Staff Catalogue


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
FST 02 - Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, 060
University Campus
Ph.D. 2004 in Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.
M.Sc. 2002 in Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.
B.Sc. 2000 in Mathematics, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Partial Differential Equations and Applied Analysis.
Continuum Mechanics and Hyperbolic Conservation Laws.
Vanishing Viscosity Limits and Formation of Shock Waves.
  • C. Christoforou, M. Galanopoulou and A. Tzavaras, A discrete variational scheme for isentropic processes in polyconvex thermoelasticity, submitted 2019.
  • C. Christoforou, M. Galanopoulou and A. Tzavaras, Measure-valued solutions for the equations of polyconvex adiabatic thermoelasticity, Disc. Cont. Dyn. Sys - Series A 39 (2019) (11), 6175--6206.
  • C. Christoforou, M. Galanopoulou and A. Tzavaras, A symmetrizable extension of polyconvex thermoelasticity and applications to zero-viscosity limits and weak-strong uniqueness, Comm. in Part. Diff. Eqs., 43 (2018) (7), 1019--1050.
  • C.Christoforou and A. Tzavaras, Relative entropy for hyperbolic-parabolic systems and application to the constitutive theory of thermoviscoelasticity, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 229 (2018) (1) 1--52.
  • C. Christoforou and M. Slemrod,  On the decay rate of the Gauss curvature for isometric immersions,  Bulletin of the Braz. Math. Soc., (N.S.), 47 (2016) (1), 255--265.
  • C. Christoforou and Laura V. Spinolo. Boundary layers for self-similar viscous approximations of nonlinear hyperbolic systems, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics  71 (2013), (3) 433--453.
  • J. Chen, C. Christoforou and K. Jegdic, Existence and uniqueness analysis of a detached shock for the potential flow, Nonlinear Analysis, Vol 74, Issue 3 (2011) 705-1004.
  • C. Christoforou and K. Trivisa, Sharp decay estimates for hyperbolic balance laws, Journal of Differential Equations, 247 (2009), 401-423.
  • G.Q. Chen Yongqian Zhang and C. Christoforou,  Continuous dependence of entropy solutions to the Euler equations on the adiabatic exponent and Mach number.  Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 189 (2008) (1), 97--130.
  • C. Christoforou, Systems of conservation laws with fading memory, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 4, (2007), (3) 435--478.
  • G.-Q. Chen, C. Christoforou and Y. Zhang, Dependence of entropy solutions in the large for the Euler equations on nonlinear flux functions, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 56 (2007), (5) 2535--2568.
  • G.-Q. Chen and C. Christoforou, Solutions for a nonlocal conservation law with fading memory, Proceedings of the AMS, 135 (2007), 3905--3915.
  • C. Christoforou, Uniqueness and sharp estimates on solutions to hyperbolic systems with dissipative source, Communication in Partial Differential Equations, 31 (2006), (12), 1825--1839.
  • C. Christoforou, Hyperbolic systems of balance laws via vanishing viscosity, Journal of Differential Equations, 221 (2006), (2), 470--541.