(00357) 22892824
Department of Physics
FST 02 - Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, B217
University Campus
Professor Constantinos Christofides received a BSc and MSc in Physics from University of Grenoble I in 1982 and 1983 accordingly, a D.E.A. in Energy-Economics from University of Grenoble II in 1984, a D.E.A. in Energy-Physics in 1984 and a PhD in Applied Physics from the National Polytechnic of Grenoble in 1986. Prior to joining the University of Cyprus to serve the Department of Natural Sciences, he was a faculty member of the University of Sherbrooke and the University of Toronto. He also held visiting appointments at University Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, the National Polytechnic School of Grenoble, University of Orleans, University of Athens, University of Toulouse and the Weizman Institute of Sciences in Israel, where he lectured extensively. In his career he (co)authored and edited a variety of publications, with books, journals, scientific papers and conference proceedings in some of the premier journals of his field. Professor Christofides, as the Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs (2006-2010), played an active role in establishing the University of Cyprus in the research community worldwide, as well as in strengthening the university-industry collaboration. Since December 2010, he is serving a four-year term as Rector.
Applied optics, matter-light interaction, photothermal phenomena, laser-semiconductor interactions, optoelectronics sensors, solar materials, lasers for archaeometry and art.
C. Christofides and G. Ghibaudo, “Effects of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Optical and Photothermal Characterization”, SEMICONDUCTORS AND SEMIMETALS, Vols.45,46 [ACADEMIC PRESS, New York, 1997].A. Mandelis and C. Christofides, “Physics, Chemistry and Technology of Solid State Gas Sensor Devices”, CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, Vol.125: A Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry and its Applications, [A WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION - John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1993]. C. Christofides, M. Nestoros and A. Othonos, “Photothermal Radiometric Study of Implanted Semiconductors”, in Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology – Semiconductors and Electronic Materials, Edited by A. Mandelis and P. Hess [SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington USA, 2000] pp. 110-142.C. Christofides, “Photomodulated Thermoreflectance Investigation of Implanted Wafers. Annealing Kinetics of Defects”, in Effects of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Optical and Photothermal Characterization, Edited by C. Christofides and G. Ghibaudo, SEMICONDUCTORS AND SEMIMETALS, Vol. 46, Chapter 4 [ACADEMIC PRESS, New York, 1997] pp. 115-150.A. Seas and C. Christofides, “Transmission and Reflection Spectroscopy on Ion Implanted Semiconductors”, in Effects of Disorder and Defects in Ion-Implanted Semiconductors: Optical and Photothermal Characterization, Edited by C. Christofides and G. Ghibaudo, SEMICONDUCTORS AND SEMIMETALS, Vol. 46, Chapter 2 [ACADEMIC PRESS, New York, 1997] pp. 39-71