He joined the University of Cyprus, at the rank of the Lecturer, in September of 2003, exactly when the CEE Department had accepted its first students. He was assigned solely responsible for the restructuring and improving of the Undergraduate Program of Studies and for the complete development (from a zero basis) and promotion of the Graduate Program of Studies of the CEE Department, adopting the ECTS system according to the Bologna Declaration in both programs of studies. He also served as the CEE Department's (one member) Undergraduate Studies Committee, the Graduate Studies Committee, Information Technology and Computing Committee, and Library Committee as the only member and coordinator (2003-2005). Furthermore, he represented the School of Engineering in the Senatorial Committee on Graduate Studies (2003-2005) of the University of Cyprus. During the 2005-2007 period he served on the Undergraduate Studies Committee, the Graduate Studies Committee, and the Information Technology and Computing Committee of the CEE Department, which have all become 3 member committees. Since then, he has served in various committees, while he served as the coordinator of the Graduate Students Committee during 2014-15. He has been elected to the rank of the Assistant Professor in 2008 and the rank of
the Associate Professor in 2015.
Petros has developed and taught 7 completely new courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels:- CEE220 Structural Analysis- CEE221 Matrix Structural Analysis- CEE320 Structural Dynamics- CEE325 Computer-Aided Structural Analysis- CEE401 Software Development for Engineering Applications- CEE500 Advanced Engineering Software Development- CEE501 Advanced Computer-Aided Structural AnalysisThe courses that he has been teaching include structural analysis, structural dynamics, computer-aided structural engineering, software development for engineering applications and information technology topics. He has also provided various independent studies (CEE492, CEE493, CEE650, and CEE651) for both undergraduate and graduate students.
At the doctoral level, he has supervised 3 Ph.D. students (Dr. Loizos Papaloizou, Dr. Panayiotis Polycarpou and Dr. E. Mavronicola). His Ph.D. student Loizos Papaloizou completed in June 2009 the first Ph.D. in Civil Engineering ever awarded in Cyprus and the first Ph.D. given by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His second Ph.D. student, Paniayiotis Polycarpou, completed his Ph.D. August of 2009, being the second Ph.D. awarded in Civil Engineering in Cyprus and the second Ph.D., overall, given by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His third Ph.D. student, Eftychia Mavronicola, completed her Ph.D. in June 2009 and was selected, among several other excellent Ph.D. graduates, to give a short speech at the official ceremony for the graduating ceremony for graduate students.
Short CV:
Extended CV:
Personal Webpage:
- P. Komodromos (2029), “Structural Analysis: Modern Computer-Aided Methods – Third Edition”, Academic textbook (950 pages), ISBN 978-960-461-860-6, Klidarithmos Publications, Athens, Greece [in Greek].
- P. Komodromos, "Structural Analysis: Modern Computer-Aided Methods – Second Edition", ISBN 960-7182-44-8 (978-960-7182-44-9), Academic textbook (752 pages textbook) that focuses on modern structural analysis methods with emphasis on computer-aided structural analysis, Papasotiriou A. E., Athens, Greece, January 2009 [in Greek] (used in at least 4 Greek Universities as a recommended textbook).
- P. Komodromos, (2000), "Seismic Isolation for Earthquake Resistant Structures", ISBN 1-85312-803-1, (201 pages book) Advances in Earthquake Engineering Series, WIT Press, Southampton, UK.
- M. Phocas, C. Brebbia and P. Komodromos, (2009), “Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VII”, ISBN: 978-1-84564-180-1, ISSN (print): 1746-4498, ISSN (online): 1743-3509 (515 pages), WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, WIT Press, Southampton, UK.
- P. G. Asteris, V. Sarhosis, A. Mohebkhah, V. Plevris, L. Papaloizou, P. Komodromos, J.V. Lemos (2015), "Numerical Modeling of
Historic Masonry Structures", Book Chapter in Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Historic Structures, pp. 213-256, P.Asteris, V. Plevris (eds.), ISBN13: 9781466682863, IGI Global.
- P. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos, “Rubber Shock-Absorbers as a Mitigation Technique for Earthquake Induced Pounding”, Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, Editors: Michael Beer, Edoardo Patelli, Ioannis Kougioumtzoglou and Ivan Siu-Kui Au, Springer [Invited – Accepted to be published].
- L. Papaloizou and P. Komodromos “Seismic Behaviour of Ancient Multidrum Structures”, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 2011, Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 21, pp. 237-264, ISBN 978-94-007-0052-9, Papadrakakis et al., Springer [Invited].
- P. Komodromos, and M.C. Phocas “Structural applications of energy dissipation systems and seismic isolation in Cyprus”, Seismic Control Systems - Design and Performance Assessment, pp. 37-46, ISBN: 978-1-84564-672-1, WIT Press, 2012, [Invited].
- P. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos, “Numerical Investigation of the effectiveness of rubber shock absorbers as a mitigation measure for earthquake-induced structural poundings”, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, Springer [Invited].
- E. Mavronicola, P.C. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2020), “Effect of ground motion directionality on the seismic response of base isolated buildings pounding against adjacent structures”, Engineering Structures (Accepted for publication).
- C. Pavlidou and P. Komodromos (2019), “Peak seismic response of a symmetric base-isolated steel building: near vs. far fault excitations and varying incident angle”, Earthquakes and Structures (Accepted for publication).
- E. Mavronicola, P.C. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2017), "Spatial seismic modeling of base-isolated buildings pounding against moat walls: effects of ground motion directionality and mass eccentricity", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 46, Issue 7, pp. 1161–1179.
- E. Mavronicola, P.C. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2016), "Effect of Planar Impact Modeling on the Pounding Response of Base-Isolated Buildings", Frontiers in Built Environment, Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2, No 11,
- L. Papaloizou, P. C. Polycarpou, P. Komodromos, G. D. Hatzigeorgiou and D.E. Beskos (2015), “Two-dimensional numerical investigation of the effects of multiple sequential earthquake excitations on ancient multi-drum columns”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 10, No 3, pp. 495-521.
- D.C. Charmpis, M.C. Phocas and P. Komodromos (2015) "Optimized retrofit of multi-storey buildings using seismic isolation at various elevations: assessment for several earthquake excitations", Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering Vol. 13, pp. 2745–2768.
- P. Polycarpou, E. Mavronicola, L. Papaloizou and P. Komodromos (2015) "Computer-aided investigation of special issues of the response of seismically isolated buildings", International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 3, No. 1,
pp. 21–32. - P. C. Polycarpou, L. Papaloizou, P. Komodromos and Dimos C. Charmpis (2015) "Effect of the seismic excitation angle on the dynamic response of adjacent buildings during pounding", Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 8, Νο. 5, pp. 1127-1146.
- E. Mavronicola and P. Komodromos (2014) “On the response of base-isolated buildings using bilinear models for LRBs subjected to pulse-like ground motions: sharp vs. smooth behaviour”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 7, No 6, pp. 1223-1240.
- P. Polycarpou, L. Papaloizou and P. Komodromos (2014) “An efficient methodology for simulating earthquake-induced 3D pounding of buildings”, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 14, pp.985-1003.
- V. Varnava and P. Komodromos (2013) “Assessing the effect of inherent nonlinearities in the analysis and design of a low-rise base isolated steel building”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 5 No. 5, pp. 499-526.
- P. Polycarpou, P. Komodromos and A. Polycarpou (2013) “A non-linear impact model for simulating the use of rubber shock-absorbers for mitigating the effects of structural pounding during earthquakes”, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol 42 . pp. 81-100.
- D.C. Charmpis, M.C. Phocas, and P. Komodromos (2012) “Optimized earthquake response of multi-storey buildings with seismic isolation at various elevationsof multi-storey buildings with seismic isolation at various elevations”, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.41, pp. 2289–2310.
- P. Komodromos and P. Polycarpou (2012) “Utilization of Object-Oriented Programming, Design Patterns and Java for Simulating Earthquake-Induced Poundings of Base Isolated Buildings”, International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 37–54.
- L. Papaloizou and P. Komodromos (2012) “Investigating the seismic response of ancient mult-drum colonnades with two rows of columns using an object-oriented designed software”, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 136-149.
- E. Mavronicola and P. Komodromos (2011) “Assessing the suitability of equivalent linear elastic analysis of seismically isolated multi-storey buildings”, Computers and Structures, Vol 89, Issues 21-22, pp 1920-1931.
- P. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2011) “Numerical investigation of potential mitigation measures for poundings of seismically isolated buildings”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 2, No.1, March, 2011.
- P. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2010) “Earthquake-induced poundings of a seismically isolated building with adjacent structures”, Engineering Structures, Special Issue: Learning from structural failures - Invited Paper, Vol. 32, pp. 1937-1951.
- P. Polycarpou and P. Komodromos (2010) “On poundings of a seismically isolated building with adjacent structures during strong earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 933-940 (Short Communication).
- L. Papaloizou and P. Komodromos (2009) “Planar investigation of the seismic response of ancient columns and colonnades with epistyles using a custom-made software, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 29, Issues 11-12, pp. 1437-1454.
- P. Komodromos (2008) “Simulation of the Earthquake-Induced Pounding of Seismically Isolated Buildings, Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 86, pp. 618-626.
- P. Komodromos, L. Papaloizou and P. Polycarpou (2008) “Simulation of the Response of Ancient Columns Under Harmonic and Earthquake Excitations”, Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 8, pp. 2154-2164.
- P. Komodromos, P. Polycarpou, L. Papaloizou and M.C. Phocas (2007) “Response of Seismically Isolated Buildings Considering Poundings”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Journal, Vol. 36, pp. 1605-1622.
- P. Komodromos (2005) A simplified updated Lagrangian approach for combining discrete and finite element methods, Computational Mechanics, Volume 35, Number 4, pp.305–313.
- P. Komodromos and J.R. Williams (2004) Dynamic simulation of multiple deformable bodies using combined discrete and finite element methods, , Engineering Computations, Vol. 21 Number 2/3/4, Special Issue: The discrete element method: numerical modelling of discontinua, pp.431–448.