Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Greece (B.Sc. Physics, 1987), CERN, Switzerland (Research Scientist, 1987-1988); Harvard University, USA (M.A. 1990, Ph.D. 1998), INFN Frascati, Italy (Postdoc, 1998-2002), Fermi National Laboratory, USA (Guest Scientist, 2002-2004) University of Cyprus (Assistant Professor, 2004-2009) Fermi National Laboratory, USA (Senior International Fellow, 2007-2008) (Sabbatical leave), University of Cyprus (Associate Professor, 2009-2023, Professor 2023-now).
Experimental High Energy Particle Physics. Member of the CMS (CERN, Switzerland) and CDF (Fermi National Laboratory, USA). Collaborations. Research interests are focused on heavy flavor physics (top and bottom quark), physics beyond the Standard Model, trigger and DAQ, applications of machine learning at HEP, and on novel techniques for hadron calorimeters with excellent energy resolution for future HEP experiments.
Most publications can be retrieved from the SPIRES/SLAC database: