. (2013). Introducing" ALGEA", an interdisciplinary approach for understanding and treating chronic pain. In Psychology and Health, 28, 236-236.
- *Kasinopoulos, O., Christodoulou, A., & Karekla, M. (2013). Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) enhanced by text messaging for smoking cessation in adolescence. In Psychology and Health, 28, 236-237.
- *Siamata, M., Karekla, M., Yiagkou, F., Loizou, C., Constantinou, C., & Phellas, C. (2013). Gender differences in cancer patients' quality of life, perceived social support, anxiety and depression. In Psychology and Health, 28, 310-310.
- Constantinou, M. & Karekla,, M. (2012). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) appears to improve cognitive and psychological functioning. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 27, 581-582.
- Panayiotou, G., Karekla,, M., Kapsou, M. (2011). Anxiety disorders revisited: Differences in physiology and self-report. Psychophysiology, 48 (S1), S114.
- Karekla,, M. (2011). Acceptance and commitment therapy for health related problems. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- Karekla, M., Pilipenko, N., Georgiou, A. (2011). Factors Affecting Asthma Psychomorbidity, Control, and Illness-Related Quality of Life: What is the Interaction? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- Karekla, M., Pilipenko, N., Feldman, J.M. (2011). Greek Language Validation of the Patient Health. Questionnaire. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- Karekla,, M., & Panayiotou, G. (2011). Coping and Experiential Avoidance: Unique or Overlapping Constructs? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- *Pavli, V.G., Kapsou, M. & Karekla, M. (2011). Anxiety sensitivity and smoking: A matter of gender? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- *Souroulla-Kay, F., Kapsou, M., Gregoriou, I, & Karekla, M. (2011). Happy or sad, lonely or social: Cypriot college smokers- Why do they smoke and when? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(Suppl.),
- *Stavrinaki, M., Koumi, E., Miltiadou, E., & Karekla,, M. (2011). Measuring the treatment effectiveness of CBT and ACT in work related stress: A comparison study. Psychology and Health, 26 (2), 170.
- Karekla,, M. (2010). Acceptance and commitment therapy for health related problems. Psychology and Health,25(6),133-134.
- Panayiotou, G., Kapsou, M., & Karekla, M. (2010). Specificity of physiological and self-report responses of anxious subjects to own vs. other phobic scenes. Psychophysiology, 47, S97.
- Constantinou, S.C., Phellas, N.C., Loizou, C. & Karekla, M. (2010). Male Cancer Patients in Cyprus and Quality of Life. Journal of Men’s Health, 7(3), 306.
- Karekla,, M., Kapsou, M., Ioannou, V.A., Gregoriou, I., Christodoulou, A., & Gkliaou, M.A. (2010). Emotional avoidance and its relation to reasons for smoking in adolescents. Psychology and Health, 25(6), 48-49.
- Karekla, M., Kapsou, M., Ioannou, V.A., Gregoriou, I., Christodoulou, A., & Gkliaou, M.A. (2010). Pilot results from an acceptance and commitment therapy-enhanced smoking cessation intervention for Psychology and Health, 25 (6), 250.
- *Charilaou, M., Karekla,, M., & Constantinou, M. (2010). Levels of physical activity and their relation to health risk behaviours among adolescents in Cyprus. Psychology and Health,25(6),177.
- Karekla,, M., Forsyth, J. P., & Kelly, M. (2009). Can experiential avoidance predict reported distress in individuals with panic disorder? Psychology and Health,24 (1), 227.
- Karekla,, M., & Kapsou, M. (2009). Smoking in Cypriot adolescents: Gender-specific patterns. Psychology and Health, 24 (1), 227.
- *Kapsou, M., Karekla,, M., & Symeou, A. (2009). Which smoking related attitudes and knowledge matter most when it comes to smoking status? Psychology and Health, 24 (1), 226.
- Michaelides, C., Neophytou, M., Karekla,, M., & Papacostas, S. (2009). A first epidemiological study of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) in Cyprus. Epilepsia, 50, 294.
- Karekla, M. & Kapsou, M. (2009). Smoking and Nicotine Addiction among Young People in Cyprus. Conference proceedings of the Psychology and Health conference organized by the Cyprus Sociological Association.
- *Andreou, A., Panayiotou, G., Karekla, M. & Kapsou, M. (2009). Coping, Social Support and Gender as Moderators of the Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Health among Cypriot Adults. Conference proceedings of the Psychology and Health conference organized by the Cyprus Sociological Association.
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