Κατάλογος Προσωπικού

Δημήτριος Ξεφτέρης

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Τμήμα Οικονομικών
ΟΕΔ 02 - Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών και Διοίκησης, 125
Political Economics, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory, Economic Behavior
'Ideological Consistency and Valence' (with Enriqueta Aragones) in Games and Economic Behavior, (2025), 150, 160-182.
'Voting Rights, Agenda Control and Information Aggregation' (with Laurent Bouton, Aniol Llorente-Saguer, and Antonin Mace) in Journal of the European Economic Association, (2024), 22 (6), 2598–2647.
'Electoral Institutions and Intraparty Cohesion' (with Konstantinos Matakos, Riikka Savolainen, Orestis Troumpounis, and Janne Tukiainen) in Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, (2024), 2 (4).
'Lognormal (Re)Distribution: A Macrofounded Theory of Inequality' (with Jon Eguia), in European Economic Review, (2024), 172, 104863.
'Buying elections for peanuts' (with Gerard Domenech) in Economic Theory, (2024), 1-29.
'Coordinated Democracy'  in Games and Economic Behavior, (2023), 142, 33-45.
'Trimming Extreme Reports in Preference Aggregation' (with Philippos Louis and Matias Núñez) in Games and Economic Behavior, (2023), 137, 116-151.
'How does group identification affect redistribution in representative democracies? An Experiment' (with Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, Emma Manifold, and Konstantinos Matakos) in Journal of Public Economics, (2022), 215, 104747.
'The Virtuous Cycle of Agreement' (with Philippos Louis and Matias Núñez) in Economic Journal, (2022), 132:641, 326-360.
'Implementation by vote-buying mechanisms' (with Jon X. Eguia) in American Economic Review, (2021), 111:9, 2811-2828.
'Information aggregation with runoff voting' (with Nikolas Tsakas) in Journal of Economic Theory, (2021), 191, 105130.
'Vote trading in power sharing systems: A laboratory investigation' (with Nikolas Tsakas and Nicholas Ziros) in Economic Journal, (2021), 131: 636, 1849-1882.
'Stress-Testing the Runoff Rule in the Laboratory' (with Nikolas Tsakas) in Games and Economic Behavior, (2021), 128, 18-38.
'Class versus Identity: Candidates’ Race and the Inequality–Redistribution Nexus' (with Konstantinos Matakos), in Quarterly Journal of Political Science, (2020), 15: 3, 401-447.
'Electoral Rules, Strategic Entry and Polarization' (with Damien Bol, Konstantinos Matakos, and Orestis Troumpounis), in Journal of Public Economics, (2019), 178, 104065.
'Strategic voting when participation is costly' in Games and Economic Behavior, (2019), 116, 122-127.
'Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Make Natives More Hostile?' (with Dominik Hangartner, Elias Dinas, Moritz Marbach, and Konstantinos Matakos), in American Political Science Review, (2019), 116, 122-127.
'Electoral competition with primaries and quality asymmetries' (with Bernard Grofman and Orestis Troumpounis) in Journal of Politics, (2019), 81:1, 260-273.
'Waking Up the Golden Dawn: Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Increase Support for Extreme-Right Parties?' (with Elias Dinas, Dominik Hangartner, and Konstantinos Matakos) in Political Analysis, (2019), 27:2, 244-254.
'Implementation via Approval Mechanisms' (with Matías Núñez) in Journal of Economic Theory, (2017), 170, 169-181.
'Multidimensional electoral competition between differentiated candidates' in Games and Economic Behavior, (2017), 105, 112-121.
'Voters' private valuation of candidates' quality' (with Enriqueta Aragonés) in Journal of Public Economics, (2017), 156, 121-130.
'Imperfectly informed voters and strategic extremism' (with Enriqueta Aragonés) in International Economic Review, (2017), 58:2, 439-471.
'Strategic Vote Trading in Power-Sharing Systems' (with Nicholas Ziros) in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2017), 9:2, 76-94.
'Divide and rule: Redistribution in a model with differentiated candidates' (with Konstantinos Matakos) in Economic Theory, (2017), 63:4, 867-902.
'Stability in electoral competition: A case for multiple votes' in Journal of Economic Theory, (2016), 161, 76-102.
'Electoral Rule Disproportionality and Platform Polarization' (with Konstantinos Matakos and Orestis Troumpounis) in American Journal of Political Science, (2016), 60:4, 1026-1043.
'Symmetric zero-sum games with only asymmetric equilibria' in Games and Economic Behavior, (2015), 89, 122-125.
'Mixed equilibria in runoff elections' in Games and Economic Behavior, (2014), 87, 619-623.
'Candidate quality in a Downsian Model with a Continuous Policy Space'(with Enriqueta Aragones) in Games and Economic Behavior, (2012), 75:2, 464-480.
'Mixed Strategy Equilibrium in a Downsian Model with a favored candidate. A comment.' in Journal of Economic Theory, (2012), 147:1, 393-396.
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