Staff Catalogue


Department of Education
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Konstantinos Korfiatis is Professor of Environmental Education, and co-ordinator of the Research on Environmental Education Team ( at the University of Cyprus. He has studied Biology at the Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki and he has received his Ph.D. from the School of Biology, of the same University.  Ηe lives, since 2003, in Cyprus and teach at the Department of Education, University of Cyprus. .He is, since 2016, member of the academic committee of ERIDOB (European Researchers in Didactics of Biology). He is also a member of the Curriculum and Textbook Development Committees for Primary School Science, High School Biology and Environmental Education, Cyrpus’ Ministry of Education and Culture.

environmental and sustainability education, development and evaluation of environmental education learning environments, ecology education, schoolgardens, climate change education
Korfiatis, K., Grace, M. & Hammann, M. eds. (2024). Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research: Selected Papers from the ERIDOB 2022 Conference, 353 pp. Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research : Selected Papers from the ERIDOB 2022 Conference | SpringerLink
Christodoulou, A., Korfiatis, K. (2024). Challenges Emerged During an Action Research Approach Applied in a Schoolgarden Project: Reflections and Revisions. In: Korfiatis, K., Grace, M., Hammann, M. (eds) Shaping the Future of Biological Education Research Selected Papers from the ERIDOB 2022 Conference., Springer, Cham., pp. 277-290.
Levinson, R., Price, S., Davies, P., Gandolfi, H., Korfiatis, K., Markoulides, O., Wheeldon, R., (2023). How do 16-17 year old school students engage with scientific research? In: Galamba, A. and Gandolfi, H., (eds.) Critical Pedagogies in STEM Education: Ideas and experiences from Brazil and the UK. (pp. 112-127). Kings College London: London, UK.
Petrou, St. & Korfiatis, K. (2022). Transformations of children’s environmental conceptions through their participation in a school kitchen-garden project. Environmental Education Research, 28 (4), 524-544.
Korfiatis, K., & Grace, M. eds. (2022). Current Research in Biology Education: Selected papers from the ERIDOB community. Springer, 290 pp.  Current Research in Biology Education - Selected Papers from the ERIDOB Community | Konstantinos Korfiatis | Springer
Kampourakis, K., Ergazaki, M., Korfiatis, K., & Stasinakis, P. eds. (2022). Διδακτική της Βιολογίας (Biology Education). Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης (Creta University Press), pp. 440.
Torkar, G., & Korfiatis, K. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ conceptual schemata and systems’ reasoning about the carbon cycle and climate change: an exploratory study of a learning framework for understanding complex systems. In Ben-Zvi Assaraf, O. & Knippels, M. (Eds.), Understanding Complexity in Biology Education, Springer.
Koulouri, P., Mogias, A., Mokos, M., Cheimonopoulou, M., Realdon, G., Boubonari, T., Previati, M., Tojeiro Formoso, A., Kideys, A. E., Hassaan, M. A., Patti, P., Korfiatis, K., Fabri, S., & Juan, X. (2022). Ocean Literacy across the Mediterranean Sea basin: Evaluating Middle School Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour towards Ocean Sciences Issues. Mediterranean Marine Science, 23(2), 289–301.
Korfiatis, K., & Petrou, St.(2021). Participation and why it matters: children’s perspectives and expressions of ownership, motivation, collective efficacy and self-efficacy and locus of control.  Environmental Education Research, DOI: 1080/13504622.2021.1959900
Hadjicosti, I., Korfiatis, K., Levinson, R., & Price, S. (2021). Students’ Forms of Dialogue When Engaged with Contemporary Biological Research: Insights from University and High School Students’ Group Discussions. Research in Science Education.
Zachariou, A., & Korfiatis, K. (2021). Sustainability education research and policy in Cyprus: an investigation into their roles and relationships, Environmental Education Research, 27(4), 614-629. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1863919.
Sá-Pinto, X., Realdon, G., Torkar, G., … Korfiatis, K, … et al. (2021). Development and validation of a framework for the assessment of school curricula on the presence of evolutionary concepts (FACE). Evolution Education and Outreach, 14 (3), 1-17.
Korfiatis, K., Photiou, M., & Petrou, St. (2020). Effects of eco-animations on nine and twelve year old children’s environmental conceptions: How WALL-E changed young spectators’ views of earth and environmental protection. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51(5), 381-394. DOI: 10.1080/00958964.2020.1747965
Petrou, St., & Korfiatis K. (2020). School Kitchen Gardens as Examples of Participatory Environmental Education: Theoretical Presentation & Swot Analysis in 6 Schools of Cyprus (in Greek). Education Sciences, 48-74. Ε.ΔΙΑ.Μ.ΜΕ - E.DIA.M.ME [Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης - University of Crete] | Θεματικό Τεύχος 2019 | Θεματικό Τεύχος 2019 (
Christodoulou, A. & Korfiatis (2019). Children's interest in school garden projects, environmental motivation and intention to act: A case study from a primary school of Cyprus. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18 (1), 2-12. DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2017.1419104

Korfiatis K. (2018). Ecology. In Kampourakis K. and M. Reiss (eds), Teaching Biology in Schools: Global Research, Issues, and Trends. New York: Routledge.

Petrou, S., & Korfiatis, K. (2018). Multi-dimensional Learning Environments: School Kitchen-Gardens, Environmental Literacy and Empowerment for Action. Honorary: Prof. emeritus Mairy Koutselini (σελ. 387-410). Nicosia: Dept. of Education, University of Cyprus.

Petrou S. & K. Korfiatis (2016). School Kitchen-Gardens as Innovative Learning Environments for Supporting Environmental Education Pedagogies: Opportunities and Challenges for Teachers, Students and the Community. In Wallace K (ed.) Learning Environments: emerging theories. Applications and Future Directions. New York: NOVA Science Publishers, 51-72.

Lefkaditi A., Korfiatis K., & T. Hovardas (2014). Contextualizing the Teaching and Learning of Ecology: Historical and Philosophical Considerations. M.R. Matthews (ed.), International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer, pp. 523-550.

Korfiatis K. (2012). Current Τrends in Environmental Education Practice: From Awareness to Action (in Greek). Evagorou M & L. Avramidou (eds), Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Science Education. Athens: Diadrasi, pp. 181-194.

Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2008). Applying Social Representations Theory in Educational Evaluation: a Methodological Framework. In: Ortiz, M. & Rubio, Cl. (Eds.), Educational Evaluation: 21st Century Issues and Challenges. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 1-29.

Korfiatis K., & St. Paraskevopoulos (2005). Mosquitoes, Environmental Education and the Usefulness of Philosophy (in Greek). In Georgopoulos, A. (ed.) Environmental Education: a New Culture Emerges. Athens. Gutenberg eds.

Korfiatis K., (2002). The Science of Ecology and the Management and Protection of Nature (in Greek). Series: Environmental Editions, General Secretariat of New Generation and National Centre of Social Research, Athens, pp. 29-58.

Korfiatis K., (1999). Nature, under the Light of Current Theoretical Ecology (in Greek), in M. Modinos & E. Euthimiopoulos (eds) Nature and Ecology, Athens, Stochastis eds., pp. 32-44.

Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1997). Biology in Greece, today (in Greek), in Sarikas Z. (ed.) Kanon: the Present of Sciences in Greece, Thesaloniki, Cultural Capital of Europe Editions, pp163-174.

Korfiatis K., (1996). The Science of Ecology and the Theory of Ecological Movement (in Greek), in Iatrou G. & T. Mardiris (eds.) Ecology-Society-Education: Reality and Possibilities in Greece, Athens, Livanis Eds., pp. 176-193.

Korfiatis K., (1990). Ecology, Environment and the Environmental Movement (in Greek), in Ecologization of Thought (collection of essays), Athens, Alternative editions, pp. 82-91

Christodoulou A. & K. Korfiatis (2018) Children's interest in school garden projects, environmental motivation and intention to act: A case study from a primary school of Cyprus, Applied Environmental Education & Communication, DOI: 10.1080/1533015X.2017.1419104

Korfiatis, K. (2016). Science Education Journals as Hosts of Environmental Education Research: Perspectives and Trends in the 21th Century. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(16), 9489-9506.

Hadjihambi-Paraskeva D., Hadjihambis A., & Κ. Korfiatis (2015). How Students’ Values are intertwined with Decisions in a Socio-scientific Issue. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 2015, 10(3), 493-513.

Petrou St., & K. Korfiatis (2015). School Kitchen-gardens as Innovative Learning Environments: The Educational Material ‘Think-Cooperate-Act’, (in Greek). Journal for Environmental Education, 8(53),

Petrou St., & K. Korfiatis (2013). The Effect of a Digital Learning Environment on Children’s Conceptions About the Protection of Endemic Plants, Journal of Biological Education, 47(3): 150-156.

Korfiatis K. (2013). Aims and Insights for Environmental Education in the 21th Century (in Greek). Journal for Environmental Education, 4:

Hadjihambi-Paraskeva D., Korfiatis K, Hadjihambis A., & M. Arianoutsou (2012). Conservation Reasoning and Proposed Actions for the Protection of Threatened Plant Species: Insights from a Sample of Rural and Urban Children of Cyprus. Society and Natural Resources, 25(9): 868-882.

Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2012). Effects of an Environmental Education Course on Consensus Estimates for Pro-environmental Intentions. Environment & Behavior. 44(6): 760-784.

Korfiatis K., & S. D. Tunnicliffe (2012). The Living World in the Curriculum: Ecology, an Essential Part of Biology Learning. Journal of Biological Education. 46(3): 125-127.

Hovardas Τ., & K. Korfiatis (2012). Adolescents' Beliefs about the Wolf: Investigating the Potential of Human-Wolf Coexistence in the European South. Society and Natural Resources. 25(12): 1277-1292.

Hovardas T., & K. Korfiatis (2011). Towards a Critical Re-Appraisal of Ecology Education: Scheduling an Educational Intervention to Revisit the ‘Balance of Nature’ Metaphor. Science & Education. 20:1039–1053.

Demetriou D., Korfiatis K., & C. Constantinou (2009). Comprehending trophic relations through food web construction. Journal of Biological Education, 43: 53-59.

Hovardas T., Korfiatis K., & J. Pantis (2009). Environmental Representations of Local Communities’ Spokespersons in Protected Areas. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19: 459–472.

Nicolaou Ch., Korfiatis K., Evagorou M., & C. Constantinou (2009). Development of decision-making skills and environmental concern through computer-based, scaffolded learning activities. Environmental Education Research, 15: 39-54.

Korfiatis Κ., Hovardas Τ., Tsaliki Ε., & J. A. Palmer (2009). Rural children’s views on human activities, and changes in a Greek wetland. Society and Natural Resources, 22: 339-352.

Evagorou M., Korfiatis K., Nicolaou Ch., & C. Constantinou (2009). An Investigation of the Potential of Interactive Simulations for Developing System Thinking Skills in Elementary School: A case study with fifth-graders and sixth-graders, International Journal of Science Education, 31: 655-674.

Korfiatis Κ. & T. Hovardas (2008). Impact of a university course on pre-service teachers’ conceptions about environmental issues and environmental education. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education, 2: 19-37.

Hovardas T. & K. Korfiatis (2008). Framing environmental policy by the local press: Case study from the Dadia Forest Reserve, Greece. Forest Policy and Economics, 10: 316-325.

Hovardas, A. & K. Korfiatis (2006). Word Associations as a Tool for Assessing Conceptual Change in Science Education. Learning and Instruction, 16: 416-432.

Korfiatis K., (2005). Environmental Education and the Science of Ecology: Exploration of an Uneasy Relationship. Environmental Education Research, 11: 235-248.

Korfiatis K., Hovardas, T., & J. Pantis (2004). Determinants of Proenvironmental Behavior in Economies in Transition: Evidence from five European Countries, Population and Environment, 25: 563-584.

Korfiatis K., A. G. Stamou & St. Paraskevopoulos (2004). Images of Nature in the Textbooks of Elementary Schools in Greece. Science Education, 88: 72-89.

Haidarlis, M., Korfiatis, K. J., & Pantis, J. D. (2003). The legal framework for the establishment of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos: A context for the conciliation of environmental protection and economic development. Sustainable World, 6:119–128.

Paraskevopoulos St., Korfiatis K., & J. Pantis (2003). Social Exclusion as Constraint for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Attitudes. Society and Natural Resources, 16: 759-774.

Korfiatis K., Marouga, A. & G. P. Stamou (1999). Evolutionary Ethics and the Neoliberal Framework of Social Beliefs (in Greek). Neusis, 8: 71-93.

Korfiatis K., Papatheothorou, E., Stamou, G. P., & S. Paraskevopoulos (1999). An investigation of the effectiveness of computer’s simulation programs as tutorial tools for teaching population ecology at university. International Journal of Science Education, 21: 1269-1280.

Korfiatis K. & G.P. Stamou (1999). Habitat Templets and the Changing Worldview of Ecology. Biology and Philosophy, 14: 375-393.

Stamou G.P., Stamou I.G., & K. Korfiatis (1998). From Biology Teaching to Environmental Education (in Greek). Environmental Education, 12: 11-13.

Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1995). Strategic Thought and the Development of Life-history Models in Ecology: The ‘r-K Selection’ Model (in Greek). Neusis, 2: 27-43.

Korfiatis K. & G. P. Stamou (1994). Emergence of New Fields in Ecology: The Case of Life History Studies. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 16: 97-116.