B.Sc. in Physics (1982) University of Athens, Greece. Graduate studies in Research Center Demokritos (1982-1985), Athens, Greece. Graduate studies at Cornell University (1985-1989), Ithaca NY, USA. M.Sc. (1989) and Ph.D. in Physics (1990), Cornell Univ., USA. Postdoctoral Associate, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell Univ., USA (1990-1993). European Ecomonic Community (EEC) Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratoire d’Etudes des Proprietes Electronique des Solides, CNRS, Grenoble, France (1993-1995). Assistant Professor, Univ. of Cuprus (1996-2003). Associate Professor, Univ. of Cyprus (2003 - present).
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics: Quantum Many-Body Coulomb Systems (phases of metallic Hydrogen - theory of metal-insulator transitions - Wigner crystals and paired spin-singlet phases in a magnetic field - universal properties of quantal charged systems); Generalized pairing in the condensed state (microscopic Superconductivity vs Fermionic paired supersolids); Quasicrystals (novel transmission properties of Fibonacci chains and Penrose networks); Nanoscale Physics in Aharonov-Bohm Configurations (electron-hole interactions in quantum nanorings); Quantum Hall Systems (thermodynamic magnetic properties in heterostructures and properties beyond de Haas-van Alphen oscillations); Gauge transformations and Physics beyond the standard Dirac phase factor; generic Topological aspects of Condensed Matter Physics (especially in Graphene and in Topological Insulators, and most recently in Weyl semimetals).
A. P. Djotyan, K. Moulopoulos, and A. A. Avetisyan, "Shallow donor states and interlayer transitions in gapped graphene bilayer”, Semiconductor Science and Technology 40, 015012 (10 pages), IOP (2025)
A. A. Avetisyan, K. Moulopoulos, and A. P. Djotyan, “Hydrogen-Like Impurity States in Doped Bilayer Graphene: Results for Different Trial Functions”, Journal of Contemporary Physics Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 265–271 (2024)
A. A. Avetisyan, A. P. Djotyan, and K. Moulopoulos, "Tunable Excitons in Bilayer Graphene with Opened Energy Gap", Physics of Atomic Nuclei (the Russian journal "Yadernaya Fizika"), Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 765-769 (2018)G. Konstantinou & K. Moulopoulos, "Topological anomalies in an extended Ehrenfest theorem and their role on optical transitions in solar cells", Journal of Physics Communications, vol. 2 (8): 085011 (2018)
[DOI: 10.4236/ampc.2018.81003]
[ISSN (Print) 2394-1588] [DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2017.41201]
G. Konstantinou and K. Moulopoulos, "Ground State thermodynamic and response properties of electron gas in a strong magnetic and electric field: Exact analytical solutions for a conventional semiconductor and for Graphene", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Vol. 05 No.03 (2017), Article ID:74872, 28 pages [March (2017)]
G. Konstantinou and K. Moulopoulos, "The “forgotten” pseudomomenta and gauge changes in generalized Landau Level problems: spatially nonuniform magnetic and temporally varying electric fields", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Volume 56, Issue 5, pp 1484–1503, February (2017)
G. Konstantinou, K. Kyriakou, and K. Moulopoulos, "Emergent non-Hermitian contributions to the Ehrenfest and Hellmann-Feynman theorems", International Journal of Engineering Innovation & Research, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 248-252 (2016)
G. Konstantinou and K. Moulopoulos, "Generators of dynamical symmetries and the correct gauge transformation in the Landau Level problem: use of Pseudomomentum, and a Pseudo-angular momentum", European Journal of Physics, Vol. 37, Issue 6, Article Number: 065401 (2016) (18 pages)
K. Moulopoulos, Topological Proximity Effect: "A Gauge Influence from Distant Fields on Planar Quantum-Coherent Systems", International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 54: 1908-1925 (2015)
K. Moulopoulos, "Gauge Nonlocality in Planar Quantum-Coherent Systems", Quantum Matter, Vol. 4 (6): 1-12 (2015)
G. Konstantinou and K. Moulopoulos, "Thickness-induced violation of de Haas-van Alphen effect through exact analytical solutions at a one-electron and a one-composite fermion level", European Physical Journal B, Vol. 86, p.326 (2013) (39 pages)
K. Moulopoulos, “Beyond the Dirac phase factor: Dynamical Quantum Phase-Nonlocalities in the Schrodinger Picture”, Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 2 No. 11, pp. 1250-1271 (2011)
A. V. Ghazaryan, A. P. Djotyan, K. Moulopoulos, A. A. Kirakosyan, “Linear dynamic polarizability and absorption spectrum of an exciton in a quantum ring in a magnetic field” Physica Scripta, 83 : Art. No. 035703 (2011)
K. Moulopoulos, “Nonlocal phases of local quantum mechanical wavefunctions in static and time-dependent Aharonov-Bohm experiments” Journal of Physics A, 43 (35): Art. No.354019 (2010) (32 pages)
K. Kyriakou, K. Moulopoulos, A. V. Ghazaryan, A. P. Djotyan, “Arbitrary mixture of two charged interacting particles in a magnetic Aharonov-Bohm ring: persistent currents and Berry's phases” Journal of Physics A, 43 (35): Art. No. 354018 (2010) (11 pages)
A. A. Avetisyan, A. V. Ghazaryan, A. P. Djotyan, A. A. Kirakosyan, K. Moulopoulos “Magnetoexcitons in Semiconductor Quantum Rings with Complicated (Kane's) Dispersion Law” Acta Physica Polonica A, 116 (5): 826-828 (2009)
A. A. Avetisyan, K. Moulopoulos, A. P. Djotyan, “Competing broken-symmetry and rotationally symmetric spin-singlet states in a few-electron quantum dot in a magnetic field” Physica E, 40 (5): 1637-1639 (2008)
A. A. Avetisyan, A. P. Djotyan, E. Kazaryan, K. Moulopoulos, “Exciton-donor complexes in semiconductor quantum dots in a magnetic field: Infinite and finite potential barriers” Physica E, 40 (5): 1648-1650 (2008)
A. A. Avetisyan, K. Moulopoulos, A. P. Djotyan, “Coulomb repulsive correlation in systems with radial confinement: quantum dots and the Overhauser model in an external magnetic field” Philosophical Magazine, 86 (17-18): 2493-2509 (2006)
K. Moulopoulos and M. Constantinou, “Two interacting charged particles in an Aharonov-Bohm ring: Bound state transitions, symmetry breaking, persistent currents, and Berry's phase” Physical Review B, 70 (23): Art. No. 235327 (2004)
K. Moulopoulos and M. Constantinou, “Magnetic-field-induced localization in networks with the T-3 geometry” Physics Letters A”, 302 (1): 39-47 (2002)
M. Polini, K. Moulopoulos, B. Davoudi, M. P. Tosi, “Unpaired and spin-singlet paired states of a two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field” Physical Review B, 65 (16): Art. No. 165306 (2002)
K. Moulopoulos, “Non-perturbative density expansions for extended Coulomb systems” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12 (36): 7879-7886 (2000)
K. Moulopoulos, “Bound-state transition: an analytical model” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12 (7): 1285-1296 (2000)
S. Roche and K. Moulopoulos, “Anomalous electronic conductance in quasicrystals” Physical Review B, 61 (9): 6048-6056 (2000)
K. Moulopoulos, F. Cyrot-Lackmann, “Fracton superconductivity in quasicrystals - a theoretical possibility suggested by experiment” Physics Letters A, 261 (1-2): 119-124 (1999)
K Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Coulomb interactions and generalized pairing in condensed matter” Physical Review B, 59 (19): 12309-12325 (1999)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Curvature theorem for scattering states in charged systems” Physical Review B, 56 (8): 4439-4446 (1997)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “One-component charged systems as a limiting case of quantal two-component mixtures - A bifurcation procedure for a many-body system” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8 (50): 11023-11028 (1996)
K. Moulopoulos and S. Roche, “Role of phason defects on the conductance of a one-dimensional quasicrystal” Physical Review B, 53 (1): 212-220 (1996)
K. Moulopoulos and S. Roche, “Transmission Resonance in an infinite strip of phason defects of a Penrose Approximant Network” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7 (47): 8883-8896 (1995)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Many-Body Theory of Paired Electron Crystals” Physical Review B, 48 (16): 11646-11665 (1993)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “New low-density phase of interacting electrons – the Paired Electron Crystal” Physical Review Letters, 69 (17): 2555-2558 (1992)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “General Theory of the Metal-Insulator Transition” Physical Review B, 45 (20): 11518-11526 (1992)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Generalized Coulomb Pairing in the Condensed State” Physical Review Letters, 66 (22): 2915-2918 (1991)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Chemical potentials in Dense Charged Classical or Quantal Systems” Physical Review A, 43 (4): 1685-1700 (1991)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Pairing ground states in Fermion systems: a static method” Physical Review B, 42 (13): 7855-7868 (1990)
K. Moulopoulos and N. W. Ashcroft, “Scaling Relations for two-component charged systems: Application to Metallic Hydrogen” Physical Review B, 41 (10): 6500-6519 (1990)