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Abramovich, F., Sapatinas, T. and Silverman, B.W. (1998). Wavelet thresholding via a Bayesian approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Vol. 60, 725-749.
Abramovich, F., Sapatinas, T. and Silverman, B.W. (2000). Stochastic expansions in an overcomplete wavelet dictionary. Probability Theory and Related Fields, Vol. 117, 133-144.
Abramovich, F., Bailey, T.C. & Sapatinas, T. (2000). Wavelet analysis and its statistical applications. The Statistician, Vol. 49, 1-29.
Antoniadis, A. and Sapatinas, T. (2001). Wavelet shrinkage for natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions. Biometrika, Vol. 88, 805-820.
Antoniadis, A., Bigot, J. and Sapatinas, T. (2001). Wavelet estimators in nonparametric regression: a comparative simulation study. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 6, Article 6.
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Fryzlewicz, P., Sapatinas, T. and Subba Rao, S. (2006). A Haar-Fisz technique for locally stationary volatility estimation. Biometrika, Vol. 93, 687-704.
Antoniadis, A., Paparoditis, E. and Sapatinas, T. (2006). A functional wavelet-kernel approach for time series prediction. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Vol. 68, 837-857.
Antoniadis, A. and Sapatinas, T. (2007). Estimation and inference in functional mixed-effects models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 51, 4793-4813.
Pensky, M. and Sapatinas, T. (2007). Frequentist optimality of Bayes factor estimators in wavelet regression models. Statistica Sinica, Vol. 17, 599-633.
Fryzlewicz, P., Sapatinas, T. and Subba Rao, S. (2008). Normalised least-squares estimation in time-varying ARCH models. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 36, 742-786.
Pensky, M. and Sapatinas, T. (2009). Functional deconvolution in a periodic setting: uniform case. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 37, 73-104.
Abramovich, F., Grinshtein, V., Petsa, A. and Sapatinas, T. (2010). On Bayesian testimation and its applications to wavelet thresholding. Biometrika, Vol. 97, 181-198.
Pensky, M. and Sapatinas, T. (2010). On convergence rates equivalency and sampling strategies in functional deconvolution models. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 38, 1793-1844.
Pensky, M. and Sapatinas, T. (2011). Multichannel boxcar deconvolution with growing number of channels. Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 5, 53-82.
Sapatinas, T., Shanbhag, D.N. & Gupta, A.K. (2011). Some new approaches to infinite divisibility. Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 16, 2359-2374.
Ingster, Yu.I., Sapatinas, T. & Suslina, I.A. (2012). Minimax signal detection in ill-posed inverse problems. Annals of Statistics, Vol. 40, 1524-1549.
Paparoditis, E. & Sapatinas, T. (2013). Short-term load forecasting: the similar shape functional time series predictor. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 28, 3818-3825
Benhaddou, R., Kulik, R., Pensky, M. & Sapatinas, T. (2014). Multichannel deconvolution with long-range dependence: A minimax study. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 148, 1-19. (Invited Paper).
Antoniadis, A., Pensky, M. & Sapatinas, T
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ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, Vol.
18, 1-41.
Marteau, C. & Sapatinas, T. (2015). A unified treatment for non-asymptotic and asymptotic approaches to minimax signal detection. Statistics Surveys, Vol. 9, 253-297.
Kulik, R., Sapatinas, T. & Wishart, J.R. (2015). Multichannel deconvolution with long-range dependence: Upper bounds on the Lp-risk (1 ≤ p < ∞). Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 38, 357-384.
Paparoditis, E. & Sapatinas, T. (2016). Bootstrap-based testing of equality of mean functions or equality of covariance operators for functional data. Biometrika, Vol. 103, 727-733.
Marteau, C. & Sapatinas, T. (2017). Minimax goodness-of-fit testing in ill-posed inverse problems with partially unknown operators. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, Vol. 53, 1675-1718.
Pilavakis, D., Paparoditis, E. & Sapatinas, T. (2019). Moving block and tapered block bootstrap for functional time series with an application to the K-sample mean problem. Bernoulli, Vol. 25, 3496-3526.