N. Charalambous, Z. N. Comert, and I. Geddes, I. "The Study of Urban Form in Cyprus" (2019). Journal of Urban Morphology, 23(1)
N. Charalambous, "Spatial Forms of Ethnic Coexistence in Ottoman Cyprus: The Role of Urban Form in Patterns of Everyday Life" (2018). Journal of Urban History, 1-24.
S.S. Cruz, N. Roskamm & N. Charalambous "Inquiries into public space practices, meanings and values". (2018) Journal of Urban Design, 23(6), 797-802.
N. Charalambous and G. Kyriazis, “InterActions: housing design in uncertain environments”, (2018) [Publisher: JOVIS].
L. Madrazo, C. Sentieri, & N. Charalambous, “Applying a blended learning methodology to the study of housing” in M. J. Rodrigues Couceiro da Costa, F. Roseta, J. Pestana Lages, & S. Couceiro da Costa (Eds.) “Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges”, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. II, (2017) pp1051-1058.
N. Charalambous “The Challenge of Change in Living Environments: Implications and Opportunities for Architectural Education”, in Madrazo, L. (ed), “Global Dwelling: Intertwining Research, Pedagogy and Community Participation”. Barcelona: Editorial Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, (2017) pp166-178.
N. Charalambous and I. Geddes,“Making spatial sense of historical social data” in the Journal of Space Syntax (JOSS): Open syntaxes: Towards new engagements with social sciences and humanities, (2015) Vol. 6, No 1: 81-101. [Publisher: University College London].
N. Charalambous and I. Geddes, “Spatial Memory and Shifting Centrality”, in Vaughan, L. S. (ed), Suburban Urbanities: Suburbs and the Life of the High Street. London: UCL Press, (2015) pp77-103.
N. Charalambous(2014) “Public Space and Urban Segregation” in Fabris L.M.F. (ed.) Re-starting from Quarto Oggiaro, Milan: Toward a new kind of smart city, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (I), ISBN 9788838762819, (2014) pp051-060.
N. Charalambous N. and I. Geddes,“Space Syntax - Assessing Multiple Urban Developments in Limassol – From Traffic Place to People Place” in Brömmelstroet M., Silva C., and Bertolini L. (eds) Assessing Usability of Accessibility Instruments, Ipskamp Drukkerij Netherlands, (2014) Ch. 3.2, pp35-43.
N.Charalambous and C.Hadjichristos, “Overcoming Divisions in Nicosia’s Public Space”, in Perspectives on Urban Segregation, Built Environment, Vol.37, No.2: 170-183, (June 2011). [Publisher: Alexandrine Press, UK].
N.Charalambous, “Understanding urban segregation: issues of ethnicity, age and gender in Nicosia’s public space”, Journal of Design Principles and Practices, (2011.) , [Publisher: Common Ground Publishers, Urbana-Champaign, USA].
N.Charalambous and M.C.Phocas, “Research based design: Competition Proposal for the Cyprus News Agency”, The Architecture & Education Journal, (2011) [Publisher: LABART, Lusofona University, Portugal].
N.Charalambous, “A spatio-temporal interpretation of domesticity”, proceedings of the 23rd conference of ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) - 'Mixite': an urban and housing issue ? Mixing people, housing and activities as the urban challenge of the future, 12pages, Toulouze, France 2011 (http://www.enhr2011.com).
N.Charalambous, “Urban dynamics and social exclusion: Understanding aspects of ethnic segregation in public space” proceedings of the EURA (European Urban Research Association) conference: Understanding City Dynamics, Darmstadt, Germany 2010 (http://www.politikwissenschaft.tu-darmstadt.de/index.php?id=citydynamics).
N.Charalambous and C.Hadjichristos, “A Square or a Bridge? The Eleftheria Square Case”, proceedings of the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium, pp.013:1-013:10, Stockholm, Sweden 2009
N. Charalambous “Tradition, Identity and Built Form” in Traditional Mediterranean Architecture: Present and Future, edited by Xavier Casanova (Collegi d’Aparellados I Arquitectes Tecnics de Barcelona) pp.25-29, (2007).
N.Charalambous and M.Hadjisoteriou, “Introductory Architectural Design Studio: (Re)Searching for a New Approach”, EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) Transactions on Architectural Education: Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy, No.35, pp. 285-293, Lisbon Portugal, 2007.
N.Charalambous, “Nicosia: a multiethnic city?”, proceedings of the 49th World Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Planning: Urban Future, Continuities and Discontinuities, 15pages, Rome Italy, 2005 (http://www.ifhp.org).
N.Charalambous and N.Peristianis, “Urban space, social and ethnic identity” = “Espace urbain, identite sociale et ethnique” in Mediterranee : Ruptures et Continuites, edited by M.Chehab, Y.Ioannou and F.Metral, (Maison De L'orient Mediterraneen Press), pp. 211-223 (2003).