Staff Catalogue


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
SFC 02 (Social Facilities),

Christos Panayiotou is a Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at the University of Cyprus (UCY). He is also the Deputy Director of the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence for which he is also a founding member.  Christos has received a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, in 1994 and 1999 respectively. He also received an MBA from the Isenberg School of Management, at the aforementioned university in 1999. Before joining the University of Cyprus in 2002, he was a Research Associate at the Center for Information and System Engineering (CISE) and the Manufacturing Engineering Department at Boston University (1999 - 2002). His research interests include modeling, control, optimization and performance evaluation of discrete event and hybrid systems, intelligent transportation systems, cyber-physical systems, event detection and localization, fault diagnosis, machine learning, wireless, ad hoc and sensor networks, resource allocation, and intelligent buildings. His research has been funded with more than 45 million euros from national and European funding agencies, governmental organizations, and private companies.

Christos has published more than 340 papers in international refereed journals and conferences and is the recipient of the 2014 Best Paper Award for the journal Building and Environment (Elsevier).  His students and research team have received a number of distinctions and awards, including the First Prize in the Competition “Cooperative Aerial Robots Inspection Challenge” during the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2023).  He is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamical Systems. He had a long tenure on the Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE Control Systems Society (2001-2023) and served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology during 2016-2020 and of the European Journal of Control during 2014-2021.  He held several positions in organizing committees and technical program committees of numerous international conferences, including General Chair of the 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED2023), General Chair of the 23rd European Working Group on Transportation (EWGT2020), and General Co-Chair of the 2018 European Control Conference (ECC2018). He has also served as Chair of various subcommittees of the Education Committee of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

Control, Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Intelligent Transportation Systems; Modeling and Control of Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems; Cyber-Physical Systems; Computer Networks; Internet of Things (IoT); Smart Buildings; Fault Diagnosis; Event Detection and Localization; Mobile Terminal Localization; Resource Allocation; Computer Simulation.

  • C. Makridis, C. Menelaou, S. Timotheou, and C.G. Panayiotou, “A Real-Time Demand Management and Route-Guidance System for Eliminating Congestion” in IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, pp. 2-20, Jul (2024) doi: 10.1109/MITS.2024.3418513
  • C. Menelaou, S. Timotheou, P. Kolios, and C.G. Panayiotou, “Efficient demand management for the on-time arrival problem: A convexified multi-objective approach assuming macroscopic traffic dynamics” European Journal of Control, June (2024)
  • Y. Englezou, S. Timotheou, and C.G. Panayiotou, “Path-Based Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation Utilizing Macroscopic Traffic Dynamics”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 25, no. 8, pp. 8819-8836, Aug (2024).   
  • C. Menelaou, S. Timotheou, P. Kolios and C.G. Panayiotou, “Convexification Approaches for Regional Route Guidance and Demand Management with Generalized MFDs”, Elsevier, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol 154, Sep (2023).
  • L. Hadjidemetriou, N. Stylianidis, D. Englezos, P. Papadopoulos, D. Eliades, S.Timotheou, M. Polycarpou and C. G. Panayiotou, “A Digital Twin Architecture for Real-Time and Offline High Granularity Analysis in Smart Buildings”, Elsevier, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol 98, Nov. (2023). 
  • S. Papaioannou, P. Kolios, T.  Theocharides, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Distributed Search Planning in 3-D Environments with a Dynamically Varying Number of Agents”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol 53, no 7, pp. 4117-4130, Jul (2023).
  • J. Moon, C. Laoudias, R. Guan, S. Kim, D. Zeinalipour, C.G. Panayiotou, “Cramér-Rao Lower Bound Analysis of Differential Signal Strength Fingerprinting for Crowdsourced IoT Localization”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol 10, no. 11, pp. 9690 – 9702, Jun. (2023).
  • F. Panetsos, G.C. Karras, K.J. Kyriakopoulos, O. Oikonomides, P. Kolios, D.G. Eliades and C.G. Panayiotou, “A Motion Control Framework for Autonomous Water Sampling and Swing-free Transportation of a Multirotor UAV with a Cable-suspended Mechanism”, Journal of Field Robotics, vol 40, no. 5, April (2023).
  • S. Papaioannou, P. Kolios, T. Theocharides, C.G. Panayiotou and M. M. Polycarpou, “Integrated Guidance and Gimbal Control for Coverage Planning with Visibility Constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol 59, no 2, pp. 1276 – 1291, Apr. (2023).
  • M. Michalopoulou, P. Kolios, C.G. Panayiotou and G. Ellinas, “Optimizing Vehicles’ Tracking Accuracies while Considering Information Aging”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 2538 – 2550, Mar. (2023). 
  • V. Kyriacou, Y. Englezou, C.G. Panayiotou, and S. Timotheou, “Bayesian Traffic State Estimation Using Extended Floating Car Data”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol 24, no. 2, pp. 1518-1532, Feb. (2023).
  • K. Malialis, C.G. Panayiotou, and MM. Polycarpou, “Nonstationary data stream classification with online active learning and Siamese neural networks”, Neurocomputing (Elsevier), vol. 512, pp. 235-252, Nov. (2022).
  • C. Menelaou, S. Timotheou, P. Kolios, C.G. Panayiotou, “Joint route guidance and demand management for real-time control of multi-regional traffic networks”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 23, no. 7, pp. 8302-8315 (2022). 
  • P. Kolios, L. Papachristoforou, C.G. Panayiotou, and G. Ellinas, “Model-Adaptive Event Triggering for Monitoring Recurrent Mobility Patterns in Public Transport”, IEEE Access, (2022).
  • F. Tatari, H. Modares, C.G. Panayiotou, and M. Polycarpou, “Finite-Time Distributed Identification for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 1188-1199, (2022).
  • C. Heracleous, C. Keliris, C.G. Panayiotou, and MM. Polycarpou, “Fault diagnosis for a class of nonlinear uncertain hybrid systems”, Elsevier: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Vol. 44, May (2022),
  • S. Papaioannou, P. Kolios, T. Theocharides, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Towards Automated 3D Search Planning for Emergency Response Missions” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Vol 103, No. 1, (2021).
  • S. Papaioannou, P. Kolios, T. Theocharides, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “A Cooperative Multi-Agent Probabilistic Framework for Search and Track Missions”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, (2020).
  • G. Milis, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M Polycarpou, “IoT-Enabled Automatic Synthesis of Distributed Feedback Control Schemes in Smart Buildings”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 8, No 4, pp. 2615-2626, (2020).
  • K Malialis, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Online learning with adaptive rebalancing in nonstationary environments”. IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), (2020) (accepted).
  • P. Papadopoulos, V. Reppa, MM Polycarpou, C.G. Panayiotou, “Scalable Distributed Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Smart Buildings”, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 638-655, (2020).
  • P. Kolios, G. Ellinas, C.G. Panayiotou, “Cyber-Physical Interplay for Data Offloading in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Networking Letters, Vol 2, no. 2, pp. 54-57, (2020).
  • P. Kolios, K. Koumidis, C.G. Panayiotou, G. Ellinas, “Beaconing-Based Networking for Localized Information Exchange in Emergency Management”, Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier (2020).
  • S. Papaioannou, P. Kolios, T. Theocharides, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Jointly-optimized Searching and Tracking with Random Finite Sets”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 19, no 10, pp. 2374-2391, Oct. (2020).
  • M. Hadjicharalambous, M.M. Polycarpou and C.G. Panayiotou, “Neural network-based construction of online prediction intervals”, Neural Computing and Applications, DOI:, pp. 1-19, Springer (2019).
  • A. Kyriacou, M.P. Michaelides, D.G. Eliades, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “COMOB: A MATLAB Toolbox for Sensor Placement and Contaminant Event Monitoring in Multi-zone Buildings” in Building and Environment, Elsevier, Vol. 154, pp. 348-361, (2019).
  • C. Menelaou, S. Timotheou, P. Kolios, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Minimizing traffic congestion through continuous-time route reservations with travel time predictions”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, Vol 4, pp. 141-153 (2019).
  • G.M. Milis, C.G. Panayiotou, M.M. Polycarpou, “SEMIoTICS: Semantically-enhanced IoT-enabled Intelligent Control Systems”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, issue 1, Feb (2019).
  • G. Milis, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Semantically-Enhanced Online Configuration of Feedback Control Schemes”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 48 (3), 1081- 1094, (2018).
  • D. Stavrou, S. Timotheou, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Optimizing Container Loading with Autonomous Robots”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 15, (2), pp. 717-731, (2018).
  • A. Kyriacou, M. Michaelides, V. Reppa, S. Timotheou, C.G. Panayiotou, and M.M. Polycarpou, “Distributed Contaminant Detection and Isolation for Intelligent Buildings”, IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, vol. 26(6), pp. 1925—1941, (2018).
  • A. Kyriacou, P. Demetriou, C.G. Panayiotou, and E. Kyriakides, “Controlled Islanding Solution for Large-Scale Power Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33 (2), pp. 1591-1602 (2018).