Microeconomics, Game Theory, Market Design, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics
Communication and the emergence of a unidimensional world (with O. Troumpounis and N. Tsakas), Journal of the European Economic Association, accepted
Sealed-bid versus ascending spectrum auctions (with Nicholas Bedard, Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang), Experimental Economics, 27, 299-324, 2024
Trimming Extreme Reports in Preference Aggregation (with Matias Nuñez and Dimitrios Xefteris), Games and Economic Behavior, 137, 116-151, 2023
Coordination with Preferences over the Coalition Size (with Orestis Troumpounis, Nikolaos Tsakas and Dimitrios Xefteris), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 194, 105-123, 2022
The Virtuous Cycle of Agreement (with Matias Nuñez and Dimitrios Xefteris), Economic Journal, 132 (641), 326-360, 2022
M Equilibrium: A Theory of Beliefs and Choices in Games (with Jacob Goeree), American Economic Review, vol. 111, no.12, 4002-4045, 2021
Noisy Introspection in the '11-20' Game. (with Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang), Economic Journal, 128 (611), 1509-1530, 2018
Learning Aversion and Voting Rules in Collective Decision Making, Economics Letters, 133, 13-26, 2015