Department of English Studies
Eliades Building, 210
9 Klimentos str.
I am Assistant Professor in Drama, Theatre and Performance at the Department of English Studies.
I received my PhDs from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Antwerp, and have worked at Masaryk University (Brno), Charles University (Prague) and University College Dublin, where I held a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship.
I am founding co-editor of Bloomsbury's Global Perspectives in Irish Literary Studies. Those interested in the series are welcome to contact me.
My research interests include drama, theatre and performance, Irish writing, genetic criticism and cultural representations of coercive confinement.
I have written two books on Samuel Beckett. My first, Samuel Beckett in Confinement: The Politics of Closed Space (2020), re-situates the politics of Beckett's work within the boxes, bins, urns and mounds in which we so often encounter his characters. I followed this with The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas (2021), a genetic study of three iconic late plays which contends that they stage the breakdown between subject and object. To accompany this monograph, I co-edited a digital genetic edition as part of the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project. I am currently working on a book which maps Irish literary and cultural representations of coercive confinement.
I have supervised postgraduate students working on gender studies, modernism, theatre studies and Irish writing. I welcome contact from those looking to work on any topic related to my fields of interest.
- The Making of Samuel Beckett’s Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas (University Press Antwerp and Bloomsbury, 2021).
- Samuel Beckett in Confinement: The Politics of Closed Space (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020).
Digital editions
- Not I / Pas moi, That Time / Cette fois and Footfalls / Pas: a digital genetic edition, ed. James Little and Vincent Neyt (University Press Antwerp, 2022).
Edited collections
- Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues, ed. Ondřej Pilný, Radvan Markus, Daniela Theinová and James Little, Irish Studies in Europe series no. 11, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (2022).
- ‘Draff / Résidu’, special issue of Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 31.1 (2019), ed. James Little, Georgina Nugent-Folan, Emilie Morin and Mark Nixon.
- '“All that I Am Craving Is the Talk”: Collaboration, Translation and Lady Gregory’s Workhouse Ward', English Studies, 104.6 (2023), 1019–36.
- ‘Coercive Confinement and Irish Languages: Ó Cadhain, Behan, Heaney, Okorie’, Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 5.2 (2022) (with Radvan Markus).
- ‘Confinement and the Transnational in Emma Donoghue’s Room’, Open Library of Humanities, 8.2 (2022).
- ‘“Comparative Liberty”: John Mitchel’s Jail Journal and Austin Reed’s The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict’, Irish University Review, 52.1 (2022), 121–32.
- ‘Samuel Beckett’s Remembrance of Texts Past: Shakespeare, Proust and Joyce in Not I and That Time’, Litteraria Pragensia, 31.62 (2021), 78–104.
- ‘Staging Beckettian Minds: Umwelt and Cartesian Stage Space in Beckett’s Plays’, Contemporary Theatre Review, 31.4 (2021), 438–54 (with Olga Beloborodova).
- ‘Decomposing the Asylum in Samuel Beckett’s Malone Dies: Genetic Criticism and the Author’, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 1.60 (2021), 65–77.
- ‘“Not There”: “Dark Matter” in Samuel Beckett’s Footfalls’, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 17.3 (2021), 373–86.
- ‘Reframing the Politics of Performance at 14 Henrietta Street: ANU’s Living the Lockout and Company SJ’s Fizzles’, Text and Performance Quarterly, 40.4 (2020), 343–63.
- ‘Quare Memory in Brendan Behan’s Borstal Boy’, Irish University Review, 50.2 (2020), 289–303.
- ‘Inhuman Habitations: Samuel Beckett’s Imagination Dead Imagine and All Strange Away’, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 32.2 (2020), 239–54.
- ‘Introduction’ to ‘Draff / Résidu’, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, 31.1 (2019) (with Georgina Nugent-Folan), 1–6.
- ‘Beckett’s “Mongrel Mime”: Politics and Poetics’, Journal of Beckett Studies, 27.2 (2018), 193–210.
- ‘Home, the Asylum, and the Workhouse in The Shadow of the Glen’, Irish University Review,46.2 (2016), 260–74.
- ‘Between a Protest and Catastrophe’, Litteraria Pragensia, 25.50 (2015), 92–106.
Book chapters
- 'Introduction', in Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues, ed. Ondřej Pilný, Radvan Markus, Daniela Theinová and James Little, Irish Studies in Europe series no. 11, (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022).
- ‘Waiting for Godot’, in Fifty Key Irish Plays, ed. Shaun Richards (Routledge, 2022), 78–81.
- ‘“First the Place, Then I’ll Find Me in It”: The Unnamable’s Pronouns and the Politics of Confinement’, in Beckett and Politics, ed. William Davies and Helen Bailey (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), 69–85.
- Review of Samuel Beckett as World Literature, The Beckett Circle, 44.2 (2023), https://thebeckettcircle.org/archive/.
- Review of The Making of volumes for L’Innommable / The Unnamable, Molloy, Malone meurt / Malone Dies, En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot, Fin de partie / Endgame, Journal of Beckett Studies, 29.1 (2020), 125–35.
- Review of Samuel Beckett and the Politics of Aftermath and Samuel Beckett and the Language of Subjectivity, Irish University Review, 50.1 (2020), 240–3.
- Review of Navigating Ireland’s Theatre Archive, Australasian Journal of Irish Studies, 20 (2020).
- ‘Review of the Inaugural Conference of the Samuel Beckett Society, Phoenix, AZ, 19–20 February 2015’, in The Beckett Circle, 38.1 (2016), https://thebeckettcircle.org/archive/.
- ‘Reframing Scenography: Performing Space Symposium Report’, Blue Pages: Journal for the Society of British Theatre Designers, 4 (2014) (with Wei Feng), 24–6.
- ‘The Journey of The Playboy’, digital exhibition co-hosted by the Library of Trinity College Dublin and the Google Cultural Institute (with Nicholas Grene), (2017).