List of courses
ΙST 112 Introduction to Byzantine History
ΙST 200 The early centuries of Byzantium (324-717)
ΙST 213 History of medicine: from Hippocrates to the Black Death
ΙST 222 Society and economy in Byzantium (9th-15th c.)
IST 237 Byzantium and the Crusades
ΙST 238 The late Byzantine period (1204-1453)
ΙST 261 The middle Byzantine period (717-1204)
ΙST 320 The era of the Fall of Constantinople
ΙST 357 Byzantium and the rise of Islam (600-800)
IST 505 Byzantium and the flourishing of Italian trade (12th-15th c.)
ΙSΤ 551 Oriens et occidens
A Short History of the Byzantine Empire, Revised edition, (London 2023).
(as editor; with Petros Bouras Vallianatos) Drugs in the Medieval Mediterranean: Transmission and Circulation of Pharmacological Knowledge (Cambridge, 2023).
A Short History of the Byzantine Empire (London, 2014). Translations in: Estonian (AS Äripäev, 2016), Greek (Patakis, 2016), Turkish (İletişim, 2018), Chinese (Chemical Industry Press, 2019), Russian (CoLibri, 2020), Korean (The Forest Book, 2023).
Famine and Pestilence in the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Empire. A Systematic Survey of Subsistence Crises and Epidemics, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs 9 (Aldershot, 2004).
(as editor; with G. Saint-Guillain) Liquid & Multiple: Individuals & Identities in the Thirteenth-Century Aegean, Association des amis du Centre d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance (Paris, 2012).
(as editor; with M. Grünbart, E. Kislinger, A. Muthesius) Material Culture and Well–Being in Byzantium (400–1453), Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch–Historische Klasse, Denkschriften 356 = Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung 11 (Vienna, 2007).
(as editor) The Kindness of Strangers. Charity in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean, Centre for Hellenic Studies Occasional Publications 2 (London, 2007).
The Nicaean Emperors and the Aristocracy, Byzantina Symmeikta 33 (2023) 219-246.
The breast as locus for punishment, in Breastfeeding and Mothering in Antiquity and Early Byzantium, eds. S. Constantinou, A. Skouromouni Stavrinou (London, 2023) 91-101.
Οι πανδημίες πανώλης στο Βυζάντιο, in K. Gardikas, ed. Πανδημίες στον ελληνικό χώρο από την αρχαιότητα ως τις μέρες μας (Athens, 2023) 77-110.
Irrevocable Blood: Ethnoreligious Violence and Collective Identity Formation in the Late Twelfth Century, in Ideologies and Identities in the medieval Byzantine world, ed. Y. Stouraitis (Edinburgh, 2022) 268-286.
Η εποχή των Παλαιολόγων (1261-1453). Πολιτική ιστορία; Κοινωνική πόλωση και αριστοκρατία επί των δύο πρώτων Παλαιολόγων αυτοκρατόρων (1261-1328); Διάσπαση της αριστοκρατίας. Φιλοδυτικοί και ορθόδοξοι (13281402); Ιδιομορφίες καθημερινής ζωής, in: Βυζάντιο, Ιστορία και Πολιτισμός, ed. T. Loughis, vol. 7 (Athens, 2022), 419-452, 485-504.
Glaring Marbles, or: Is One Allowed to not Feel Unmitigated Admiration Towards Ancient Greek Ruins? In E. Khansa, K. Klein and B. Winckler (Eds), Thinking Through Ruins: Genealogies, Functions, and Interpretations (Berlin, Kadmos, 2021) 203-215.
John VI Kantakouzenos and Money: a Reading, in V. N. Vlysidou, ed., Byzantine Authors and their Times (Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2021), 435-449.
From Crete to Hell: The textual tradition on punishments in the afterlife and the writings of Joseph Bryennios on Crete, in Hell in the Byzantine World: A History of Art and Religion in Venetian Crete and the Eastern Mediterranean, ed. A. Lymberopoulou, ed. A. Lymberopoulou (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 21-59.
The boundaries between possession and disease: medical concepts in Byzantine exorcisms, in Wahnsinn und Ekstase. Literarische Konfigurationen zwischen christlicher Antike und Mittelalter, eds Cora Dietl, Nadine Metzger, Christoph Schanze (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2020), 69-81.
Galen in non-medical Byzantine texts, in Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Galen, eds B. Zipser and P. Bouras-Vallianatos (Boston and Leiden, 2019), 140-59.
Sister, Widow, Consort, Bride: Four Latin Ladies in Greece (1330-1430), in Cross-Cultural Interaction between Byzantium and the West, 1204-1669. Whose Mediterranean is it anyway? ed. A. Lymberopoulou (London and New York, 2018) 236-57.
Gesellschaft und Demographie im spätbyzantinischen Griechenland (1261-1453), in Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land: Neue Forschungen zum Leben im Byzantinischen Reich, eds F. Daim, J. Drauschke (Mainz, 2016) 181-88.
I seek not my own: Is there a female mode of charity?, in: Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond, eds L. Theis, M. Mullett and M. Gruenbart = special volume of Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 60-61 (2011/12, published 2014) 383-97.
On whose authority? Regulating medical practice in the twelfth and early thirteenth century, in Authority in Byzantium, ed. P. Armstrong, (Farnham, 2013) 227-38.
The location of medical practice in Thirteenth-Century Eastern Mediterranean, in Liquid & Multiple [as above], 135-54.
Death in the countryside: the effects of famine and pestilence, in Antiquité Tardive 20 (2012) 105-114.
Prêcher les émotions incarnées. Évêques, mendiants et leurs publics dans l’Antiquité tardive, in Médiévales 61 (2011) 25-38.
Invisible Protagonists: the Justinianic Plague from a zoocentric point of view, in Animals and Environment in Byzantium (7th-12th c.), eds I. Anagnostakis, T. Kollias and E. Papadopoulou (Athens, 2011) 87-95.
The dialectics of expansion and retraction: recent scholarship on the Palaiologan aristocracy, in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 33 (2009) 92-101.
Philoptochos basileus: Kaiserliche Armenfürsorge zwischen Rhetorik und Realität in Byzanz, in Zwischen Ausschluss und Solidarität: Modi der Inklusion/Exklusion von Fremden und Armen: Praktiken und Repräsentationen im Wandel von Herrschaft und Gesellschaft, Inklusion/Exklusion Studien zu Fremdheit und Armut von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart 6, eds L. Raphael and H. Urelings (Frankfurt a. M., 2008) 165-179.
Crime and Punishment: The Plague in the Byzantine Empire 541–749, in Plague and the End of Antiquity The Pandemic of 541–750, ed. L. Little (Cambridge, 2007) 99-118.
Discovering a military Order of the Crusades: the Hospital of St. Sampson of Constantinople, in Viator 37 (2006) 255–273.
Stiftungen von Spitälern in spätbyzantinischer Zeit (1261–1453), in Stiftungen in den großen Kulturen des alten Europa, Stiftungsgeschichten 4, ed. M. Borgolte (Berlin, 2005) 149-160.
La décadence? Anmerkungen zu Victorien Sardous Théodora, in Wiener Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Byzantina et Neograeca Vindobonensia 24, eds W. Hörandner, J. Koder and M. Stassinopoulou (Vienna, 2004) 430-444.
The Justinianic Plague revisited, in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 24 (2000) 256–276.
with E. Kislinger) Pest und Perserkriege bei Prokop. Chronologische Überlegungen zum Geschehen 540–545, in Byzantion 69 (1999) 76-98.
– Research collaborator in the project Lactating Breasts: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in Antiquity and Byzantium (4th Century BCE-7th Century CE) https://ucy.ac.cy/motherbreast/en/the-programme
– Wealth, Consumption and Inequality in the Late Byzantine World, 1200-1453. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, Gerda Henkel Stiftung (2018-2019). Δ. Σταθακόπουλος (personal funding).
– Register Medicorum Medii Aevi https://wiki.digitalclassicist.org/Register_Medicorum_Medii_Aevi
Funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation (2010-2011). (Co-Investigator)
– Damned in Hell in Frescoes on Venetian-Dominated Crete http://www.open.ac.uk/arts/research/damned-in-hell/
Funded by the Leverhulme Trust (2010-2014). (Member of the research network)