Ph.D. Business & Economic Studies (Work & Employment Relations), University of Leeds, UK.
MSc Human Resource Management (Distinction), IDPM, University of Manchester, UK.
BSc Public and Business Administration, Major: Marketing/ Management, University of Cyprus.
I specialise in Human Resources Management and teach relevant courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including Human Resources Management, Business Communication, Organisationl Bejaviour, Principles of Management, Diversity Management, Gender and Work, etc. My research focuses on gender, work life balance and flexible work.
My research adopts an interdisciplinary approach and focuses on work life balance (WLB), flexibility, careers, gender and social inequalities. From a management perspective, I investigate these issues at the organisational level, focusing on practices that support employee WLB and their links to firm effectiveness. From a sociological perspective, I investigate these issues at the individual level using the notions of preference and choice and consider how individual trajectories are situated within structural contexts of welfare and patriarchy that frame social inequalities. At the intersect, I do research on links between individual perceptions/ preferences, organisational practices, organisational outcomes and the broader institutional context.
I am interested in supervising students working in the following areas. If interested, please contact me via email:
- Gender and work/ career
- Social inequalities (gender, age, social class, ethnicity, etc.)
- Work-family transitions and career paths
- Youth transitions to adulthood
- Occupational gender segregation
- Flexible work arrangements and employers of choice
- Institutional influences on organisations and employees
- Welfare systems and individual decisions
- Equality and Diversity
Refereed Journal Articles:
Stavrou, E., and Ierodiakonou, C. (2018). Expanding the work–life balance discourse to LGBT employees: Proposed research framework and organizational responses. Human Resource Management. online available [].
Ierodiakonou, C., and Stavrou, E. (2017). Flexitime and employee turnover: the polycontextuality of regulation as cross-national institutional contingency. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, online Aug. 4,
Stavrou, E., and Ierodiakonou, C. (2016). Entitlement to work-life-balance support: Do differences in the perceptions of managers and employees affect outcomes? Human Resource Management, 55 (5): 845-869. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21745.
Ierodiakonou, C., and Stavrou, E. (2015). Part time work, productivity and institutional policies. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2 (2): 176-200.
Stavrou, E., Casper, W., and Ierodiakonou, C. (2015). Support for part time work as a channel to female employment: The moderating effects of national gender empowerment and labour market conditions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26 (6): 688-706.
Ierodiakonou, C. (2014). Change and continuity in women’s work-family preferences and choices in Cyprus. EDAMBA Journal: 11th Thesis Competition 2013.
Stavrou, E., and Ierodiakonou, C. (2013). Flexibility for women returners in Cyprus: a competency-based approach. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 28 (1): 6-27.
Stavrou, E., and Ierodiakonou, C. (2011). Flexible work arrangements and intentions of unemployed women in Cyprus: A planned behaviour model. British Journal of Management, 22 (1): 150–172.
Book Chapters:
Ierodiakonou, C., Nadoh Bergoč, J., and Kilaniots, C. (2011). Workforce ageing and HRM policies: Common European responses? In I. Svetlik and E. Stavrou (eds). Human Resource Management in the Organizations of the Future. Prague: Aleš Čeněk.
Ierodiakonou, C., and Stavrou, E. (2010). Women’s intentions and flexible work arrangements: Evidence from the far south-eastern corner of the EU. In P. Benson (ed). Emerging Themes in International Management of Human Resources. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Conference Papers:
Ierodiakonou,C. (2016). Whatever happens to employment in southern Europe? Career trajectories of women in Cyprus. Work and Family Researchers Network, 23-25 June, Washington, D.C.
Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. (2015). Part time work, productivity and institutional policies. AOM Conference, 7-11 August, Vancouver, Canada.
Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. (2014). Perceptual discrepancies of entitlement to life Management support and their effects on outcomes. AOM Conference, 3-8 August, Philadelphia PA.
Stavrou, E., Casper, W. and Ierodiakonou, C. (2014). Support for part time work as a channel to female employment: The moderating effects of national gender empowerment and labour market conditions. HR Division International Conference, 15-16 June, Beijing, China.
Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. (2012). Does context matter? Work – life balance policy and practice. Work and Family Researchers Network Inaugural Meeting, 24-26 June, New York, NY.
Stavrou, E. and Ierodiakonou, C. (2008). Flexible work arrangements and intentions of unemployed women: Towards a model development. AOM Conference, 8-13 August, Anaheim CA (Best Paper Award in the Gender and Diversity stream).
Ierodiakonou, C., and Stavrou, E. (2007). A model towards women intentions and flexible work arrangements in the south-eastern EU. AOM Conference, 3-8 August, Philadelphia PA.
Ierodiakonou, C., and Stavrou, E. (2007). Women intentions and flexible work arrangements: Evidence from the far south-eastern corner of the EU. International Human Resource Management Conference, 12-15 June, Tallinn, Estonia.