Staff Catalogue

Anastassia Baxevani

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
FST 02 - Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 052
University Campus
Docent in Mathematics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, April 2011.
Ph.D in Mathematical Statistics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University,Sweden, May 2004.
MSc in Applied Statistics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Purdue University (IUPUI campus), USA, May 2000.
MSc in Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Purdue University (IUPUI campus), USA, May 1998.
BSc in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Greece, March 1995.
Appointments -Professional Experience:
Forskarassistent (eq. of Assistnat Professor), Department of Mathematical Statistics,Gothenburg University, Sweden, (2007-2011).
Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, (2005-2007).
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematicsand Statistics, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, (2004-2005).

Applied Probability and Statistics, Stochastic spatio-temporal models, Statistical Inference, Com- putationally efficient methods for big data in geosciences, Applications to Environmetrics, Models for stochastic dynamics

1)  Hristopulos D. T., Baxevani, A. ‘Effective Probability Distributions for Spatially Dependent Processes .’ Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, (to appear).

2) Baxevani A., Wilson R. ‘Prediction of Catastrophes in Space over Time.’ Extremes, 21, 601-628 (2018).

3) Baxevani A., Lenzi A. ‘Short-term spatio-temporal wind power prediction using a censored Gaussian field.’ Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32 ( 4) 932- 948 (2018).

4) Baxevani A., Podgorski K. ‘Random spectral measure for non-Gaussian moving averages.’ Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 47 (2), 448-462 (2018).

5) Baxevani A., Lennartsson J. ‘A spatio-temporal weather generator based on a censored latent Gaussian field.’ Water Resources Research, 51 : 4338-4358 (2015).

6) Baxevani A., Podg ́orski K., Wegener J. ‘Sample path asymmetries in non-Gaussian random processes.’ Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41:4, 1102-1123 (2014).

7) Baxevani, A., Podgorski, K., Rychlik, I., 'Dynamically evolving Gaussian spatial fields.'  Extremes, 14, pp. 223-251 (2011).

8) Ailliot, P., Baxevani, A., Cuzol, A., Monbet V. and Raillard, N., 'Space-timemodels for moving fields with an application to significant wave height fields.' Environmetrics, 22: 3, 354-369 (2011).

8) Baxevani, A. and Podgorski K. 'Lamperti transform of fractional Brownian motion',  Acta Physica Polonica B, No. 5, Vol. 40, pp. 1395-1435 (2009).

9) Baxevani, A., Caires, S., Rychlik, I. 'Spatio-temporal statistical modellingof Hs'  Environmetrics, 20: 14-31 (2009).

10) Lennartsson, J., Baxevani, A., Chen, D. 'Modelling precipitation in Sweden using multiple step markov chains and a composite model',  Journal of Hydrology, 363, 1-4, 42-59 (2008).