Christos Hadjichristos, PhD., is currently an Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Cyprus. Τaught at the American University of Beirut and at the Lebanese American University (2002-2003). Received his first degree in Architectural Engineering in 1986 from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master in Architecture in 1991 from the same institution. Awarded a Ph.D. in Architecture from the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies at the University College London in 2002.
Architectural theory, the nature of architectural education and knowledge, architectural design, architectural culture and practice, domestic architecture, and the syntactic characteristics of space and use. Through his sketches and paintings he examines issues in visual perception, which are central to architectural debates as well. Such is the relationship between figure and form or syntax and semiotics, subtraction or erasure, abstraction and Layering. One of the organizers and keynote speakers of the 31st Conference of IAPL (The International Association for Philosophy and Literature) titled ‘Layering: textual, visual, spatial, temporal’ which was hosted by the University of Cyprus in June 2007. He has received a number of awards in architectural competitions and has participated in the Venice Biennale for Cyprus in 2006 and 2008
C. Hadjichristos, 'How does one begin? Teaching Architecture to 1st Year students', Journal of Architecture, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2009, 43-48 C. Hadjichristos, ‘Cyprus: Nicosia and its d-Visions’, AD (Architectural Design), ‘The New Europe’ issue, Vo 76 No 3. Editor: Valentina Croci. Wiley-Academy. London. May/June 2006, 12-19 C. Hadjichristos, ‘Why the architect’s house has one living room and the client’s house has two kitchens, Working Paper Series Vol 176: Dealing with Tradition, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements, Editor: Nezar AlSayyad, University of California Berkeley, USA, 2004-2005, 40-48 C. Hadjichristos, ‘Layering in software, drawing, thinking, designing’, ENHSA-EAAE Architectural Design Teacher’s Network 3-5 May 2007. School of Architecture University Lusiada. Lisbon Portugal C. Hadjichristos, ‘Prostitution Spatialized’, 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, 12-15 June 2007, ITU Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings V.2, 113.1-113.6, Ayse Sema Kubat (ed.) C. Hadjichristos, ‘An Epistemological Inquiry into Architecture’, Contemporary Discourses in Architecture, Symposium Proceedings, Lebanese American University, May 2004, 81-91 C. Hadjichristos, ‘The Should, the Would, the Could and the Is: The role of architects and clients in the production of the spatial characteristics of the contemporary Greek-Cypriot House’. 4th International Space Syntax Symposium, London. June 2003, 23.1-23.14