- Comparative Politics/Europe
- Political parties, esp. far right parties
- Social movements and protests
- Responses to political radicalism, extremism, populism
- Democratic backsliding and defense
- Civic education
- Public organizations, esp. international bureaucracies
- Qualitative methods
Organizing against Democracy: The Local Organizational Development of Far Right Parties in Greece and Europe, NY: Cambridge University Press (2020; Greek translation 2022).
The European Commission and Bureaucratic Autonomy: Europe’s Custodians, NY: Cambridge University Press (with Ezra Suleiman; 2012; Greek translation 2013).
The Media and the Far Right in Western Europe: Playing the Nationalist Card, NY: Cambridge University Press (2010; Greek translation 2012).
Refereed articles:
"Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece." South European Society and Politics 26.4 (2021): 437-464 (with Iasonas Lamprianou)
"The Silent Electoral Earthquake in Cyprus: A Crisis of Political Representation." South European Society and Politics (2022): 1-24 (with Yiannos Katsourides)
"The Interview Method in Comparative Politics: The Process of Interviewing Far-Right Actors." Government and Opposition (2021): 1-21.
"Societal Mobilization and the Fall of the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in Greece." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 22, no. 1 (2021): 61-67.
“Emotions, Sophistication and Political Behavior: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment,” Political Psychology 40:4, 859-876 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2019).
“Far right activism and electoral outcomes,” Party Politics, 25:3, 448-460 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2019).
“How Far Right Local Party Organizations Develop: The Organizational Buildup of the Greek Golden Dawn” Party Politics, DOI: 10.1177/1354068816641337 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).
“Institutional Grievances and Right-Wing Extremism: Voting for Golden Dawn in Greece." South European Society and Politics: (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).
“Why Greeks rebel: Re-examining conventional and radical political action." Acta Politica: doi: 10.1057/s41269-016-0003-3 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2016).
“Neo-Nazism in an established democracy: The persistence of the Golden Dawn in Greece,” South European Society and Politics, 20:1, 1-20 (2015).
“Political Trust in extremis” Comparative Politics, 46: 2, 231-250 (with Iasonas Lamprianou; 2014).
“The rise of the Golden Dawn: The new face of the far right in Greece,” South European Society and Politics, 18:4, 543-565 (2013).
“Organisational Continuity and Electoral Endurance: The Communist Party of Cyprus,” West European Politics, 36:4, 859-882 (with Yiannos Katsourides; 2013).
“Supranationalism in a transnational bureaucracy: the case of the European Commission” Journal of Common Market Studies, 49: 5, 923-947 (with Ezra Suleiman; 2011).
“Chaotic but Popular? Extreme-Right Organisation and Performance in the Age of Media Communication” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 17:2, 209-221 (2009).
“Reforming the Commission: Between Modernization and Bureaucratization” Journal of European Public Policy 15:5, 708-725 (with Ezra Suleiman; 2008).
“Phased out: The far right in Western Europe” Comparative Politics 39:3, 353-372 (2007).
Book chapters:
Antonis A. Ellinas, (2018) “Media and the Radical Right” in The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, Jens Rydgren, ed., New York: Oxford University Press.
“Far Right Parties in Europe” in Sandy Maisel, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, New York: Oxford University Press (2015).
"LAOS and the Greek far right since 1974" in Andrea Mammone, Emmanuel Godin and Brian Jenkins, eds.,Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe: From Local to Transnational, London: Routledge (2012).