Charoula Angeli
Department of Education
Crosspoint, 406
40, Kallipoleos Ave.
Dr. Charoula Angeli-Valanides is Professor of Instructional Technology at the University of Cyprus. She has undergraduate and graduate studies at Indiana University-Bloomington, USA (BS in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology). She also pursued post-doctoral studies at the well-respected Learning Research and Development Center (LRCDC) at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Her research interests include the utilization of educational technologies in K-12, the design of computer-enhanced curricula, joint cognitive systems, distributed cognition, technological pedagogical content knowledge, educational software design, teacher training, teaching methodology, online learning, and the design of learning environments for the development of thinking skills.
Technological pedagogical content knowledge
Joint cognitive systems
Teacher cognition
Computational Thinking
Design of learning environments
- Bonk, C. J., Malikowski, S., Angeli, C., & East, J. (1998). Web-Based Conferencing for Preservice Teacher Education: Electronic Discourse from the Field. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 19(1), 269- 306.
- Hara, N., Bonk, C. J., & Angeli, C. (2000). Content Analyses of Online Discussion in an Applied Educational Psychology Course. Instructional Science, 28(2), 115-152.
- Angeli, C. (2001). Science and Technology Education as a Driver for Designing Powerful Web-Based Learning Environments. Science Education International, 12(3), 9-14.
- Bonk, C. J., Angeli, C., Malikowski, S., & Supplee, L. (2001). Holy COW: Scaffolding Case-Based Conferencing on the Web with Preservice Teachers. Education at a Distance, 1-28.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2002). Challenges in Achieving Scientific and Technological Literacy: Research Directions for the Future. Science Education International, 13(1), 2-7.
- Angeli, C. (2002). Teachers' Practical Theories for the Design and Implementation of Problem-Based Learning. Science Education International, 13(3), 9-15.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Bonk, C. J. (2003). Communication in a Web-Based Conferencing System: The Quality of Computer-Mediated Interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(1), 31-43.
- Angeli, C. (2004). The Effects of Case-Based Instruction on Early-Childhood Student-Teachers' Beliefs about the Pedagogical Uses of ICT. Learning, Media and Technology, 29(2), 139-151.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2004). The Effect of Electronic Scaffolding for Technology Integration on Perceived Task Effort and Confidence of Primary Student Teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 37(1), 29-43.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2004). Examining the Effects of Text-Only and Text-and-Visual Instructional Materials on the Achievement of Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Learners during Problem-Solving with Modeling Software. Educational Technology Research and Development, 52(4), 23-36.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2005). Effects of Instruction on Changes in Epistemological Beliefs. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30, 314-330.
- Papastephanou, M., Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2005). Action Research and Science Education. Science Education International, 17(2), 77-88.
- Angeli, C. (2005). Transforming a Teacher Education Method Course through Technology: Effects on Preservice Teachers' Technology Competency. Computers & Education, 45(4), 383-398.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2005). Preservice Teachers as ICT Designers: An Instructional Design Model Based on an Expanded View of Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 21(4), 292-302.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2006). Preparing Preservice Elementary Teachers to Teach Science through Computer Models. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education - Science, 6(1), 87-98.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2006). Problem-Solving Using Modeling Software: The Role of Cognitive Style. Psychology, 13(2), 78-99.
- Papastephanou, M., & Angeli, C. (2007). Critical Thinking beyond Skill. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 39(6), 604-621.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2008). Learning and Teaching about Scientific Models with a Computer Modeling Tool. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 220-233.
- Angeli, C. (2008). Distributed Cognition: A Framework for Understanding the Role of Technology in Teaching and Learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(3), 271-279.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2008). Professional Development for Computer-Enhanced Learning: A Case Study with Science Teachers. Research in Science and Technological Education, 26(1), 3-12.
- Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2008). Distributed Cognition in a Sixth-Grade Classroom: An Attempt to Overcome Alternative Conceptions about Light and Color. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 40(3), 309-336.
- Papanastasiou, E. C., & Angeli, C. (2008). Evaluating the Use of ICT in Education: Psychometric Properties of the Survey of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching with Technology (SFA-T3). Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 11(1), 69-86.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2008). Examining the Effects of Electronic Mentoring Prompts on Learners' Scientific Reasoning Skills in a Text-Based Online Conference for a Science Education Course. Science Education International, 19(4), 357-370.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2009). Epistemological and Methodological Issues for the Conceptualization, Development, and Assessment of ICT-TPCK: Advances in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK). Computers & Education, 52, 154-168.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2009). Instructional Effects on Critical Thinking: Performance on Ill-Defined Issues. Learning and Instruction, 19, 322-334.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Kirschner, P. (2009). Field Dependence-Independence and Instructional Design Effects on Learners' Performance with a Computer Modeling Tool. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 1355-1366.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Papageorgiou, M. (2011). An Instructional Design Model for Teaching Pre-service Elementary Teachers How to Teach Science with Computer Models. Advanced Science Letters, 4(11-12), 3324-3331.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Papastephanou, M. (2011). The Effects of Textuality on University Students' Critical Thinking. Interchange, 42(3), 307-328.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2012). Epistemological Beliefs and Ill-Defined Problem-Solving in Solo and Paired Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 2-14.
- Angeli, C. (2013). Examining the Effects of Field Dependence-Independence on Learners' Performance and Interactivity with a Computer Modeling Tool to Solve a Complex Problem: Implications for the Design of Joint Cognitive Systems. Computers & Education, 62(2), 221-230.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2013). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 123-126.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2013). Using Educational Data Mining Methods to Assess Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Learners' Complex Problem Solving. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(3), 521-548.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2013). Technology Mapping: An Approach for the Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 199-221.
- Hadjiachilleos, S., Valanides, N., & Angeli, C. (2013). The Impact of Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Cognitive Conflict on Learners' Conceptual Change about Floating and Sinking. Research in Science and Technological Education, 31(2), 133-152.
- Valanides, N., Efthimiou, E., & Angeli, C. (2013). Interplay of Internal and External Representations: Students' Drawings and Textual Explanations about Shadow Phenomena. Journal of Visual Literacy, 32(1), 67-84.
- Valanides, N., Papageorgiou, M., & Angeli, C. (2014). Scientific Investigations of Elementary School Children. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23, 26-36.
- Angeli, C., & Ioannou, I. (2015). Developing Secondary Education Computer Science Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. European Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 9-30.
- Angeli, C., & Tsaggari, A. (2016). Examining the Effects of Learning in Dyads with Computer-Based Multimedia on Third-Grade Students' Performance in History. Computers & Education, 92-93, 171-180.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., Polemitou, E., & Fraggoulidou, E. (2016). An Interaction Effect between Young Children's Field Dependence-Independence and Order of Learning with Glass-Box and Black-Box Simulations. Computers in Human Behavior, 61, 569-583.
- Fluck, A., Webb, M., Cox, M., Angeli, C., Malyn-Smith, Voogt, J., & Zagami, J. (2016). Arguing for Computer Science in the School Curriculum. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(3), 38-46.
- Angeli, C., Voogt, J., Fluck, A., Webb, M., Cox, M., Malyn-Smith, J., & Zagami, J. (2016). A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework: Implications for Teacher Knowledge. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(3), 47–57.
- Angeli, C., & Schwartz, N. (2016). Differences in Electronic Exchanges in Synchronous and Asynchronous Computer-Mediated Communication: The Effect of Culture as a Mediating Variable. Journal of Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1109-1130.
- Angeli, C., Howard, S., Ma, J., Yang, J., & Kirschner, P. (2017). Data Mining in Educational Technology Classroom Research: Can It Make a Contribution? Computers & Education, 113, 226-242.
- Jaipal-Jamani, K., & Angeli, C. (2017). Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Science Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Computational Thinking during Robotics Activities. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(2), 175-192.
- Webb, M., Prasse, D., Phillips, M., Kadijevich, D. M., Angeli, C., Strijker, A., Carvalho, A. A., Andresen, B. B., Dobozy, E., & Laugesen, H. (2018). Challenges for IT-Enabled Formative Assessment of Complex 21st Century Skills. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 23(3), 441-456.
- Macrides, E., & Angeli, C. (2018). Domain-specific aspects of technological pedagogical content knowledge: Music education and the importance of affect. TechTrends, 23(3), 441-456.
- Macrides, E., & Angeli, C. (2018). Investigating TPCK through music focusing on affect. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 35(3), 181-198.
- De Rossi, M., & Angeli, C. (2018). Teacher education for effective technology integration. Italian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(1), 3-6.
- Webb, M., Bell, T., Davis, N., Katz, Y. J., Fluck, A., Sysło, M. M., Kalaš, I., Cox, M., Angeli, C., Malyn-Smith, J., Brinda, T., Micheuz, P., & Brodnik. A. (2018). Tensions in specifying computing curricula for K-12: Towards a principled approach for objectives. it-Information Technology, 60(2), 59-68.
- Angeli, C., & Giannakos, M. (2020). Computational thinking education: Issues and challenges. Computers in Human Behavior, 105.
- Angeli, C., & Valanides, N. (2020). Developing young children's computational thinking with educational robotics: An interaction effect between gender and scaffolding strategy. Computers in Human Behavior, 105.
- Macrides, E., & Angeli, C. (2020). Music Cognition and Affect in the Design of Technology-Enhanced Music Lessons. Frontiers in Education, 5.
- Angeli, C. (2022). The effects of scaffolded programming scripts on pre-service teachers' computational thinking: Developing algorithmic thinking through programming robots. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 31, 100329.
- Macrides, E., Miliou, O., & Angeli, C.(2022). Programming in early childhood education: A systematic review. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 32, 100396.
- Miliou, O., Angeli, C. (2022). Design principles for internet skills education: results from a design-based research study in higher education. SN Soc Sci2, 169.
- Christodoulou, A., & Angeli, C. (2022). Adaptive Learning Techniques for a Personalized Educational Software in Developing Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. In Frontiers in Education, 303.
- Angeli, C., & Georgiou, K.(2023). Investigating the effects of gender and scaffolding in developing preschool children's computational thinking during problem-solving with Bee-Bots. Frontiers in Education, 7.