Athanasios Vionis is Associate Professor in Byzantine Archaeology and Art at the Department of History and Archaeology, and former Director (2020-2024) of the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. He completed his undergraduate studies in Ancient History and Archaeology (Bachelor of Arts) in 1997 at the University of Durham (UK) and continued with his doctoral research at Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands), where he received his doctoral title (PhD) in Medieval and Post-Medieval Aegean Archaeology in 2005. He undertook post-doctoral research at the Faculty of Archaeology of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, having won a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Scientific Research in International Mobility from the Belgian government (F/07/005).
His research focusses on landscape archaeology and archaeological survey, settled and sacred landscapes, GIS applications in archaeology and the use of space, pottery technology/production-circulation-use, food preferences and everyday life in the post-Roman eras. He has published a monograph on the medieval and post-medieval insular Aegean (Leiden University Press, 2012), he is the author (or co-author) of more than 80 papers in peer-reviewed scientific Journals, specialised peer-reviewed edited volumes and conference proceedings, while he has co-edited 5 peer-reviewed volumes with Åströms Förlag (2019), Open Archaeology (De Gruyter, 2019), the Journal of Archaeological Science (Elsevier, 2019), Land (MDPI, 2018/19) and Religions (MDPI, 2022).
He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Greek Archaeology (Archaeopress) and the Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology (Astrom Editions). He has been acting as peer-reviewer of several scientific Journals and Publishing Houses, and as ad-hoc external reviewer of the European Research Council (ERC), and also as ‘Appointed Remote Reviewer’ for research grant proposals submitted for funding to the Belgium Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), and the USA National Science Foundation (NSF).
In November 2010, he established the Artefact and Landscape Studies Laboratory (ArtLandS Lab), functioning as an operating platform of the Archaeological Research Unit (ARU) of UCY, which he has been directing since then. He has taken part in and/or co-directed a number of field and analytical projects related to his fields of expertise, e.g. the Leiden Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project (co-funded by the Interuniversity Poles of Attraction P6/22). He has coordinated several analytical and other research programmes, funded by the European Commission, the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, the A.G. Leventis Foundation, and the University of Cyprus. He completed the first phase of the Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus field project in the Xeros River valley in the Larnaca district, an intensive archaeological survey programme (2014-2022), while in 2024 he initiated its second phase with targeted excavation at the site of Kophinou - Agios Herakleios (6th-16th c. AD).
- PhD in Medieval Archaeology, Universiteit van Leiden (The Netherlands), 2005
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Durham (UK), 1997
- Certificate in Journalism, Athenian Centre of Journalism and Communication (Greece), 1994
- Associate Professor in Byzantine Archaeology and Art, University of Cyprus, April 2018 - today
- Assistant Professor in Byzantine Archaeology and Art, University of Cyprus, May 2013 - March 2018
- Lecturer in Byzantine Archaeology and Art, University of Cyprus, August 2009 - April 2013
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus (Cyprus), January - May 2009
- Post-Doctoral Fellow in International Mobility, Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), September 2007 - November 2008
- Research Assistant, Project "Digital Crete: the Ottoman/Islamic tombstones of Rethymno", University of Crete and Institute of Mediterranean Studies, Crete (Greece), May - June 2007
- Research Assistant, "Historic Landscape Characterisation" Project, University of Newcastle (UK), April 2007
- Visiting Lecturer, Universiteit van Leiden (The Netherlands), January - March 2007
- Archaeologist/Surveyor, 2nd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of the Cyclades, Ministry of Culture (Greece), November - December 2006
ARCH 132 Introduction in Byzantine Archaeology and Art
ARCH 203 War and Defence in Byzantium
ARCH 223 The Archaeology of Byzantine Economy
ARCH 231 Byzantine Art and Identity
ARCH 232 Byzantine Archaeology: From Theory to Practice
ARCH 244 Traditional Culture as "Historical Archaeology"
ARCH 246 Archaeological Field Methodology: Byzantine Cyprus
ARCH 247 Byzantine Archaeology of the Aegean Islands
ARCH 248 The Archaeology of Byzantine 'Expression'
ARCH 282 Byzantine Culture (5th-15th c.)
ARCH 285 Archaeological Methods and Techniques on Land and Under the Sea
ARCH 305 The Byzantine City, 5th-15th c.
ARCH 308 Byzantine Burial: Art and Ideology
ARCH 330 Landscapes and Objects in Byzantium
ARCH 347 Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean
ARCH 500 Survey of Research and Interpretative Approaches to Byzantine Archaeology
ARCH 501 The Study of Ceramics in Byzantine Archaeology
ARCH 502 The Archaeology of Byzantine Economy
ARCH 503 The Archaeology of Death in Byzantium
ARCH 504 Byzantine Material Culture and Identity
ARCH 650 Settlement and Landscape Archaeology
ARCH 651 Mediterranean Island Landscapes
ARCH 661 Study of Pottery and Small Finds
ARCH 615 Practical Training in Field Archaeology
- Landscape archaeology and archaeological survey
- Spatial analysis of Byzantine/Medieval and later domestic, religious and economic landscapes
- Settlement archaeology
- Sacred landscapes
- The transition from polytheism to Christianity (4th-6th c. AD)
- The transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages (7th-9th c. AD)
- Identity in Byzantine art and material culture (social, religious, ethnic)
- Byzantine everyday life through the sources (texts – pictorial evidence – material culture)
- The history and archaeology of food consumption
- Technology/production – distribution – use of Byzantine and post-Byzantine ceramic vessels
ArtLandS Lab - Artefact and Landscape Studies Laboratory
Established in 2010 in the framework of A. Vionis' start-up grant from the University of Cyprus. The aim of the Lab is (a) the precise documentation, processing and study of landscape archaeology through a complete and advanced set of technical equipment, and (b) the documentation, study and publication of ceramic finds by a team of specialised researchers.
Blood in the Theatre: Gladiatorial and Other Associated Spectacles in Roman and Late Antique Greece (GlaSpeRG)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, HORIZON-MSCA-2022-FP-01, European Commission
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr M. Karambinis (01/10/2023-30/09/2025)
Innovative Training Network: Plasters and Ceramics (MSCA PlaCe-ITN)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network, European Commission
Coordinator: Prof. T. Rehren (Cyprus Institute). UCY: Prof. V. Kassianidou (2021-2023), Dr A. Vionis (2023-2025)
Unlocking the Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus (UnSaLa-CY)
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, RESTART 2016-2020, EXCELLENCE HUBS, EXCELLENCE/1216/0362
In collaboration with Advanced Researcher Dr G. Papantoniou (01/12/2018-30/11/2021)
The Spatiality and Materiality of Pilgrimage in Byzantine and Medieval Cyprus and Religious Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean (SpaMaP)
Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation, RESTART 2016-2020, DIDAKTOR Programmes, POST-DOC/0916/0251
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr O. Perdiki (01/12/2018-31/07/2022)
Reconstructing the Pelaeoenvironment of the Xeros River Valley in Cyprus (GeoArchX)
"ONISILOS" Research Project, Research Committee, UCY
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr P. Mylona (01/06/2020-31/08/2022)
Rural Life in Cyprus: Digitising and Reconstructing Material Culture Through Monastic Property Lists (18th-19th Centuries) (RURAL CY)
Internal Research Project, Research Committee, UCY
Collaborator: E. Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou, Special Research Scientist: P. Hadjittofi (01/06/2019-31/08/2022)
Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus I (SeSaLaC)
Archaeological Surface Survey Project in the valley of the Xeros River, Larnaca district (Cyprus), co-directed with Dr G. Papantoniou (University of Bonn) and Dr D. Nicolaou (University of Mainz).
Funded by the University of Cyprus, Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Studies Department, and the Irish Research Council (2014-present)
Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus II (SeSaLaC)
Archaeological Surface Survey Project on the Buffer Zone, Nicosia district (Cyprus), with the assistance of Ch. Loizou and N. Kyriakou (PhD candidates, University of Cyprus) and in collaboration with the Cyprus Department of Antiquities and the United Nations (2016-present)
Unlocking Sacred Landscapes (UnSaLa)
UnSaLa is an inter-disciplinary research Network, concerned with the diachronic study of the temporality, spatiality and materiality of Mediterranean sacred landscapes in general. The function of the Network is based on an Agreement of collaboration signed between the Department of Classics of Trinity College Dublin, the Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment of The Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Crete (FORTH), and the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. The consortium consists of Dr G. Papantoniou (principal coordinator, University of Bonn), Dr Christine Morris (Trinity College Dublin), Dr Apostolos Sarris (FORTH) and Dr A.K. Vionis (University of Cyprus) (2014-present)
Simplifying Complexity (SIMPLEX)
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr Ch. Paraskeva. Study, digitization and recording of high precision archaeological pottery data via the application of scanning technologies within an integrated relational database management system.
Funded by the University of Cyprus Research Grants (2016-2018)
Cooking Pot Traditions in Ancient Nicosia (Cook-Nic)
Post-doctoral researcher: Dr M. Dikomitou-Eliadou. Interdisciplinary view of the hill of Ayios Georgios, Nicosia, through a diachronic study of the cooking pots from the site (Bronze Age to Ottoman).
Funded by the University of Cyprus Research Grants (2015-2017)
Heimarros Tower Study Project
Co-directed by Dr O. Filaniotou (former director of the Lesvos Ephorate of Antiquities). A systematic study of the ceramic material (Iron Age - Early Byzantine) excavated at the site and tower of Heimarros.
A Collaboration between the University of Cyprus, the Cyprus Department of Antiquities, the University of Bonn, and the Cyclades Ephorate of Antiquities (2015-present)
Stirring Pots on Fire (CCP)
A diachronic and interdisciplinary study of cooking pots from Cyprus, 1500 BC – AD 1500 (typology, chronology, function, technology, dietary patterns).
Funded by the A.G. Leventis Foundation (2012-2013)
Digital Boeotia
Digitisation project for the recording and 3D reconstruction of Byzantine – Post Byzantine sites and monuments in Boeotia (Greece), in collaboration with the Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project (2010-2012)
Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project
Assistant Director of the archaeological survey project Ancient Cities of Boeotia, central Greece. Principal director: Prof. J.L. Bintliff.
Funded by Universiteit van Leiden and the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission (2007-2014)
Naxos Archaeological Surface Survey Project
An intensive survey project of areas around churches of the Early Byzantine period and the Byzantine Early Middle Ages on the island of Naxos, as an employee of the 2nd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, Ministry of Culture (Greece), and in collaboration with Dr Ch. Pennas (2006)
Paros Surface Survey Project
An intensive survey project of areas around churches of the Early Byzantine period and the Byzantine Early Middle Ages on the island of Paros, as an employee of the 2nd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, Ministry of Culture (Greece), and in collaboration with Dr Ch. Pennas (2001-2002)
Cyclades Research Project (CY.RE.P.)
Archaeological surface survey at selected sites on 8 islands and islets in the Cyclades (Greece), in collaboration with the British School at Athens (1998-1999).
Funded by the Ernst-Kirsten-Gesellschaft (Stuttgart, Germany), the Rosemary Cramp Fund and the Margaret Fergusson Award (University of Durham, UK)
- Princeton University Polis Chrysochous Excavations, Cyprus. Prof. W. Childs, Princeton University (USA), in collaboration with A. Vionis, ArtLandS Lab, University of Cyprus (Cyprus), 2019-today.
Achaia Survey Project, Greece. Dr K. Papagiannopoulos and Dr E. Simoni, Institute of Local History and Dr A. Rizakis, National Research Foundation (Greece), in collaboration with A. Vionis, ArtLandS Lab, University of Cyprus (Cyprus), 2013-today. - Apalirou Environs Project, Naxos. Universities of Edinburgh, Newcastle and Oslo, and the 2nd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of the Cyclades Islands (Greece), 2014.
- Cyprus Virtual Food Museum, Cyprus. Directed by Prof. G. Chryssanthou, University of Cyprus, 2010-2011 (internet publication).
- Southern Euboea Exploration Project (SEEP), Karystos (Greece). Dr D.R. Keller, American Centre of Oriental Research, Boston (USA) and Dr J. Wickens, Lawrence University, Appleton (USA), 2007, 2009.
- Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, Sagalassos-Aglasun (Turkey). Post-Doctoral Fellow in International Mobility, Research Council of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). 'The history and archaeology of villages at Sagalassos and its territory, SW Turkey'. 2007, 2008, 2009 (articles published).
- Unlocking the Historic Landscapes of Naxos, Naxos (Greece). Prof. J. Crow, University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and Dr S. Turner, University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (UK), 2007 (co-publication, published).
- Digital Crete: Ottoman Tombstones of Rethymnon, Crete (Greece). Dr A. Anastassopoulos, University of Crete (Greece), 2007 (internet publication).
- Zakynthos Surface Survey Project, Zakynthos (Greece). Dr G.J. Wijngaarden, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2007.
- Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, Sagalassos-Aglasun (Turkey). Prof. M. Waelkens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), 2005.
- Kato Phana Survey and Excavation Project, Chios (Greece). Dr L. Beaumont, British School of Archaeology at Athens and the University of Sydney, 2000, 2001, 2004 (forthcoming publication).
- Kythera-Island Survey Project, Kythera (Greece). Dr C. Broodbank, University College London, (England), 2000.
- Durham-Cambridge Boeotia Survey Project, Boeotia (central Greece). Prof. A. Snodgrass, University of Cambridge and Prof. J.L. Bintliff, University of Durham (England), 1996, 1997.
- Velim Excavation Project, Velim (Czech Republic). Prof. A. Harding, University of Durham (England), 1995.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 30th Annual Meeting, European Association of Archaeologists. University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy, August 2024.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session 669: Ottoman-era/Historical Archaeology: Materials and Methods in Context. European Association of Archaeologists, 30th Annual Meeting, University of Rome 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy, 28-31 August 2024.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session 3: Premodern Plasters and Ceramics from the Eastern Mediterranean. 4th International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, 15-18 May 2024.
- Co-organiser of the 39th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia, 17 June 2023.
- Organiser of the 7th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit: The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2022. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 11 March 2023.
- Coordinator of the Graduate Forum for Mediterranean Archaeology - 1st Scientific Meeting. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 9-10 December 2022.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 2nd International Conference Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery (BECAP). University of Belgrade, Serbia, 12-13 May 2022.
- Organiser of the 6th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit: The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2020-2021. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 9 April 2022.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session 7: Potting Traditions of Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean. 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, 14-18 March 2022.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, 14-18 March 2022.
- Member of the Organising Committee of the International Conference Convivium: An International Conference in Honour of Prof. Emeritus Demetrios Michaelides on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 26-28 October 2021.
- Coorganiser (with G. Papantoniou, Trinity College Dublin) of the Photographic Exhibition Surveying Memories (Unlocking the Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus Research Project - EXCELLENCE/1216/0362) in the framework of the 4th Archaeological-Ethnographic-Historical Documentary Film Festival of Cyprus, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia, 7-11 July 2021.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 1st International Conference Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery (BECAP). University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1-2 February 2021.
- Organiser of the 5th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit: The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2019. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 8 February 2020.
- Co-organiser of the 2nd International Conference of the Unlocking Sacred Landscapes Research Network (UnSaLa): Digital Humanities and Ritual Space. Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-Environment, Rethymnon, Crete, 19-21 October 2018.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session 358: Glaze production technology in the medieval and post-medieval Mediterranean. European Association of Archaeologists, 24th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 September 2018.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session 8.13: Central places and un-central landscapes: political economies and natural ressources in the longue durée. 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Universities of Bonn and Cologne, Germany, 22-26 May 2018.
- Co-organiser of the International Workshop: GIS Workshop and Economic Archaeoology: Inter- and Intra-site Approaches. Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies Research Training Group 1878, University of Bonn, Germany, 19th May 2017.
- Convenor of the 2nd International Workshop of the Trilogy Byzantium in Transition: The Middle to Late Byzantine/Frankish Era, 12th-13th c., Dept. of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus and the Municipality of Paros. Naoussa, Paros (Greece), 24th-26th May 2013.
- Convenor of the 1st International Workshop of the Trilogy Byzantium in Transition: The Byzantine Early Middle Ages, 7th-8th c., Dept. of History and Archaeology, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 28th-30th October 2011.
- Coordinator and convenor of the International Research Workshop/Conference Trilogy of the Department of History and Archaeology (2011-2013-2015): 'Byzantium' in Transition.
- Organisation and study of the ceramic exhibition Ceramics in Paros in the framework of The Paros International Pithoi Symposium. Naoussa Paros (Greece), 24/06-10/07/2005.
- Co-organiser of the thematic session Pathways into Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece in the framework of the European Association of Archaeologists, 8th Annual Meeting. Thessaloniki (Greece), 24-29/09/2002.
- Member of the local organising committee, Hellenic Research Foundation and County Paros International Conference on The Russians in the Aegean, 1768-1774. Paros (Greece), 03-06/10/2001.
- Coordinator of the team of Archaeology postgraduate students at UCY for the production of the archaeological film documentary: Ex Profungis (winner of the 1st Prize of the Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, 2022), 14/03/2022-27/10/2022.
- Coordinator of the two teams of Archaeology graduates and students at UCY for the production of two archaeological film documentaries: Abandoned country(winner of the 1st Prize of the Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, 2021) and The plunder of our memory (winner of an Honorary Prize of the Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, 2021), 10/03/2021-31/10/2021.
- Interview and script for the making of the archaeological documentary Settled and Sacred Landscapes in Cyprus: The Xeros Valley, Larnaca District for Tetraktys Films. Cyprus, 01/09/2020-30/07/2021.
- Interview for the making of the historical/archaeological documentary The History of Food and Diet in Greece from Prehistoric Times to Today for ANEMON PRODUCTIONS. Athens (Greece), 11/01/2016.
- Interview and filming (at the site of Kofinou) for the making of the historical-archaeological documentary paysages d'ici et d'ailleurs (for the Byzantine landscapes and monuments of Cyprus) for the french-german TV channel ARTE, a production of System TV. Cyprus, 15/11/2014.
- Interview for the making of the historical documentary 1821: The Birth of a Nation, for the TV channel SKY. Athens (Greece), 25/05/2010.
- Interview for the making of the archaeological documentary Life in Ancient-Byzantine Sagalassos, for the TV channel DigiTurk. Sagalassos (Turkey), 10/07/2008.
- Member of the scientific committee for the making of the historical-archaeological documentary The Russians on Paros, 1770-1774, in the framework of the Conference The Russians in the Aegean, 1768-1774. Paros (Greece), 03-06/10/2001.
- Preservation of Environment and Culture Workshop, UK Cyprus Enterprise Council and London Metropolitan University, London (UK), 09/12/2024.
- KIT International Conference on Iron Age Political and Territorial Fragmentation in Cyprus. DFG, ANR, HISOMA, Humboldt Universität, Goethe Universität and Idalion Municipality. Idalion (Cyprus), 04-05/10/2024.
- International Conference on the Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy Project. Museo Castromediano and University of Lecce, Lecce (Italy), 20-22/09/2024.
- Symposium on Local History from Antiquity to the 20th Century in Boeotia. Municipality of Levadia and Boeotia Ephorate of Antiquities, Hellenic Ministry of Culture. Levadia (Greece), 13-15/9/2024.
- DAAD Taziz - Workshop: Dealing with Material Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean between Excavation and Digitization. Phillipps Universität Marburg, American University of Beirut, and University of Cyprus. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus), 12-14/09/2024.
- European Association of Archaeologists, 30th Annual Meeting. Co-organiser of Session 669: Ottoman-era/Historical Archaeology. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Rome (Italy), 28/08-01/09/2024.
- BECAP 24: Belgrade Conference on Archaeological Pottery: Pots and Society: Relationships, Identities, and Prestige/Status. Keynote lecture. University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia), 16-17/05/2024.
- Approaches to Sacred Landscapes: Theory, Methods and Case Studies, International Colloquium in Christian and Byzantine Archaeology. Keynote lecture. Phillipps Universität Marburg, Marburg (Germany), 22-23/04/2024.
- UC San Diego’s Center for Hellenic Studies and the Nicholas Family Endowed Chair Workshop on Historical Archaeology in Greece. University of California, San Diego (USA), 01-04/02/2024.
- Celebrating Five Years of the A.G. Leventis Chair in Archaeological Sciences, 2018-2023. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia (Cyprus), 21-22/09/2023.
- RURALIA XV Conference - European Association of Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology, Thematic Conference 'Farmers’ Trade and Markets'. Fredrikstad (Norway), 04-10/09/2023.
- European Association of Archaeologists, 29th Annual Meeting, Thematic Session 113 ‘Byzantine Heritage in Peril: The Safety of Archaeological Sites’. Queen's University Belfast, Belfast (N. Ireland), 30/08-02/09/2023.
- Byzantine Workshop: Peasants in the Byzantine World – The State of the Question. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece), 02/05/2023.
- 39th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the University of Cyprus. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia (Cyprus), 17/06/2023.
- 7th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit, 'The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2022'. Nicosia (Cyprus), 11/03/2023.
- Εuropean Association of Archaeologists, 28th Annual Meeting, Thematic Session 284 'Visualising, Interpreting, and Presenting Archaeological Sites to the Public', with F. Ripanti, G. Papantoniou, A. Lanitis and E. Ioannou. Budapest (Hungary), 31/08-03/09/2022.
- 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Invited participant in Plenary Session 2. Venice (Italy), 22-27/08/2022.
- 6th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit, 'The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2020-2021'. Nicosia (Cyprus), 09/04/2022.
- ICAS-EMME 3: Third International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Thematic Session 2 ' An Environmental History of Ancient Cyprus', with P. Mylona. The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia (Cyprus), 14-18/03/2022.
- European Association of Archaeologists, 27th Annual Meeting, Thematic Panel S1 'Widening Horizons through Human-Environment Interconnections', with P. Mylona and B. Devillers. Kiel University (Germany), 06-11/09/2021.
- European Association of Archaeologists, 27th Annual Meeting, Thematic Panel S6 'Writ Large: The Materiality of Ancient Texts in the Digital Age', with Ch. Paraskeva, P. Hadjittofi and E. Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou. Kiel University (Germany), 06-11/09/2021.
- 18th International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR): Religion as Resource of Resilience, University of Pisa. Pisa (Italy), 30/08-03/09/2021.
- International Digital Conference: Mapping settlement desertion in Southeastern Europe from Antiquity to the Modern Era, Hellenic Research Foundation. Athens (Greece), 22-23/04/2021.
- 17th Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology Conference (PoCA 2020), keynote lecture. Nicosia (Cyprus), 13-15/11/2020.
- 5th Annual Workshop of the Archaeological Research Unit, 'The Archaeological Research of the University of Cyprus, 2019'. Nicosia (Cyprus), 08/02/2020.
- 3rd International Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies, Nicosia (Cyprus), 17-19/01/2020.
- 17th International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR): Religion - Continuations and Disruptions, University of Tartu. Tartu (Estonia), 25-29/06/2019.
- 38th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 08/06/2019.
- International Symposium, 'Cypriot Archaeology, Pre-modern Material Culture, and Cultural Heritage in the UK', University College London, High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus in London, and the British Museum, London (UK), 04-05/04/2019.
- University of California Los Angeles and the Center for Medieval and Rennaisance Studies International Symposium, 'The Greek Village', UCLA, Los Angeles (USA), 22-23/02/2019.
- Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) 2019 Annual Meeting, Thematic Panel 6I 'The Medieval Countryside: An Archaeological Perspective', San Diego, California (USA), 03-06/01/2019.
- Unlocking Sacred Landscapes 2nd International Workshop, 'Digital Humanities and Ritual Space', Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment, Crete (Greece), 19-21/10/2018.
- European Association of Archaeologists, 24th Annual Meeting, Thematic Panel 'Glaze Production Technology in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean', University of Barcelona (Spain), 05-08/09/2018.
- SAXO Institute Marie Curie International Workshop, 'Bridging the Gap in Archaeological Ceramics', SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen (Denmark), 29-30/06/2018.
- 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Thematic Panel 'Central Places and Un-central Landscapes: Political Economies and Natural Resources in the Longue Durée', Universities of Bonn and Cologne (Germany), 22-26/05/2018.
- Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World International Conference, 'Change and Resilience: The Occupation of Mediterranean Island Systems in Late Antiquity'. Brown University (USA), 01-03/12/2017.
- 1st Turkish-Greek Byzantine Archaeology Workshop. Koç University Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Antalya (Turkey), 08-09/09/2017.
- 14th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH). Thematic Panel 'What Can Archaeology Contribute to Ottoman Studies?' University of Sofia (Bulgaria), 24-28/07/2017.
- 36th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 01/07/2017.
- GIS Workshop and Economic Archaeology: Inter- and Intra-site Approaches. Archaeology of Pre-modern Economies Research Network (DFG), University of Bonn (Germany), 19/05/2017.
- International Conference, 'Environment, Landscape and Society: Diachronic Perspectives on Settlement Patterns in Cyprus'. Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute, Nicosia (Cyprus), 17-19/02/2017.
- 2016 Byzantine Studies International Workshop, 'Monumental Painting in Byzantium and Beyond: New Perspectives.' Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC (USA), 04/11/2016.
- 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Invited participation in 3 different Round-Table Panels. Belgrade (Serbia), 22-27/08/2016.
- International Conference, 'Church Building in Cyprus (4th-7th centuries).' Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Mainz (Germany), 09-11/06/2016.
- 3rd International Cycladic Conference, 'The Cyclades Through Time: Space-People.' Society for Cycladic Studies, Hermoupolis, Syros (Greece), 25-29/05/2016.
- TRAC 2016 - Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference. Sapienza University, Rome (Italy), 16-19/03/2016.
- 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens (Greece), 24-26/09/2015. With M. Roumbou, N. Müller, V. Kilikoglou and M. Dikomitou-Eliadou (main author).
- International Workshop, 'Ceramic Identities and Affinities of the Region of Paphos during the Bronze Age.' Department of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 19/09/2015. With A. Georgiou and M. Dikomitou-Eliadou (main author).
- 34th Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 27/06/2015.
- International Workshop, 'Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean.' Department of Classics and Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin. Dublin (Ireland), 15-17/05/2015.
- International Symposium, 'Ancient Cyprus Today: Museum Collections and New Research Approaches to the Archaeology of Cyprus.' Museum of Mediterranean Antiquities (Medelhavsmuseet), Stockholm (Sweden), 25-27/04/2015. With M. Dikomitou-Eliadou (main author).
- International Conference, 'Art and Archaeology of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus (1192-1571): Recent Research and New Discoveries.' Department of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 12-14/12/2014. With M. Dikomitou-Eliadou.
- Euphrosyna Erga. Department of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 26-27/11/2014.
- International Conference, 'Interdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Materials from the Mediterranean.' Department of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 17-19/09/2014. With A. Georgiou and M. Dikomitou-Eliadou (main author).
- 20th Annual Meeting, European Association of Archaeologists. Istanbul (Turkey), 10-14/09/2014.
- 33rd Annual CAARI Archaeological Workshop, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the University of Cyprus. Nicosia (Cyprus), 28/06/2014.
- 1st International Conference, 'Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean.' The Norwegian Institute at Athens. Naxos Chora (Greece), 12-13/04/2014.
- 2nd International Workshop, 'The Middle to Late Byzantine/Frankish Era, 12th-13th c'. Department of History and Archaeology - University of Cyprus and Municipality of Paros. Naoussa, Paros (Greece), 24-26/05/2013.
- History and Archaeology International Workshop, 'Applied ceramics in a Byzantine context' (as part of a series of Workshops celebrating Early Applied Arts). King's College London (UK), 25/02/2012.
- International Workshop, 'Problemes de topographies urbaines a la lumiere de nouvelles recherche en Mediterranee byzantine (IVe - XIVe siecles).' Aix Marseille Universite (France), 13/02/2012.
- International Conference, 'Recent Developments in the Long-Term Archaeology and History of Greece.' The Netherlands Institute at Athens (Greece), 13-15/12/2011.
- 1st International Workshop, 'The Byzantine Early Middle Ages, 7th-8th c'. Dept. of History and Archaeology, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus), 28/30/102011.
- International Conference, 'Imperial Legacies in a Cross-Cultural Mediterranean Context.' Istanbul (Turkey), 23-25/09/2011 (Centre of Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham AND Research Centre for Anatolian Civilizations, Koc University).
- 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Sofia (Bulgaria), 22-27/08/2011.
- European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop, 'Convivencia in Byzantium? Cultural Exchanges in a Multi-Ethnic and Multi-Lingual Society'. Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland), 01-03/10/2010.
- International Congress, 'Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East (ICASEMNE).' The Cyprus Institute, Paphos (Cyprus), 29/04-01/05/2010.
- Colloque International, 'L'aniconisme dans l'art religieux Byzantin.' Geneva (Switzerland), 01-03/10/2009.
- European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 15th Annual Meeting. Riva del Garda (Italy), 15-20/09/2009.
- The 41st Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, 'The Archaeologies of Byzantium.' Edinburgh (UK), 04-06/04/2008.
- The Netherlands Institute for the Near East International Symposium, 'Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia.' Leiden (Netherlands), 29/02-01/03/2008.
- 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies. London (UK), 21-26/08/2006.
- 5th International Congress of Boeotian Studies. Thebes (Greece), 16-19/09/2005.
- 1st European Workshop of the Medieval Pottery Research Group. Oxford (UK), 27-29/04/2005.
- European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 8th Annual Meeting. Thessaloniki (Greece), 24-29/09/2002.
- Hellenic Research Foundation International Conference, 'The Russians in the Aegean, 1768-1774.' Paros (Greece), 03-06/10/2001.
- XXe Congres International des Etudes Byzantines, Sorbonne. Paris (France), 19-25/08/2001.
- International Conference, University of Groningen – University of Ghent – University of Leuven, 'Historical Identity of the Greek Past.' Groningen (Netherlands), 16-18/05/2001.
- ARCHON International Symposium. Leiden (Netherlands), 09-10/05/2001.
- ARCHON International Symposium. Leiden (Netherlands), 09/12/1999.
- 3rd Annual Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA). Birmingham (UK), 19-21/02/1999.
- 1st International Conference, 'New Approaches to Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece.' Corfu (Greece), 01-03/05/1998.
- 2nd Annual Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (SOMA). Edinburgh (UK), 20-22/02/1998.
- RURALIA European Association of Medieval and Post-Medieval Rural Archaeology, Intercongress Meeting, Bad Hofgastein (Austria). Activities presentation and Board meeting, 10-12/05/2024.
- Phillipps Universität Marburg, Archaeological Seminars, Marburg (Germany). Public lecture, 25/04/2024.
- International Association of Byzantine Studies, Intercongress Meeting, Athens (Greece). Commission for Byzantine Archaeology activities presentation, 12-13/04/2024.
- Seminário Permanente de Arqueologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (via ZOOM), Lisbon (Portugal). Public research seminar, 04/04/2024.
- Institute for Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece). Public seminar presentation, 18/12/2023.
- Tel Aviv University, Archaeology of Cyprus Seminar Series (via ZOOM), Tel Aviv (Israel). Research seminar presentation, 10/3/2023.
- 4th Archaeological-Ethnographic-Historical Documentary Film Festival. Presentation of the documentary "The Settled and Sacred Landscapes of Cyprus", Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia (Cyprus), 11/07/2021.
- University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit, 55th Public Lecture Series (Cyprus). Public lecture, 22/03/2021.
- Interdisciplinary Seminar 'Nikos Oikonomides' (via Webex), Department of History and Archaeology - University of Athens and Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece). Public seminar presentation, 03/03/2021.
- University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit, 54th Public Lecture Series (Cyprus). Public lecture, 09/11/2020.
- Pierides Museum, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Larnaca (Cyprus). Public lecture, 28/03/2019.
- University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit, 51st Public Lecture Series (Cyprus). Public lecture, 11/02/2019.
- University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology and Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Cyprus). Open research seminar, Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East lecture series, 07/11/2018.
- Trinity College, University of Dublin, and Long Room Hub, Dublin (Ireland). Public lecture, 20/02/2018.
- University of Bonn, Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies Research Training Group 1878 (Germany). Public lecture, Plenum 12/05/2017.
- University of Cologne, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology (Germany). Public lecture, 27/04/2017.
- Newcastle University, School of History, Classics and Archaeology (UK). Public seminar, 07/02/2017.
- University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology (UK). Public lecture, 03/02/2017.
- University of Saint Andrews, Centre for Landscape Studies (UK). Inaugural lecture, 18/11/2016.
- University of Saint Andrews, School of Classics (UK). Public research seminar, 18/11/2016.
- University of Bonn, Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies Research Network (Germany). Public research seminar, 03/06/2016.
- County of Paros, Medieval church of Pera Panagia, Marpissa (Greece). Public lecture, 02/08/2015.
- University of Cyprus and Salaminion Free University of Famagusta at Paralimni (Cyprus). Public lecture, 15/01/2015.
- University of Cyprus and Free University of the Greek-Cypriot Community of London (UK). Public lecture, 20/11/2014.
- County of Paros, Medieval kastro of Kephalos (Greece). Public lecture, 10/08/2014.
- Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens (Greece). Public lecture, Public Lecture Series, 06/05/2014.
- Trinity College, University of Dublin, School of Histories and Humanities (Ireland). Open research seminar, 10/03/2014.
- University of Edinburgh, School of History, Classics and Archaeology (UK). Open research seminar, 28/02/2014.
- University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology and Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Cyprus). Open research seminar, interdepartmental post-graduate Byzantine Studies lecture series, 16/11/2011.
- Trinity College, University of Dublin, School of Histories and Humanities (Ireland). Open research seminar, 10/12/2009.
- University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit (Cyprus). Public lecture, 31st lecture series, 23/02/2009.
- University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology and Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Cyprus). Open research seminar, interdepartmental post-graduate Byzantine Studies lecture series, 04/02/2009.
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Archaeology (Belgium). Public lecture, interdepartmental research seminar-series of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, 23/05/2008.
- University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology (Cyprus). Post-graduate research seminar in Byzantine Studies, 19/02/2008.
- University of Cyprus, Archaeological Research Unit (Cyprus). Public lecture, 29th lecture series, 18/02/2008.
- Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Archaeology (Netherlands). Public lecture, 05/02/2008.
- University of Crete, Department of History and Archaeology (Greece). Public lecture, 24/05/2007.
- Universiteit van Leiden, Faculty of Archaeology (Netherlands). Public lecture, spring-semester open lecture series Mare Nostrum, 15/03/2007.
- Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (Netherlands). Open research seminar, 12/04/2002.
- Universiteit van Leiden, Faculty of Archaeology (Netherlands). Open research seminar, 10/03/2000.
Vionis, A.K. 2012. A Crusader, Ottoman and Early Modern Aegean Archaeology: Built Environment and Domestic Material Culture in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Cyclades, Greece (13th-20th centuries AD). Leiden: Archaeological Studies Leiden University 22
Vionis. A.K. (in progress). Byzantium in Transition: The Byzantine Early Middle Ages, 7th-8th c. AD. Nicosia: Astrom Editions, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology
Papantoniou, G., Vionis, A.K. and Morris, Ch. 2022. Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Religious and Insular Identities in Context. Religions, Bassel: MPDI Books (Journal, open access & online, Special Issue)
Papantoniou, G, Morris, C. and Vionis, A.K. 2019. Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean. Nicosia: Astrom Editions, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 151
Papantoniou, G., Sarris, A., Morris, C.E. and Vionis, A.K. 2019. Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Digital Humanities and Ritual Space. Open Archaeology 5.1, Berlin: De Gruyter (Journal, open access & online, Special Issue)
Ting, C., Molera, J., Salinas, E., Vionis, A.K. and Gaudenzi Asinelli, M. 2019. Glaze Technology in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 28. Amsterdam: Elsevier (Journal, open access, online, Special Issue)
Papantoniou, G. and Vionis, A.K. 2018/2019. Central Places and Un-Central Landscapes: Political Economies and Natural Resources in the Longue Durée. Land, Bassel: MDPI Books (Journal, open access & online, Special Issue)
Vasileiou, T.K. and Vionis, A.K. 2024. Cooking pottery as indicator of resilience and change in early mediaeval Cyprus. An archaeometric approach. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16 [open access], 200 (33 pages)
Vionis, A.K., Papantoniou, G. and Savvides, N. 2023. Landscape archaeology in a contested space: public engagement and outreach in the Xeros River valley in Cyprus. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 8, pp. 299-324
Vionis, A.K. 2022. The construction of sacred landscapes and maritime identities in the post-medieval Cyclades Islands: the case of Paros. Religions, [open access], 13.2, 164 (27 pages)
Papantoniou, G., Vionis, A.K. and Morris, C. 2022. Religious and insular identities in context. Religions, [open access], 13.10, 903 (5 pages)
Agapiou, A., Vionis, A.K. and Papantoniou, G. 2021. Detection of archaeological surface ceramic using deep learning image-based methods and very high-resolution UAV imageries. Land, [open access], 10.12, 1365 (16 pages)
Ting, C., Rehren, T., Vionis, A.K. and Kassianidou, V. 2021. The origins and evolution of Cypriot glazed ware productions during the thirteenth to seventeenth centuries CE. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, [open access], 13.35 (22 pages)
Papantoniou, G. and Vionis, A.K. 2020. Popular religion and material responses to pandemic: the Christian cult of the Epitaphios during the COVID-19 crisis in Greece and Cyprus. Ethnoarchaeology, 12.2 [golden open access], pp. 85-117
Vionis, A.K. 2020. Bridging the early medieval 'ceramic gap' in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean (7th-9th c.): local and global phenomena. Journal on Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture, 9, pp. 291-325
Vionis, A.K. 2020. Landscape approaches to the evolution of the Byzantine/Medieval village-community in Greece. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 5, pp. 468-494
Attema, P., Bintliff, J.L., Bes, P., de Haas, T., Donev, D., Jongman, W., Kaptijn, E., Mayoral, V., Menchelli, S., Pasquinucci, M., Rosen, S., Sánchez, J.G., Soler, L.G., Stone, D., Tol, G., van Leusen, M., Vermeulen, F. and Vionis, A.K. 2020. A guide to good practice in Mediterranean surface survey projects. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 5, pp. 1-62
Papantoniou, G., Sarris, A., Morris, C. and Vionis, A.K. 2020. Digital humanities and ritual space: a reappraisal. Open Archaeology, [open access], 5.1, pp. 598-614
Kolovos, E. and Vionis, A.K. 2019. Ottoman archaeology in Greece: a new research field. Archaeological Reports: Archaeology in Greece, 65, pp. 145-156
Vionis, A.K. 2019. The materiality of death, the supernatural and the role of women in Late Antique and Byzantine times. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 4, pp. 252-269
Vionis, A.K. and Papantoniou, G. 2019. Central Place Theory reloaded and revised: political economies and landscape dynamics in the longue durée. Land, [open access], 8.2, 36 (21 pages)
Ting, C., Molera, J., Salinas, E., Vionis, A.K. and Gaudenzi Asinelli, M. 2019. Glaze technology in the medieval and post-medieval Mediterranean: an introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 28, 102044 (5 pages)
Ting, C., Vionis, A.K., Rehren, T., Kassianidou, V., Cook, H. and Barker, C. 2019. The beginning of glazed ware production in late medieval Cyprus. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 27, 101963 (13 pages)
Papantoniou, G. and Vionis, A.K. 2018. The river as an economic asset: settlement and society in the Xeros Valley in Cyprus. Land, [open access], 7.4, 157 (29 pages)
Vionis, A.K. 2017. Understanding settlements in Byzantine Greece: new data and approaches for Boeotia, sixth to thirteenth centuries. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 71, pp. 127-173
Vionis, A.K. 2017. Sacred townscapes in Late Antique Greece: Christianisation and economic diversity in the Aegean. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 30.2, pp. 141-165
Vionis, A.K. and Papantoniou, G, 2017. Sacred landscapes as economic 'central places' in Late Antique Naxos and Cyprus. Antiquité Tardive, 25, pp. 263-286
Papantoniou, G. and Vionis, A.K. 2017. Landscape archaeology and sacred space in the Eastern Mediterranean: a glimpse from Cyprus. Land, [open access] 6.2, 40 (18 pages)
Vionis, A.K. 2016. A boom-bust cycle in Ottoman Greece and the ceramic legacy of two Boeotian villages. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 1, pp. 353-383
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Georgiou, A. and Vionis, A.K. 2016. Cooking fabric recipes: an interdisciplinary study of Cypriot cooking pots of the Late Bronze Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, [online] 7, pp. 451-457
Bintliff, J.L., Noordervliet, B., van Zwienen, J., Donnellan, L., Sarri, K., Stissi, V., van der Enden, M., Peeters, D., Meens, A., Bes, P., Vionis, A.K., Loizou, C., Sarris, A., Meyer, C. and Forbes, H. 2016. Leiden Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project: the 2015 - spring 2016 seasons. Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 22.2, pp. 1-15
Vionis, A.K. 2014. The archaeology of landscape and material culture in late Byzantine – Frankish Greece. Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 20.1, pp. 313-346
Bintliff, J.L, Noordervliet, B., Piccoli, C., Slapsak, B., Stissi, V., van Zwienen, J., Vionis, A.K. and Wilkinson, K. 2013. The Leiden-Ljubljana Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project. Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 19.2, pp. 1-34
Crow, J., Turner, S. and Vionis, A.K. 2011. Characterizing the Historic Landscapes of Naxos. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 24.1, pp. 111-137
Vionis, A.K., Poblome, J., Waelkens, M. and De Cupere, B. 2010. A middle-late Byzantine pottery assemblage from Sagalassos: typo‐chronology and sociocultural interpretation. Hesperia, 79.3, pp. 423-464
Vionis, A.K., Poblome, J. and Waelkens, M. 2009. The hidden material culture of the Dark Ages. Early medieval ceramics at Sagalassos (Turkey): new evidence (ca. 650–800 AD). Anatolian Studies, 59, pp. 147-165
Vionis, A.K. 2008. Current archaeological research on settlement and provincial life in the Byzantine and Ottoman Aegean: a case-study from Boeotia, Greece. Medieval Settlement Research, 23, pp. 28-41
Vionis, A.K. 2006. The thirteenth‐to‐sixteenth‐century kastro of Kephalos: a contribution to the archaeological study of medieval Paros and the Cyclades. Annual of the British School at Athens, 101, pp. 459‐492
Vionis, A.K. 2005. Domestic material culture and post‐medieval archaeology in Greece: a case study of the Cyclades Islands. Journal of Post‐Medieval Archaeology, 39.1, pp. 172‐185
Vionis, A.K. 2004‐2005. The medieval and post‐medieval pottery and Tanagra village‐history. Bulletin de Correspondence Hellènique, 128‐129, pp. 570‐578, 594-597
Bintliff, J.L., Farinetti, E., Poblome, J., Sarri, K., Sbonias, K., Slapsak, B., Stissi, V. and Vionis, A.K. 2004. The Leiden‐Ljubljana Tanagra Project: the 2003 season. Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 11, pp. 35‐43
Vionis, A.K. 2001. Post‐Roman pottery unearthed: medieval ceramics and pottery research in Greece. Medieval Ceramics, 25, pp. 84‐98
Vionis, A.K. 2001. The meaning of domestic cubic forms: interpreting Cycladic settlements and housing of the period of foreign domination (ca. 1207–1821 AD). Pharos: Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, 9, pp. 111‐131
Vionis, A.K. 2001. Οικιακός υλικός πολιτισμός των Κυκλάδων: μία θεματική μελέτη των μεσαιωνικών και νεότερων χρόνων. CORPUS, 29, pp. 66-73
Vionis, A.K. 2024. Historical archaeology and approaches to settlement ‘abandonment’ in Greece and Cyprus. In: V. Antoniadis, A. Yangaki and M. Festas, eds., Mapping Settlement Desertion in Southeastern Europe from Antiquity to the Modern Era. Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation (in press)
Vionis, A.K. 2024. A household archaeology and history of Hyettos and its territory: The Byzantine to Early Modern pottery. In: J.L. Bintliff, E. Farinetti, B. Slapšak and A.M. Snodgrass, eds., Boeotia Project, Volume III: The City of Hyettos. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs (in press)
Vionis, A.K. 2022. A boom-bust cycle in Cyprus at the end of Antiquity: landscape perspectives for settlement transformation. In: P. Panayides and I. Jacobs, eds., Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 161-176
Vionis, A.K. 2020. The Archaeology of Ottoman Greece. In: B.J. Walker, T. Insoll and C. Fenwick, eds., Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 3-5 [DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199987870.013.32]
Vionis, A.K. 2019. The spatiality of the Byzantine/Medieval rural church: landscape parallels from the Aegean and Cyprus. In: G. Papantoniou, C. Morris and A.K. Vionis, eds., Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean. Nicosia: Astrom Editions, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 151, pp. 67-83
Papantoniou, G., Morris, C. and Vionis, A.K. 2019. Spatial analysis of ritual and cult in the Mediterranean: an introduction. In: G. Papantoniou, C. Morris and A.K. Vionis, eds., Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Spatial Analysis of Ritual and Cult in the Mediterranean. Nicosia: Astrom Editions, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 151, pp. ix-xviii
Vionis, A.K. and Papantoniou, G. 2019. Economic landscapes and transformed mindscapes in Cyprus from Roman times to the Early Middle Ages. In: M.Á. Cau Ontiveros and C. Mas, eds., Change and Resilience. The Occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow, Joukowsky Institute Publications 9, pp. 257-284
Vionis, A.K., Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Roumpou, M., Kalogeropoulos, N. and Kilikoglou, V. 2019. Stirring pots on fire: medieval technology, diet and daily life in Cyprus. In: M. Parani and M. Olympios, eds., The Art and Archaeology of Lusignian and Venetian Cyprus (1192–1571). Recent Research and New Discoveries. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, Studies in the Visual Cultures of the Middle Ages 12, pp. 245-268
Vionis, A.K. 2018. Island responses in the Byzantine Aegean: Naxos under the lens of current archaeological research. In: J. Crow and D. Hill, eds., Naxos and the Byzantine Aegean: Insular Responses to Regional Change. Athens: Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens 7, pp. 61-80
Vionis, A.K. 2018. Settled and sacred landscapes of Cyprus: church and landscape in the Xeros Valley during the Early Byzantine period. In: M. Horster, D. Nicolaou and S. Rogge, eds., Church Building in Cyprus (4th to 7th Centuries): A Mirror of Intercultural Contacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Schriften des Instituts für Interdiziplinäre Zypern-Studien 12. Münster/New York: Waxmann, pp. 45-70
Vionis, A.K. 2018. Τα ταπεινά αντικείμενα ως μέσο αναγνώρισης και αξιολόγησης της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας στο Βυζαντινό χωριό (8ος–15ος αι.): Δεδομένα από συστηματικές έρευνες επιφανείας. In: A.G. Yangaki and A. Panopoulou, eds., Το Βυζάντιο χωρίς Λάμψη: Τα Ταπεινά Αντικείμενα και η Χρήση τους στον Καθημερινό Βίο των Βυζαντινών. Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute of Historical Research, Section of Byzantine Research, pp. 45-78
Vionis, A.K. 2017. The Byzantine to Early Modern pottery from Thespiai. In: J.L. Bintliff, E. Farinetti, B. Slapak and A.M. Snodgrass, eds., Boeotia Project, Volume II: The City of Thespiai. Survey at a Complex Urban Site. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs, pp. 351-374
Vionis, A.K. and Loizou, Ch. 2017. The history of Thespiai and Boeotia from Late Antiquity to the Frankish period. In: J.L. Bintliff, E. Farinetti, B. Slapak and A.M. Snodgrass, eds., Boeotia Project, Volume II: The City of Thespiai. Survey at a Complex Urban Site. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs, pp. 241-253
Vionis, A.K. 2017. Imperial impacts, regional diversities and local responses: island identities as reflected on Byzantine Naxos. In: R. Murphey, ed., Imperial Lineages and Legacies in the Eastern Mediterranean: Recording the Imprint of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Rule. London-New York: Routledge, pp. 165-196
Vionis, A.K. and Dikomitou-Eliadou, M. 2017. Stirring pots on fire: a diachronic and interdisciplinary study of cooking pots from Cyprus. In: A. Gagatsis, ed., The A.G. Leventis Research Projects, 2000-2016. Final Reports. Nicosia: The University of Cyprus, pp. 123-148
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Georgiou, A. and Vionis, A.K. 2016. The cooking-pot assemblage: typological observations and petrographic analysis. In: C. von Rüden, A. Georgiou, A. Jacobs and Paul Halstead, eds., Feasting, Craft and Depositional Practices in Late Bronze Age Palaepaphos. The Well Fillings of Evreti. Rahden: Bochumer Forschungen zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie 8, pp. 139-161
Vionis, A.K. 2014. The Balkan peninsula: Achaea and the Greek islands. In: W. Tabbernee, ed., Early Christianity in Contexts. An Exploration across Cultures and Continents. Michigan: Baker Academic Press, pp. 329-346
Vionis, A.K. and Dikomitou-Eliadou, M. 2014. Stirring pots on fire! A diachronic and interdisciplinary study of cooking pots from Cyprus. In: A. Gagatsis, ed., Research Programmes. The A.G. Leventis Foundation. Nicosia: The University of Cyprus, pp. 107-129
Dikomitou-Eliadou, M., Kyriatzi, E. and Vionis, A.K. 2013. Petrographic analysis of Late Cypriote and Late Minoan pottery from Pyla-Kokkikokremos. In: V. Karageorghis and A. Kanta, eds., Pyla-Kokkinokremos: A Late 13th Century B.C. Fortified Settlement in Cyprus. Excavations 2010-2011. Uppsala: Astrom Editions, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology CXLI, pp. 189-196
Vionis, A.K. 2013. Reading art and material culture: Greeks, Slavs and Arabs in the Byzantine Aegean. In: B. Crostini and S. La Porta, eds., Negotiating Co-Existence: Communities, Culture and 'Convivencia' in Byzantine Society. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, pp. 103-127
Vionis, A.K. 2013. Considering a rural and household archaeology of the Byzantine Aegean: the ceramic spectrum. In: J.L. Bintliff and M. Caroscio, eds., Pottery and Social Dynamics in the Mediterranean and Beyond in Medieval and Post-Medieval Times. Oxford: BAR International Series 2557, pp. 25-40
Vionis, A.K. 2011. Rural economy in late medieval and Ottoman Boeotia [online]. In: Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Boeotia. Athens: Foundation of the Hellenic World
Vionis, A.K. 2011. Silk production and trade in late medieval and Ottoman Boeotia [online]. In: Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Boeotia. Athens: Foundation of the Hellenic World
Vionis, A.K. and Piccoli, C. 2011. Housing architecture in late medieval and Ottoman Boeotia [online]. In: Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Boeotia. Athens: Foundation of the Hellenic World
Vionis, A.K. 2011. The Byzantine period, middle 7th c. – 1191 AD [online]. In: Cyprus Virtual Food Museum. Nicosia: Cyprus Virtual Food Museum
Vionis, A.K. 2006. The archaeology of Ottoman villages in central Greece: ceramics, housing and everyday life in post‐medieval rural Boeotia. In: A. Erkanal‐Öktü, S. Günel, E. Özgen and R. Tuncel, eds., Studies in Honor of Hayat Erkanal: Cultural Reflections. Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi, pp. 784‐800
Vionis, A.K. 2003. Much ado about ... a red cap and a cap of velvet: in search of social and cultural identity in medieval and post‐medieval insular Greece. In: H. Hokwerda, ed., Constructions of Greek Past: Identity and Historical Consciousness from Antiquity to the Present. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, pp. 193‐216
Vionis, A.K. 2022. Interdisciplinarity in Byzantine Studies: a sacred-landscapes and digital-humanities approach. In: E. Fiori and M. Trizio, eds., The 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies: Proceedings of the Plenary Sessions. Venice: Venice University Press, pp. 121-140
Papantoniou, G. and Vionis, A.K. 2022. The river as an economic asset: settlement and society in the Xeros valley in Cyprus. In: M. Bentz and M. Heinzelmann, eds., Quantifying Ancient Building Economy: Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, pp. 1-3
Ioannou, E., Lanitis, A., Vionis, A.K., Papantoniou, G. and Savvides, N. 2021. Augmented reality cultural route at the Xeros River valley, Larnaca, Cyprus. In: M. Ioannides, E. Fink, L. Cantoni and E. Champion, eds., Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. 8th International Conference, EuroMed 2020, Virtual Event, November 2-5, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, vol. 12642. Cham: Springer, pp. 695-702
Vionis, A.K. 2020. Abandonment and revival between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: facts and fiction. In: P. Cimadomo, R. Palermo, R. Pappalardo and R. Pierobon Benoit, eds., Before/After: Transformation, Change, and Abandonment in the Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean. Oxford: Archaeopress/Access Archaeology, pp. 79-95
Dikomitou-Eliadou M. and Vionis, A.K. 2016. Silent artefacts revealing their story: the analytical paradigm of Bronze Age cooking pots from Cyprus. In: G. Bourogiannis and Ch. Mühlenbock, eds., Ancient Cyprus Today: Museum Collections and New Research (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology PB 184). Uppsala: Astrom Editions, pp. 167-176
Vionis, A.K. 2016. Naxos between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: decline or stability? In: B. Krsmanović and L. Milanović, eds., Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016. Round Tables. Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of AIEB and the Contributors, pp. 329-332
Vionis, A.K. 2016. Female presence in funerary ritual, magic, and burial context. In: B. Krsmanović and L. Milanović, eds., Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016. Round Tables. Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of AIEB and the Contributors, pp. 797-800
Vionis, A.K. 2016. From the fields to the pot: food choice and availability in Byzantium. In: B. Krsmanović and L. Milanović, eds., Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies. Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016. Round Tables. Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of AIEB and the Contributors, pp. 844-847
Poblome, J., Bes, P., De Cupere, B., Lauwers, V., Romanus, K., Vionis, A.K. and Waelkens, M. 2010. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi: does it really? Wasting seventh century AD Sagalassos (SW Turkey). In: S. Menchelli, S. Santoro, M. Pasquinucci and G. Guiducci, eds., LRCW 3. Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry. Comparison between Western and Eastern Mediterranean, 2. Oxford: BAR International Series 2185, pp. 791-801
Vionis, A.K. 2009. Material Culture Studies: the case of the medieval and post‐medieval Cyclades, Greece (ca. AD 1200–1800). In: J.L. Bintliff and H. Stoger, eds., Medieval and Post‐Medieval Greece: The Corfu Papers. Oxford: BAR International Series 2023, pp. 177-197
Vionis, A.K., Poblome, J. and Waelkens, M. 2009. Ceramic continuity and daily life in medieval Sagalassos, SW Anatolia (ca. 650–1250 AD). In: T. Vorderstrasse and J.J. Roodenberg, eds., Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia (PIHANS 113). Leiden: Netherlands Institute for the Near East, pp. 191-213
Vanhaverbeke, H., Vionis, A.K., Poblome, J. and Waelkens, M. 2009. What happened after the 7th century AD? A different perspective on post-Roman Anatolia. In: T. Vorderstrasse and J.J. Roodenberg, eds., Archaeology of the Countryside in Medieval Anatolia (PIHANS 113). Leiden: Netherlands Institute for the Near East, pp. 177-190
Vionis, A.K. 2011. The power of objects in an empire of transitions: material culture in the Byzantine Early Middle Ages. In: A. Nikolov, ed., Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, 22–27 August 2011, 3. Sofia: Bulgarian Historical Heritage Foundation, p. 14
Vionis, A.K. 2006. Busy Byzantines: medieval ceramics and living standards in the territories of Tanagra (Greece) and Sagalassos (Turkey). In: F.K. Haarer and E. Jeffreys, eds., Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London, 21–26 August 2006, 3. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 93‐94
Vionis, A.K. 2001. Material culture and life in the late Byzantine and post‐Byzantine Aegean. In: V. Déroche, D. Feissel, B. Mondrain, C. Morrisson and C. Zuckerman, eds., XXe Congrès International des Etudes Byzantines, Pré‐ActeS, Sorbonne, 19–25 Août 2001, 3. Paris: Sorbonne, p. 206