Staff Catalogue


Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Green Park, 512
91, Aglantzias Ave.

Denis Politis holds a Master of Engineering (2010) and Ph.D. (2014) degree from Imperial College London. His background combines engineering design, modelling and experimental testing to develop laboratory technologies for industrial applications. Research interests include the use of forging and sheet metal forming of lightweight components for the automotive, aerospace and commercial sectors. Research laboratory work includes the investigation of the effects of temperature, speed, tooling and material contact conditions as well as process modelling to identify defects in part production and reduce manufacturing time, material consumption and cost. Dr Politis has published more than 70 articles in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and has worked on research projects in collaboration with industrial companies that have been sponsored by European FP7 and H2020 grants.


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His research interests are in the areas of metal forming, materials modelling and manufacturing processes:

  • Multi-metal Manufacturing
  • Bulk Forging
  • Sheet Metal Forming
  • Hot Stamping
  • Experimental Testing
  • Tool Design
  • Materials Characterisation
  • Finite Element Modelling
  • Yang, X., Liu, H., Zhang, L., Hu, Y., Politis, D.J., Gharbi, M.M., Wang, L. (2024) Interactive mechanism and friction modelling of transient tribological phenomena in metal forming processes. A review. Friction. 12(3), 375-395.
  • Chantzis, D., Tracy, M., Liu, H., Politis, D.J., Fu, M.W., Wang, L. (2023) Design optimization of hot stamping tooling produced by additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 74, 103728.
  • He, Z., Liang, J., Zhang, H., Guo, E., Du, W., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2023) Formability and microstructure of laser powder bed fused AlSi10Mg alloy sheets under various deformation conditions. Materials Characterization, 199, 112813.
  • Kopec, M., Politis, D.J. (2023) Advances in sheet metal forming processes of lightweight alloys. Materials 16(9), 3293.
  • Yang, X., Zhang, L.M., Liu, H., Politis, D.J., Gharbi, M.M, Shi, H., Wang, L. (2023) Effect of tooling temperature on the transient lubricant behaviour in hot metal forming processes. Steel Research International. 94(4), 2200306.
  • Yu, X., Jin, Y., Liu, H., Rai, A., Kostin, M., Chantzis, D., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2022) A review of renewable energy and storage technologies for automotive applications. International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials. 10-10.
  • Yang, X., Liu, H., Dhawan, S., Politis, D.J., Zhang, J., Dini, D., Hu, L., Gharbi, M.M. (2022) Digitally enhanced lubricant evaluation scheme for hot stamping applications. Nature Communications. 13(1), 5748.
  • Di, B., Liu, H., Dhawan, S., Wang, K., Liu, X., Politis, D.J. (2022) Mechanics based failure model of tube hydro-bulging test. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 8, 908375.
  • Yang, X., Zhang, L., Politis, D.J., Zhang, J., Gharbi, M.M., Leyvraz, D., Wang, L. (2022) Experimental and modelling studies of the transient tribological behaviour of a two-phase lubricant under complex loading conditions, Friction, 10(6), 911-926.
  • Yang, X., Hu, Y., Zhang, L., Zheng, Y., Politis, D.J., Liu, X., Wang, L. (2022) Experimental and modelling study of interaction between friction and galling under contact load change conditions, Friction, 10(3), 454-472.
  • Liu, X., Di, B., Yu, X., Liu, H., Dhawan, S., Politis, D.J., Kopec, M., Wang, L. (2022) Development of a Formability Prediction Model for Aluminium Sandwich Panels with Polymer Core. Materials, 15(12), 4140.
  • Szczęsny, G., Kopec, M., Politis, D.J., Kowalewski, Z.L, Łazarski, A., Szolc, T. (2022) A Review on Biomaterials for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology: From Past to Present. Materials. 15(10), 622.
  • Zhu, M., Lim, Y.C., Liu, X., Cai, Z., Dhawan, S., Gao, H., Politis, D.J. (2021) Numerical forming limit prediction for the optimisation of initial blank shape in hot stamping of AA7075. International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture. 4(3), 269-280.
  • Yang, X., Liu, X., Liu, H., Politis, D.J., Leyvraz, D., Wang, L. (2021) Experimental and modelling study of friction evolution and lubricant breakdown behaviour under varying contact conditions in warm aluminium forming processes. Tribology International, 158, 106934.
  • Politis, D.J., Politis, N.J., Lin, J. (2021) Review of Recent Developments in Manufacturing Lightweight Multi-Metal Gears. Production Engineering: Research and Development, Special Issue: Production of Hybrid Bulk Metal Parts by Forming, 15, 235-262.
  • Yang, X., Zhang, Q., Yang, Z., Liu, X., Politis, D.J., ElFakir, O., Wang, L. (2021) Investigation on the friction coefficient evolution and lubricant breakdown behaviour of AA7075 aluminium alloy forming processes at elevated temperatures. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 3(2), 025002.
  • Zhu, M., Lim, Y.C., Cai, Z., Liu, X., Dhawan, S., Liu, J., Politis, D.J. (2021) Cloud FEA of hot stamping processes using a software agnostic platform. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 112, 3445-3458.
  • Chantzis, D., Liu, X., Politis, D.J., Wang, L. (2021) Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) of Hot Stamping Dies with Improved Cooling Performance under Cyclic Loading Conditions. Additive Manufacturing, 37, 101720.