Staff Catalogue


Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies
Fragkopoulos, 302
59, Kallipoleos Ave.

Michalis N. Michael was born in Cyprus and obtained a BA in Turkish Studies (1996) from the University of Cyprus (Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies). He received his MA (1998) from the University of Crete (Department of History and Archaeology), University of Crete (Greece) and his PhD (2004) from the University of Cyprus (Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies). He is the author of the books: The Church of Cyprus during the Ottoman period: The Gradual Formation of an Institution of Political Power (Cyprus Research Centre, Nicosia 2005, in Greek). Revolts as a Field of Power Negotiation. Ottoman Cyprus, 1804-1841 (Alexandreia, Athens 2016, in Greek) and the co-editor of Ottoman Cyprus. A Collection of Studies on History and Culture (Harrassovitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009), The Archbishop’s of Cyprus in the Modern Age: The Changing Role of the Archbishop-Ethnarch, their Identities and Politics (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2013), Religious Communities and Modern Statehood: the Ottoman and Post-ottoman World at the Age of Nationalism and Colonialism (Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin 2015), Studies on Ottoman Nicosia. From the Ottoman Conquest to the Early British Period (Isis Press, Istanbul 2019) and the editor of the special issues of the Archivum Ottomanicum, 32 (2015), 36 (2019). He has published articles in Archivum Ottomanicum (2009, 2012, 2015, 2019), Chronos (2010, 2014, 2019), Social Compass (2009), Religions (2010), Thetis (2009), Historica (2005, 2007, 2009), Turkish Historical Review (2011), International Review of Turkish Studies (2013), Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi (2013), The Cyprus Review (2015), and has chapters in several books (Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey (Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010), Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2010), The Archbishop’s of Cyprus in the Modern Age: The Changing Role of the Archbishop-Ethnarch, their Identities and Politics (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2013), Histories of Ottoman Larnaca (National Research Foundation, Athens 2012), Visions, Vows and Wonders: Religion and the Sea in the Eastern Mediterranean, 15th-19th centuries (Brill, Leiden 2020 – forthcoming). He is an Associate Professor of Ottoman History at the Department of Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies in the University of Cyprus.

a) History of the institutions of the Ottoman Empire and the changes after the end of the 16th century, b) History of Cyprus during the Ottoman period with emphasis on the status of the Orthodox Church, c) The transition from the Ottomans to the British. The changes related to the status of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, d) Study of archival material related to the Ottoman period d) Study of the post-Ottoman Cypriot historiography concerning the Ottoman period of the island.

 Books and edited books

Cult.ExchangesEasternMed.22   Stylianos Irakleous, Michalis N. Michael, Athanasios Koutoupas (eds), Cultural Exchanges in Eastern Mediterranean: Asia Minor, Cyprus and Egypt, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2022.
StudiesOttomanNic   Mehmet Demiryürek, Stephen Boys Smith, Michalis N. Michael, Ali Efdal Ӧzkül (eds), Studies on Ottoman Nicosia. From the Ottoman Conquest to the Early British Period, Isis Press, Istanbul 2019.
Exegerseis   Michalis N. Michael, Revolts as a Field of Power Negotiation. Ottoman Cyprus, 1804-1841, Alexandreia, Athens 2015. [In Greek].
Cyprus Churh   Michalis N. Michael, The Church of Cyprus During the Ottoman Period, 1571-1878The Formation Process of an Institution of Political Power, Cyprus Research Centre, Nicosia 2005.  [In Greek].
OttomanCyprus   Michalis N. Michael, Kappler Matthias, Gavriel Eftihios (eds), Ottoman Cyprus. A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Harrassovitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009.
TheArchbishops ofCyprus   Andrekos Varnava, Michalis N. Michael, (eds), The Archbishops of Cyprus in the Modern Age: The Changing Role of the Archbishop-Etharch, their Identities and Politics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2013.
ReligiousCommunities   Michalis N. Michael, Tassos Anastassiades, Chantal Verdeil (eds),  Religious Communities and Modern Statehood: the Ottoman and Post ottoman World at the Age of Nationalism and Colonialism, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin 2015.
Michalis N. Michael, The Tshiftlik (Çiftlik) of the Ottoman Period. Monastery Tshiftilks in the Codex 49 (1813-1841) and 51(1818-1881) of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos, Research Centre of Kykkos Monastery, Nicosia 2005. [In Greek].
TurkikiHgemonia   Nicos Moudouros, Michalis N. Michael, (eds), The New Turkish Hegemony. Dimensions of Political Islam, Papazisis, Athens 2014. [In Greek].
Special issues   
Turk.Hist.Review22   Michalis N. Michael, (ed.), Special Issue: The Multiple Readings of Ottoman History in Modern Turkey, Turkish Historical Review, Brill Publishers, double issue, 13/1-2 (2022).
ArchivumOttomanicum36 2019   Michalis N. Michael (ed.), Special Issue: The Muslim Turkish Community of Cyprus and the Transition from the Ottomans to the British, Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 36 (2019) 5-148.
ArchivumOttomanicum32   Michalis N. Michael (ed.), Special Cyprus Issue: Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 32 (2015) 5-277.

Chapters in books 

Michalis N. Michael, “An Ottoman Sea in the Service of an Orthodox Monastery”, Stylianos Irakleous, Michalis N. Michael, Athanasios Koutoupas (eds), Cultural Exchanges in Eastern Mediterranean: Asia Minor, Cyprus and Egypt, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2022, pp. 73-101.

Michalis N. Michael, “Church Property in its Political Context: The Church of Cyprus and the British Modernity”, Ruben Avramov, Elias Kolovos (eds), Does Monastic Economy Matters? Religious Patterns of Economic Behaviour, Center for Advanced Study, Sofia 2021, pp. 246-262.

Michalis N. Michael, “Dependency/Autonomy, Power and Ideologies in Ottoman Nicosia in the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century”, in the book: Studies on Ottoman Nicosia. From the Ottoman Conquest to the Early British Period, edited by: Mehmet Demiryürek, Stephen Boys Smith, Michalis N. Michael, Ali Efdal Ӧzkül Isis Press, Istanbul 2019, pp. 261-279 [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Political Leadership of the millet-i Rum in Cyprus Between the Ottoman and the British Administrative System”, in the book: Turcologica, vol. 111: Linguistic Minorities in Turkey and Turkic-Speaking Minorities of the Periphery, edited by: Christiane Bulut, 2018, pp. 283-294 [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “From the Ottoman Meclis-i İdare to the British Legislative Council: Representative administration between the Ottoman and the British perception of Modernity”, in the book: Ottoman Religious Communities, State and Colonialism in the second half of the nineteenth century, edited by: Michalis N. Michael, Tassos Anastassiades, Chantal Verdeil, Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin 2015, pp. 105-130 [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, Eftyhios Gavriel, “Cyprus in the Cosmography (Cihannüma) of the Ottoman Geographer Kâtib Çelebi”, Proceedings of the International Conference: Cyprus on the Crossroads of Travelers and Map-Makers from the 15th to 20th Century, Athens 2014, pp. 85-94. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Western Views in a Society of the East: Reflections of 18th century Ottoman Mentality in the Phanariot Poetry”, in the book: Phanariot and Urban Poems in the Age of the Greek Enlightenment, edited by: Julia Chatzipanagioti-Sangmeister, National Academy of Greece, Athens 2013, pp. 287-303 [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael, “An Orthodox Ruler ‘administrating the politics’ in an Ottoman Island. Archbishop Kyprianos (1810-1821) and his way to the throne of the Church of Cyprus”, in the book: The Archbishops of Cyprus in the Modern Age: The Changing Role of the Archbishop-Ethnarch, their Identities and Politics, edited by: Andrekos Varnava, Michalis N. Michael, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2013, pp. 44-72. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Panaretos, 1827-1840: His Struggle for Absolute Power during the era of Ottoman Administrative Reforms.”, in the book: The Archbishops of Cyprus in the Modern Age: The Changing Role of the Archbishop-Ethnarch, their Identities and Politics, edited by: Andrekos Varnava, Michalis N. Michael, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, London 2013, pp. 73-93. [In English]

Michalis N. Michael, “A Matter of Principle and Ideas…”. Mass mobilization in Cyprus during the first decade of the twentieth century”, in the book: Proceedings of the Conference: Social Transformation and Mass Mobilization in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean Cities (1900-1923), edited by: Andreas Lyberatos, Crete University Press, Rethymno 2013, pp. 355-365. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Archive of the United States’ Consulate in Ottoman Larnaca. A Preliminary Report”, in the book: Histories of Ottoman Larnaca, edited by: Evaggelia Balta, Theoharis Stavrides, Ioannis P. Theoharides, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2012, pp. 381-396. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Myth and Nationalism: The Retrospective Force of National Roles through Mythical Past”, Ayhan Aktar, Niyazi Kızılyürek, Umut Özkırımlı (eds), Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010, pp. 149-159. [In English].   

Michalis N. Michael, “From Cilicia to Cyprus: Turcophone Orthodox Pilgrims”, in the book: Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books – Proceedings of the First International Conference on Karamanlidika Studies (Nicosia 11th-13th September 2008), edited by: Evangelia Balta, Matthias Kappler, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 135-146. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Nationalism and Myth in post-Ottoman Cyprus Historiography”, in: K. Lappas, A. Anastasopoulos, E. Kolovos (eds), Studies in the Memory of Penelope Stathi, Crete University Press, Rethimnon 2010, pp. 207-221. [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael-Marc Aymes, “Archival Sources for the History of Cyprus During the Ottoman Period”, Michael N. Michalis, Kappler Matthias, Gavriel Eftihios (eds), Ottoman Cyprus. A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Harrassovitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 297-309. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Unchangeable “Tourkokratia”, the “Fair” Ottoman Administration and the Ottoman Period of the History of Cyprus”, Michael N. Michalis, Kappler Matthias, Gavriel Eftihios (eds), Ottoman Cyprus. A Collection of Studies on History and Culture, Harrassovitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 9-24. [In English].


Articles in journals

Michalis N. Michael, “Nationalizing the Ottomans, Ottomanizing the Turks”, Turkish Historical Review, 13 (2022) 28-41.

Michalis N. Michael, “State Honors in Ottoman Nicosia: The Bishops as Agents of Modernity”, Journal of the Centre for Ottoman Studies - Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 48 (2020) 177-201.

Michalis N. Michael, “Ottomanizing Symbols, Projecting Ottoman Political Power The Archbishops of Cyprus and the Regalia Privileges”, Chronos, Publications de l'Université de Balamand, 41 (2020) 37-62. 

Michalis N. Michael, “Hopes and Fears during the Colonial Modernity: The Legislative Council in Cyprus”, Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 36 (2019) 5-18.

Michalis N. Michael, “Revolts and Power Negotiating in Ottoman Cyprus during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century”, Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 32 (2015) 117-138. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, Nicolas Manitakis, “Cypriot Emigration to the United States of America (1910-1930)”, Chronos, Revue d'histoire de l'Université de Balamand, Publications de l'Université de Balamand, 30 (2014) 99-144. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Creating a new Identity: From the Secular Turkish Cypriot to the Muslim Turk of Cyprus”, The Cyprus Review, Nicosia, 26/2 (2014) 15-32. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Trying to Impose the Reforms in the Periphery: Actions and Reactions to the Tanzimat– The Case of the Muhassıl Mehmet Talat”, Journal of the Centre for Ottoman Studies - Ankara Üniversitesi Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, 34 (2013) 163-184. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Loss of an Ottoman Traditional Order and the Reactions to a Changing Ottoman World: A New Interpretation of the 1821 Executions in Cyprus”, International Review of Turkish Studies, Institute of Turkish Studies, Utrecht, 3/3 (2013) 8-36. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Revolts, Demands and Challenge to the Legitimacy of the Ottoman Power: Three Parallel Revolts in a part of the Ottoman Periphery”, Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 29 (2012) 127-147. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Local Authorities and Conflict in an Ottoman Island at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century”, Turkish Historical Review, Newham College, University of Cambridge, Brill Publishers, 2 (2011) 57-77. [In English].

Victor Roudoumetof - Michalis N. Michael, “Economic Functions of Monasticism in Cyprus: The Case of the Kykkos Monastery”, Religions, 1 (2010) 54-77. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Cities and Ideologies in 19th Century Cyprus. A Traditional Capital and a Modern Port-City”, Chronos, Revue d'histoire de l'Université de Balamand, Publications de l'Université de Balamand, 22 (2010) 85-106. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Allies against the State Reorganization: Reactions to the Gülhâne Imperial Rescript in Ottoman Cyprus”, Archivum Ottomanicum, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 26 (2009) 143-153. [In English].

Michalis N. Michael, “Byzantine Symbols of Ottoman Political Power”, Historica, 51 (2009) 315-332. [In Greek].

Victor Roudoumetof – Michalis N. Michael, “Redéfinition des frontières Église-État à Chypre après 1878. Perspective historique sur l'Église orthodoxe chypriote”, Social Compass, Revue Internationale de Sociologie de la Religion, 56/1 (2009) 35-48. [In French].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Re-appointment Berat of Archbishop Filotheos, 1746”, Journal of the Research Centre of Kykkos Monastery, 8 (2008) 193-212. [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael, “Ottoman Rights of the High Clergy of the Church of Cyprus and British Administration”, Journal of the Cyprus Research Centre, 34 (2008) 333-367. [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael – Gavriel Eftihios, “An Ottoman Source for the 16th century Cyprus. Kâtip Çelebi, Cihannüma”, Journal of the Cyprus Research Centre, 33 (2007) 197-226. [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael, “The Muhassil, the Dragoman, the Archbishop and the Conflict for Political Power in Cyprus of the Ottoman Periphery, 1789-1810”, Journal of the Cyprus Research Centre, 32 (2006) 209-240. [In Greek].

Michalis N. Michael, “Cyprus in the Work of the Ottoman Cartographer Piri Reis”, Journal of the Research Centre of Kykkos Monastery, 5 (2001) 411-451. [In Greek].