Staff Catalogue


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Department of Social and Political Sciences
FEB 01 - Faculty of Economics and Management, OED BUILDING, B111
University Campus
Antonis A. Ellinas is Professor of Comparative Politics and Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Education at the University of Cyprus. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and his B.A. from Hamilton College. He is the author of Organizing against Democracy (Cambridge University Press 2020), The European Commission and Bureaucratic Autonomy (Cambridge University Press 2012; with Ezra Suleiman) and The Media and the Far Right (Cambridge University Press 2010).  His work has appeared in Comparative Politics, West European Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, South European Society and Politics, Government and Opposition and Political Psychology, among others. 
  • Comparative Politics/Europe
  • Political parties, esp. far right parties
  • Social movements and protests
  • Responses to political radicalism, extremism, populism
  • Democratic backsliding and defense
  • Civic education
  • Public organizations, esp. international bureaucracies
  • Qualitative methods

Organizing against Democracy: The Local Organizational Development of Far Right Parties in Greece and Europe, NY: Cambridge University Press (2020; Greek translation 2022).

The European Commission and Bureaucratic Autonomy: Europe’s Custodians, NY: Cambridge University Press (with Ezra Suleiman; 2012; Greek translation 2013).

The Media and the Far Right in Western Europe: Playing the Nationalist Card, NY: Cambridge University Press (2010; Greek translation 2012).

Refereed articles:

"Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece." South European Society and Politics 26.4 (2021): 437-464 (with Iasonas Lamprianou)

"The Silent Electoral Earthquake in Cyprus: A Crisis of Political Representation." South European Society and Politics (2022): 1-24 (with Yiannos Katsourides)

"The Interview Method in Comparative Politics: The Process of Interviewing Far-Right Actors." Government and Opposition (2021): 1-21.

"Societal Mobilization and the Fall of the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in Greece." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 22, no. 1 (2021): 61-67.

“Emotions, Sophistication and Political Behavior: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment,” Political Psychology 40:4, 859-876 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2019).

“Far right activism and electoral outcomes,” Party Politics, 25:3, 448-460 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2019).

“How Far Right Local Party Organizations Develop: The Organizational Buildup of the Greek Golden Dawn” Party Politics, DOI: 10.1177/1354068816641337 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).

“Institutional Grievances and Right-Wing Extremism: Voting for Golden Dawn in Greece." South European Society and Politics: (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).

“Why Greeks rebel: Re-examining conventional and radical political action." Acta Politica: doi: 10.1057/s41269-016-0003-3 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).

“Neo-Nazism in an established democracy: The persistence of the Golden Dawn in Greece,” South European Society and Politics, 20:1, 1-20 (2015).

“Political Trust in extremis” Comparative Politics, 46: 2, 231-250 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2014).

“The rise of the Golden Dawn: The new face of the far right in Greece,” South European Society and Politics, 18:4, 543-565 (2013).

“Organisational Continuity and Electoral Endurance: The Communist Party of Cyprus,” West European Politics, 36:4, 859-882 (with Yiannos Katsourides; 2013).

“Supranationalism in a transnational bureaucracy: the case of the European Commission” Journal of Common Market Studies, 49: 5, 923-947 (with Ezra Suleiman; 2011).

 “Chaotic but Popular? Extreme-Right Organisation and Performance in the Age of Media Communication” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 17:2, 209-221 (2009).

“Reforming the Commission: Between Modernization and Bureaucratization” Journal of European Public Policy 15:5, 708-725 (with Ezra Suleiman; 2008).

“Phased out: The far right in Western Europe” Comparative Politics 39:3, 353-372 (2007).

Book chapters: 

Antonis A. Ellinas, (2018) “Media and the Radical Right” in The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Jens Rydgren, ed., New York: Oxford University Press.

“Far Right Parties in Europe” in Sandy Maisel, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, New York: Oxford University Press (2015).

"LAOS and the Greek far right since 1974" in Andrea Mammone, Emmanuel Godin and Brian Jenkins, eds.,Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe: From Local to Transnational, London: Routledge (2012).