Vafeas has been a member of the Accounting and Finance faculty at the University of Cyprus since 1994. He holds a B.Sc. in Accounting with distinction from Indiana University (1989), an MBA from the University of Oregon (1990), and a Ph.D in Accounting from the University of Kansas (1994). His research encompasses topics from accounting, finance, and management. He has published more than 40 academic articles, including some in leading journals like the Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Academy of Management Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. His work has received around 11,000 citations (Google Scholar). He currently serves as one of the co-Editors of the International Journal of Accounting and is a member of four other editorial boards. Vafeas has previously served as the Chairman of the National Council for the Recognition of Higher Academic Qualifications in the Republic of Cyprus (KYSATS), as Managing co-Director of the University of Cyprus MBA program, and as a member of the board of directors of the Open University of Cyprus.
Corporate governance (particularly corporate boards, executive compensation, and executive turnover); corporate environmental performance.
Recent publications
Chief Human Resource Officers and accounting disclosures: Illuminating the firm's most important asset or window dressing?, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, forthcoming, 2023, (w/ A. Michaelides).
Board executive committees, board decisions, and firm value, Journal of Corporate Finance 58, 43-63, 2019, (w/ A. Vlittis).
Independent directors and defined benefit pension plan freezes, Journal of Corporate Finance 50 (3), 505-518, 2018, (w/ A. Vlittis).
Selected earlier publications
Is accounting education valued by the stock market? Evidence from corporate controller appointments, Contemporary Accounting Research, 29 (4), 1143-1174, 2009.
Stakeholder pressures and environmental performance, Academy of Management Journal 49 (1), 145-159, 2006. (w/ G. Kassinis).
The association between boards and audit committees with management earnings forecasts: An empirical analysis, Journal of Accounting Research 43 (3), 453-486, 2005, (w/ I. Karamanou).
Audit committees, boards, and the quality of reported earnings, Contemporary Accounting Research 22 (4), 1093-1122, 2005.
Corporate boards and outside stakeholders as determinants of environmental litigation, Strategic Management Journal 23 (5), 399-415, 2002, (w/ G. Kassinis).
Board Meeting Frequency and Firm Performance, Journal of Financial Economics 53 (1), 113-142, 1999.
Ph.D. dissertation topic: Self-tender offers, open market share repurchases, and the agency costs of free cash flow, 1994.