Helen Phtiaka is a Professor of Sociology of Education and Inclusive Education at the University of Cyprus. She is a Graduate of the University of Athens, (B.A. in History and Archaeology), University of Stirling, (M.Sc. in Psychology) and the University of Cambridge (PhD in Sociology of Education), supported by National Scholarships. She worked as a Research Fellow at the Universities of Cambridge, London and Warwick. She is a founding member of the University of Cyprus where she has been working since 1992. In 2008 she was elected Associate Dean for the School of Social and Educational Sciences, and in 2020 she became the Dean of the School. Her research and teaching in School Diversity and Inclusive Education has broken new ground in the area and has set the relevant educational research and policy agenda in Cyprus for the last 30 years. Former students of hers hold important posts in the area of research and teaching of Special and Inclusive Education in Cyprus and abroad. She is married with two children.
Inclusive Education and Society, Equal Opportunities, History, Philosophy, Legislation and Policy of Special and Inclusive Education, Home-School Relations, Disability and Literature, Qualitative Methodology
Symeonidou, S. & Phtiaka, H. (2012) Teacher Education for Inclusion: from Research to Praxis, Athens: Pedio (in Greek)
Phtiaka, H. (2010) Inclusive Education: An Education for Everyone in a Democratic and Humanistic School, Paedagogical Institute of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus (in Greek)
Kouppanou, A. & Phtiaka, H. (2009) From the edge to the bull's eye- the Education of the Deaf in Cyprus, Athens: Pedio (in Greek)
Phtiaka, H. (ed.) (2008) Will you join us for a coffee? Home-school Relations at the edge of difference, Athens: Taxideutis (in Greek)
Phtiaka, H. (ed.) (2007) Special and Inclusive Education in Cyprus, Athens: Taxideutis (in Greek)Phtiaka, H., Michaelidou, A., Tsouris, C. & Vlami, S. (2005) Evaluation of the institution of integration of children with special needs in the mainstream school (primary school). Nicosia: University of Cyprus and Paedagogical Institute. (in Greek)
Phtiaka, H. (2005) The small village on the mountain where the children never smiled, Athens: Taxideutis (in Greek)
Phtiaka, H. (2019) Special kids for special treatment? How special do you need to be to find yourself in a special school? London: Routledge Library Edition, Vol 42.
Phtiaka, H. (2001) ( guest editor) Special Education in the Mediterranean, Special Issue of the Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies on Special Education, Vol. 6 (2).
Phtiaka, H. (1997) Special kids for special treatment? How special do you need to be to find yourself in a special school? London: Falmer Press.
Phtiaka, H. (1995) The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship? The School Library and the GCSE, Library & Information Research Report 93, London: British Library Research and Development Department.