Staff Catalogue


Medical School
Shiakoleion Educational Health Center (SEKY), 124
215/6 Nicosia - Limassol Old Road
  • Medicine Diploma, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy (1986-1992). 
  • Fellowship in Internal Medicine/ Thoracic Medicine, Thoracic Clinic, 251 General Air Force Hospital, Athens (1994)
  • Fellowship in Pediatrics, 2nd Paediatric Clinic, Penteli’s Children Hospital, Athens (1997-1999)                                            
  • Residency in Allergy, Allergology Dept., ‘Laikon’ General Hospital of Athens (2001-2004)
  •  Visiting Senior resident and visiting doctor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY, USA (2003, 2005)
  • PhD in Immunology, School of Medicine, “Kapodistrakon” University of Athens. Thesis: “Study of the activation antigen CD69 in the various HIV-1 infection stages. Relation with T cell subpopulations (CD4, CD8, CD28) and functional tests.



Visiting Speaker, School of Nurses’ Specialization in Internal Medicine (2005).

Associate Teaching Faculty Member, Harokopio University of Athens (2009-2016). Teaching: 

  • “Pathophysiology ΙΙ”, for students of the 5th Semester
  • “Nutrition & Immunity”, elective of 7th Semester.
  • “Special topics of adults’ clinical nutrition”, for MSc degree students

Tutoring an MSc student of Harokopio University. Thesis: “Study on profilin sensitization in atopic patients and its implication in Oral Allergy Syndrome”

Current position; Special training faculty member, Medical School, University of Cyprus. Teaching Physiology (laboratories and selected lectures), 2nd and 3rd year students, Pathophysiology, 3rd year, Internal Medicine (lectures and dedicated teaching), 4th year, First aid, Immunology and Educational clinical rounds, 1st, 2nd and 3rd year.



Practising Allergology since 2004
Private practice (2004-2016)
Head, Allergy Outpatient Clinic, General Hospital of Nicosia (2021-)


  • Board & Voting Member of the Executive Committee of the "European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology” (EAACI), as Representative of all Interest Groups and Working Groups
  • Chair of the Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) Working Group, EAACI (2023-2024)
  • Member of the EoE Board, EAACI (2017-2019)
  • Elected Member and Webmaster of the “Immunotherapy Interest Group”,  (EAACI) (2011-2019)
  • Coordinator of “Contraindications in Immunotherapy” Task Force, EAACI (managing a grant of 15,000 euros) (2013-2014)
  • Chairmain of the Food Allergy Interest Group, Hellenic Society of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (2011-today)
  • Secretary Special of the Hellenic Society of Allergology & Clinical Immunology (2011-2015)
  • Treasurer of the Hellenic Union of Allergologists (2010-2012)
  • Associate Editor of the journal “Hellenic Allergology and Clinical Immunology” (2010-2019).
  • Editor of “Hellenic Allergology and Clinical Immunology”, since 2020.
  • Reviewer of journals such as: Annals Allergy Clinical Immunology, Clinical Translational Allergy, Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, Clinical and Molecular Allergy, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Journal of Medical Case Reports
  • Editorial Board of "Clinical Molecular Allergy"
  • Guest editor of special issues in "Cells" and "Frontiers in Allergy"


  • Study “Is bee-pollen safe for the atopic patient?” 5th Hellenic Congress of Allergology & Cl. Immunology, 3-5/4/2003, Athens, Greece.
  • Poster presentation: “Using AIT despite Contraindications; CONtraindications to Specific ImmunoTherapy (CONSIT) study”. EAACI Allergy School, Athens, Greece 11-13/9/2014
  • 2nd award for the “Study of IgE-sensitization to profilin and its relation with oral allergy syndrome” 11th Panhellenic Congress of Allergology & Cl. Immunology, 14-17/4/2016, Athens, Greece.  
  • 3nd award for the “Is reducing the maintenance dose of Immunotherapy to pollen during pollen season, necessary? Results of a 10-year-long prospective study” 11th Panhellenic Congress of Allergology & Cl. Immunology, 14-17/4/2016, Athens, Greece.  
  • Poster presentation: "Protocol of the PARC (Prevention of Allergic Rhinitis in Cyprus) program", 13rd Panhellenic Congress of Allergology & Cl. Immunology, 11-14/4/2019, Thessaloniki, Greece.

-National Coordinator (Greece) of the European PASTE study, regarding patients' adherence to allergen Immunotherapy. The study has been the outcome of an EAACI (European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology) Task Force and has partially been completed.

-Member of the Task Force of EAACI: "Awareness and practice of allergen immunotherapy in primary care in Europe"

-Member of the Task Force of EAACI: "Food reintroduction in Eosinophilic Esophagitis".

-Co-ordinator of a meta-analysis regarding "The use of skin tests for the diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis"

-Study of profilin as allergen causing Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). A study on OAS prevalence in Greek population has been completed and results have been published. The presence of profilin in skin prick test extracts of pollen and fruits, using the SDS-PAGE method, have also been published. Study of OAS and profilin sensitization is going to be exended to Cypriot population.

-PARC project (Prevention of Allergic Rhinitis in Cyprus): The task of this program is to define the prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Cyprus. Initially interviews with the use of a questionnare are made, detecting the partecipants that have symptoms of rhinitis. Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis is set with a clinical examination and the use of skin-prick tests. The program is addressed to young adults who are students of UCY. Allergological advices are offered to the ones diagnosed as allergic, in order to prevent deterioration and progression of allergic rhinitis to asthma.

-Participation in Life-MEDEA study, mitigating the health effects of desert dust storms using exposure-reduction approaches. The study is coordinated by Prof P. Yiallouros. The pertecipation is regarding the study of asthmatic children's atopic profile.

1. Pitsios C, Vithoulka A, Roumana A, Kompoti E, Kontou-Fili K. Multiple Physical Urticarias: Report of Three Cases and Review of the Literature. Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, 2003; Vol 24, 5:313-317.

2. Pitsios C, Papadopoulos D, Kompoti E, Manoussakis E, Garris V, Petalas K, Tassios I, Baibas N, Kontou-Fili K, Saxoni-Papageorgiou P, Papadopoulos NG. Efficacy and safety of mometasone furoate vs nedocromil sodium as prophylactic treatment for moderate/severe seasonal allergic rhinitis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2006; 96, 5:673-678.

3. Vythoulka A, Pitsios C, Kompoti E. Allergic reactions due to mizolastine. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2006; 97, 2:262-263.

4. Stratopoulos C, Pitsios C, Valenti P, Anaglostopoulos G, Kotronis E. Medical Image. Deep vein thrombosis due to absence of inferior vena cava. N J Med J, 2006; 119:U2288.

5. Pitsios C, Chliva C, Mikos N, Kompoti E, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Kontou-Fili K. Bee pollen sensitivity in airborne pollen allergic individuals. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2006; 97:703-706.

6. Vartholomaios S, Pitsios C, Mikos N, Kompoti E, Kouridakis S. Allergy to Basil; a Lamiaceae herb. J Inv Allergy Clin Immunol, 2007; 17: 345-349.

7. Pitsios C, Dimitrakopoulou A, Tsalimalma K, Kordossis T, Choremi-Papadopoulou H. Expression of CD69 on T-cell subsets in HIV-1 disease. Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 2008; 68: 233-241.

8. Stefanaki E, Pitsios C Occupational dermatitis due to carnation. Contact Dermat, 2008; 58: 119-120.

9. Pitsios C, Ergazakis M, Vartholomaios S, Kompoti E, Kontou-Fili K. Honey hypersensitivity in two atopic patients.  Allergy Hypersensitivity Asthma, 2008: 17-20.

10. Roumana A, Pitsios C, Vartholomaios S, Kompoti E, Kontou-Fili K. The safety of initiating Hymenoptera immunotherapy at 1 microg of venom extract. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2009; 124:379-81.

11. Pitsios C, Dimitriou A, Stefanaki EC, Kontou-Fili K. Anaphylaxis during skin testing with food allergens in children. Eur J Pediatr, 2009; 169: 613-615.

12. Pitsios C, Stefanaki EC, Helbling A. Type IV delayed-type hypersensitivity of the respiratory tract due to budesonide use: report of two cases and a literature review. Prim Care Respir J, 2010; 19:185-188.

13. Pitsios C, Dimitriou A, Kontou-Fili K. Allergic reactions during allergy skin testing with food allergens. Εur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol, 2009; 41: 126-8.

14. Pitsios C Generalized allergic reactions during skin testing. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2010; 21: 557.

15. Pitsios C, Del Giacco S, Grigoreas C. Is free running screening test still useful? West Indian Med J, 2010; 59: 287-290.

16. Syrigou E, Pitsios C, Panagiotou I, Chouliaras G, Kitsiou S, Kanariou M, Roma-Giannikou E. Food allergy-related paediatric constipation: the usefulness of atopy patch test. Eur J Pediatr, 2011; 170: 1173-1178.

17. Papadopoulos NG, Agache I, Bavbek S, Bilo BM, Braido F, Cardona V, Custovic A, Demonchy J, Demoly P, Eigenmann P, Gayraud J, Grattan C, Heffler E, Hellings PW, Jutel M, Knol E, Lötvall J, Muraro A, Poulsen LK, Roberts G, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Skevaki C, Triggiani M, Vanree R, Werfel T, Flood B, Palkonen S, Savli R, Allegri P, Annesi-Maesano I, Annunziato F, Antolin-Amerigo D, Apfelbacher C, Blanca M, Bogacka E, Bonadonna P, Bonini M, Boyman O, Brockow K, Burney P, Buters J, Butiene I, Calderon M, Cardell LO, Caubet JC, Celenk S, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Cingi C, Couto M, Dejong N, Del Giacco S, Douladiris N, Fassio F, Fauquert JL, Fernandez J, Rivas MF, Ferrer M, Flohr C, Gardner J, Genuneit J, Gevaert P, Groblewska A, Hamelmann E, Hoffmann HJ, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hovhannisyan L, Hox V, Jahnsen FL, Kalayci O, Kalpaklioglu AF, Kleine-Tebbe J, Konstantinou G, Kurowski M, Lau S, Lauener R, Lauerma A, Logan K, Magnan A, Makowska J, Makrinioti H, Mangina P, Manole F, Mari A, Mazon A, Mills C, Mingomataj E, Niggemann B, Nilsson G, Ollert M, O'Mahony L, O'Neil S, Pala G, Papi A, Passalacqua G, Perkin M, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Quirce S, Raap U, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Rhyner C, Robson-Ansley P, Alves RR, Roje Z, Rondon C, Rudzeviciene O, Ruëff F, Rukhadze M, Rumi G, Sackesen C, Santos AF, Santucci A, Scharf C, Schmidt-Weber C, Schnyder B, Schwarze J, Senna G, Sergejeva S, Seys S, Siracusa A, Skypala I, Sokolowska M, Spertini F, Spiewak R, Sprikkelman A, Sturm G, Swoboda I, Terreehorst I, Toskala E, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Venter C, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Whitacker P, Worm M, Xepapadaki P, Akdis CA. Research needs in allergy: an EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA. Clin Transl Allergy, 2012 Nov 2;2(1):21.

18. Syrigou E, Angelakopoulou A, Zande M, Panagiotou I, Roma E, Pitsios C. Allergy-test-driven elimination diet is useful in children with eosinophilic esophagitis, regardless of the severity of symptoms. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2015;26(4):323-9.

19. Makatsori M, Senna G, Pitsios C, Lleonart R, Klimek L, Nunes C, Rukhadze M, Rogala B, Gawlik R, Panzner P, Pfaar O, Calderon M. Prospective adherence to specific immunotherapy in Europe (PASTE) survey protocol. Clin Transl Allergy, 2015 Apr 27;5:17.

20. Pitsios C, Demoly P, Bilò MB, Gerth van Wijk R, Pfaar O, Sturm GJ, Rodriguez Del Rio P, Tsoumani M, Gawlik R, Paraskevopoulos G, Ruëff F, Valovirta E, Papadopoulos NG, Calderón MA. Clinical contraindications to allergen immunotherapy: an EAACI position paper. Allergy, 2015; 70(8): 897-909.

21. Pitsios C. Erythema multiforme caused by sildenafil in a HIV(+) subject. European Annals Allergy Clinical Immunology, 2016; 48:58-60.

22. Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Varga EM, Sturm G, Muraro A, Akdis CA, Antolín-Amérigo D, Bilò MB, Bokanovic D, Calderon MA, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Elberink JN, Gawlik R, Jakob T, Kosnik M, Lange J, Mingomataj E, Mitsias DI, Mosbech H, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Pravettoni V, Roberts G, Ruëff F, Sin BA, Sheikh A. Allergen immunotherapy for insect venom allergy: protocol for a systemic review. Clin Transl Allergy, 2016; 6:6.

23. Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Demoly P, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin S, Maggina V, Oude-Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: protocol for a systemic review. Clin Transl Allergy, 2016; 6:12.

24. Dhami S, Zaman H, Varga EM, Sturm GJ, Muraro A, Akdis CA, Antolín-Amérigo D, Bilò MB, Bokanovic D, Calderon MA, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Oude Elberink JN, Gawlik R, Jakob T, Kosnik M, Lange J, Mingomataj E, Mitsias DI, Mosbech H, Ollert M, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Pravettoni V, Roberts G, Ruëff F, Sin BA, Asaria M, Netuveli G, Sheikh A. Allergen immunotherapy for insect venom allergy: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Allergy, 2017; 72: 342-365.

25. Rodríguez Del Rio P, Pitsios C, Tsoumani M, Pfaar O, Paraskevopoulos G, Gawlik R, Valovirta E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Demoly P, Calderón MA. Physicians' experience and opinion on contraindications to allergen immunotherapy: The CONSIT survey. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2017; 118: 621-628.

26. Pitsios C, Lefoussis C, Dimitriou A, Giannakopoulos D, Ergazakis M, Vartholomaios S, Kouri M, Larenas-Linnemann D, Kompoti E. Allergen immunotherapy is safe during pollen season. Results of a 10-year, real-life prospective study. Revue Francaise d' Allergologie, 2017; 4: 302-307.

27. Dhami S, Nurmatov U, Arasi S, Khan T, Asaria M, Zaman H, Agarwal A, Netuveli G Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin S, Maggina P, Mösges R, Elberink HO, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Penagos M, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Schmidt-Weber C, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Allergy, 2017; Accepted, doi: 10.1111/all.13.

28. Nurmatov U, Dhami S, Arasi S, Roberts G, Pfaar O, Muraro A, Ansotegui IJ, Calderon M, Cingi C, Durham S, van Wijk RG, Halken S, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol E, Larenas-Linnemann D, Lin SY, Maggina V, Oude-Elberink H, Pajno G, Panwankar R, Pastorello E, Pitsios C, Rotiroti G, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson J, Williams A, Worm M, Zhang L, Sheikh A. Allergen immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: a systematic overview of systematic reviews. Clin Transl Allergy, 2017; 7: 24.

29. Sturm GJ, Varga EM, Roberts G, Mosbech H, Bilò MB, Akdis CA, Antolín-Amérigo D, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Gawlik R, Jakob T, Kosnik M, Lange J, Mingomataj E, Mitsias DI, Ollert M, Oude Elberink JNG, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Pravettoni V, Ruëff F, Sin BA, Agache I, Angier E, Arasi S, Calderón MA, Fernandez-Rivas M, Halken S, Jutel M, Lau S, Pajno GB, van Ree R, Ryan D, Spranger O, van Wijk RG, Dhami S, Zaman H, Sheikh A, Muraro A. EAACI Guidelines on allergen immunotherapy: Hymenoptera venom allergy. Allergy, 2017; doi: 10.1111/all.13262.

30. Iliopoulou A, Petrodimopoulou M, Konstantakopoulou M, Pasioti M, Papadopoulou A, Mikos N, Kompoti E, Korakianitis I, Kontogianni M, Pitsios C. Profilin sensitization and its clinical relevance to a population of atopic adults in Greece. Revue Française d'Allergologie, 2018; doi: 10.1016/j.reval.2017.11.001.

31. Roberts G, Pfaar O, Akdis CA, Ansotegui IJ, Durham SR, Gerth van Wijk R, Halken S, Larenas-Linnemann D, Pawankar R, Pitsios C, Sheikh A, Worm M, Arasi S, Calderon MA, Cingi C, Dhami S, Fauquert JL, Hamelmann E, Hellings P, Jacobsen L, Knol EF, Lin SY, Maggina P, Mösges R, Oude Elberink JNG, Pajno GB, Pastorello EA, Penagos M, Rotiroti G, Schmidt-Weber CB, Timmermans F, Tsilochristou O, Varga EM, Wilkinson JN, Williams A, Zhang L, Agache I, Angier E, Fernandez-Rivas M, Jutel M, Lau S, van Ree R, Ryan D, Sturm GJ, Muraro A. EAACI Guidelines on allergen immunotherapy: Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Allergy, 2017;00: 1-33. doi: 10.1111/all.13317

 32. Kontou-Fili K, Pitsios C, Kompoti E, Kouridakis S. Safety and efficacy of a progressively prolonged maintenance interval of venom immunotherapy. Int Arch Allergy Immunol, 2018; 176: 39-43.

33. Konstantinou EA, Christaki E, Pitsios C. Daily dose of itraconazole 100 mg to treat allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) related eosinophilia: a case report. Hippokratia, 2017; 21: 144-146.

34. Pitsios C, Iliopoulou A, Kontogianni M, Papagregoriou G. Detection of profilin in skin-prick-test extracts that are supposed to contain it. Allergol Immunopathol, 2019; 47: 12-15.

35. Pitsios C, Dietis N. Ways to increase adherence to allergen immunotherapy. Curr Med Res Opin, 2019; 35: 1027-1031

36. Matricardi PA, Dramburg S, Alvarez-Perez A, Antonin-Amerigo D, Apfelbacher C, Atanaskovic‐Markovic M, Berger U, Blaiss MS, Blank S, Boni E, Bonini M, Bousquet J, Brockow K, Buters J, Cardona V, Caubet JC, Cavkaytar O, Elliot T, Esteban-Gorgojo I, Fonseca JA, Gardner J, Gevaert P, Ghiordanescu I, Hellings P, Hoffman-Sommergruber K, Kalaklioglu AF, Marmouz F, Calderón AM, Mösges A, Nakonechna A, Ollert M, Oteros J, Pajno G, Panaitescu C, Perez-Formigo D, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Rudenko M, Ryan D, Sánchez‐García S, Shih J, Tripodi S, Van der Poel LA, van Os‐Medendorp H, Varricchi G, Wittmann J, Worm M, Agache I. The role of Mobile Health Technologies in allergy care: an EAACI position paper. Allergy, accepted, doi: 10.1111/all.13953.

37. Pitsios C, Vasiliadis A, Karakatsanis KP, Matzaras R, Minasidis T, Nteveros A, Samanis G, Nikolopoulos G. Availability of epinephrine auto-injectors and knowledge of community pharmacists about their use. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019;51(5):234-236.

38. Pitsios C, Tsoumani M, Bilò MB, Sturm GJ, Rodríguez Del Río P, Gawlik R, Ruëff F, Paraskevopoulos G, Valovirta E, Pfaar O, Calderón MA, Demoly P. Contraindications to immunotherapy: a global approach. Clin Transl Allergy. 2019;9:45.

39. Matricardi PA, Dramburg S, Alvarez-Perez A, Antonin-Amerigo D, Apfelbacher C, Atanaskovic‐Markovic M, Berger U, Blaiss MS, Blank S, Boni E, Bonini M, Bousquet J, Brockow K, Buters J, Cardona V, Caubet JC, Cavkaytar O, Elliot T, Esteban-Gorgojo I, Fonseca JA, Gardner J, Gevaert P, Ghiordanescu I, Hellings P, Hoffman-Sommergruber K, Kalaklioglu AF, Marmouz F, Calderón AM, Mösges A, Nakonechna A, Ollert M, Oteros J, Pajno G, Panaitescu C, Perez-Formigo D, Pfaar O, Pitsios C, Rudenko M, Ryan D, Sánchez‐García S, Shih J, Tripodi S, Van der Poel LA, van Os‐Medendorp H, Varricchi G, Wittmann J, Worm M, Agache I. The role of Mobile Health Technologies in allergy care: an EAACI position paper. Allergy, 2020; 75: 259-272.

40. Pitsios C, Pantavou K, Terreehorst I, Cianferoni A, Nowak-Wegzryn A, Vidal C, Vassilopoulou E, Papachristodoulou M, Tsigkrelis GP, Bonovas S, Nikolopoulos GK. Use of allergy tests to identify dietary and environmental triggers of eosinophilic esophagitis: protocol for a systematic review. Allergo J Inter, 2020; 29: 280-283.

41. Pitsios C, Dimitriou A, Vassilopoulou E. Speculations on red meat allergy due to Alpha-Gal; its connection to coronary artery disease, suggested dietary guidance and allergy testing. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol, 2020; doi: 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.166.

42. Pitsios C. Allergen Immunotherapy: biomarkers and clinical outcome measures. J Asthma Allergy, 2021; 14:141.

43. Vassilopoulou E, Vardaka E, Efthymiou D, Pitsios C. Early life triggers for food allergy, that in turn impacts dietary habits in childhood. Allergol Immunopathol, 2021; 49(4): 146-152.

44. Pitsios C, Dimitriou A, Vassilopoulou E. Speculations on red meat allergy due to α-Gal; its connection to coronary artery disease, suggested dietary guidance and allergy testing. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol, 2021; 52(4): 193-195.

45. Efthymiou D, Panayi P, Feketea GM, Pitsios C, Muntean A, Vassilopoulou E Alliance with the school personned is crucial for the management of food allergy and anaphylaxis in school children. Foods, 2021; 10(9): 2083.

46. Vassilopoulou E, Skypala I, Feketea GM, Gawlik R, Galvin AD, Meyer R, Pitsios C, Pop R, Ryan D, Said M, Schiere S, Vlieg-Broestra B, Kull I. A multi-disciplinary approach to the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases: an EAACI Task Force. Pediatr Allergy Immunol, 2022; 33(1):e13694.

47. Khattab E, Christaki E, Pitsios C. Pityriasis rosea induced by COVID-19 vaccination. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med, 2022; 9(2).

48. Pitsios C, Petalas K, Dimitriou A, Parperis K, Gerasimidou K, Chliva C. Workup and clinical assessment for allergen immunotherapy candidates. Cells, 11(4): 653.

49. Pitsios C. Allergen Immunotherapy; new insights into an old-treatment. Cells, 11(4): 679.

50. Papanikopoulou E, Samanis G, Pitsios C. Systemic allergic dermatitis due to budesonide patch testing. Contact Derm, 2022; 86(6): 551-552.

51. Pitsios C, Vassilopoulou E, Pantavou K, Terreehorst I, Nowal-Wegrzyn A, Cianferoni A, Tsigkrelis GP, Papachristodoulou M, Bonovas S, Nikolopoulos GK. Allergy-Test-Based Elimination Diets for the Treatment of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: A Systematic Review of Their Efficacy J Clin Med, 2022; 11: 36.51.

52. Pitsios C, Rossi CM, Terreehorst I, Votto M, Konstantinou G, Alvarez-Perea A, Bakirtas A, Apostolidou E, Antolin-Amerigo D, Nikolopoulos G, Pfaar O. Eosinophilic esophagitis as a side-effect of allergen immunotherapy: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Annals Allergy Clin Immunol, 2024; 56: 4-8.

53. Stylianou-Riga P, Boutsikou T, Kouis P, Michailidou K, Kinni P, Sokou R, Iliodromiti Z, Pitsios C, Yiallouros PK, Iacovidou N. Epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation and complications of late-onset neonatal sepsis among preterm neonates in Cyprus: a prospective case-control study. BMC Pediatrics, 2024; 24: 50.



Συμμετοχή σε δημοσιεύσεις ως μέλος του MASK study group

1. Bousquet J, Arnavielhe S, Bedbrook A, Bewick M, Laune D, et al. MASK 2017: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using real-world-evidence. Clin Transl Allergy, 2018;8:45.
2. Bousquet J, Hellings PW, Agache I, Amat F, Annesi-Maesano I, et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2019; 143: 864-879.
3. Bousquet J, Bedrook A, Czarlewski W, Onorato GL, Arnavielhe S, et al. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma. Clin Transl Allergy, 2019; 9(1): 16.
4. Bédard A, Antó JM, Fonseca JA, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, et al. Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air® App. Allergy. 2020 Jan 29. doi: 10.1111/all.14204.