Loucas S. Louca received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1992. He then moved to the University of Michigan where he received his M.S.E. in 1994 and Ph.D. in 1998, both in Mechanical Engineering. He continued to work in the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Michigan first as a Research Fellow until 2000. He then joined the research faculty of the Mechanical Engineering department as an Assistant Research Scientist where he was contacting research and advising students in the area of intelligent vehicle system dynamics and control within the multi-university Automotive Research Center. He joined the faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Cyprus in 2004 where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests lie in the areas of physical system modeling, haptic interface systems, robotic rehabilitation, model reduction of large scale systems, bond graph theory, multi-body dynamics, computer aided modeling and simulation. He is interested in automating the process of generating efficient dynamic models for use in the system design and control process. He is also interested in the development of haptic interface and robotic systems for the assessment and rehabilitation of people with neurological disorders.
His research interests and activities lie in the areas of physical system modeling and model reduction of large scale systems, bond graph theory, modeling of automotive systems, robotic systems and haptic interfaces for rehabilitation, human modeling and biomechanics, multi-body dynamics, and computer aided modeling and simulation. He is an active member of the bond graph research community and organizes focused sessions at modeling related conferences. More specifically, his research focuses on the following two themes:
Physical System Modeling: The development of systematic procedures for generating efficient yet accurate dynamic system models for use in the control and design of dynamic systems. The procedure of dynamic system modeling is enhanced with the use of modeling metrics and algorithms that assist engineers in selecting the physical phenomena that contribute the most to specific system dynamic responses. This approach reduces the time and cost for developing models of dynamic systems, and therefore enables engineers to focus on the more critical issues of design and control.
Rehabilitation Systems: The development of novel and interactive robotic systems for the functional rehabilitation and evaluation of the upper limbs of people with neurological diseases. The resulting methodologies are implemented in haptic interface devices, through which the user can manipulate virtual objects that are modeled with realistic physical and interactive properties. Applied therapeutic forces are designed in order to optimize the benefits of neuroplasticity. Such rehabilitation systems can increase user motivation and make therapy sessions enjoyable, thus increasing even more the efficiency of a rehabilitation system. The advantages of haptic interfaces are also used for the assessment of upper limb motion through objective and quantitative metrics.
Konstantinou, G., Kyratsi, T., and Louca, L. S., 2022, “Design of a Thermoelectric Device for Power Generation through Waste Heat Recovery from Marine Internal Combustion Engines,” Energies, 15(11), p. 4075, doi.org/10.3390/en15114075.
Brito, F. P., J.S. Peixoto, J. Martins, A.P. Gonçalves, L. Louca, N. Vlachos and T. Kyratsi, 2021. “Analysis and Design of a Silicide-Tetrahedrite Thermoelectric Generator Concept Suitable for Large-Scale Industrial Waste Heat Recovery”. Energies, Vol. 14, No. 18, 5655; doi.org/10.3390/en14185655.
Charilaou, K. Th. Kyratsi and L.S. Louca, 2021. “Design of an air-cooled thermoelectric generator system through modelling and simulations, for use in cement industries”. Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 44, Part 4, pp. 3516–3524, doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.11.392.
Xydas, G.E. and L.S. Louca, 2018. “Planar conformity of movements in 3D reaching tasks for persons with Multiple Sclerosis”. Human Movement Science, Vol. 62, pp. 221–234. Published by Elsevier BV, ISSN 0167-9457.
Louca, L.S., 2016. “A Frequency-Based Interpretation of Energy-Based Model Reduction of Linear Systems”. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 138, No. 12, 121005 (11 pages). Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0022-0434, ISSN Online 1528-9028, New York, NY.
Louca, L.S., 2014. “Power Conserving Bond Graph Based Modal Representations and Model Reduction of Lumped Parameter Systems”. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 136, No. 6, 061007 (13 pages). Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0022-0434, ISSN Online 1528-9028, New York, NY.
Louca, L.S., 2013. “Modal Analysis Reduction of Multi-Body Systems with Generic Damping”. Journal of Computational Science: Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2013.08.008
Louca, L.S., 2012. “Modal analysis Reduction of multi-Body Systems with generic Damping”. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation - IMAACA 2012, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 978-88-97999-12-6, pp. 26-35.
Xydas, G.E. and L.S. Louca, 2012. “Robotic Rehabilitation of People with Multiple Sclerosis with the use of a Haptic Nine-Hole Pegboard Test”. Proceedings of the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISBN 0-7918-3812-9, New York, NY.
Louca, L.S., 2012. “Bond Graph Based Modal Decomposition of Systems with Non-proportional Damping”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation - ICGBM’2012, Genoa, Italy. Published by the Society for Computer Simulation International, ISBN 1-56555-348-9,
pp. 289-299, San Diego, CA.
Louca, L.S., J.L. Stein, and G.M. Hulbert, 2010. “Energy-Based Model Reduction Methodology for Automated Modeling”. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 132, No. 6, 061202 (16 pages). Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0022-0434, ISSN Online 1528-9028, New York, NY.
Rideout, D.G., J.L. Stein, and L.S. Louca, 2009. “Extension and Application of an Algorithm for Systematic Identification of Weak Coupling and Partitions in Dynamic System Models”. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory: Bond Graph Modelling, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 271-292.
Ersal, T., H. Fathy, D.G. Rideout, L.S. Louca, and J.L. Stein, 2008. “A Review of Proper Modeling Techniques”. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 130, No. 6, 061008 (13 pages). Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0022-0434, ISSN Online 1528-9028, New York, NY.
Hoffman, R.C., J.L. Stein, L.S. Louca, and K. Huh, 2008. “Using the Milliken Moment Method and dynamic simulation to evaluate vehicle stability and controllability”. International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 48, No. 1/2, pp. 132-148. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, ISSN 0143-3369, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Rideout, D.G., J.L. Stein, and L.S. Louca, 2008. “Systematic Assessment of Rigid Internal Combustion Engine Dynamic Coupling”. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,Vol. 130, No. 2, 22804 (12 pages). Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0742-4795, ISSN Online 1528-8919, New York, NY.
Rideout, D.G., J.L. Stein, and L.S. Louca, 2007. “Systematic Identification of Decoupling in Dynamic System Models”. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control, Vol. 129, No. 4, pp. 503 – 513. Published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN Print 0022-0434, ISSN Online 1528-9028, New York, NY.
Louca, L.S. and U.B. Yildir, 2006. “Modeling and Reduction Techniques for Studies of Integrated Hybrid Vehicle Systems”. Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamic Systems: Special Issue on Bond Graphs, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 203 – 218. Published by Taylor & Francis, ISSN Print 1387-3954, ISSN Online 1744-5051, London, United Kingdom.
Filipi, Z.S., L.S. Louca, A. Stefanopoulou, J. Pukrushpan, B. Kittirungsi, and H. Peng, 2004. “Fuel Cell APU for Silent Watch and Mild Electrification of a Medium Tactical Truck”. SAE 2004 Transactions – Journal of Engines. Published by the Society of Automotive Engineers, ISBN 0-7680-0842-5, Warrendale, PA. Also Presented at SAE 2004 World Congress, Paper 2004-01-1477.
Louca, L.S., D.G. Rideout, J.L. Stein, and G.M. Hulbert, 2004. “Generating proper dynamic models for truck mobility and handling”. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (Special Issue on Advances in Ground Vehicle Simulation), Vol. 11, No. 3/4 pp. 209-236. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744-232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Lin, C.-C., Z. Filipi, L.S. Louca, H. Peng, D.N. Assanis, and J.L. Stein, 2004. “Modelling and control of a medium-duty hybrid electric truck”. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (Special Issue on Advances in Ground Vehicle Simulation), Vol. 11, No. 3/4 pp. 349-371. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744-232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Filipi, Z.S., L.S. Louca, B. Daran, C.-C. Lin, U. Yildir, B. Wu, M. Kokkolaras, D.N. Assanis, H. Peng, P.Y. Papalambros, and J.L. Stein, 2004. “Combined optimisation of design and power management of the hydraulic hybrid propulsion system for the 6 × 6 medium truck”. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (Special Issue on Advances in Ground Vehicle Simulation), Vol. 11, No. 3/4 pp. 372-402. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, ISSN 1744-232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Kokkolaras, M., L.S. Louca, G.J. Delagrammatikas, N.F. Michelena, Z.S. Filipi, P.Y. Papalambros, J.L. Stein, and D.N. Assanis, 2004. “Simulation-based optimal design of heavy trucks by model-based decomposition: an extensive analytical target cascading case study”. International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (Special Issue on Advances in Ground Vehicle Simulation), Vol. 11, No. 3/4 pp. 403-433. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1744-232X, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Kim, H.M., M. Kokkolaras, L.S. Louca, G.J. Delagrammatikas, N.F. Michelena, Z.S. Filipi, P.Y. Papalambros, J.L. Stein, and D.N. Assanis, 2002. “Target Cascading in Vehicle Redesign: A Class VI Truck Study”. International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 199-225. Published by Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 0143-3369, St. Helier, United Kingdom.
Louca, L.S. and J.L. Stein, 2002. “Ideal Physical Element Representation from Reduced Bond Graphs”. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering: Special Issue on Bond Graphs, Vol. 216, No. 1, pp. 73-83. Published by the Professional Engineering Publishing, ISSN 0959-6518, Suffolk, United Kingdom.
Michelena, N.F., L.S. Louca, M. Kokkolaras, Chan-Chiao Lin, Dohoy Jung, Z.S. Filipi, D.N. Assanis, P.Y. Papalambros, H. Peng, and J.L. Stein, 2001. “Design of an Advanced Heavy Tactical Truck: A Target Cascading Case Study”. SAE 2001 Transactions – Journal of Commercial Vehicles. Published by the Society of Automotive Engineers, ISBN 0-7680-1098-5, Warrendale, PA. Also presented at the 2001 SAE International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition, Paper 2001-01-2793.
Assanis, D.N., Z.S. Filipi, S. Gravante, D. Grohnke, X. Gui, L.S. Louca, G.D. Rideout, J.L. Stein, and Y. Wang, 2000. “Validation and Use of SIMULINK Integrated, High Fidelity, Engine-In-Vehicle Simulation of the International Class VI Truck”. SAE 2000 Transactions – Journal of Engines. Published by the Society of Automotive Engineers, ISBN 0-7680-0842-5, Warrendale, PA. Also presented at the SAE 2000 World Congress, Paper 2000-01-0288.
Stein, J.L. and L.S. Louca, 1996. “A Template-Based Modeling Approach for System Design: Theory and Implementation”. Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 87-101. Published by the Society for Computer Simulation, ISSN 0740-6797, San Diego, CA.