[2021] Moutselos, Michalis and Karen Schönwälder. The immigrant presence in collaborative structures of Urban Politics. Governance 35(1): 303-321.
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis. What explains diversity-policy adoption? Policy entrepreneurs and advocacy coalitions in two French cities. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Advance Online Publication.
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis. Estates against the State? Evidence from the 2005 wave of French riots. Political Geography 76: 102088.
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis. Fighting for their neighborhood: urban policy and anti-state riots in France. Social Forces 98 (4), 1719-1743.
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis, Christian Jacobs, Julia Martínez-Ariño, Maria Schiller, Karen Schönwälder, Alexandre Tandé. Economy or Justice? How Urban Actors Respond to Diversity. Urban Affairs Review. 56(1): 228-253.
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis. Praying on Friday, voting on Sunday? Mosque Attendance and voter turnout in three West European democracies. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (11), 2275-2292.
[2019] Darren J. Lim, Michalis Moutselos and Michael McKenna. Puzzled out? The unsurprising outcomes of the Greek bailout negotiations. Journal of European Public Policy 26(3): 325-343.
[2019] Martínez-Ariño, Julia, Michalis Moutselos, Karen Schönwälder, Christian Jacobs, Maria Schiller, Alexandre Tandé “Why do some cities adopt more diversity policies than others? A study in France and Germany. Comparative European Politics 17(5): 651-672
Κεφάλαια σε συλλογικούς τόμους
[2020] Moutselos, Michalis, Georgia Mavrodi. “Diaspora Policies and Social Protection: Greece” in Lafleur Jean-Michel and Daniela Vintila, eds. Migration and Transnational Social Protection in Post-Crisis Europe. Springer, Forthcoming.
[2017] Mavrodi, Georgia, Michalis Moutselos. Immobility in times of crisis? The case of Greece. in Jean-Michel Lafleur and Mikolaj Stanek, eds. Old Routes, New Migrants: Lessons from the South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis. Springer, IMISCOE Research Series, December 2016.
Δημοσιοποιημένα Working Papers μετά από αξιολόγηση
[2018] Moutselos, Michalis, Christian Jacobs, Julia Martínez-Ariño, Maria Schiller, Karen Schönwälder, Alexandre Tandé. Cities and the Challenge of Diversity (CityDiv): The Survey, Technical Report. MPI-MMG Working Paper Series, September 2017.
[2016] Moutselos, Michalis. Group consciousness and political behavior among citizens of immigrant origin: The case of France. MPI-MMG Working Paper Series, June 2015.