(+357) 22892923
Department of Law
FEB 02 - Faculty of Economics and Management, 007
University Campus
Nikitas Hatzimihail obtained his law degree with first-class honours from the University of Athens (1995). He completed his graduate and doctoral studies at Harvard Law School (LL.M. 1997; S.J.D. 2002), receiving fellowships from Fulbright Program in Greece, the Onassis and Leventis Foundations and the Harvard Law School Byse and Lewis funds. At Harvard he was twice the recipient of the Addison-Brown commencement prize for written work on private international law or maritime law.
Professor Hatzimihail was appointed to the University of Cyprus as Assistant Professor (senior tenure-track position) in August 2006, as one of the first three hires of the nascent Department of Law; he was granted tenure in December 2012 and appointed to the full professorship in February 2022. He has repeatedly held leadership positions in the Department and the University at large (notably as Chair and Deputy Chair of the Department of Law, faculty representative to the University Senate) and currently the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences.
Prior to his appointment, Hatzimihail served as a research fellow and then senior research fellow at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2002-2006) and participated in the instruction of graduate courses at the University of Athens Law Faculty (2005-2008). He has also organized and taught courses and seminars at Harvard Law School (Byse Fellow, 2000), the University of Oklahoma College of Law (Crowe & Dunlevy Visiting Assosiate Professor, 2001), and the Law Faculty of the Vietnam National University at Hanoi (short-term visiting professor, 2005). Since his appointment, he has spent time as visiting scholar at the University of Bremen and Cambridge University.
Prof. Hatzimihail was called to the Bar in 1998 and obtained mediator accreditation by CEDR in 2014. His practical experience has involved primarily principally in international commercial arbitration and business transactions. He also worked as advisor on legal and institutional affairs to the Greek Minister on the Aegean and Island Policy (2005-2006). Dr. Hatzimihail served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cypriot law review LYSIAS, published in Greek by the Nicosia Bar (2008-2011).
Courses taught at UCY: Introduction to Private Law, Law of Contracts I-II, European Legal Tradition, Commercial Law, Private International Law (required), Comparative Law, International Business Law, European Private Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution (electives).
Courses supervised: Civil Procedure I-II, Tort Law, Legal Method (required), Law of Admiralty, Law of Trusts
Contract Law with emphasis on:
- commercial Law (i.e. commercial transactions)
- the position of contract law within the broader scheme of the Law of Obligations;
- the connection between substantive and procedural law.
- Both my teaching and my research in this regard focus on the common law tradition and mixed legal systems.
Civil Justice with a view to:
- the structure of the legal profession / legal institutions;
- the integration of procedural norms, and substantive-law regimes;
- drawing connections to private-law theory;
- ADR and design of dispute-resolution systems
Private law, with emphasis to contract law, European private law, and the theory and history of private law;
Private international law, including international civil litigation and commercial arbitration, and international business and trade law;
Comparative law, with emphasis on the Western Legal Tradition, mixed legal systems and U.S. law)
Legal theory, with emphasis on legal sociology and intellectual legal history
Comparative Law, with emphasis on
- the methodology of the legal comparison,
- the evolution of legal systems (and their evolving taxonomy).
- Particular interest on mixed jurisdictions.
- Fields of primary interest:
- comparative contract and business law;
- comparative civil procedure;
- comparative conflict of laws
Books Authored
- Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, Preclassical Conflict of Laws (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2021), paperback edition 2023
- Nikitas Hatzimihail, Contract Law: Outline of English and Cyprus Law (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021), in Greek
- Nikitas Hatzimihail, Legal Information and Case Law Research (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2020), in Greek
- Costas Paraskeva, Nikitas Ε. Hatzimihail, Eleni Meleagrou, Right to be present and presumption of innocence following Directive 2016/343 in the light of European and Cyprus case law (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021), in Greek
- Nikitas E. Hatzimihail & Andria Pantelidou, Evidence in Civil Law: Cyprus (Maribor: Lex Localis, 2015)
Collections of essays
- Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Saskia Lettmaier and Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds), The Learned and Lived Law: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue (Brill, 2024/2025)
- Alexander Trunk and Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds), EU Civil Litigation and Third Countries: Which Way Forward? (Nomos/Hart, 2021)
- Nikitas Hatzimihail (ed.), The CyECLI Project: Enhancing Access to Legal Information through ECLI Implementation in Cyprus (Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, 2021)
- Nikitas Hatzimihail (ed.), Essential Cyprus Legislation (Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2017), 2nd ed. 2023
- Arnaud Nuyts & Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds.), Cross-Border Class Actions: The European Way? (Sellier, 2013)
- Νικήτας Χατζημιχαήλ & Ανδρέας Νεοκλέους (επιμ.), Εγκόλπιο Κυπριακών Νόμων (β' έκδ., 2012)
- Arnaud Nuyts, Nikitas Hatzimihail, Katarzyna Szychowska (eds.) International Litigation in Intellectual Property and Information Technology (Kluwer, 2008)
Collections of primary sources
Articles in journals
In English
- 🇬🇧Spyridon Tzounakas & Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Legal Aspects in Medea's Speech to Jason at Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica 8, 415-444" Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 151 (2023) : 114-128
- 🇬🇷Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Thoughts on the Establishment and Operation of the New Trial Courts of Civil Jurisdiction (Commercial Court and Admiralty Court)" Cyprus Law Review 3 (2023): 345-357
- 🇬🇷Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "On judicial reasoning in the Common Law" Cyprus Law Review 3 (2023): 177-186
- Νικήτας Ε. Χατζημιχαήλ, "Σκέψεις - και μια συστημική προσέγγιση - για τον θεσμό του Γενικού Εισαγγελέα και την νομική εκπροσώπηση της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας" Κυπριακή Νομική Επιθεώρηση 3 (2023): 16-25
- 🇬🇷Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Η ενάσκηση διακριτικής ευχέρειας του δικαστή και το διαδικαστικό πλαίσιο των Ευρωπαϊκών Κανονισμών σε σχέση με τρίτες χώρες" Lex et Forum 2 (2022) 591-613
- 🇬🇷Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Οι ανεξάρτητοι αξιωματούχοι της Κυπριακής ∆ημοκρατίας: νομική θέση, διορισμός και εξουσίες" Κυπριακή Νομική Επιθεώρηση 2 (2022): 328-332
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Authority to Represent a Company Under Cyprus Law," Cyprus Law Review 1 (2021): 188-194
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "On the doctrinal beginnings of the conflict of laws" Yearbook of Private International Law 21 (2019/2020): 101-133
- 🇬🇷Νικήτας Ε. Χατζημιχαήλ. "Η Κυπριακή πολιτική δικαιοσύνη στο κατώφλι εξελίξεων: Σκέψεις και εισηγήσεις με αφορμή επικείμενες μεταρρυθμίσεις" Εφαρμογές Αστικού Δικαίου και Πολιτικής Δικονομίας 12 (2019): 257-274
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Brexit - the view from Cyprus" Zeitschrift für das Privatrecht der Europäischen Union 14 (2017): 209
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System" Journal of Civil Law Studies 6 (2013): 37-96
- 🇬🇷Νικήτας Ε. Χατζημιχαήλ, "Πολυγλωσσία και Πηγές του Δικαίου" Χρονικά Ιδιωτικού Δικαίου 12 (2012): 489-497
- 🇬🇷Νικήτας Ε. Χατζημιχαήλ, "Διασυνοριακές πτυχές της δικαστικής διεκδίκησης, σε Ευρωπαϊκό πλαίσιο, αστικών αξιώσεων που προκύπτουν από το Κυπριακό πρόβλημα: σκέψεις με αφετηρία την υπόθεση Orams" Εφαρμογές Αστικού Δικαίου 5 (2012): 560-570
- 🇬🇷Νικήτας Χατζημιχαήλ, "Ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία τίτλων και δικονομική εναρμόνιση διαδικασιών στον Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστικό Χώρο" Ιόνιος Επιθεώρηση του Δικαίου 11 (2011): 51-60
- Νικήτας Χατζημιχαήλ, "Οι Ευρωπαϊκοί Κανονισμοί για το Εφαρμοστέο Δίκαιο στις Συμβατικές και Εξωσυμβατικές Ενοχές" Επιθεώρησις Ναυτιλιακού Δικαίου 38 (2010):
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "The Many Lives - and Faces - of Lex Mercatoria: History as Genealogy in International Business Law" Law & Contemporary Problems 71 (2008): 169-190
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail "Bartolus on the Conflict of Laws" Revue hellénique de droit international 60 (2007): 11-79In Japanese
- 🇯🇵Nikitas Hatzimihail, "EU niokeru shiho no hen-yo: EC shohisha baibai sirei no girisha ho heno kokunaihoka," Handai Hogaku 54 (2004): 167-195
- 🇯🇵Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Europa hoiki to daisangoku –kokusai minji sosho: Europa togo to sekai no doukou" Handai Hogaku 54 (2004): 281-310
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "On Mapping the Conceptual Battlefield of Private International Law", Hague Yearbook of International Law 13 (2000): 57-64
Book chapters
In English
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Private International Law Matters involving Non-Recognized States: The View from Cyprus" in Alexander Trunk et al (eds.), Legal Position of Non-Recognized States in the Post-Soviet Space under International Trade Law, Private International Law and International Civil Procedure (Springer, 2024)
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "'Si Bononiensis': Glossators and the Conflict of Laws," in Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Saskia Lettmaier, Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds), The Learned and Lived Law: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue 63-86 (Brill, 2024)
- 🇬🇷Nikitas Hatzimihail, “Judicial Reasoning in the Common Law” in Constantinos Tsinas (ed.), Justification of Legal Judgments: Theory and Practice in Greece and Cyprus (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2023), 149-170
- 🇬🇷 Nikitas Hatzimihail, “Thoughts on Cyprus Company Law” in Liber Memorialis for Prof. Georgios Michalopoulos (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2023), 185-196
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy" in Ralf Michaels, Veronica Ruiz Abou-Nigm and Hans van Loon (eds.) The Private Side of Transforming our World - UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law (Intersentia, 2021), 217-244
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, “Towards a Genealogy for Global Law?” in Charalambos Pamboukis (ed.) Symposium on the Future of Global Law (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021), 19-33
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, “Concluding Remarks: A Future for Global Law?” in Charalambos Pamboukis (ed.) Symposium on the Future of Global Law (Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021), 119-126
- 🇬🇧Alexander Trunk & Nikitas Hatzimihail (2021), “Introduction,” in Alexander Trunk and Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds), EU Civil Litigation and Third Countries: Which Way Forward? (Nomos/Hart, 2021), 7-12
- 🇬🇧Alexander Trunk & Nikitas Hatzimihail (2021), “Conclusions,” in Alexander Trunk and Nikitas Hatzimihail (eds), EU Civil Litigation and Third Countries: Which Way Forward? (Nomos/Hart, 2021), 273-307
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, “Cyprus” in Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi, Chantal Mak, Zeeshan Mansoor (eds.), Immoral Contracts in Europe (Common Core of European Private Law), (Intersentia, 2020), 46-49, 134-135, 182-183, 219-222, 278-280, 350-352, 401-404, 462-464, 510-511, 557-558, 596-598, 653-655
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail "Right to be Present and Presumption of Innocence in Cyprus Law" in G. Dimitrof & N. Bessa Vilela (eds.), Enhancing the Right to be Present (Maribor: Lex localis, 2020), 1-21
- 🇬🇧Costas Paraskeva, Nikitas Hatzimihail & Eleni Meleagrou “General Report: Comparative Analysis of the Legal Treatment of the Right to be Present and the Presumption of Innocence in the PRESENT partner states in the light of Directive 2016/343” in G. Dimitrof & N. Bessa Vilela (eds.), Enhancing the Right to be Present (Maribor: Lex localis, 2020), 129-160
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "The EU Private International Law and Civil Litigation Involving Third Countries, at Fifty" in C Esplugues et al. (eds.), 50 Años de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Unión Europea en el Diván (Tirant lo blanch, 2019), 139-148
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Huber on the Conflict of Laws" in Dignatio rerum Professor Elias Krispis (Sakkoulas, 2018), 239-264
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Cyprus" in Paul Beamont et al., Cross-Border Litigation in Europe (Hart, 2017), 273-284
- Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Reflections on the International Dimension of Private International Law" in R Jafferali et al., Liber amicorum Nadine Watté (Larcier, 2017), 287-302
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "On Law, Legal Elites and the Legal Profession in a (Biggish) Small State: Cyprus" in P. Butler & C. Morrris, Small States in a Legal World (Springer, 2017), 213-244
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Reconstructing Mixity: Sources of Law and Legal Method in Cyprus" in Vernon Palmer, Mohamed Mattar, Anna Koppel (eds.), Mixed Legal Systems, East and West (Ashgate, 2015), 75-100
- 🇬🇷Nikitas E. Hatzimihail “Sources of Law and Plurilingualism in Liber Amicorum for Prof. Ioannis Spyridakis (Athens-Komotini, 2014, Ant.N.Sakkoulas)], 1113-1133
- 🇬🇧Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, "Genealogies of Lex Mercatoria" in Studies in Memoriam of Professor Anthony M. Antapassis (Ant.Sakkoulas, 2013) 311-351
- 🇬🇧Lukasz Gorywoda, Nikitas Hatzimihail, Arnaud Nuyts, "Introduction: Market Regulation, Judicial Cooperation and Collective Redress" in Nuyts & Hatzimihail Cross-Border Class Actions: The European Way? (Sellier, 2013), 1-55
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Copyright and Digital Libraries: Jurisdiction Issues" in I.Iglezakis, T. Synodinou, S. Kapidakis (eds.), E-Publishing and Digital Libraries: Legal and Organizational Issues (Hershey, N.Y., 2011: IGI Global), 447-460
- 🇬🇧Arnaud Nuyts, Katarzyna Schychowska, Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Cross-Border Litigation in IP/IT Matters in the European Union: The Transformation of the Jurisdictional Landscape" in A. Nuyts, N.Hatzimihail, K.Scychowska (eds.), International Litigation in Intellectual Property and Information Technology (Kluwer, 2008), 1-47
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "Pages of History: Friedrich Juenger and the Historical Consciousness of Modern Private International Law" in L. Pereznieto Castro, T. Treves, F. Seatzu (eds.), Tradition and Innovation of Private International Law at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: Liber in Memoriam of Professor Friedrich K. Juenger (Juris Publishing, 2006), 81-123
- 🇬🇧Nikitas Hatzimihail, "General Report: Transnational Civil Litigation Between European Integration and Global Aspirations" in A.Nuyts & N.Watté (eds.) International Civil Litigation in the European Judicial Area and in Relations with Third States, 595-675 (Bruylant, 2005)
Book reviews
- Review of Klaus-Peter Berger (ed.), The Practice of Transnational Law, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 70 (2006): 823-826
- Review of Annelise Riles, The Network Inside Out, Leiden Journal of International Law 16 (2003) 416-421
- Review of Peter Nygh, Autonomy in International Contracts, Revue Belge de droit international 34 (2001): 578-579
- Review of Peter de Cruz, Comparative Law in a Changing World Leiden Journal of International Law 13 (2000): 472-477