Staff Catalogue


22892253 or 99333060
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Green Park,
Charalambou’s research group ICCCSystemS, Information, Communication and Control of Complex Systems is interested in theoretical and technological developments concerning large scale distributed communication and control systems and networks in science and engineering. These include applications in transportation, energy production, distribution, quality, and pricing, water quality and resources, environmental, demographic, agricultural, and societal issues. Current research includes Wireless Communication Systems: modelling and analysis of wireless channels, power control, receiver design, MIMO systems, Information Theory: robust source coding, channel capacity, and quantization, Communication Networks: bandwidth pricing, performance evaluation, QoS, and scheduling, Stochastic Dynamical Systems: stochastic optimization, mini-max games, robust estimation, identification and control, relations between large deviations, robustness, and statistical mechanics, stochastic nano-particle manipulation, Network Control Over Limited Capacity Communication Networks: design of encoders, decoders and controllers to achieve communication and control objectives of embedded systems, centralized and decentralized control and communication of large scale distributed systems.
Telecommunication Systems and Networks Information Theory and Large Deviations Systems and control theory Minimax Dynamic Games and RobustnessMarkov Processes and Stochastic Differential Equations Applications in Science and Engineering
S.M. Djouadi, C.D. Charalambous and C. Kourtellaris “Statistical Analysis of Multipath Fading Channels using Generalizations of Shot-Noise,” EURASIP on Wireless Communications and Networking, pages-20, Accepted July 2008.C.D. Charalambous, R.J.C Bultitude, J. Zhang, and Xin Li “Modeling Wireless Fading Channels via Stochastic Differential Equations: Identification and Estimation Based on Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, No.2, pp.434-439, February 2008.M.M. Olama, S.M. Djouadi, I. Papageorgiou, C.D. Charalambous, “A Comparison of the Particle and Extended Kalman Filters for Position and Velocity Tracking in Mobile Cellular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, pages 1001-1010, Vol.57, No.2, March 2008.A. Farhadi and C.D. Charalambous, “Robust Coding for a Class of Sources: Applications in Control and Reliable Communication Over Limited Capacity Channels,” Systems and Control Letters, pages-20, Accepted June 2008C.D. Charalambous and A. Farhadi, “LQG Optimality and Separation Principle for General Discrete-Time Partially Observed Stochastic Systems over Finite Capacity Communication Channels,” Automatica, pages-10, Accepted May 2008.C.D. Charalambous, A. Farhadi and D. Stojan, “Control of Continuous Time Linear Gaussian Systems over Additive Gaussian Wireless Fading Channels: A Separation Principle,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Accepted October 2007.C.D. Charalambous and F. Rezaei, “Stochastic Uncertain Systems Subject to Relative Entropy Constraints: Induced Norms and Monotonicity Properties of Minimax Games,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pages 647-663, Vol.52, No. 4, May 2007.N.U. Ahmed and C.D. Charalambous,”Minimax Games for Stochastic Systems Subject to Relative Entropy Constraints: Applications to SDE’s on Hilbert Space, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, vol.19, pages 65-91, 2006.F. Rezaei and N.U. Ahmed and C.D. Charalambous, “Rate Distortion Theory for Abstract Sources with Potential Applications to Image Compression,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics, pages 141-165, Vol.3, No.2, 2006 .C.D. Charalambous and S. Djouadi and D. Stojan, “Stochastic power control for wireless networks via SDE’s: probabilistic QoS measures” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol.51, no.12, pp.4396-4401, December 2005.N. Vlajic and C.D. Charalambous and D. Makrakis, “Performance aspects of data broadcast in wireless networks with user retrials,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 12, No. 4, pages 620-633, August 2004.