Staff Catalogue


+357 22893613
Department of Business and Public Administration
FEB 01 - Faculty of Economics and Management, 007 ΟΕΔ01
University Campus
Ph.D., The George Washington University, USA.
M.B.A.(Specialization: HRM, HRIS), State University of New York at Albany, USA.
B.Sc.(Specializations: Management, Marketing, Minor: Psychology), State University of New York at Albany, USA.
Director, MSc HRM, University of Cyprus
Dr. Stavrou is Professor at the University of Cyprus. She has taught at the George Washington University (USA) and was a founding member and the Director of Programs and Operations of the Center for Family Enterprise at the same University. She has been involved in various projects in the US, including developing a standardized pay and benefits structure for the financial division of organizations, researching the needs of the Academy of Management personnel division and designing a database to increase efficiency, and on a one-year consulting project with Tiffany & Co, New York, on human resource management needs.  
Her work has been published in various outlets, such as book chapters and conference proceedings, as well as in a number of interntional scientific journals, such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, British Journal of Management, Internationl Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Small Business Management and Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
She serves as a management organizational consultant and trainer on issues related to human resource management and family business succession.
  • General Consulting, Cyprus (1999-present): Organize and conduct various human resource management tools for recruitment, selection and development of employees in numerous organizations such as Cyprus Airways, Open University, HRD Authority and the University of Cyprus.
  • Family Business Consulting, Cyprus (1996-present): Organizational consultant to various family businesses in Cyprus.  Major issues involve leadership succession, group dynamics and human resource management.
  • Center for Family Enterprise, The George Washington University, USA (1993-1996): Was co-founder, Associate Director and Director of Programs and Operations of a university based center that assists family-owned and managed firms in their efforts to succeed in the long-run.
  • Special Advisor to the Ministress during Cyprus’ EU presidency, Cyprus Ministry of Labor, 2013.
Strategic human resource management in a comparative international context, flexible work arrangements, work-life balance and intergenerational transitions in family firms.
She is a member and the Cypriot co-ordinator (in collaboration with the Cyprus Productivity Center and the Cyprus Human Resource Management Association) of "Cranet", the largest international research network on human resource management:

Research Project Funding and Grants

Project Member,  Horizon 2020 “Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation – Teaming.” The KIOS Research Center, University of Cyprus, 2017-present.

Project Coordinator, internal competitive grant,  “Organizational Support for Work-Life Balance and Employee Diversity,” University of Cyprus, 2017-19.

Project Coordinator, competitive grant (proposal came first in its category),  “Work-Life Employment Policies and Organizational Practices: Their effects on the Economic Crisis,” Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, 2010-2012.

Project Coordinator, cross-national (Cyprus-Slovenia) partnerships grant,  “Human Resource Management in the Organizations of the Future,” Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, 2008-2010.

Project Coordinator, competitive grant, “Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Management,” University of Cyprus, 2004-2008.

Research Coordinator and Project Collaborator, European Union competitive grant,  “Channels for Access” European Project EQUAL, 2005-2009.

Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, honorary grant for formally passing a European Union PF7 Proposal but not receiving funding (from the EU), 2008-2009

Research Coordinator, grant. A national study of the motivators of smoking among Cypriot youth; The Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society, 1997-99. (Became part of the World Health Organization studies.)



Refereed Journal Articles

Stavrou E., Parry E., Gooderham P., Morley M. & Lazarova M. 2022. “Institutional duality and human resource management practice in foreign subsidiaries of multinationals” Human Resource Management Journal, 1-26 DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12357

Stavrou, E. and Solea, E. 2020. “In the eye of the beholder: Employee sexual orientation, perceived supervisory support for life beyond work and job satisfaction” Human Resource Management Journal, DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12293.

Stavrou, E. & Ierodiakonou, C. 2018. “Expanding the work–life balance discourse to LGBT employees: Proposed research framework and organizational responses” Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21910.

Ierodiakonou, C. & Stavrou., E. 2017. "Legal Structures as Institutional Contingencies of Flexitime and Employee Turnover" International Journal of Human Resource Management, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2017.1362658.

Stavrou, E. 2017. "The Work of Jerry Harvey on Student Cheating" Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 124-130.

Stavrou, E. & Ierodiakonou, C. 2016. "Entitlement to Work-Life Balance Support: Employee/Manager Perceptual Discrepancies and Their Effect on Outcomes" Human Resource Management, Vol. 55, Issue 5, pp. 845–869.

Ierodiakonou, C. and Stavrou, E. 2015. “Part time Work, Productivity and Institutions,” Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Vol. 2 Iss. 2, pp. 176-200. 

Gooderham., P., Morely, M., Parry, E. and Stavrou, E. (order alphabetic) 2015. “National and Firm-level Drivers of the Devolution of HRM Decision Making to Line Managers” Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 46, Iss. 8, pp. 715–723

Stavrou, E., Parry, E. and Anderson, D. 2015. "Flexible Working Arrangements through the Lens of the Configurational Approach: The Role of Firm System, Societal Clusters and Organizational Antecedents" International Journal of Human Resource Management, VOl. 26, Iss. 19, pp. 2412-2433.

Stavrou, E., Casper, W. and Ierodiakonou, C. 2015. “Support for Part Time Work as a Channel to Female Employment: The Moderating Effects of National Gender Empowerment and Labour Market Conditions” International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 26, Iss. 6, pp.688-706.

Kassinis, G. and Stavrou, E. (order alphabetic) 2013. “Non-standard work arrangements and national context” European Management Journal, on line: 10.1016/j.emj.2013.04.005.

Vanhala, S and Stavrou, E. 2013 "Human resource management practices and the HRM-performance link in public and private sector organizations in three Western societal clusters", Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 8 Iss: 4, pp.416 – 437 (selected as the 2014 Outstanding Paper winner for Baltic Journal of Management)

Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. 2013 “Flexibility for women returners in Cyprus: a competency-based approach” Gender in Management: An International Journal, Vol. 28 Issue 1, pp. 1-33.

Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. 2011 “Flexible Work Arrangements and Intentions of Unemployed Women: Towards a Model Development”British Journal of Management Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 150-172. (Also in Best Paper Proceedings of the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Conference.)  

Daphne Halkias, D., Thurman, P.W., Harkiolakis, N., Katsioloudis, M., Stavrou E. and Swiercz, P.M. 2010 “Father–Daughter Succession Issues in Family Business among Regional Economies of Asia” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing Vol. 2, Nos. 3/4, pp.320–346.

Stavrou, E., Spiliotis, S. and Charalambous, C. 2010 “Flexible Working Arrangements in Context: An Empirical Investigation through Self-Organizing Maps” European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 202, Issue 3, pp. 893-902.
Stavrou, E. Brewster, C. and Charalambous, C. 2010 “Human Resource Management and Organizational Performance in Europe through the Lens of Business Systems: Best Fit, Best Practice or Both?” International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 21, Issue 7, pp. 933 – 962.
Stavrou, E. and Kilaniotis, C. 2010 “Flexible Work and Turnover: An Empirical Investigation across Cultures” British Journal of Management, vol. 21, Issue 2, pp. 541-554.
Nicandrou, I., Apospori, E., Panayotopoulou, L., Stavrou, E. and Papalexandri, N. 2008. “Training and Firm Performance in Europe: The Impact of National and Organizational Characteristics” International Journal of Human Resource Management, Special Issue.
Stavrou, E., Kassinis, G. and Filotheou, A. 2006. “Downsizing and Stakeholder Orientation among the Fortune 500: Does Family Ownership Matter?” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 72, pp. 149-162. (Also in Best Paper Proceedings of the 2006 Academy of Management Conference.)
Stavrou, E., Charalambous, C. and Spiliotis, S. 2006. “Human Resource Management and Performance: A Neural Network Analysis” European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 181:453-467.
Stavrou, E. 2005. “Flexible Work Bundles and Organizational Competitiveness in Europe: Toward a Framework” Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 26, pp. 923-947. (Among the 20 Best Papers of the Annual International Kanter Awards.)
Stavrou, E. and Brewster, C. 2005. “The Configurational Approach to Linking Strategic Human Resource Management Bundles with business Performance: Myth or Reality?” Management Revue, vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 186-201.
Stravrou-Costea, E. 2005. “The Challenges of Human Resource Management towards Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparative Study in Southern EU,” Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 29, No. 2-3, pp. 112-134.
Stavrou, E., Kleanthous, T. and Anastasiou, T. 2005 “Leadership Personality and Firm Culture during Successful Transitions in Family Businesses: Model Development and Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 187-206. (Included in the MBTI® Bibliography.)

Stavrou, E., Georgiou, M. and Stylianidou, E. 2003. “Understanding Youth Smoking Behaviour through Modeling the Smoking Decision Process: Lessons Learned from a Developing Country,” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 33, Issue 6, pp. 1190-1211. (Statistics from this study were utilized by the World Health Organization.)

Stavrou, E. 2003. “Leadership Succession in Owner-Managed Firms through the Lens of Extraversion,” International Small Business Journal, vol. 21, Issue 3, pp. 331-348. (Included in the MBTI® Bibliography.)

Stavrou-Costea, E. 2002. “The Role of Human Resource Management in Today’s Organizations: The Case of Cyprus in Comparison with the European Union,” Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 26, Issue 6-7, pp.261-268.

Stavrou E., 1999. “Succession in Family Businesses: Exploring the Effects of Demographic Factors on Offspring Intentions,” Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 37, Issue 3, pp. 43-61.

Stavrou, E. and Swiercz, P. 1998. “Securing the Future of the Family Enterprise: A Model of Offspring Intentions to Join the Business,” Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, vol.  23, Issue 2, pp. 19-40.

Stavrou, E. 1998.  “A Four Factor Model: A Guide to Planning the Next Generation Involvement in the Family Firm,” Family Business Review, vol. xi, Issue 2, pp. 135-143.


Book and Journal Editorships

Parry, E., Stavrou, E. and Lazarova, M. Eds. 2013 Human Resource Management across time and context: Comparative research and global trends in HRM (London: MacMillan)

Svetlic, I. and Stavrou-Costea, E. Eds. 2011 HRM in the Organizations of the Future (Plzen: Ales Cenek).

Parry, E., Stavrou, E. and Morley, M. Guest Eds. 2010 “Cranet: An International Network of Research, Theory and Practice” Human Resource Management Review (Special Issue).

Svetlic, I. and Stavrou-Costea, E. Guest Eds. 2007. “HRM in a Knowledge-Based Economy” Journal of Manpower Planning (Special Issue), vol. 28(3/4).

Hu, J., Hong, Z. and Stavrou, E., Eds.1996, In Search of a Road to China’s Modernization: Economic and Educational Issues in China’s Reform Process (Winter Springs, NY: Mellen University Press).


Book Chapters

Stavrou, E. and Anastassiadou, M. 2022. “Flexible work arrangements and diversity through a comparative and multilevel lens” Research Handbook on Work–Life Balance   (Edward Elgar Publishing, New York).

Savvides, E. and Stavrou, E. 2020. “Purpose, Meaning, Joy, and Fulfilment at Work,” The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-Being (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham).

Stavrou, E. and Galanaki, E. 2020. “Can Old Dogs Play New Tricks in Family Firms?” An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management: Volume in Honor of Professor Nancy Papalexandris (Athens, Greece).
Stavrou, E. and Nicolaou-Pissarides, N. 2017. “Cyprus – People Management in Academia: Anna-Maria Harilaou’s story,” The Global Human Resource Management Case Book (Routledge, New York).

Stavrou, E. and Papalexandris, N. 2016. "Mediterranean HRM: KEy trends and Challenges," International Human Resource Management: Contemporary HR Issues in Europe (New York, NY: Routledge Publishers)

Stavrou, E. 2011 “HRM in Academia,” AOM HRM Division’s Ambassadors Global Case Book (Routledge, part of the Global Human Resources Series).

Ierodiakonou, C. and Stavrou E. 2010 “A Model towards Women Intentions and Flexible Work Arrangements in the South-Eastern EU” Emerging Themes in International Management of Human Resources (Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing).

Stavrou, E. and Brewster, C. 2009 “The Configurational Approach to Linking Strategic Human Resource Management Bundles with Business Performance” International Komaratives Personal-Management: Evidenz, Methodik & Klassiker des Cranfield Projects on International Human Resource Management (München und Mering, DE: Rainer Hampp-Verlag)

Stavrou, E., Merikas, A. and Vozikis, G. 2008 “Offspring Intentions to Join the Family Business: Does Culture Make a Difference?”Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family Business (New York, NY: Information Age Publishing, Inc. (IAP))

Stavrou-Costea, E. and Manson, B. 2006 “Practicing Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises,” Managing Human Resources in Europe (New York, NY: Routledge Publishers). 

Stavrou-Costea, E. 2004 “Η Διαδοχή στις Οικογενειακές Επιχειρήσεις: Τάσεις και Προκλήσεις” (Family Business Succession: Trends and Challenges) (Chapter 6) Σύγχρονες Τάσεις στο Μάνατζμεντ (Trends in Management) (Athens, Greece: Ekdoseis Kastanioti)

Papalexandris, N. and Stavrou-Costea, E. 2004 “Human Resource Management in the Southeastern Mediterranean Corner of Europe: The case of Italy, Greece and Cyprus,” (Chapter 10) Convergence and Divergence in European HRM (Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann).

Stavrou, E. “MASTER: A Participative Learning Exercise,” (Chapter 2) 1996 International Simulation and Gaming Association Yearbook Volume 4 (London, UK: Kogan Page Publishers). Among best papers selected from proceedings of ISAGA Conferense.