Staff Catalogue

Angel Nicolaou-Konnari

Department of History and Archaeology
Eliades Building, 116
9 Klimentos str.
Dr Angel Nicolaou-Konnari is Professor in Medieval History at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Cyprus in the field of study ‘Hellenism under Latin Rule’ (appointed as Assistant Professor in August 2009, promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in January 2015 and to the rank of Professor in June 2024). Before her appointment, she taught as a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of History and Archaeology and participated in many research programmes at the University of Cyprus. She received her PhD in Medieval History in November 1999 from the University of Wales, College of Cardiff, UK (supervisor: Prof. Peter W. Edbury). She received her Maîtrise d’Anglais (October 1984), her Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes (June 1982), and her Licence de Lettres Modernes and Licence d’Anglais (July 1981) from the Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier III, France. She has published extensively on a variety of topics concerning Cypriot society under Lusignan (especially during the reign of Peter I of Lusignan) and Venetian rule, Cypriot historiography, ethnicity and prejudice in medieval Cyprus and Latin Greece, and the Cypriots of the post-1570 diaspora. Amongst a number of other projects, she is currently completing a book on two Cypriots of the late sixteenth-early seventeenth century, Pietro and Giorgio de Nores (Two Cypriots of the Diaspora: Works and Days of Pietro and Giorgio de Nores), a research programme of the Cyprus Research Centre, as well as a study of the social relations and cultural interaction and exchanges between Greeks and Franks in medieval Cyprus (Culture Contact and Ethnic Identity: The Encounter of Greeks and Franks in Thirteenth-Century Cyprus). Moreover, she is the principal investigator of the research programme  Recapturing, documenting, digitizing and promoting the Mill Heritage of Cyprus. The grain-grinding mills: animal-driven mills, windmills, watermills - GraMiC, funded by the A. G. Leventis Foundation (2022-2024). She is also one of the coordinators of the joint research programme of the University of Cyprus and the King’s College, London, Digitizing Medieval Cyprus and director of two projects included in this programme, Prosopographical database of medieval Cyprus and Digital Library of Sources on Medieval Cyprus. She is one of the principal investigators for the edition of the philosophical works of Pietro de Nores in 2023, a project funded by the Sector of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, and she was a research associate of the research programme A New Critical Edition of the Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas. Moreover, she served as the appointed expert advisor of Cyprus as a State Party to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Cyprus UNESCO Committee for the period 2010-2021.
Office hours: Monday and Thursday 16.30-18.00
                     Wednesday 15.30-16.30
Her research interests focus on the Latin-ruled Greek world (late twelfth-seventeenth centuries) and, particularly, the history of Cyprus under the rule of the Lusignan dynasty and the Republic of Venice (1191-1571). This mainly involves the various aspects of cultural interaction and exchanges between Greeks and Latins and related phenomena in the domains of social institutions, language, and religion as well as ethnicity, self-perception, and the perception of the Other. Her interests also include the important corpus of Cypriot historiographers (late twelfth-eighteenth century), the place of women in Latin Greece and particularly Cyprus, Cypriot prosopography in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, and the perception of medieval Cyprus in European opera and in nineteenth-century French historiography.
Courses Taught:

IST 134 Introduction to the Medieval History of Western Europe (c. 476-1500)

IST 207 The Normans in Sicily and Southern Italy (11th-13th centuries)

IST 217 The Crusades

IST 230 Women in Western Medieval Society (400-1500)

IST 234 History of the Frankish Rule in Cyprus (1191/2-1474/89)

IST 236 Latin Greece (1191-1669)

IST 266 The Italian Maritime Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean (12th – 16th centuries)

IST 274 Crete Under Venetian Rule (1204/11-1669)

IST 302 The Fourth Crusade and the First Fall of Constantinople (1204): Causes and Consequences, Interpretation and Ideology

IST 331 Social History of the Latin Eastern States: Jerusalem – Cyprus – Romania (11th-13th centuries)

IST 354 Cyprus Under Venetian Rule (1474/89-1570/1)

IST 370 Women in Cyprus Under Latin Rule (1191-1571)

IST 388 Historiography in the Latin-Ruled Greek World (12th-17th centuries): Problems of Historicity and Ideology


Supervisor of MA theses:

11 completed



Supervisor of PhD theses

5 completed

3 in progress



Research Programmes:

Recapturing, documenting, digitizing and promoting the Mill Heritage of Cyprus. The grain-grinding mills: animal-driven mills, windmills, watermills - GraMiC

Principal investigator: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia). With the collaboration of: Professor Emerita Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia), principal advisor, and a group of 15 researchers/advisors.

The programme is funded by the A. G. Leventis Foundation (2022-2024). It aims at complementing, restructuring and interpreting the numerous collected data concerning the located watermills as well as at locating and documenting surviving windmills and animal-driven mills.


Digital Makhairas

Principal investigator: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia). With the collaboration of: Prof. Michalis Pieris (Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus) and Prof. Charlotte Roueché (Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London).

Digitisation of the diplomatic edition of the chronicle of Leontios Makhairas (ed. M. Pieris and A. Nicolaou-Konnari, 2003). Funded by the University of Cyprus (2014-2015), it constitutes the first volume of the project Digital Library of Medieval Cyprus Sources. The latter programme is included in the wider research project Digitising Medieval Cyprus, a partnership between the University of Cyprus (coordinator Angel Nicolaou-Konnari) and King’s College (coordinators Charlotte Roueché and John Bradley, Centre for Computing in the Humanities).


Prosopography of Medieval Cyprus 1191-1571

Principal investigator: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia).

An online prosopographical database of medieval Cyprus. The first phase of the project (funded by the University of Cyprus, 2012-2013) involved the creation of the database by Tim Taylor under the guidance of John Bradley (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, London). The second phase will include the inventorying of published sources, starting with the chronicle of Leontios Makhairas. The programme is included in the wider research project Digitising Medieval Cyprus, a partnership between the University of Cyprus (coordinator Angel Nicolaou-Konnari) and King’s College London (coordinators Charlotte Roueché, Centre for Hellenic Studies, and John Bradley).

Edition of the philosophical works of Pietro de Nores
Principal investigators:
Paschalis M. Kitromilides (Prof. Emeritus, University of Athens, and member of the Athens Academy), Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia), and Kenneth Owen Smith (University of Nicosia, Nicosia). With the collaboration of Dr Valandis Papadamou.

Funded by the National Hellenic Research Foundation (Greece) - Sector of Neohellenic Research, 2009-today.


Two Cypriots of the Diaspora: Works and Days of Pietro and Giorgio de Nores

Principal investigator: Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia).

Funded by the Cyprus Research Centre, 1999-today.


A New Critical Edition of the Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas

Principal investigator: Michalis Pieris  (Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus, Nicosia). With the collaboration of A. Nicolaou-Konnari (Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Letters, University of Cyprus).

The first phase of the project (funded by the University of Cyprus, 1993-1996) involved the transcription of the text of all three manuscripts that preserve the chronicle and the second phase (funded by the A. G. Leventis Foundation, 2001-2003, and the Cyprus Resercah Centre, 2002-2003) the publication of a diplomatic edition of the chronicle.
 - (with Alexander Beihammer, eds.), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Proceedings of the conference organized on 14-16 October 2016 at the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Rome, with contributions by Daniele Baglioni, Mike Carr, Peter W. Edbury, John France, Charalambos Gasparis, Gilles Grivaud, Sebastian Kolditz, Kakia Nikolaou, Michalis Olympios, Clément Onimus, Johannes Pahlitzsch, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Miriam Rachel Salzmann, Chris Schabel, Romain Thurin, Alexis Torrance, Charles Yost, and the editors [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 10] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022).

- (with Gilles Grivaud and Chris Schabel, eds.), Famagusta, Volume II. History and Society, with contributions by Michel Balard, Laura Balletto, Alexander Beihammer, Svetlana Bliznyuk, Lucie Bonato, Peter W. Edbury, David Jacoby, Panos Leventis, Catherine Otten-Froux, Jean Richard, Rita Severis, and the editors [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 8] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020).

- (with Chris Schabel, eds.), Lemesos: A History of Limassol in Cyprus from Antiquity to the Ottoman Conquest, with contributions by Laurence Alpe, Antoine Hermary, Michalis Olympios, Tassos Papacostas, and the editors [Cyprus Historical and Contemporary Studies Book-Series, 2 - Medochemie Series, 2] (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).

- (ed.), 'La Serenissima' and 'la Nobilissima': Venice in Cyprus and Cyprus in Venice [Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (Nicosia, 21 October 2006)] (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2009).
- (with Chris Schabel, eds.), Cyprus. Society and Culture, 1191-1374, with contributions by Nicholas Coureas, Peter W. Edbury, Gilles Grivaud, Annemarie Weyl Carr, and the editors [The Medieval Mediterranean 58 - Medochemie Series 1] (Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2005).
- Λεοντίου Mαχαιρά, Xρονικό της Kύπρου. Παράλληλη διπλωματική έκδοση των χειρογράφων, introduction and edition with Michalis Pieris [Texts and Studies in the History of Cyprus XLVIII] (Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 2003).
- ‘The Life and Reign of Peter I of Lusignan (1329-69, crowned 1359). Chronology’, in Alexander Beihammer and Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (eds.), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Proceedings of the conference organized on 14-16 October 2016 at the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Rome [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 10] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 13-27.
- ‘Peter I of Lusignan (1329-1369, 1359) in Historical Sources and Modern Popular Culture’, in Alexander Beihammer and Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (eds.), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Proceedings of the conference organized on 14-16 October 2016 at the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Rome [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 10] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 31-68.
- ‘Appendix A. The Life and Reign of Peter I of Lusignan (1329-69, 1359) according to Leontios Makhairas and William of Machaut’, in Alexander Beihammer and Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (eds.), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Proceedings of the conference organized on 14-16 October 2016 at the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Rome [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 10] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 69-73.
- ‘Le roy de Chippre de renon: The Depiction of Peter I of Lusignan in French Literature and Historiography’, in Alexander Beihammer and Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (eds.), Crusading, Society, and Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of King Peter I of Cyprus, Proceedings of the conference organized on 14-16 October 2016 at the Notre Dame Global Gateway in Rome [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 10] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 273-319.

- 'Venezia, BNM, Gr. VII, 16 (=1080). La storia di Cipro: le cronache di Leontios Makhairas et di Giorgio Boustronios (post 1523)’, in Marco Fanelli (ed.), Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia. Manoscritti, testi e carte / Cyprus in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice. Manuscripts, Texts and Maps, Catalogue of the Exhibition for the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice, Salone Sansoviniano, Biblioteca Marciana, 22-27 August 2022 (Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2022), pp. 24-29.

- ‘Venezia, BNM, Gr. VII, 17 (=1268). La Chronica cypria di Giorgio Boustronios (1518-23)’, in Marco Fanelli (ed.), Cipro nella Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia. Manoscritti, testi e carte / Cyprus in the Biblioteca Marciana of Venice. Manuscripts, Texts and Maps, Catalogue of the Exhibition for the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Venice, Salone Sansoviniano, Biblioteca Marciana, 22-27 August 2022 (Venice: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2022), pp. 30-34.

- (with Gilles Grivaud and Philippe Trélat), ‘The Modern Construction of a Late Medieval Hero: “King” Alexis and Revolts in Lusignan Cyprus’, Frankokratia, 3 (2022), 45-66.

- (with Kenneth Owen Smith), ‘Trasgressione e pentimento di David (Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, ms. 3354). Un oratorio volgare de Pietro de Nores, mis en musique par Bartolomeo Grassi et dédié à Louis XIII’, in Gisèle Clément, Isabelle Fabre, Gilles Polizzi, and Fañch Thoraval (eds.), Poésie et musique à l’âge de l’Ars subtilior. Autour du manuscrit Torino, BNU, J.II. 9 [Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance, Collection ‘Épitome musical’] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2021), pp. 185-207.

- (with Gilles Grivaud), ‘Aux origines de la « frankokratia ». Genèse, péripéties idéologiques et apologie d’un néologisme de l’historiographie néo-hellénique (Seconde partie)’, Frankokratia, 2 (2021), 1-30.

- (with Gilles Grivaud), ‘Aux origines de la « frankokratia ». Genèse, péripéties idéologiques et apologie d’un néologisme de l’historiographie néo-hellénique (Première partie)’, Frankokratia, 1 (2020), 3-55.

- 'Women in Medieval Famagusta: Law, Family, and Society’, in Gilles Grivaud, Angel Nicolaou-Konnari, and Chris Schabel (eds.), Famagusta, Volume II, History and Society, Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 8 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), pp. 509-633.

- «Η Κύπρος με πρωτεύουσα τη Λευκωσία υπό τη δυναστεία των Λουζινιανών (1192-1474/89)», in Demetra Papanikola-Bakirtzis (ed.), Μεσαιωνική Λευκωσία. Πρωτεύουσα ώσμωσης Ανατολής και Δύσης (Nicosia: The Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia, 2020), pp. 19-39, 268.

- ‘Αffinità elettive nei circoli letterari italiani del Cinquecento: Torquato Tasso, Pietro de Nores e gli altri’, Studi Tassiani, 67 (2019), 111-165.

- ‘Operatic Depictions of Medieval Cyprus under Latin Rule: The Otello Case’ / ‘Opernhafte Darstellungen Zyperns im Mittelalter unter Lateinischer Herrschaft: Der Fall Otello’, in Wiener Staatsoper programme for Giuseppe Verdi’s Otello (Vienna, 2019), pp. 23-33.

- «Συνέχειες και ασυνέχειες στη δουλοπαροικιακή πολιτική της βενετικής διοίκησης στην Kύπρο», in Kostas E. Lambrinos (ed.), Κοινωνίες της υπαίθρου στην ελληνοβενετική Ανατολή (13ος-18ος αι.) / Società rurali nell’Oriente greco-veneziano (sec. XIII-XVIII) (Athens: Athens Academy, 2018), pp. 51-91.

- «Όλος ο τόπος ήτον γεμάτος Pωμαίοι: αυτο- / ετεροπροσδιορισμοί και ταυτότητα / -ες στην Kύπρο κατά τη λατινική κυριαρχία (1191-1571)», in Olga Katsiardi-Hering, Anastasia Papadia-Lala, Katerina Nicolaou, and Vangelis Karamanolakis (eds.), Έλλην, Ρωμηός, Γραικός. Συλλογικοί προσδιορισμοί και ταυτότητες [Department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Istoremata 7] (Athens: Eurasia, 2018), pp. 145-163.

- ‘A Neglected Relationship: Leontios Makhairas’s Debt to Latin Eastern and French Historiography’, in Laura K. Morreale and Nicholas L. Paul (eds.), The French of Outremer. Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean [Fordham Series in Medieval Studies] (New York: Fordham University Press, 2018), pp. 110-149.

- ‘De calamitatibus Cypri. Die Eroberung Zyperns durch Richard Löwenherz’, in Alexander Schubert (ed.), Richard Löwenherz. König – Ritter – Gefangener, Catalogue of the Exhibition at the Historisches Museum der Pfalz Speyer (17.9.2017-15.4.2018) (Regensburg: Schnell und Steiner, 2017) pp. 204-209.

- 'Leontios Makhairas's Greek Chronicle of the ''Sweet Land of Cyprus'': History of Manuscripts and Intellectual Links', in I. Afanasyev, J. Dresvina and E. Kooper (eds.), Bonds, Links, and Ties in Medieval and Renaissance Chronicles [Oxford / Cambridge International Chronicles Symposium, The Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies (Oxford, 5-7 July 2012)], The Medieval Chronicle, 10 (2015), 163-201.

- 'A New Manuscript of Leontios Makhairas's Chronicle of the Sweet Land of Cyprus: Edition of the Extracts in British Library, MS Harley 1825', Eπετηρίδα Kέντρου Eπιστημονικών Eρευνών (Κύπρου), 37 (2013-2014), 145-185.

- ‘Alterity and Identity in Lusignan Cyprus from ca. 1350 to ca. 1450: The Testimonies of Philippe de Mézières and Leontios Makhairas’, in Tassos Papacostas and Guillaume Saint-Guillain (eds.), Identity / Identities in Late Medieval Cyprus [Papers Given at the ICS Byzantine Colloquium (London, 13-14 June 2011)] (Nicosia: Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College London and Cyprus Research Centre, 2014), pp. 37-66.

- ‘A New Manuscript of Leontios Makhairas’s Chronicle of the ‘Sweet Land of Cyprus’: British Library, MS Harley 1825 and the Circulation of Manuscripts of Cypriot Interest in Stuart England’, in Susan B. Edgington and Helen J. Nicholson (eds.), Deeds Done Beyond the Sea. Essays on William of Tyre, Cyprus and the Military Orders presented to Peter Edbury (Farnham - Burlington: Ashgate, 2014), pp. 115-134.

- ‘La “France de Chypre” de Louis de Mas Latrie’, in Gilles Grivaud (ed.), France de Chypre 1192-1474 [= Cahiers du Centre d’Études Chypriotes, 43 (2013)], pp. 505-521.

- ‘Melodramatic Perceptions of History: Caterina Cornaro Goes to the Opera’, in Candida Syndikus and Sabine Rogge (eds.), Caterina Cornaro. Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice – Ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia [Proceedings of the International Conference in Commemoration of the Fifth Centenary of the Death of Caterina Cornaro, organised by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Cypriot Studies of the University of Munster (Venice, German Centre for Venetian Studies, 16-18 September 2010)] (Munster – Munich – Berlin – New York: Waxmann, 2013), pp. 385-447 and plates 27-30.

- ‘Medieval Cyprus and Europe, from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Century’, in Loukia Loizou Hadjigavriel (ed.), Mapping Cyprus: Crusaders, Traders and Explorers [Catalogue of the Exhibition Organised under the Auspices of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU (Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 22 June-23 September 2012)] (Brussels - Milan: Bozar Books & Silvana Editoriale, 2012), pp. 24-41.

- ‘Francesco Patrizi’s Cypriot Connections and Jason and Pietro de Nores’, in Benjamin Arbel, Evelien Chayes, and Harald Hendrix (eds.), Cyprus and the Renaissance (1450-1650) [Mediterranean Nexus 1110-1700. Conflict, Influence and Inspiration in the Mediterranean Area, 1] (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), pp. 157-203.

- ‘‘Apologists or Critics? The Reign of Peter I of Lusignan (1359-1369) Viewed by Philippe de Mézières (1327-1405) and Leontios Makhairas (ca. 1360/80-after 1432)’’, in Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski and Kiril Petkov (eds.), Philippe de Mézières and His Age: Piety and Politics in the Fourteenth Century [Brill, The Medieval Mediterranean 91] (Leiden – Boston 2012), pp. 359-401.

- ‘‘ ‘A poor island and an orphaned realm..., built upon a rock in the midst of the sea..., surrounded by the infidel Turks and Saracens’: The Crusader Ideology in Leontios Makhairas’s Greek Chronicle of Cyprus’’, Crusades, 10 (2011), 119-145.

- «Kύπριοι της διασποράς στην Ιταλία μετά το 1570/1: η περίπτωση της οικογένειας Δενόρες», in Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (ed.), ‘La Serenissima’ and ‘la Nobilissima’: Venice in Cyprus and Cyprus in Venice [Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (Nicosia, 21 October 2006)] (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2009), pp. 218-239.

- «Γένουα: διαμόρφωση της πολιτείας και εξωτερική πολιτική - Genova: formazione della repubblica e politica estera», in Nicos G. Moschonas (ed.), Oι ναυτικές πολιτείες της Iταλίας (Aμάλφη, Πίζα, Γένουα, Bενετία) και η Aνατολική Mεσόγειος - Le repubbliche marinare italiane (Amalfi, Pisa, Genova, Venezia) e il Mediterraneo Orientale [Eθνικό Ίδρυμα Eρευνών, Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών, Διεθνή Συμπόσια, 19 - Fondazione Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Ricerche Bizantine, Convegni Internazionali, 19] (Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute of Byzantine Studies, 2008), pp. 91-119.

- «Περί αμπελοπουλιών ή ένα παραδοσιακό κυπριακό έδεσμα στα ξόβεργα της ιστορίας», in Encarnacion Motos Guirao and Moschos Morfakidis Filactos (eds.), Polyptychon / Πολύπτυχον. Homenaje a Ioannis Hassiotis / Αφιέρωμα στον Ιωάννη Χασιώτη (Granada: Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas, 2008), pp. 469-484.

- 'Diplomatics and Historiography: The Use of Documents in the Chronicle of Leontios Makhairas', in Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani, and Chris D. Schabel (eds.), Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500: Aspects of Cross-Cultural Communication [Brill, The Medieval Mediterranean 74] (Leiden - Boston, 2008), pp. 293-323.

- 'L’identité dans la diaspora: travaux et jours de Pierre (avant 1570 (?)-après 1646) et Georges de Nores (1619-1638)’, in Sabine Fourrier and Gilles Grivaud (eds.), Identités croisées en un milieu méditerranéen: le cas de Chypre (Antiquité – Moyen Âge) (Mont-Saint-Aignan: Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2006), pp. 329-353.

- «H Kύπρος στις απαρχές της Tουρκοκρατίας: τα ιστορικά σημειώματα στα φφ. 239v-240r του κώδικα Ven. Marc. Gr. VII, 16, 1080», Eπετηρίδα Kέντρου Eπιστημονικών Eρευνών (Κύπρου), 31 (2005), 193-238.

- «H ονοματολογία στα χειρόγραφα του Xρονικού του Λεοντίου Mαχαιρά», in Elizabeth Jeffreys and Michael Jeffreys (eds.), Aναδρομικά και Προδρομικά, Approaches to Texts in Early Modern Greek [Papers from the Conference Neograeca Medii Aevi V (Exeter College, University of Oxford, September 2000)] (Oxford: Sub-faculty of Modern Greek, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, 2005), pp. 327-371.

- 'Strategies of Distinction: The Construction of the Ethnic Name Griffon and the Western Perception of the Greeks (Twelfth - Fourteenth Centuries)', Byzantinistica. Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Slavi, 2nd Series, 4 (2002), 181-196.

- «H διασκευή του χειρογράφου της Pαβέννας της Eξήγησης του Λεοντίου Mαχαιρά και η Narratione του Διομήδη Strambali», in Panayiotis Agapetos and Michalis Pieris (eds.), «T’ αδόνιν κείνον που γλυκά θλιβάται». Eκδοτικά και ερμηνευτικά ζητήματα της δημώδους ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας στο πέρασμα από τον Mεσαίωνα στην Aναγέννηση (1400-1600) [Acts of the Fourth International Conference Neograeca Medii Aevi (Nicosia, November 1997)] (Herakleion, 2002), pp. 287-315.

- 'Ethnic Names and the Construction of Group Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Cyprus: The Case of Kυπριώτης', Kυπριολογία. Aφιέρωμα εις Θεόδωρον Παπαδόπουλλον, Kυπριακαί Σπουδαί, 64-65 (2000-2001), 259-275.

- 'The Conquest of Cyprus by Richard the Lionheart and its Aftermath: A Study of Sources and Legend, Politics and Attitudes in the Year 1191-1192', Eπετηρίδα Kέντρου Eπιστημονικών Eρευνών (Kύπρου), 26 (2000), 25-123.

- ‘Literary Languages in the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus in the Thirteenth-Century’, Mολυβδο-κονδυλο-πελεκητής, 7 (2000), 7-27.

- ‘La chronique de Léontios Machéras: Historicité et identité nationale’, in Paolo Odorico (ed.), Matériaux pour une histoire de Chypre (IVe-XXe s.), Études Balkaniques, Cahiers Pierre Belon, 5 (1998), 55-80.

- (with Michalis Pieris), «Λεοντίου Mαχαιρά, Eξήγησις της γλυκείας χώρας Kύπρου η ποία λέγεται κρόνικα τουτέστιν χρονικόν, Bιβλιογραφικός Oδηγός», Eπετηρίς Kέντρου Eπιστημονικών Eρευνών (Κύπρου), 23 (1997), 75-114.

- «H Γλώσσα στην Kύπρο κατά την Φραγκοκρατία (1192-1489) - Mέσο έκφρασης φαινομένων αλληλεπίδρασης και καθορισμού εθνικής ταυτότητας», Bυζαντιακά, 15 (1995), 349-387.

- «Σχέσεις αλληλεπίδρασης και φαινόμενα αλλοτρίωσης στην Kύπρο των Λουζινιάν (1192-1489): Tο παράδειγμα της Eκπαίδευσης», Eπετηρίδα Kέντρου Mελετών Iεράς Mονής Kύκκου, 2 (1993), 311-328.

- ‘Richard Coeur-de-Lion et Chypre’, in Marie-Paul Masson (ed.), Contribution de Chypre à la civilisation néo-hellénique [Actes du VIIIe Congrès International des Néo-Hellenistes des Universités Francophones (Montpellier 10-12 Mai 1984)] (Montpellier:  Centre d’études néo-helléniques, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III, 1984), pp. 35-67.